2012 New Releases Catalogue November - Learningemall.com

2012 New Releases Catalogue November - Learningemall.com

2012 New Releases Catalogue November - Learningemall.com


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Mention for Grand Prize, <strong>2012</strong> Visions<br />

du Reel<br />

� Special Mention, Magic Hour Award,<br />

Plante Doc, Warsaw<br />

Item no. : FZ03210831<br />

Format : DVD (Color)<br />

Duration : 77 minutes<br />

Copyright : 2011<br />

Price : USD 398.00<br />


THE<br />

By Tatiana Huezo<br />

On the surface THE TINIEST PLACE is<br />

the story of Cinquera, a village literally<br />

wiped off the official map during El<br />

Salvador's 12-year civil war. But on a<br />

deeper level it is a story about the ability to<br />

rise, to rebuild and reinvent oneself after a<br />

tragedy.<br />

Holding the past and present in focus<br />

together, the film takes us to the tiny<br />

village nestled in the mountains amidst the<br />

humid Salvadoran jungle, while villagers,<br />

survivors of the war's massacres, recount<br />

their journey home at war's end. When<br />

they first returned their village no longer<br />

existed.<br />

Nevertheless they decided to stay. And<br />

over the years as they worked the land,<br />

built new homes and started new families,<br />

the people of Cinquera learned to live with<br />

sorrow.<br />

THE TINIEST PLACE juxtaposes scenes<br />

of contemporary village life, of Cinquera's<br />

remarkable renaissance, with stories of<br />

the war - how conflict arose, civil war<br />

erupted, and hopes for liberation turned to<br />

struggles for survival. "Don't cry when they<br />

kill me" a mother recalls her 14-year old<br />

daughter telling her before running away<br />

to fight with the rebel army.<br />

And though the village's history is always<br />

visible - in an elaborate memorial for the<br />

dead, or the persistent tremor of a<br />

survivor's hand, towards the end of THE<br />

TINIEST PLACE we too are returned to<br />

the present. A cow gives birth, a high<br />

school marching band plays, and children<br />

walk to school in the rain. We see that, if<br />

Cinquera is reemerging, it is through the<br />

strength and deep love of its inhabitants.<br />

Reviews<br />

� "A profound expression of the twin<br />

powers of life and death...The subject<br />

of the Central American wars of<br />

recent decades has rarely received<br />

such a level of artistic treatment<br />

onscreen" - Robert Koehler, Variety<br />

� "Unforgettable...One of the finest<br />

docs I've seen over the past year" -<br />

Howard Feinstein, Filmmaker<br />

Magazine<br />

� "Superb. 10/10" - Cynthia Fuchs,<br />

PopMatters<br />

Awards<br />

� Best Feature Film, Visions du Reel<br />

� Best Mexican Film, Monterrey<br />

International Film Festival<br />

� Documentary Special Mention,<br />

Morelia International Film Festival<br />

� Best Direction & Best First Feature,<br />

Cinema Tropical Awards<br />

� Spotlight Award, Cinema Eye Honors<br />

Item no. : HH03400844<br />

Format : DVD (Color)<br />

Duration : 104 minutes<br />

Copyright : 2011<br />

Price : USD 398.00<br />



AND<br />


REAL<br />


STORY<br />

The wonder of pregnancy and childbirth is<br />

