Analytical Chemistry Chemical Cytometry Quantitates Superoxide

Analytical Chemistry Chemical Cytometry Quantitates Superoxide

Analytical Chemistry Chemical Cytometry Quantitates Superoxide


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(pH 7.2) containing 1 mM dithiothreitol (DTT) and 0.1 mM<br />

phenylmethyl-sulfonylfluoride (PMSF) was added. Cells were<br />

scrapping off and recovered into an eppendorf tube. Another 500<br />

µL of buffer was added to recover the maximum number of cells.<br />

Cellular lysis was carried out by a successive freeze-thaw<br />

procedure by immersing the tube into liquid nitrogen for 3 min<br />

followed by 3 min in a water bath at 37 °C (all steps repeated<br />

three times). An aliquot of 50 µL was kept aside to quantify<br />

proteins amount by the Bradford protein assay. A 1.45 µL PMSF<br />

aliquot was added to the remaining 1.45 mL sample to reach a<br />

final concentration of 0.2 mM. Then, the sample was ultracentrifuged<br />

(4 °C, 120 000 g, 20 min). The recovered supernatant was<br />

heated at 95 °C for 5 min and ultracentrifuged (4 °C, 120 000 g,<br />

20 min). A 100 µL aliquot of the supernatant was fractionated using<br />

a Superdex peptide HR 10/30 (GE Healthcare, Uppsala, Sweden)<br />

size exclusion column (10 × 300 mm × 5 µm) and isocratic elution<br />

at 0.7 mL · min -1 50 mM TRIS HCl pH 7.4. The SEC column<br />

was cleaned beforehand by flushing with mobile phase containing5mM�-mercaptoethanol<br />

and 2 mM EDTA in order to<br />

remove adsorbed metal ions. The main Cd-containing fraction<br />

(8.75 - 10.73 mL) was collected from nine injections, freezedried,<br />

resolubilized in 900 µL of water and desalted using a 5<br />

mL HiTrap column (GE Healthcare, Uppsala, Sweden) by<br />

elution with NH3aq (pH 8.0) at 1.5 mL · min -1 . The Cd-containing<br />

fraction was heartcut, freeze-dried, and resolubilized in 25 µL<br />

prior to µHPLC analyses. No special precautions, for example,<br />

by Ar or N2 saturation during the sample preparation, were<br />

taken to reduce oxidation of MTs.<br />


ESI MS Analysis of Rabbit Liver MT-2 Standard. As poor<br />

detection limits are the principal drawback of the existing methods<br />

for MT detection, effort has been focus on the optimization of<br />

the signal-to-noise ratio. The choice of the scan mode between<br />

full scan and single ion monitoring (SIM) was first investigated.<br />

In the infusion conditions proper for the ionization of the Cd7-<br />

MT form (5 mM AcNH4, pH6in50%(v/v) MeOH) the S/N<br />

ratio of the most intense peak at m/z 1380.691 (δ 0.3 ppm,<br />

[M+H + ] 5+ ) was 10 times higher in the SIM mode (centered<br />

at m/z 1367.5 ± 85) than in the full scan (m/z 1325-1410)<br />

mode. Similar results were observed for the corresponding apo-<br />

MT signal (m/z 1225.848 (δ 0.3 ppm) in 0.01% FA in 50% (v/v)<br />

MeOH, pH 1.6) for which the S/N ratio was 7 times higher in<br />

the SIM mode (centered at m/z 1230 ± 13) than in the full<br />

scan mode (m/z 1215-1250). Note that in full scan the injection<br />

time was decreased from 3000 to 400 ms in order to limit the<br />

number of concomitant ions entering the ion trap but the MT<br />

peak S/N ratio was not affected.<br />

In order to evaluate the detection limits in the chromatographic<br />

mode taking into account the abundance of the individual<br />

isoforms, the purity of the MT standard available was investigated<br />

by µHPLC-ICP MS. The chromatogram (Figure 2a) obtained in<br />

the conditions of full stoichiometric metalation (seven Cd atoms)<br />

shows two major peaks ( 114 Cd). The contribution of Zn and Cu<br />

is insignificant (

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