Analytical Chemistry Chemical Cytometry Quantitates Superoxide

Analytical Chemistry Chemical Cytometry Quantitates Superoxide

Analytical Chemistry Chemical Cytometry Quantitates Superoxide


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activities ranging over 2 orders of magnitude, all yielding satisfactory<br />

results (Table 3).<br />

The IAEA-384, a Fangataufa Lagoon sediment, is a reference<br />

material designed for the determination of anthropogenic and<br />

natural radionuclides in sediment. 27 This material is certified for<br />

10 radionuclides, including 210Pb ( 210Po in equilibrium), and<br />

information values are given for 10 radionuclides, including<br />

226 226 -1 Ra. The Ra activity ranges from 2.0 to 2.9 Bq kg (95%<br />

confidence interval) with a median value of 2.4 Bq kg-1 , which<br />

is the low range of 226Ra activities in sediments. Dry sediment<br />

aliquots of 500 mg were analyzed by using the proposed<br />

method (N ) 15). Spectra were analyzed by using both a wide<br />

and a narrow counting window, and results are shown in Figure<br />

9. The median of both distributions is 2.2 Bq kg-1 , and means<br />

were 2.3 Bq kg-1 (50 channels) and 2.5 Bq kg-1 (150 channels),<br />

very close to the reference material reported value and within<br />

its 95% confidence interval.<br />

The IAEA-385, a certified reference material for radionuclides<br />

in an Irish Sea sediment, is intended to be used, among other<br />

purposes, for the development and validation of radiometric and<br />

mass spectrometry analytical methods. 28 Its certified median value,<br />

22.7 Bq kg-1 , is typical of most soils and sediments. The median<br />

value obtained with the proposed method (N ) 15) is 23.5 Bq<br />

kg-1 Figure 8. Calibration curve of unquenched<br />

, which, although slightly higher than the upper limit of<br />

the certified confidence interval, represents a deviation of only<br />

7.3%.<br />

226Ra. (27) Povinec, P. P.; Pham, M. K.; Sanchez-Cabeza, J. A.; Barci-Funel, G.;<br />

Bojanawski, R.; Boshkova, T.; Burnett, W.; Carvalho, F.; Chapeyron, B.;<br />

Cunha, I. L.; Dahlgaard, H.; Galabov, N.; Fifield, L.; Gaustaud, J.; Geering,<br />

J.-J.; Gomez, I. F.; Green, N.; Hamilton, T.; Ibanez, F. L.; Ibn Majah, M.;<br />

John, M.; Kanisch, G.; Kenna, T. C.; Kloster, M.; Korun, M.; Liong Wee<br />

Kwong, L.; La Rosa, J.; Lee, S.-H.; Levy-Plaomo, I.; Malatova, M.; Maruo,<br />

Y.; Michell, P.; Murciano, I. V.; Nelson, R.; Nouredine, A.; Oh, J.-S.; Oregioni,<br />

B.; Petit, G.; Pettersson, H. B. L.; Reineking, A.; Smedley, P. A.; Suckow,<br />

A.; Struijs, T.; Voors, P. I.; Yoshimiza, K.; Wyse, E. J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem.<br />

2007, 273, 383–393.<br />

(28) Pham, M. K.; Sanchez-Cabeza, J. A.; Povinec, P. P.; Andor, K.; Arnold, D.;<br />

Benmansour, M.; Bikit, I.; Carvalho, F. P.; Dimitrova, K.; Edrev, Z. H.;<br />

Engeler, C.; Fouche, F. J.; Garcia-Orellana, J.; Gascó, C.; Gastaud, J.; Gudelis,<br />

A.; Hancock, G.; Holm, E.; Legarda, F.; Ikäheimonen, T. K.; Ilchmann, C.;<br />

Jenkinson, A. V.; Kanisch, G.; Kis-Benedek, G.; Kleinschmidt, R.; Koukouliou,<br />

V.; Kuhar, B.; LaRosa, J.; Lee, S.-H.; LePetit, G.; Levy-Palomo, I.;<br />

Liong Wee Kwong, L.; Llauradó, M.; Maringer, F. J.; Meyer, M.; Michalik,<br />

B.; Michel, H.; Nies, H.; Nour, S.; Oh, J.-S.; Oregioni, B.; Palomares, J.;<br />

Pantelic, G.; Pfitzner, J.; Pilviok, R.; Puskeiler, L.; Satake, H.; Schikowski,<br />

J.; Vitorovic, G.; Woodhead, D.; Wyse, E. Appl. Radiat. Isot. 2008, 66, 1711–<br />

1717.<br />

6852 <strong>Analytical</strong> <strong>Chemistry</strong>, Vol. 82, No. 16, August 15, 2010<br />

The IAEA-313, a stream sediment from Indonesia, 29 is a<br />

reference material designed for the analysis of 226Ra, U, and Th<br />

in geological samples. Its median 226Ra activity, 343 Bq kg-1 ,<br />

is about 1 order of magnitude higher than typical sediment<br />

activities. The median value (N ) 5) is within the reported 95%<br />

confidence interval.<br />

The observed deviations are typical of the precision of<br />

environmental materials, and in overall, we concluded that the<br />

proposed method is adequate to analyze 226Ra in sediment<br />

samples.<br />

Calibration Stability. With each sample batch, we have<br />

analyzed the IAEA-384 reference material for quality control<br />

purposes. Results of all analyses are shown in Figure 10. The mean<br />

value, 2.3 Bq kg-1 , lies within the reference material 95%<br />

confidence interval (Table 3), and the time stability of the activity<br />

shows that the system’s calibration is stable for times spanning<br />

at least during the measurement period, namely, one year.<br />

Although this needs to be checked for each instrument in a<br />

continuous manner, we do not anticipate the need of recalibration<br />

of Quantulus 1220 for periods shorter than a year.<br />

210 226 Pb and Ra in a Sediment Core. The method is<br />

designed to provide fast and reliable results of 226Ra when 210Pb dating sediment cores through the analysis of 210Po in equilibrium.<br />

The advantage of LSC over γ spectrometry is that<br />

results for a large number of samples, typical of 210Pb dating<br />

experiments, can be obtained within a month after sample<br />

digestion. We provide here an example of the proposed<br />

strategy.<br />

The DYFAMED station (Ligurian Sea, 43°25′ N; 7°52′ E) has<br />

been the subject of multidisciplinary research since 1987, including<br />

the study of atmospheric deposition of metals and their association<br />

with marine particles in the water column. Martín et al. 30 studied<br />

the concentrations and fluxes of trace metals in a sediment core<br />

collected from 2300 m water depth at the sea floor beneath the<br />

DYFAMED site. In Figure 11, we show the 210Pb and 226 Figure 9. Box-and-whisker plots of<br />

Ra<br />

profiles obtained by R spectrometry and LSC, showing that<br />

226Ra activities in the reference<br />

material IAEA-384 (N ) 15). The two dots in the 50 channels counting<br />

window were statistically identified as outliers.<br />

(29) Strachnov, V.; Valkovic, V.; Zeisler, R.; Dekner, R. Report on the Worldwide<br />

Intercomparison Exercise IAEA-314: 226 Ra, Th and U in Stream Sediment;<br />

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA/AL/038): Vienna, Austria, 1991.<br />

(30) Martin, J.; Sanchez-Cabeza, J. A.; Eriksson, M.; Miquel, J. C. Mar. Pollut.<br />

Bull. 2009, 59, 146–153.

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