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RUHR-UN<strong>IV</strong>ERSITÄT BOCHUM<br />

<strong>Condensed</strong> <strong>Matter</strong> <strong>Physics</strong><br />

<strong>Surface</strong> <strong>Physics</strong><br />

Annual report<br />

Jahresbericht<br />


Institut für <strong>Experimentalphysik</strong>/Festkörperphysik & Oberflächenphysik<br />

Ruhr-Universität Bochum<br />

44780 Bochum<br />

Germany<br />

Telefon: +49 234 32 23 650<br />

Telefax: +49 234 32 14 173<br />

Internet: http://www.ep4.ruhr-uni-bochum.de

Institute for Experimental <strong>Physics</strong> Annual Report 2011<br />

Contents<br />

Introduction 1<br />

I Scientific Contributions 5<br />

<strong>Surface</strong> Studies 5<br />

Study of the thickness dependent magnetic and structural properties of ultrathin layers<br />

of Fe3Si on GaAs(001) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7<br />

The influence of the substrate termination on the structural and magnetic properties<br />

of CrSb / GaAs(001) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9<br />

HR-EELS measurement on zinc oxide powder samples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11<br />

Magnetic thin films and heterostructures 13<br />

Anomalous Hall effect of Cu2MnAl, Co2MnSi and Co2MnGe Heusler alloy thin films 15<br />

Interface-induced room-temperature multiferroicity in BaTiO3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17<br />

Polarized neutron reflectometry study of the magnetic proximity effect in YBa2Cu3O7−δ/<br />

La2/3Ca1/3MnO3 superlattices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19<br />

Magnetic nanostructures and nanoparticles 21<br />

Magnetizing interactions between Co nanoparticles induced by Pt capping . . . . . . 23<br />

Coupling behavior in iron-oxide nanoparticle/Py thin film composite systems . . . . . 25<br />

Structural and magnetic properties of self-assembled iron oxide nanoparticle superlattices<br />

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27<br />

An experimental approach to a 2-dimensional magnetic network close to the percolation<br />

transition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29<br />

Epitaxial self-assembly of iron oxide nanoparticles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31<br />

Polarized neutron reflectivity of monolayers of iron oxide nanoparticles at Super ADAM 33<br />

Magnetization reversal in dipolarly coupled PdFe nanodot arrays . . . . . . . . . . . 35<br />

Nucleation process of magnetic domains in Co2MnGe-Heusler nanostripes . . . . . . . 37<br />

Probing periodic permalloy stripe patterns with polarized neutron reflectometry . . . 39<br />

Dynamic Processes 41<br />

Time and element resolved magnetisation dynamics of ferrimagnetic GdFe in transmission<br />

geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43<br />

Time-resolved XRMS in F/N/F trilayers (part I) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45<br />

Time-resolved XRMS in F/N/F trilayers (part II) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47<br />

Ferromagnetic resonance in the Co/Cu/Py system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49<br />

AC field stimulated dynamics of magnetization in iron film . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51<br />

Domain kinetics in iron film under AC magnetic field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53<br />

Instrumentation 55<br />

Vector- and angle-resolved MOKE measurements on Fe/MgO(001) as preparatory<br />

studies for time-resolved femtosecond laser scanning Kerr microscopy . . . . . . 57<br />

Design and results of the new Nano-MOKE setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59<br />

Lithography Chamber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61<br />

SuperADAM: recent developments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63<br />

Imaging with Low Temperature Magnetic Force Microscope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65<br />


Annual Report 2011 Institute for Experimental <strong>Physics</strong><br />

II Publications and Conference Contributions 67<br />

Published in 2011 67<br />

Published and to be published in 2012 69<br />

Conference Contributions 69<br />

III Invited Lectures, Talks, and Course Teaching 75<br />

Invited talks 75<br />

Committee and review panel work 77<br />

Course teaching 79<br />

Guest Lectures 81<br />

<strong>IV</strong> Workshops and Conferences organized by the Institute of Experimental<br />

<strong>Physics</strong>/Solid State <strong>Physics</strong> 83<br />

Concluding Conference of the SFB 491: Magnetic Heterostructures, September 26-29,<br />

2011, Ruhr-University Bochum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83<br />

Weihnachtskolloquium im Haus Herbede . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85<br />

V Personnel & On the Road 87<br />

Members of the Institute 87<br />

Academic degrees 88<br />

Bachelor of Science . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88<br />

Diploma/Master . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88<br />

Ph.D. Thesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89<br />

Guests at the Institute 89<br />

Excursions 90<br />

On the road - Visits and Experiments at external facilities by members of the<br />

