Analytical Chemistry Chemical Cytometry Quantitates Superoxide

Analytical Chemistry Chemical Cytometry Quantitates Superoxide

Analytical Chemistry Chemical Cytometry Quantitates Superoxide


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Table 2. Linearity and Detection Limit of the Analytes a,b<br />

analytes linear range (µM) calibration equation R2 detection limit (µM)<br />

indoxyl sulfate (IXS) 1.00-40 I ) 0.4839X+0.1490 0.9998 0.3<br />

vanillylmandelic acid (VMA) 1.25-50 I ) 0.3635X+0.3036 0.9998 0.4<br />

homovanillic acid (HVA) 1.25-50 I ) 0.3034X+0.5667 0.9998 0.4<br />

tryptophan (TRP) 1.25-50 I ) 0.3025X+1.0870 0.9998 0.4<br />

isoproterenol (ISP) 5.00-200 I ) 0.0871X+0.7481 0.9995 1.7<br />

normetanephrine (NMN) 5.00-200 I ) 0.0865X+0.6429 0.9995 1.7<br />

epinephrine (EP) 5.00-200 I ) 0.0945X+0.3850 0.9995 1.7<br />

5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) 2.50-100 I ) 0.1686X+0.9364 0.9995 0.8<br />

4-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzylamine (HMBA) 6.25-250 I ) 0.0822X+0.0446 0.9991 2.1<br />

3,4- dihydroxybenzylamine (DHBA) 6.25-250 I ) 0.0866X+0.3842 0.9991 2.1<br />

tryptamine (TA) 3.75-150 I ) 0.1476X+0.5307 0.9995 1.3<br />

a I ) peak current (nA), X ) analyte concentration (µM). b Electrophoretic separation was carried out using a PDDA-AuNP coated capillary (50<br />

µm id, 365 µm od) with an effective length of 45 cm, running buffer, 50 mM H3PO4-Tris, pH 3.0, separation voltage, -10 kV, injection for 5s at -10<br />

kV. Detection: BDD electrode at +1.0 V vs. Ag/AgCl, 3M NaCl.<br />

Figure 4. The comparison electropherograms for (a) nonsample<br />

stacking using a running buffer of 50 mM H3PO4-Tris, pH 4 with an<br />

injection time of 5 s (b) sample stacking, injection buffer: 10 mM<br />

H3PO4-Tris, pH 2, and the running buffer of 50 mM H3PO4-Tris, pH 4<br />

with an injection time of 10 s. (c) sample stacking, injection buffer:<br />

10 mM H3PO4-Tris, pH 2, and the running buffer was similar to the<br />

injection buffer with an injection time of 10 s. Concentration of<br />

analytes: 50 µM (each) IXS, VMA, AA, HVA, UA, TRP. Separation<br />

voltage: -10 kV. BDD at +1.0 V vs Ag/AgCl, 3 M NaCl.<br />

becomes almost constant (∼-45 to -50 mV). The negative<br />

charge of the gold surface may be explained by the fact that<br />

the Au-OH present on the gold surface can lose protons as<br />

the pH increases to form Au-O-groups on the nanoparticle<br />

surface. 29 AuNPs have a partially hydroxylated surface with a<br />

pKa value of 3.2 (Au-OH) in the presence of water. 29 At pH 3,<br />

around the pKa value of AuNPs, -OH groups are predominant<br />

(-OH groups/O - groups ) 1.6). The rest of the gold surface<br />

should be metallic, i.e., essentially hydrophobic. Therefore,<br />

AuNPs would display ionic and hydrophobic interaction, as well<br />

as hydrogen bonding with the PDDA network. The synthesis<br />

and incorporation of AuNPs in the polymer network would<br />

affect the PDDA structural change, which in turn increased<br />

the charge density and coverage efficiency of the coating. At<br />

pH4or5,Au-O - groups were predominant, resulting in a<br />

(29) Sylvestre, J.-P.; Kabashin, A. V.; Sacher, E.; Meunier, M.; Luong, J. H. T.<br />

J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2004, 126, 7176–7177.<br />

decrease of the �-potential of the PDDA-AuNPs composite, i.e.,<br />

the EOF is reduced. Notice that TRP also becomes more<br />

neutral at pH 5, whereas the charges of the catechoamines and<br />

indolamines were highly negative and such analytes were<br />

expected to interact strongly with PDDA. Indeed, all catecholamines<br />

and indoleamines were not eluted after 24 min into the<br />

experiment. In contrast, Zhang et al. 28 reported that the<br />

separation using the PDDA coated capillary is significantly<br />

longer than the one modified with PDDA-AuNPs for analysis<br />

of heroin and impurities. In such a study, the separation is<br />

performed at pH 5.2 with addition of 3% methanol into the<br />

running buffer consisting of 120 mM ammonium acetate.<br />

Therefore, it was somewhat difficult to compare the result<br />

obtained in this work with that of Zhang et al. 28<br />

Other Optimal Conditions and Sample Stacking. The 50<br />

mM phosphoric-Tris buffer pH 3 appeared to provide the highest<br />

detection sensitivity with good separation resolution. Indeed,<br />

4-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzylamine comigrated with 3,4-dihydroxybenzylamine<br />

when the buffer strength increased to 100 mM and<br />

the run was longer with lower detection sensitivity (Figure 3A).<br />

This pair was coeluted as one single peak if the separation was<br />

carried out with the PDDA coated capillary. Thus, a running buffer<br />

consisting of 50 mM phosphoric-Tris, pH 3 was used to optimize<br />

the separation potential and the detection potential of the BDD<br />

electrode. With respect also to detection sensitivity and separation<br />

efficiency (N/cm), the electrokinetic injection of the sample at<br />

-10 kV for 5 s was optimal compared to the results obtained at<br />

shorter (3 s) or longer (7 and 10 s) injection times (Figure 3B).<br />

Beyond 5 s, the resulting peaks were very broad with compromised<br />

detection sensitivity and separation efficiency. In contrast,<br />

3 s was not sufficient, as reflected by considerably lower peaks.<br />

The BDD detection potential, poised at +1 V vs 3 M Ag/AgCl<br />

provided highest detection sensitivity compared to the detection<br />

performed at lower or higher applied potentials (Figure 3C). Both<br />

resolution and detection sensitivity were severely deteriorated<br />

when the separation was conducted at -15 kV and -20 kV,<br />

compared to the run at -10 kV (Figure 3D). Linearity and LOD<br />

obtained for 11 analytes are summarized in Table 2. The four fast<br />

migrating analytes, IXS, VMA, HVA, and tryptophan exhibited a<br />

LOD of 0.3 µM, whereas a higher LOD, ∼1 µM was obtained for<br />

the slower migrating group.<br />

<strong>Analytical</strong> <strong>Chemistry</strong>, Vol. 82, No. 16, August 15, 2010<br />


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