Analytical Chemistry Chemical Cytometry Quantitates Superoxide

Analytical Chemistry Chemical Cytometry Quantitates Superoxide

Analytical Chemistry Chemical Cytometry Quantitates Superoxide


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Figure 1. 226 Ra spectrum by liquid scintillation (only 6 × 10 -4 Bq).<br />

Vertical dashed lines indicate the approximate counting windows.<br />

efficiency reached when counting all R events should be 300%.<br />

This is another advantage of R versus γ spectrometry, where final<br />

counting efficiencies for 226 Ra, depending on the counting<br />

configuration, normally do not usually exceed a few percent.<br />

The magnitudes used for optimization were those related to<br />

counting precision.<br />

• Counting efficiency E: this is the ratio between the observed<br />

number of counts and the 226 Ra decays. The maximum<br />

observed efficiency is close to 300% (Figure 1) because with<br />

this method we simultaneously count R particles from 222 Rn,<br />

218 Pb, and 214 Pb in equilibrium.<br />

• Minimum detectable activity (MDA): 25 we used the following<br />

expression<br />

2.71 + 4.65√Bt<br />

MDA)<br />

tVE<br />

where B is the background count rate, t is the counting time,<br />

and V is the volume of solution used (in the case of sediment<br />

analysis, V was substituted by m, the mass of the aliquot<br />

analyzed).<br />

• Figure of merit: this is a magnitude commonly used to<br />

compare methods, which emphasizes counting efficiency (and<br />

therefore sample throughput). FM was calculated as FM )<br />

E 2 /B.<br />

In this section, we describe the results of the optimization<br />

process for the relevant counting parameters.<br />

Optimal Admixture Composition. Once the scintillation vial<br />

and total volume were fixed, the optimal “scintillator-to-water” ratio<br />

was optimized. We prepared and counted several composition<br />

mixtures with tracer solutions and background solutions, by using<br />

1, 5, 10, 15, and 19 mL of scintillant (Figure 2).<br />

Not unexpectedly, the highest efficiency was observed for the<br />

maximum volume of scintillant, as this maximizes radiation<br />

interaction with the detector (the scintillant). However, as the<br />

scintillant itself is an important source of background, this also<br />

increases the MDA value. This behavior is well-captured with the<br />

FM, which shows a maximum value for a 10:10 mL admixture.<br />

Therefore, we used this proportion in all experiments.<br />

Optimal PSA Parameter. The PSA circuit of Quantulus 1220<br />

sends the signals to one of the two multichannel analyzers<br />

Figure 2. Determination of the optimal admixture composition.<br />

Figure 3. Change of background and 226 Ra counting efficiency with<br />

PSA.<br />

depending on the result of the PSA analysis. However, this method<br />

is not error-free and shows interference as (i) R and � events can<br />

be wrongly assigned and (ii) the efficiency of this method depends<br />

on the energy of the incident radiation particles. 26 In order to<br />

minimize the interference, tracer solutions of 226 Ra activity 5.34<br />

Bq and background solutions, with a 10:10 mL admixture<br />

composition, were counted by LSC during 12 h and with the<br />

PSA parameter ranging from PSA ) 0 (no R-� discrimination)<br />

to PSA ) 256 (maximum R-� discrimination) with a step<br />

increment of 5 (Figure 3).<br />

The background signals assigned to the R spectrum have a<br />

varied nature and may include γ interactions with the scintillant,<br />

� events wrongly assigned to the R spectrum, R emission from<br />

impurities in the vial, and a variety of cosmic-ray originated signals.<br />

Therefore, the background spectrum does not show prominent<br />

peaks. The background count rate versus PSA plot (Figure 3)<br />

shows an almost constant value until PSA ∼ 90, as all events are<br />

recorded in the R spectrum, and then its value decays smoothly<br />

to a value close to 0 cpm, when all background events are recorded<br />

in the � spectrum.<br />

On the other hand, the 226 Ra spectrum shows well-resolved<br />

peaks within a quite narrow energy window (Figure 1), and<br />

the effect of the R particle energy on the interference is clearly<br />

shown in the efficiency versus PSA curve (Figure 3). Until PSA<br />

∼ 110, the total efficiency exceeds the maximum value of 300%<br />

because of the misclassification of background and � events in<br />

the R spectrum. In the PSA range of 120-160, most background<br />

(25) Currie, L. A. Anal. Chem. 1968, 40, 586–593. (26) Pujol, L.; Sanchez-Cabeza, J. A. Analyst 1997, 122, 383–385.<br />

<strong>Analytical</strong> <strong>Chemistry</strong>, Vol. 82, No. 16, August 15, 2010<br />


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