Institute 91<br />

VI Press & Alumni News 93<br />

Alumni News 93<br />


Institute for Experimental <strong>Physics</strong> Annual Report 2011<br />

Editors:<br />

Oleg Petracic<br />

Hartmut Zabel<br />


Annual Report 2011 Institute for Experimental <strong>Physics</strong><br />



Introduction<br />

In 1992 we have started the tradition of assembling annual reports on the scientific activies<br />

of the past year, including the scientific outcome in form of publications, seminars, conference<br />

contributions, etc. and last but not least on the most important measure of scientific success,<br />

which are the academic degrees granted. For the Diploma/Master and PhD students writing a<br />

contribution for the annual report has always been a healthy exercise. First it is an excellent<br />

training opportunity for composing a scientific text. Second it induces a critical reflection on<br />

the past year’s own progress. And third it provides a basis for a more extended manuscript to<br />

be submitted. The present 2011 annual report is the 20th edition of our annual reports and<br />

the last one.<br />

This is not the place to reflect on the past 20 years since the first annual report came out or<br />

the past 22 years since the arrival of Hartmut Zabel as chair of the Institute for Experimental<br />

<strong>Physics</strong>/<strong>Condensed</strong> <strong>Matter</strong> <strong>Physics</strong>. However the 30/60 PhD/Master students that have finished<br />

during this time and 8/4 more to be finishing during 2012 speak for themselves. This<br />

was scientifically a stimulating and lively time which to miss in the future will be hard to cope<br />

with. We are extremely thankful to our Master and PhD students for their hard work, their<br />

open minded approach to scientific questions, and their innovative power. Fortunately science<br />

is still well funded in Germany and therefore we expect that there will be plenty opportunities<br />

for future generations to work on challenging and exciting problems in the local University<br />

laboratory as well as at large scale facilities.<br />

The past year was under the focus of the terminating SFB 491: ”Magnetic Heterostructures:<br />

Spin Structures and Spin Transport”. After 12 years of funding by the DFG the SFB came<br />

to a closing by the end of 2011. During a concluding conference in the Conference center of<br />

the Ruhr-University Bochum, September 27-29, 2011 the members of the SFB 491 together<br />

with a number of referees had an opportunity to reflect on past highlights and future scientific<br />

challenges in the area of nanomagnetism. The reception in the newly furbished Kubus of the<br />

Haus Weitmar, the opening sesssion with the Presidents of both participating Universities, the<br />

scientific program, the poster session, and finally the Banquet in the Haus Herbede are lasting<br />

memorable events. This is the proper opportunity to thank again all helpful hands and in<br />

particular the local organizers Hanna Hantusch, Sabine Grubba, Jürgen Lindner, and Oleg<br />

Petracic for a smooth running of the conference.<br />

Although the SFB 491 funding has ended, life will continue - maybe not so well - and some<br />

tasks still need completion. Aside from 8 PhD students who need to finish during 2012/2013,<br />

from a more technical point of view the VEKMAG chamber at BESSY for scattering and<br />

spectroscopic studies at high magnetic fields and low temperatures needs completion and further<br />

upgrades of the Super ADAM polarized neutron reflectometer at the Institut Laue-Langevin<br />

needs attention.<br />

As already mentioned, we - the group leaders - are very proud of our Bachelor, Master, and<br />

PhD students, who spent much of their time in our laboratories, who team up for carrying<br />

out experiments at large scale synchrotron and neutron facilities, who write papers, beam time<br />

applications and reports, who prepare posters for workshops and conferences, and who finally<br />

write their thesis for defense against their referees. And often they fulfill in addition time<br />

consuming teaching duties. Considering all these tasks we are particularly proud of our four<br />

Bachelor students (Alexander Schwinger, Lina Elbers, Christian Klump, Dietmar Rother), our<br />

four Master students (Mathias Stadlbauer, Miriam Lange, Yu Gao, Wera Fehl), and our four<br />

PhD students (Philipp Gutfreund, Alexandra Schumann (Brennscheidt), Stefan Buschhorn,<br />

Mohamed Obaida), who have finished their thesis during the last year. We wish all alumni a<br />


successful professional future.<br />


Last but not least, we would like to thank all members of the Institute for their daily professional<br />

engagement to the benefit of the Institute and its many tasks. Furthermore, we are thankful<br />

to the funding agencies DFG, BMBF, DAAD, the Landesministerium für Wissenschaft und<br />

Forschung, and the Ruhr-Universität Bochum for their continuing support, which is much<br />

appreciated. Finally we would like to thank in particular our administrative and technical staff<br />

for their support, high motivation, and their dedication to the overall goal of the Institute<br />

beyond union boundary conditions. The last 22 years were a tremendously enjoyable time and<br />

