Analytical Chemistry Chemical Cytometry Quantitates Superoxide

Analytical Chemistry Chemical Cytometry Quantitates Superoxide

Analytical Chemistry Chemical Cytometry Quantitates Superoxide


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Figure 5. Analysis of urine sample using a running buffer consisting<br />

of 50 mM H3PO4-Tris, pH 4. Separation voltage: -10 kV with an<br />

injection time of 5sat-10 kV. Detection: BDD at +1.0 V vs Ag/<br />

AgCl, 3 M NaCl. The urine samples were filtered using a 0.22 µm<br />

Millipore filter and diluted in the injection buffer with different dilution.<br />

(A) 10-fold dilution, pristine and spiked urine samples were presented<br />

as the lower and upper curve, respectively. Peak identification: (1)<br />

IXS; (2) VMA; (3) AA; (4) HVA; (5) UA; and (6) TRP. The diluted<br />

urine sample was spiked with 20 µM IXS, 20 µM VMA, 100 µM AA,<br />

20 µM HVA, 100 µM UA, and 20 µM TRP. (B) 15-fold dilution, pristine<br />

and spiked urine samples were presented as the lower and upper<br />

curve, respectively. Peak identification: (1) IXS; (2) VMA; (3) AA; (4)<br />

HVA; (5) UA; and (6) TRP. The diluted urine sample was spiked with<br />

20 µM IXS, 20 µM VMA, 100 µM AA, 20 µM HVA, 100 µM UA, and<br />

20 µM TRP.<br />

For further LOD improvement, a series of experiments based<br />

on field-amplified sample stacking (FASS) 30 was performed by<br />

exploiting the conductivity difference between the sample zone<br />

and the running buffer to effect preconcentration. A standard<br />

solution of 6 analytes including ascorbic and uric acids, two<br />

endogenous urinary compounds, was prepared in 10 mM H3PO4<br />

pH 2 and injected at -10 kVfor 10 s with the separation<br />

performed at -10 kV using 50 mM H3PO4 pH 4 as the running<br />

buffer. It should be noted that at pH 3, ascorbic acid migrated<br />

very closely with HVA, whereas uric acid was not baseline<br />

separated from TRP. In principle, the amount of stacking is<br />

proportional to the conductivity difference between the running<br />

(30) Weng, Q.-F.; Xu, G.-W.; Yuan, K.-L; Tang, P J. Chromatogr. B 2006, 835,<br />

55–61.<br />

6902 <strong>Analytical</strong> <strong>Chemistry</strong>, Vol. 82, No. 16, August 15, 2010<br />

Figure 6. Analysis of an urine sample using a running buffer<br />

consisting of 50 mM H3PO4-Tris, pH 4. Separation voltage: -10 kV<br />

with an injection time of 5sat-10 kV. Detection: BDD at +1.0Vvs<br />

Ag/AgCl, 3 M NaCl. The urine sample was filtered using a 0.22 µm<br />

Millipore filter and diluted 8-fold in the injection buffer. (A) with sample<br />

stacking and (B) without sample stacking.<br />

buffer and the sample solution. A preconcentration factor of 4<br />

was observed for IXS, AA, and HVA compared to 3 for VMA<br />

and UA and only 1.25 for TRP (Figure 4, curve b). With sample<br />

stacking, the detection limit of IXS, AA, and HVA was 75 nM<br />

compared with nonstacking (300 nM, Figure 4, curve a), significantly<br />

lower than the physiological levels of these biomarkers in<br />

urine as discussed later. Notice that peak-width was broadened<br />

when the injection time was greater than 10 s (data not shown).<br />

In another attempt, the capillary was first filled with 50 mM H3PO4<br />

pH 4 followed by a sample injection as described above. The<br />

cathodic running buffer was changed to 10 mM H3PO4, pH2<br />

instead of 50 mM H3PO4, pH 4. In this case, the separation<br />

window was narrower, resulting in the comigration of three<br />

pairs: IXS/VMA, AA/HVA, and UA/TRP (Figure 4, curve c).<br />

No further improvement in separation resolution was attained by<br />

adding several organic modifiers including 10% methanol, 10%<br />

acetonitrile, 5 mM methyl �-cyclodextrin, and 5 mM cetyl<br />

trimethylammonium bromide in the running buffer.<br />

Analysis of Biomarkers in Urine. The electropherogram of<br />

an authentic urine sample obtained from a healthy female shows<br />

5 low peaks and one very high peak. All biomarkers were detected<br />

even if the urine sample was diluted to 10- and 15-fold, respectively<br />

in the injection buffer (Figure 5). Standard IXS, HVA, VMA,

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