Analytical Chemistry Chemical Cytometry Quantitates Superoxide

Analytical Chemistry Chemical Cytometry Quantitates Superoxide

Analytical Chemistry Chemical Cytometry Quantitates Superoxide


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trode 28 by a finite element using Comsol Multiphysics software.<br />

The thickness of the convection-free layer, δconv, was determined<br />

before each experiment by chronoamperometry as described<br />

previously. 18<br />


An important property of disk ultramicroelectrodes is that their<br />

diffusion layers develop with time until reaching a steady-state<br />

limit imposed by hemispherical-type diffusion. However, natural<br />

convection may interfere with the mass transport as soon as the<br />

thickness of the expanding diffusion layer becomes comparable<br />

to δconv. In such a case, a steady-state regime is still achieved<br />

but is then controlled by the respective contributions of<br />

diffusion and natural convection. Depending on the electrode<br />

radius, r0, and the thickness of the convection-free layer, δconv,<br />

two situations may be encountered, whether the diffusion at<br />

the electrode surface is planar or not. Indeed, at short time<br />

scales, the thickness of the diffusion layer is considerably<br />

smaller than the electrode radius. The electrodes then behave<br />

as electrodes of infinite dimensions, and planar diffusion<br />

operates. In that particular situation, the Cottrell equation<br />

applies with<br />

i planar )( nFADc°<br />

√πDt<br />

for electrodes of surface area A. Using the Nernst formulation,<br />

eq 7 is similar to that given in hydrodynamic electrochemical<br />

methods: 10<br />

i )( nFADc°<br />

δ<br />

where δ ) (πDt) 1/2 . Therefore, natural convection interferes<br />

significantly with the mass transport as soon as δconv ≈ (πDt) 1/2 .<br />

Whenever this condition is not met, the diffusion layer may<br />

develop, possibly reaching a hemispherical behavior until being<br />

eventually limited by δconv.<br />

However, since diffusion and natural convection occur together<br />

in steady-state regimes, their contributions in mass transport<br />

remain difficult to comprehend. To solve this problem, one needs<br />

first to investigate the concentration profiles established under<br />

the pure diffusional steady-state regime, i.e., without any influence<br />

of natural convection. In such a case, solution of eq 1 shows that<br />

most of the concentration gradients operate over a distance<br />

comparable to the electrode radius (Figure 1A). Concentration<br />

along the z axis (Figure 1B) varies according to<br />

c 2 z<br />

) arctan( c° π r0) The diffusion layer presents a hemispherical shape, and the<br />

steady-state current is given by:<br />

(7)<br />

(8)<br />

(9)<br />

i hemisph )(4nFr 0 Dc° (10)<br />

(28) Amatore, C.; Fosset, B. J. Electroanal. Chem. 1992, 328, 21.<br />

Figure 1. Steady-state concentration profile simulated at a disk<br />

electrode without considering the influence of natural convection: (A)<br />

2D concentration profile with isoconcentration lines ranging from c/c°<br />

) 0.1 to c/c° ) 0.9. (B) Concentration profile along the vertical axis<br />

of symmetry.<br />

Using the Nernst formulation again, comparison between eqs 8<br />

and 10 leads to an equivalent diffusion layer thickness, δ ) πr0/<br />

4. This thickness differs slightly from δz, which may be obtained<br />

by extrapolating the concentration gradient at z ) 0, r ) 0 along<br />

the z axis. Indeed, when z f 0, the concentration profile at r<br />

) 0 tends to (Figure 1B)<br />

c 2 z<br />

)<br />

c° π r0 (11)<br />

which gives δz ) πr0/2. The difference in the δ and δz values<br />

results from the nonradial distribution of diffusion fields at disk<br />

electrodes. Concentration gradients are higher at the electrode<br />

edges than at the center (Figure 1A). Since δ is evaluated from<br />

the integration of concentration gradients over the whole electrode<br />

surface (eq 5), it is necessarily smaller than δz. In the following,<br />

the variation of these two parameters will provide an accurate<br />

estimation of the influence of natural convection, either from<br />

the current (i.e., through δ) or from the alteration of concentration<br />

profiles in the z direction (i.e., through δz), where natural<br />

convection prevails.<br />

<strong>Analytical</strong> <strong>Chemistry</strong>, Vol. 82, No. 16, August 15, 2010<br />


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