I hope that the successor chair will have a similar experience.<br />

Ulrich Köhler Oleg Petracic Kurt Westerholt Hartmut Zabel<br />



FestKör<br />

FestKör per per physik<br />

physik<br />

R U B<br />

Prof. Hartmut Zabel<br />

Chair<br />

Bahar Öztamur<br />

Secretary<br />

Elisabeth Bartling<br />

Technician<br />

Frank Brüssing<br />

PhD Student<br />

Katherine Gross<br />

PhD Student<br />

Sani Noor<br />

PhD Student<br />

David Greving<br />

Master Student<br />

EXPERIMENTALPHYSIK <strong>IV</strong><br />


Prof. Ulrich Köhler<br />

Group leader, <strong>Surface</strong> <strong>Physics</strong><br />

Claudia Wulf<br />

Secretary<br />

Sabine Erdt-Böhm<br />

Technician<br />

Stefan Buschhorn<br />

PhD Student<br />

Sebastian Frey<br />

PhD Student<br />

Mohamed Obaida<br />

PhD Student<br />

Timo Lichtenstein<br />

Master Student<br />

Dr. Radu Abrudan<br />

Instrument Scientist<br />

Prof. Kurt Westerholt<br />

Group leader, Transport<br />

Dr. Giovanni Badini<br />

Post-Doc<br />

Cornelia Leschke<br />

Technician<br />

Astrid Ebbing<br />

PhD Student<br />

Martin Kroll<br />

PhD Student<br />

Philipp Szary<br />

PhD Student<br />

Derya Demirbas<br />

Diploma Student<br />

Anton Devishvili<br />

Instrument Scientist<br />

<strong>Condensed</strong> <strong>Matter</strong> Group (EP4), head Prof. H. Zabel<br />

<strong>Surface</strong> Science Group (AG4), head Prof. U. Köhler<br />

-3-<br />

PD Dr. Oleg Petracic<br />

Group leader,Nanostructures<br />

Dr. Ruslan Salikhov<br />

Post-Doc<br />

Jörg Meermann<br />

Technician<br />

Melanie Ewerlin<br />

PhD Student<br />

Min-Sang Lee<br />

PhD Student<br />

Caroline Fink<br />

Master Student<br />

Matthias Schlottke<br />

Diploma Student<br />

Kirill Zhernenkov<br />

PhD Student<br />

Prof. Boris Toperverg<br />

Group leader, Neutrons<br />

Dennis Schöpper<br />

SHK<br />

Jürgen Podschwadek<br />

Technician<br />

Master Student<br />

Carsten Godde<br />

PhD Student<br />

Chen Luo<br />

PhD Student<br />

Miriam Lange<br />

Master Student<br />

Lina Elbers<br />

Bachelor Student<br />

AG<br />

Oberflächen<br />

Hanna Hantusch<br />

SFB 491 Secretary<br />

Evgenij Termer<br />

SHK<br />

Peter Stauche<br />

Engineer<br />

Foto<br />

Dimitrii Gorkov<br />

PhD Student<br />

Durga Mishra<br />

PhD Student<br />

Deniz Özbek<br />

Master Student<br />

Christian Klump<br />

Bachelor Student

-4-<br />


Part I<br />

Scientific Contributions<br />

<strong>Surface</strong> Studies<br />

-5-<br />

<strong>Surface</strong> studies



<strong>Surface</strong> studies<br />

Study of the thickness dependent magnetic and structural<br />

properties of ultrathin layers of Fe3Si on GaAs(001)<br />

S. Noor 1 , S. Özkan 1 , L. Elbers 1 , I. Barsukov 2 , N. Melnichak 2 ,<br />

J. Lindner 2 , M. Farle 2 , and U. Köhler 1<br />

1 Institut für <strong>Experimentalphysik</strong> <strong>IV</strong> / AG Oberflächen, Ruhr-Universität Bochum<br />

2 Fachbereich Physik und Center for Nanointegration (CeNIDE), Universität Duisburg-Essen<br />

We consider the thickness dependencies of structure and magnetism of ultrathin<br />

layers of Fe3Si/GaAs(001). While the layer morphology exhibits a transition from<br />

cluster-wise growth at low coverage towards an almost layer-wise growth at higher<br />

coverage the magnetic behaviour changes from superparamagnetism to ferromagnetism.<br />