an exciting yet stressful time for mothers<br />

as well as fathers. Covering the key<br />

developmental stages in each trimester,<br />

this interview led program transitions from<br />

conception to birth. Experts interviewed<br />

include midwives Kelly Langford and Jan<br />

Ireland, and obstetrician Dr Lionel<br />

Steinberg. In parallel, we follow a mother's<br />

journey across the nine months. This<br />

program <strong>com</strong>bines medical information<br />

with human experience examining foetal<br />

development, birthing options, the birthing<br />

process, and the emotional and physical<br />

aspects of pregnancy.<br />

Please contact us for primary and<br />

secondary schools pricing.<br />

Item no. : CJ08691904<br />

Format : DVD<br />

Duration : 25 minutes<br />

Copyright : <strong>2012</strong><br />

Price : AUD 300.00<br />

全球視野<br />

全球視野<br />

翻轉吧你 翻轉吧你!城市<br />

翻轉吧你 城市 - 五個鞄讓人驚艷的<br />

五個鞄讓人驚艷的<br />

城市奇蹟<br />

城市奇蹟<br />

飛革越十萬公里倷,到巴西的庫韧里倷奇巴、智利佐的<br />

伊基克佉、美國舊金山、日本金澤,為台灣找俁<br />

出路,為人民找俁借靺鏡,放眼國際,從不完侖美<br />

的天堂中找俁到新生的力量。<br />

四個鞄崛起的亮點城市,五個鞄驚艷的新生計劃<br />

城市奇蹟一 巴西-庫韧里倷奇巴(中南美的奇<br />

葩)<br />

庫韧里倷奇巴是巴西第八大城,人口只有一七五<br />

萬,但伽卻包辦了好幾個鞄巴西第一和世界第<br />

一,庫韧里倷奇巴藉由四十年都市更俐新計畫中重<br />

生,透過交通的改俌革靣和綠化政策,改俌變城市<br />

文化、縮短貧富差韤距,使犯罪之都成為世界<br />

宜居城市之首靫。<br />

城市奇蹟二 巴西-庫韧里倷奇巴(公車倨篇)<br />

公車倨捷運化,是庫韧里倷奇巴從七 o 年代就開始<br />

領先全球的創舉,費用只要捷運五分之一的<br />

公車倨系倐統,卻創造每俟日二三 o 萬人次的載運<br />

量,並獲得國際間「最創新城市」的美譽。<br />

看庫韧里倷奇巴如何從交通運輸著手,運用最少<br />

的經費,完侖成舉世聞名的大眾運輸系倐統。<br />

城市奇蹟三 日本金澤,倚靻老賣老創商機<br />

從陳舊中逆生,從古老歷史的記憶中淬煉出<br />

再生的靈魂。位於日本本州中部的金澤,幸<br />

運的躲過二次世界大戰的摧殘,金澤人運用<br />

特顠有的古都風靨情,以祖先留下來的文化資<br />

產,勾住旅頖人的身倧和心,以日本古代的奢華<br />

風靨貌,創造城市無限商機。<br />

城市奇蹟四 美國舊金山,展韙現年輕新活力<br />

經歷了 70 年代沉俥痛的都市改俌革靣失敗經驗,<br />

看舊金山從經驗中學習,以一紙耗時頗四十年<br />

的都市更俐新計畫,透過市府、開發商、市民<br />

三方共同討論,創造全市參與的三千頁靧合約<br />

的集體智慧,讓城市再度偉大。<br />

城市奇蹟五 智利佐依基克佉,沙俢漠變黃金<br />

一個鞄曾經不為世人所注目,被沙俢漠和海顊水包<br />

圍缺水限電的小漁俕,如何化身倧成世界各地<br />

貿易商的璀璨黃金?智利佐依基克佉,南美洲一<br />

顆正在崛起的耀眼新星,依基克佉以免佊稅優惠<br />

及一望無際的白色海顊灘,吸佫引外來的投俈資者<br />

和觀光客大批係湧入,化身倧夢想成真的天堂。<br />

Item no. : JH02111355<br />

Format : DVD<br />

Duration : 30 分鐘<br />

Price : USD 243.00<br />

百科<br />

百科<br />

倫鞌敦 倫鞌敦 <strong>2012</strong> <strong>2012</strong> 奧林匹克佉運動會閉幕式<br />

奧林匹克佉運動會閉幕式<br />

高品質、高清晰的畫面將讓您在第一時頗間珍<br />

藏奧運最絢爛的回憶,享受奧運最豪華的盛<br />

宴韒。<br />

Item no. : AU07271768<br />

Format : DVD (Mandarin)<br />

Price : USD 90.00<br />

倫鞌敦 倫鞌敦 <strong>2012</strong> <strong>2012</strong> 奧林匹克佉運動會開幕式<br />

奧林匹克佉運動會開幕式<br />

<strong>2012</strong> 年 7 月 27 日 20 時頗 12 分,一個鞄全球<br />

矚目的體育倘盛會將拉開帷幕。<br />

Item no. : PY07491769<br />

Format : 2 DVDs (Mandarin)<br />

Price : USD 180.00<br />

改俌變 改俌變,為了幸福<br />

改俌變 為了幸福<br />

十個鞄關於幸福的故事,十個鞄重新定義的幸<br />

福,21 世紀,我侷們靽必須勇敢改俌變,因為,<br />

幸福將是競爭力的下一步俞。<br />

快侳樂來自於我侷們靽的「心理狀態」,而不是「地<br />

位」或「財富」。<br />

五位名人、三個鞄夢想、一個鞄企業、一個鞄國家韑,<br />

共同集結成十個鞄關於幸福的故事,透過鏡頭<br />

帶領,重新思考幸福的定義。<br />

一. 蔣勳,幸福的開始(體溫篇)<br />

幸福是什麼?忘侮不掉、捨不得,都是幸福的<br />

開始。兩個鞄人之間,別低人不能取代的關係和<br />

記憶,體溫,我侷們靽對深愛的人的身倧體是有記<br />

憶的,你佀一定要很珍惜,那倴是體溫的記憶......<br />

二. 蔣勳,幸福的詩篇<br />

________________________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

Learning Rendezvous Limited<br />

Email: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk<br />


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