Analytical Chemistry Chemical Cytometry Quantitates Superoxide

Analytical Chemistry Chemical Cytometry Quantitates Superoxide

Analytical Chemistry Chemical Cytometry Quantitates Superoxide


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solution under appropriate incubation conditions. Compared with<br />

surface-based hybridization that involves washing of excess<br />

reagents, solution-based hybridization offers the advantage of<br />

higher hybridization efficiency. The hybridized duplexes were<br />

labeled with fluorescent dye YOYO-1 iodide (YOYO) for the singlemolecule<br />

fluorescence detection. YOYO is an intercalating fluorescent<br />

dye which electrostatically binds to the backbone of<br />

oligonucleotide. 41-43 The binding affinity of YOYO dyes on<br />

double-stranded oligonucleotide is very high (∼6 × 10 8 M -1 ) and<br />

there is a fluorescence intensity enhancement of approximately<br />

400-fold upon binding to DNA. 42 Since the binding mechanism<br />

is based on geometrical insertion, neither dye molecules nor<br />

the oligonucleotides have to be chemically modified during the<br />

labeling process. The detection of miRNA is, thus, straightforward.<br />

To improve the fluorescence signal intensity, the hybrids<br />

(∼20 bp) were labeled with YOYO in the ratio of 1 dye<br />

molecule/1 bp. After direct labeling of hybrids with YOYO,<br />

microliters of sample solution were sandwiched in a pair of<br />

precleaned coverslips with a solution depth of approximately<br />

20 µm, and observed under EMCCD-TIRF microscope. The<br />

cleanness of the coverslips was found to be very significant in<br />

the assay as scattering and autofluorescence of any dirt and<br />

stains on glass surface may result in false positive signals. It is<br />

crucial to clean coverslips extensively before use.<br />

YOYO-labeled miRNA hybrids were visualized by a singlemolecule<br />

TIRFM imaging system (Figure S1A). A 488 nm laser<br />

was used to excite the bound YOYO dyes. The laser beam with<br />

an incident angle of approximately 66° was total-internal-reflected<br />

at the glass/solution interface. The thickness of evanescent field<br />

layer (EFL) generated by total internal reflection was calculated<br />

to be ∼190 nm by d ) λ/(2π(η2 2 sin 2 θ - η1 2 ) 1/2 ), where d is the<br />

penetration depth of the field, λ is the wavelength of the<br />

excitation light in vacuum, η1 and η2 are the refraction indices<br />

of the solution and glass slides, and θ is the angle of incidence.<br />

For more homogeneous exciting laser intensity, a central<br />

region of 200 × 200 pixels (53 × 53 µm 2 ) of the EMCCD image<br />

was selected as the sampling area, and thus, the probe volume<br />

is estimated to be 0.54 pL. When 100 pM of miRNA hybrids<br />

was loaded on the coverslip, the theoretical number of observed<br />

hybrid molecules existing in the sampling region was 100 pM<br />

× (53 µm × 53 µm) × 190 nm × 6.02 × 10 23 molecules/mol )<br />

33. 44 Figure S1B shows a typical TIRFM image of miRNA hybrids<br />

acquired in single-molecule level. It is noted that molecules<br />

undergo random diffusional motion in a nonimmobilized system. 45<br />

The diffusion coefficient of the miRNA hybrids was calculated as<br />

76 µm 2 s -1 in bulk solution. 46 However, it was showed that<br />

molecular diffusion rate is much slower at the glass/solution<br />

interface compared to the bulk because of the electrostatic<br />

interaction between molecules and macroscopic glass surface<br />

in microsized domain. 45,47-49 The fluorescence signal generated<br />

(41) Cosa, G.; Focsaneanu, K. S.; McLean, J. R. N.; McNamee, J. P.; Scaiano,<br />

J. C. Photochem. Photobiol. 2001, 73, 585–599.<br />

(42) Gurrieri, S.; Wells, K. S.; Johnson, I. D.; Bustamante, C. Anal. Biochem.<br />

1997, 249, 44–53.<br />

(43) Rye, H. S.; Yue, S.; Wemmer, D. E.; Quesada, M. A.; Haugland, R. P.;<br />

Mathies, R. A.; Glazer, A. N. 1992, 20, 2803–2812.<br />

(44) He, Y.; Li, H. W.; Yeung, E. S. J. Phys. Chem. B 2005, 109, 8820–8832.<br />

(45) Xu, X. H.; Yeung, E. S. Science 1997, 275, 1106–1109.<br />

(46) Zhdanov, V. P. Mol. BioSyst. 2009, 5, 638–643.<br />

(47) Xu, X. H. N.; Yeung, E. S. Science 1998, 281, 1650–1653.<br />

Figure 2. Correlation between the number of observed miR-21<br />

molecules and expected number of miR-21 in the sampling volume<br />

(0.54 pL). The number of observed miR-21 was corrected as the net<br />

number of hybrids (number of observed molecules - number of<br />

observed in blank). The slope of the correlation curve is 0.80, which<br />

indicates the assay has a hybridization efficiency of approximately<br />

80%.<br />

from the single molecules is spreaded as they diffuse and the size<br />

of the fluorescence spots in the image is larger than the physical<br />

size of molecules of interest (see also movie file in Supporting<br />

Information). 45 Although molecules interact with the glass surface,<br />

nonspecific adsorption of hybrid molecules on the surface of glass<br />

slide was insignificant as both the oligonucleotides and the glass<br />

surface are highly negative-charged at pH 7.4. Figure S2 shows<br />

the histogram of residence time for each miRNA hybrids in 8<br />

consecutive frames. Among the 114 molecules detected in the 8<br />

frames, ∼ 80% of the molecules appeared and then disappeared<br />

in a single frame; 11%, 4%, and 4% of the molecules stayed at the<br />

same position for 2, 3, and 4 frames, respectively, and less than<br />

1% retained for 7 frames and eventually desorbed from the surface.<br />

In the TIRFM image, each fluorescent spot was regarded as a<br />

single molecule as a linear correlation on the number of counted<br />

fluorescence spots and the expected number of miR-21 calculated<br />

from the corresponding concentration was established (R 2 )<br />

0.991). Herein, hybridization is the main factor attributed to<br />

the differences in observed and expected number of molecules<br />

and its efficiency was approximated to be 80% from the slope<br />

of the plot as shown in Figure 2.<br />

Optimization of Hybridization Conditions. The stringency<br />

of hybridization governs the detection sensitivity and selectivity.<br />

It is crucial to optimize the hybridization conditions before<br />

performing further detection. The effects of ionic strength,<br />

selection of probes, and incubation time on the hybridization<br />

efficiency were evaluated.<br />

First, the effect of buffer ionic strength on hybridization<br />

efficiency was studied (Figure 3A). In general, hybridization<br />

affinity is improved at higher ionic strength as the electrostatic<br />

repulsions between the negatively charged oligonucleotides can<br />

be effectively shielded in the presence of salt. However, high ionic<br />

strength may also result in aggregation of molecules. The<br />

aggregates will be misinterpreted as an individual in SMD, and<br />

(48) Lyon, W. A.; Nie, S. M. Anal. Chem. 1997, 69, 3400–3405.<br />

(49) Isailovic, S.; Li, H. W.; Yeung, E. S. J. Chromatogr., A 2007, 1150, 259–<br />

266.<br />

<strong>Analytical</strong> <strong>Chemistry</strong>, Vol. 82, No. 16, August 15, 2010<br />


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