In addition to in situ STM and MOKE measurements a quantitative<br />

magnetic analysis was performed ex situ by SQUID and FMR.<br />

Among the ferromagnet/semiconductor systems<br />

which play a vital role for spintronic<br />

devices Fe3Si/GaAs is an interesting combination<br />

due to its small lattice mismatch, the halfmetallic<br />

behaviour of Fe3Si and the relatively<br />

small impedance mismatch compared to ferromagnetic<br />

metals. Also, as a binary Heusler<br />

alloy the growth of Fe3Si is easy to control due<br />

to its wide range in the phase diagram of iron<br />

silicides.<br />

In this contribution we investigate the<br />

structural and magnetic properties of<br />

Fe3Si/GaAs(001) for layer thicknesses ranging<br />

from 2 ML to 60 ML. Apart from the the<br />

thicknesses all samples were fabricated using<br />

the same conditions i.e. a growth rate of 0.1<br />

nm/min, a growth temperature of 200 ◦ C and<br />

post annealing at 300 ◦ C. All of the samples<br />

have a Si content of (23 ± 2) at.% as measured<br />

by RBS.<br />

Fig. 1: Left: Overview scan of 12 ML<br />

Fe3Si/GaAs(001) and the corresponding LEED pattern<br />

(107 eV). Right: Zooming in reveals the atomic structure<br />

which is face-centered with respect to the < 100 ><br />

directions.<br />

-7-<br />

Figure 1 shows STM scans of the surface morphology<br />

and the atomic structure alongside<br />

the corresponding LEED pattern for 12 ML of<br />

Fe3Si. At this thickness we already find an almost<br />

layer-wise growth with strongly oriented<br />

terrace edges along the [110] and the [1¯10] directions.<br />

On the atomic scale we find that only<br />

one sublattice of the D03 structure of Fe3Si is<br />

visible by STM.<br />

Fig. 2: Polar plots of normalized remanences as measured<br />

by LMOKE in the case of 12 ML (left) and 60<br />

ML (right).<br />

The polar plot of the magnetic remanences for<br />

the 12 ML sample as well as for a 60 ML sample<br />

can be seen in figure 2. A transition from a<br />

purely uniaxial anisotropy to an almost exclusively<br />

magnetocrystalline fourfold anisotropy<br />

can be observed.<br />

The surface morphology at low coverage is illustrated<br />

in figure 3. We find clusters with dendritic<br />

shapes whose edges are again oriented<br />

along the [110] and the [1¯10] directions and<br />

which already show some coalescence. The arrangement<br />

and lattice constants correspond to<br />

the D03 structure of Fe3Si. It was not possible


to obtain a ferromagnetic signal at this thickness<br />

for in situ MOKE which was later confirmed<br />

by SQUID measurements which show<br />

only very little or no splitting in the magnetization<br />

loop (left side of figure 4). This together<br />

with the island-like morphology points to a<br />

superparamagnetic behaviour. Indeed, this<br />

hypothesis was proven true by measuring zerofield<br />

cooling and field cooling curves where we<br />

found a splitting of these curves and a blocking<br />

temperature of 55 K (right-hand side of figure<br />

4). From measurements at a thickness of 5<br />

ML we can conclude that the transition from<br />

ferromagnetism to superparamagnetism must<br />

take place between 2 ML and 5 ML.<br />

Fig. 3: Overview scan of 2 ML Fe3Si/GaAs(001) and<br />

the corresponding LEED pattern (135 eV).<br />

Fig. 4: Left: Magnetization loop of 2 ML<br />

Fe3Si/GaAs(001) as measured by SQUID magnetometry<br />

at 300 K. Right: ZFC-FC-curve of the same sample<br />

(H = 20 Oe, ∆T / ∆t = 2 K / min).<br />

We fabricated a series of samples in order to<br />

determine thickness dependencies of the magnetic<br />

moment per atom and of the magnetic<br />

anisotropies. The magnetic moments are plotted<br />

in figure 5. Above a thickness of 20 ML<br />

the magnetic moment assumes values around<br />

the bulk value of 1.2075 µB. In contrast to an<br />

-8-<br />

expected reduced moment at lower thicknesses<br />

due to a diffuse interface we actually find an increase<br />

which might be attributed to increased<br />

orbital moments at the interfaces.<br />

Fig. 5: Magnetic moment per atom as a function of<br />

the Fe3Si layer thickness. The dashed blue line indicates<br />

the value of bulk Fe3Si. The insets show corresponding<br />

STM overview scans for 5 ML and 10 ML.<br />

The magnetocrystalline and the uniaxial<br />

anisotropy constants K4 and K2 measured by<br />

FMR are plotted in figure 6. K4 increases<br />

with increasing film thickness showing a large<br />

change in the range of 5 to 10 ML and satu-<br />

ration above. K2 shows an almost linear de-<br />

pendence versus 1/d according to K2 = K vol<br />

2 +<br />

K int<br />

2 /d favouring the [1¯10] direction.<br />

Fig. 6: Thickness dependencies of the in plane<br />

anisotropy parameters.<br />

We thank D. Rogalla and H.-W. Becker at the<br />

RUBION for performing the RBS analysis.<br />

Financial support through the Sonderforschungsbereich<br />

491 is gratefully acknowledged.

<strong>Surface</strong> studies<br />

The influence of the substrate termination on the structural and<br />

magnetic properties of CrSb / GaAs(001)<br />

C. Godde, U. Köhler<br />

Institut für <strong>Experimentalphysik</strong> <strong>IV</strong>, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany<br />

