Analytical Chemistry Chemical Cytometry Quantitates Superoxide

Analytical Chemistry Chemical Cytometry Quantitates Superoxide

Analytical Chemistry Chemical Cytometry Quantitates Superoxide


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FL, USA) with three-dimensional adjustment capabilities. A<br />

cylindrical cathodic/detection reservoir (2 cm diameter ×1 cm<br />

height) contained Pt wires (1 mm in diameter, 99.9% purity),<br />

serving as the counter electrode for amperometric detection and<br />

the cathode for electrophoresis. An Ag/AgCl (3 M NaCl) reference<br />

electrode was placed vertically into the reservoir, whereas the<br />

BDD electrode was inserted upward from the reservoir’s bottom<br />

and sealed with epoxy (the working reservoir volume was ∼3 mL).<br />

The micromanipulator and a laboratory jack (to which the<br />

reservoir was solidly mounted) were attached to a solid breadboard<br />

to prevent movement during alignment. The capillary outlet<br />

was aligned to the detecting electrode using the micromanipulator<br />

with the aid of a surgical microscope (World Precision Instruments).<br />

The capillary outlet was adjusted until it touched the<br />

electrode surface (evident by a slight bend in the capillary<br />

observed by microscopic inspection) and it was then backed off<br />

25-30 µm using the micromanipulator’s z-control. The BDD<br />

electrode was connected to an electrochemical workstation<br />

(CHI660C, CH Instruments, Austin, TX, USA) consisting also of<br />

a platinum wire (1 mm in diameter) as counter electrode and an<br />

Ag/AgCl (3 M NaCl) electrode as reference electrode. The BDD<br />

electrode (3 mm in diameter, 0.1% doped diamond) was purchased<br />

from Windsor Scientific (Slough, Berkshire, U. K.). The analytes<br />

are detected by a boron doped diamond (BDD) electrode which<br />

is positioned close to the capillary outlet. The BDD electrode is<br />

advocated in this work due to its stable low background current<br />

and a wide applied potential window. BDD is also resistant to<br />

fouling due to the hydrogen surface termination and sp 3 carbon<br />

bonding (no extended pi-electron system). 14a,b BDD can be<br />

considered as general-purpose working electrodes with a broad<br />

array of applications for use with HPLC and CE. Pioneering work<br />

in the early 1990s was conducted by Swain and co-workers 14c,d<br />

and the Fujishima group. 14e<br />

The electrophoretic separation was conducted at -10 kV<br />

(reversed polarity) unless otherwise stated. A plastic cap with a<br />

central hole of ∼1 mm was firmly attached to the surface of the<br />

BDD electrode to reduce the active sensing area. The analyte<br />

sample was injected electrokinetically for 5sat-10 kV. Peak<br />

identification was based on the migration time of a single standard<br />

with that of unknown peaks. However, if the resolution between<br />

any peak pair was low, then peak identification was performed<br />

by spiking both solutes individually. The pKa values and aqueous<br />

solubility of the analytes were obtained using the ACD/<br />

Structure Designer software (Advanced <strong>Chemistry</strong> Development,<br />

Toronto, ON, Canada). The degree of ionization was<br />

estimated as pH ) pKa+ log [A - /AH] for acid and pH )<br />

pKb+log [BH + /B] for base (the Henderson-Hasselbalch<br />

equation).<br />


Performance of the PDDA Coated Capillary. PDDA was<br />

firmly adsorbed on the inner walls of the capillary via ionic<br />

interactions between the negatively charged SiO - of fused silica<br />

and the quaternary ammonium groups of the polymer. Indeed,<br />

immersion of a substrate (glass, quartz, silica wafer, gold, silver,<br />

and even Teflon) into an aqueous 1% solution of this positively<br />

charged polymer results in the strong adsorption of a mono-<br />

6898 <strong>Analytical</strong> <strong>Chemistry</strong>, Vol. 82, No. 16, August 15, 2010<br />

Figure 1. Electropherograms obtained using a PDDA coating<br />

capillary (50 µm id and 45 cm effective length) for the separation of<br />

20 µM IXS, 25 µM VMA, 25 µM HVA, 25 µM TRP, 100 µM<br />

isoproterenol (ISP), 100 µM normetanephrine (NMN), 100 µM<br />

epinephrine (EP), 50 µM 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT), 125 µM 4-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzylamine<br />

(HMBA), and 75 µM tryptamine (TA).<br />

The running buffer consisted of 50 mM H3PO4-Tris, (a) pH 3, (b) pH<br />

4, and (c) pH 5. The separation voltage was applied at -10 kV with<br />

an injection time of 5s at -10 kV. BDD at +1.0 V vs Ag/AgCl, 3 M<br />

NaCl.<br />

layer (1.6 nm) of PDDA on the substrate. 15,16 The adsorption<br />

of a PDDA thin film on a glass substrate was also reported<br />

elsewhere. 17 Notice also that the charge of PDDA is not pH<br />

dependent, as reflected by constant EOF in the range pH 2-8<br />

provided the capillary is coated with high-molecular weight<br />

PDDA. 18 Thus, PDDA with MW of 200 000-350 000 was used in<br />

this study for coating the capillary.<br />

At -10 kV, except for the epinephrine (EP) and normetanephrine<br />

(NMN) pair, all analytes were baseline resolved when 50 mM<br />

H3PO4-Tris pH 3.0 was used as the running buffer (Figure 1,<br />

curve a). On the basis of the calculated pKa values for the analytes<br />

(Table 1), fully deprotonated and highly negatively charged IXS<br />

exhibited high electrophoretic mobility and migrated concomitantly<br />

with EOF as the first peak in the electropherogram. The<br />

carboxylate/carboxyl ratio, estimated as 10 (pH-pK a) ,is∼0.16 and<br />

0.04 for VMA and HVA, respectively. Thus, VMA should<br />

emerge before HVA and slightly ahead of EOF. At pH 3, the<br />

neutral form of TRP should be predominant (neutral TRP/TRP +<br />

) 4.2);therefore, it should migrate very closely to EOF and<br />

trail behind both VMA and HMA. The EP-NMN pair was<br />

slightly split further by conducting the separation at pH 4 with<br />

improved detection sensitivity but the running time was also<br />

slightly longer and VMA emerged very close to IXS (Figure 1,<br />

curve b). The run was lengthier at pH 5, with only 4 discernible<br />

peaks emerging in the electropherogram as HVA comigrated with<br />

VMA and TRP became more neutral at this pH and emerged far<br />

behind the HVA peak. The remaining analytes acquired more<br />

negative charges and interacted strongly with positively charged<br />

PDDA and were not eluted after 1200 s into the experiment. The<br />

detection sensitivity was also greatly compromised at this running<br />

(15) Kotov, N. A.; Harazsti, T.; Turi, L.; Zavala, G.; Geer, R. E.; Dekany, I.;<br />

Fendler, J. H. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1997, 119, 6821–6832.<br />

(16) Moriguchi, I.; Teraoka, Y.; Kagawa, S.; Fendler, J. H. Chem. Mater. 1999,<br />

1, 1603–1608.<br />

(17) Hrapovic, S.; Liu, Y.; Enright, G.; Bensabaa, F.; Luong, J. H. T. Langmuir<br />

2003, 19, 3958–3965.<br />

(18) Wang, Y.; Dubin, P. L. Anal. Chem. 1999, 71, 3463–3468.

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