Investigations of half-metallic ferromagnets<br />

have been attracting considerable attention<br />

for spintronic devices, because these materials<br />

may provide 100 % spin polarization. Recently<br />

a different class of half-metallic ferromagnets,<br />

metastable zinc-blende CrAs and zinc-blende<br />

CrSb, have been grown epitaxially on III-V<br />

semiconductors by low-temperature molecularbeam<br />

epitaxy (MBE) [1]. Only ultrathin layers<br />

of CrSb or CrAs may keep their zinc-blende<br />

structure, and they relax into other stable nonzinc-blende<br />

phases at higher layer thickness.<br />

Thin CrSb layers grow in the zinc blende structure<br />

up to a thickness of 4nm on GaAs(001)<br />

[2] and keep their ferromagnetic properties<br />

and structural stability up to very high annealing<br />

temperatures which is interesting for<br />

enabling better crystalline quality. We investigate<br />

the growth of CrSb on the GaAs(001)<br />

surfaces at different coverages and annealing<br />

temperatures by STM and SQUID magnetometry.<br />

Particularly with regard to the existence<br />

of different phases at the GaAs(001) surface,<br />

we investigate the influence of a Ga- and an<br />

As-terminated surface of the substrate for the<br />

film deposition. The substrates for the experiment<br />

with the Ga-terminated surface were<br />

processed by cycles of sputtering and annealing<br />

to obtain a clean ordered surface. The<br />

As-terminated surfaces were processed in a<br />

Semiconductor MBE system by depositing a<br />

200nm GaAs layer on a commercial GaAs(001)<br />

wafer which is afterwards capped by an As<br />

layer (SFB 491, Project B10, A. Ludwig). After<br />

the transfer to the STM UHV system the<br />

As capping is removed by heating. The CrSb<br />

films are co-deposited on the GaAs substrate<br />

by MBE at a deposition temperature of 250 ◦ C<br />

with a co-deposition ratio of Cr and Sb: 1:6.<br />

On the GaAs(001) surface STM reveals for<br />

both substrate terminations a Volmer-Weber<br />

growth mode of the CrSb layers and atomic<br />

resolution show an ordering alongside the lattice<br />

structure of the substrate (see Fig.1 and<br />

Fig.2). For 3 ML CrSb STM does not show a<br />

closed film as proposed in the literature. There<br />

are islands with polycrystalline characteristics.<br />

Between these islands the substrate is visible.<br />

Although the deposited thin CrSb film on the<br />

Ga- and As-terminated surface show the same<br />

polycrystalline structural characteristics, the<br />

magnetic measurements offers very different results.<br />

The magnetic properties of co-deposited<br />

CrSb layers with a thickness of 3nm characterized<br />

by SQUID magnetometery are shown in<br />

the insets of Fig.1 and Fig.2. The hysteresis<br />

loops at roomtemperature show that indeed<br />

ferromagnetism exists in the CrSb layer grown<br />

on different terminated GaAs(001) substrates.<br />

For the As-terminated substrate (fig. 2) a ferromagnetic<br />

characteristics of the thin CrSb<br />

layers with a finite remanence and a magnetic<br />

moment per Cr-atom of up to ≈ 5 µB is measured<br />

which corresponds to the values found<br />

in the literature of CrSb-layers on GaAs(001)<br />

for burried CrSb layers [3]. In contrast, the<br />

CrSb islands on the Ga-terminated substrate<br />

(fig. 1) only offers a magnetic moment per Cratom<br />

of ≈ 1,5 µB, which is much smaller than<br />

expected [3] and a negligible remanence. Comparison<br />

of the CrSb layer on the differently<br />

terminated GaAs-substrates shows that the<br />

difference in the magnetic properties can not<br />

simply be expained by the island morphology<br />

or crystallographic arrangement and interface<br />

effects seem to play an important role.<br />

Acknowledgement: Financial support through the SFB 491 is gratefully appreciated.<br />



Fig. 7:<br />

CrSb layer of 3ML thickness co-deposited on the Ga-terminated GaAs(001) surface at 250 ◦ C. On the left is<br />

the corresponding magnetic hysteresis loop measured by SQUID at RT. Magnetic moment per Cr-atom of up<br />

to ≈ 1,5 µB<br />

Fig. 8:<br />

CrSb layer of 3ML thickness co-deposited on the As-terminated GaAs(001) surface at 250 ◦ C. On the left is<br />

the corresponding magnetic hysteresis loop measured by SQUID at RT. Magnetic moment per Cr-atom of up<br />

to ≈ 5 µB<br />

References<br />

[1] H. Akinaga, T. Manago, and M. Shirai, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Part 2 39, L1118 (2000)<br />

[2] J. J. Deng et al., J. Appl. Phys. 99, 093902 (2006)<br />

[3] J. H. Zhao, et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 79,17 (2001)<br />


HR-EELS measurement on zinc oxide powder samples<br />

S. Frey, U. Köhler<br />

Institut für <strong>Experimentalphysik</strong> <strong>IV</strong>, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany<br />

<strong>Surface</strong> studies<br />

Advancement in preparing suitable samples for comparing in-situ measurements<br />

of single crystalline and powder zinc oxide with HR-EELS and STM are shown.<br />

Zinc oxide powders represent an important catalyst<br />

for a number of organic reactions, e. g.<br />

the synthesis of methanol. Corresponding surface<br />

science studies, on the other hand, mainly<br />

deal with single crystalline surfaces ([? ]).<br />

Since this situation is different from a real catalyst,<br />

it is reasonable to combine measurements<br />

of single crystals and powders to obtain supplementary<br />

results.<br />

The equipment of the UHV system (base pressure<br />


References<br />

[1] T. Löber, Diploma Thesis, Bochum (2006)<br />

[2] M. Kroll, U.Köhler, Surf. Sci. 601, 2182 (2007)<br />

[3] Y. Wang et. al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 266104 (2005)<br />

Fig. 9: SEM images of a) a pressed and b) a sedimented zinc oxide film on a gold substrate.<br />

Fig. 10: HR-EELS signal of zinc oxide powder in comparsion to an adsorbate covered silicon single crystal.<br />

Fig. 11: HR-EELS signal of zinc oxide powder rotated by -3ˇr to 5ˇr (front to back) and 10ˇr (grey line) away<br />

from the central scattering position (red).<br />


Magnetic thin films and heterostructures<br />

-13-<br />

Magnetic heterostructures



Magnetic heterostructures<br />

Anomalous Hall effect of Cu2MnAl, Co2MnSi and Co2MnGe<br />

Heusler alloy thin films<br />

M. Obaida and K. Westerholt<br />

Institut für <strong>Experimentalphysik</strong>/ Festkörperphysik, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Bochum, Germany<br />

We report on anomalous Hall effect (AHE) measurements of Cu2MnAl, Co2MnSi<br />

and Co2MnGe thin films Heusler alloys with different degrees of atomic order.<br />

The anomalous Hall effect (AHE) is a classical<br />

magneto-transport effect occurring in ferromagnetic<br />

metals in conventional Hall geometry<br />

along with the normal Hall effect. The<br />

total Hall electrical field of a ferromagnet can<br />

be written as<br />

E(H) = R0 · i · µ0H + RS · i · µ0M (1)<br />

with the magnetic field H, the current density<br />

i, the magnetization M, the normal Hall coefficient<br />

R0 and the anomalous Hall coefficient<br />

Rs. In the classical interpretation (see e.g. [1])<br />

the anomalous Hall voltage is attributed to<br />

skew scattering at magnetic defects [2; 3] or to<br />

side jumps, a quantum mechanical mechanism<br />

where at every scattering process the electron<br />

is off-set perpendicular to the main current direction<br />

by a small distance [4]. Both effects<br />

originate from the LS-coupling of the conduction<br />

electrons, giving rise to an additional drift<br />

of the electrons perpendicular to the magnetization<br />

and the transport current.<br />

Examples of our results of the AHE measurements<br />

for the three Heusler phases in different<br />

annealing states are shown in Fig. 1(a-c) As<br />

common in the literature, instead of the Hall<br />

field E(H) we have plotted the transverse resistivity<br />

defined as ρxy = E(H)/i in Fig.1.<br />

In the as-prepared state and the other<br />

nanocrystalline states of Co2MnGe and<br />

Co2MnSi we find that AHE-coefficient is remarkably<br />

large, with the values for the Hall<br />

resistivity reaching up to ρxy=5 µΩcm and the<br />

corresponding anomalous Hall coefficient up to<br />

Rs=5·10 −8 m 3 /C as in Fig.2. The anomalous<br />

Hall effect for the samples in Fig. 1 dominates<br />

over the normal Hall effect even in the range<br />

of high fields, thus the normal Hall coefficient<br />

-15-<br />

R0 cannot be determined reliably.<br />

Fig. 12: Hall resistivity measured at T=2 K for<br />

Cu2MnAl (a), Co2MnGe (b) and Co2MnSi (c) annealed<br />

at different annealing temperatures Tann given<br />

in the figure.<br />

In the model of skew scattering the anomalous<br />

Hall coefficient should scale linearly with the<br />

longitudinal resistivity i.e. Rs ≺ ρxx, for the<br />

side jump mechanism and the intrinsic AHE<br />

Rs ≺ ρ 2 xx is expected [2; 4; 5]. For our samples<br />

Rs ≺ ρxx holds to a good approximation<br />

as shows in Fig. 3.


Fig. 13: The anomalous Hall constant Rs measured at<br />

2 K for Cu2MnAl (black squares), Co2MnGe (blue circles)<br />

and Co2MnSi (red triangles) versus the annealing<br />

temperature Tann.<br />

Fig. 14: The anomalous Hall coefficient versus the<br />

longitudinal resistivity, both measured at T = 2 K, for<br />

Cu2MnAl (a), Co2MnGe (b), and Co2MnSi (c).<br />

We encounter a quite peculiar situation in<br />

the AHE of the Cu2MnAl phase (Fig. 1(a)).<br />

References<br />

First, the magnitude of RS is about two orders<br />

of magnitude smaller than for Co2MnGe<br />

and Co2MnSi in the nanocrystalline state as<br />

well as in the crystalline state. Second, Rs exhibits<br />

a very different dependence on the annealing<br />

temperature with a maximum at intermediate<br />

Tann (Fig.2). Since the residual resistivity<br />

decreases monotonously with increasing<br />

Tann ,this implies that for Cu2MnAl there exists<br />

no scaling of the type ρxy ≺ ρ α xx<br />

Combining these results on the AHE for<br />

Cu2MnAl we suggest that the peculiar behavior<br />

results from a superposition of two components<br />

to the anomalous Hall voltage, one with<br />

positive and one with negative sign, nearly<br />

compensating each other. This would explain<br />

the small absolute value of Rs and the sensitivity<br />

to external parameters such as temperature<br />

and defect density. These two components<br />

can naturally be identified as the contributions<br />

from the spin-up and the spin-down electrons<br />

at the Fermi level. The LS-scattering mechanism<br />

scatters electrons with opposite spins into<br />

opposite directions and Cu2MnAl provides an<br />

example of an electronic energy band structure<br />

with very similar density of states for the spinup<br />

and spin-down electrons at the Fermi level.<br />

The calculated spin polarization at the Fermi<br />

level only amounts to about 20 % [6], thus<br />

both spin channels contribute nearly equally to<br />

the transport current. In this situation a compensation<br />

of their contributions to the anomalous<br />

Hall voltage seems feasible. This is in<br />

sharp contrast to the situation in Co2MnGe<br />

and Co2MnSi. where the polarization at the<br />

Fermi level is high or even complete and the<br />

transport properties are governed by the spinup<br />

electrons only .<br />

[1] C. M. Hurd,“The Hall Effect in Metals and Alloys” Plenum, New York. 1972<br />

[2] J. Smit, Physica, 21, 877. (1955)<br />

[3] J. Kondo, Prog. Theor. Phys., 27, 772.(1962)<br />

[4] L. Berger, Phys. Rev. B 2, 4559. (1970)<br />

[5] N. Nagaosa, J. Sinova, S. Onoda, A. H. MacDonald and N. P. Ong, Reviews Of Modern Phy., 82, 1539<br />

(2010)<br />

[6] J. Kübler, A. R. Williams and C. Sommers, Phys.Rev. B, 28, 1745 (1983)<br />


Magnetic heterostructures<br />

Interface-induced room-temperature multiferroicity in BaTiO3<br />

R. Abrudan 1 , S. Valencia 2 , A. Crassous 3 , L. Bocher 4 , V. Garcia 3 , X. Moya 5 , R. O. Cherifi 3 ,<br />

C. Deranlot 3 , K. Bouzehouane 3 , S. Fusil 3,6 , A. Zobelli 4 , A. Gloter 4 , N. D. Mathur 5 , A.<br />

Gaupp 2 , F. Radu 2 , A. Barthélémy 3 and M. Bibes 3<br />

1 <strong>Experimentalphysik</strong> <strong>IV</strong>,Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 44780 Bochum, Germany<br />

3 Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie GmbH, 12489 Berlin, Germany<br />

3 Unité Mixte de Physique CNRS/Thales, France<br />

4 Laboratoire de Physique des Solides, Université Paris-Sud, France<br />

5 Department of Materials Science, University of Cambridge, UK<br />

6 Université d ′ Evry-Val d ′ Essonne, France<br />

Ferromagnetic and ferroelectric materials have potential applications in multistate<br />

data storage if the ferroic orders switch independently, or in electric-field<br />

controlled spintronics if the magnetoelectric coupling is strong. Here, we use soft<br />

X-ray resonant magnetic scattering to reveal that, at the interface with Fe or<br />

Co, ultrathin films of the archetypal ferroelectric BaTiO3 simultaneously possess<br />

a magnetization and a polarization that are both spontaneous and hysteretic at<br />

room temperature.<br />

The quest for materials showing ferromagnetism<br />

and ferroelectricity at room temperature<br />

remains a major challenge, the solution of<br />

which could unlock technological advances in<br />

numerous fields. Multiferroics showing strong<br />

magnetoelectric coupling could lead to spinbased<br />

devices with ultralow power consumption<br />

and novel microwave components. Multiferroics<br />

could also find applications as multiplestate<br />

data storage elements or multifunctional<br />

photonic devices exploiting non-reciprocal optical<br />

effects.<br />

Figure 15 shows a schematics of the investigated<br />

multilayer 30nm La2/3Sr1/3MnO3<br />

(LSMO) /2nm BaTiO3 (BTO)/2nm Fe sample.<br />

Due to the proximity of the Fe ferromagnetic<br />

layer to the ferroelectric BTO a<br />

ferromagnetic-like character is induced in the<br />

latter at the Fe/BTO interface. This interfacial<br />

BTO layer exibits therefore simultaneously<br />

ferromagnetism and ferroelectricity at room<br />

temperature. It is therefore a multiferroic [1].<br />

All three layers are characterized by their respective<br />

hysteretic response, i.e. the change of<br />

ferroelectric or ferromagnetic state in response<br />

to an external electric field (E) or magnetic<br />

field (H), respectively: the Fe-layer by a ferromagnetic<br />

hysteresis, the BTO layer by a ferroelectric<br />

hysteresis, and the response of the<br />

-17-<br />

multiferroic interlayer that reacts upon both,<br />

electric field and magnetic field. The red arrow<br />

in Fig. 15 indicates the direction of the incoming<br />

synchrotron beam, which can be chosen to<br />

be either right of left circularly polarized. Soft<br />

x-ray magnetic absorption and scattering measurements<br />

were performed by using the ALICE<br />

diffractometer [2]. The degree of circular polarization<br />

(XMCD and XRMS measurements) at<br />

the PM3 beam line of HZB-BESSY II was 92%.<br />

Fig. 15: Schematic view of the investigated sample<br />

Fe(Co)/BTO. X-ray direction and polarizations are<br />

also indicated.<br />

Absorption and reflection measurements for<br />

the BTO/Fe sample were done using two different<br />

Cu sample holders : a). Absorption was simultaneously<br />

measured by means of total electron<br />

yield (TEY) and Fluorescence yield (FY).


The radiation impinged the sample at an angle<br />

of 20 ◦ along the incoming beam propagation<br />

direction b). For reflection, the sample<br />

was placed at incidence angles of 10 ◦ and 15 ◦<br />

with respect the incoming propagation direction.<br />

The Fe and Co L3,2 -edge XAS and X-ray<br />

Magnetic Circular Dichroism (XMCD) spectra<br />

corresponding to the top layers are shown in<br />

Fig. 16 (a, d). Apart from a small signature<br />

from the Ba M5,4 edge visible in the Co XAS<br />

data, the spectra are typical of bulk bcc Fe and<br />

hcp Co, respectively. We note, however, that<br />

from these data we cannot exclude the presence<br />

of an ultra-thin Fe or Co oxidized layers<br />

at the metal/BTO interface.<br />

Fig. 16: Element specific magnetic signals at Fe/BTO<br />

and Co/BTO interfaces.<br />

The magnetic signal is expected to arise mainly<br />

from the very first BTO atomic layer in contact<br />

with the transition metal, and its detection<br />

by means of XMCD is challenging. It is<br />

well known that, owing to interference effects,<br />

the reflection counterpart of XMCD exhibits<br />

a higher sensitivity to interface magnetization<br />

and therefore allows the detection of smallest<br />

magnetic moments not detectable by means of<br />

absorption techniques. In Fig. 16 (b, c) the<br />

top panels show the XRMS spectra obtained at<br />

the O K-edge and Ti L3,2-edge for the Fe/BTO<br />

sample and the bottom panels present the associated<br />

XRMS asymmetry. In the case of<br />

non-magnetic Ti or O atoms, the asymmetry<br />

has to be zero. However, the data show a finite<br />

dichroism for Ti and O, thus evidencing<br />

the presence of magnetism in BTO. Although<br />

the dichroic signals are weak, they clearly reverse<br />

upon changing the helicity of the light<br />

(see Fig. 16 (b, c), bottom panels), which confirms<br />

their magnetic origin. Figure 16 (e, f)<br />

-18-<br />

show XRMS and asymmetry spectra for the<br />

Co sample.<br />

Fig. 17: a,b, Evidence for room-temperature multiferroicity<br />

via magnetic element specific hysterezis<br />

loops c, piezoresponse hysterezis loop d, Atomically<br />

resolved HAADF image of the Fe/BTO interface of<br />

the Fe/BTO(50 nm)/LSMO(30 nm) //NGO(001) heterostructure.<br />

To unambiguously demonstrate the long range<br />

ferromagnetic-like character of BTO, we have<br />

measured the dependence of the XRMS signals<br />

at selected resonant energies as a function of<br />

the magnetic field. Figure 17 (a) (Fe/BTO<br />

sample) and Fig. 17 (b) (Co/BTO sample)<br />

show the results for Fe or Co, Ti and O as<br />

well as Mn. All signals show clear hysteresis<br />

loops as a function of magnetic field. For the<br />

BTO/Co sample, all signals have virtually identical<br />

coercive fields, which could be coincidental,<br />

or indicate magnetic coupling of the LSMO<br />

and Co across the BTO film. Interestingly, electric<br />

field dependent magnetic coupling across<br />

ferroelectric films has indeed been predicted recently.<br />

For the Fe/BTO sample, the Ti and O<br />

signals reverse at the same magnetic field as<br />

the Fe, whereas the Mn signal - and thus the<br />

magnetization of LSMO - reverses at a lower<br />

field. This indicates that the magnetic moments<br />

carried by the Ti and O ions are coupled<br />

to the Fe, as expected if the Ti and O moments<br />

are induced at the interface with the Fe layer<br />

in agreement with theory. BMBF Contract No.<br />

05K10PC2 is acknowledged.<br />

References<br />

[1] S. Valencia et al. Nature Materials 10 753-758<br />

(2011)<br />

[2] J. Grabis et al. Rev. Sci. Instr. 74, 4048 (2003).

Magnetic heterostructures<br />

Polarized neutron reflectometry study of the magnetic proximity<br />

effect in YBa2Cu3O7−δ/ La 2/3Ca 1/3MnO3 superlattices<br />

M. A. Uribe-Laverde 1 , D. K. Satapathy 1 , I. Marozau 1 , V. K. Malik 1 , S. Das 1 , C. Bernhard 1<br />

A. Devishvili 2 , A. B. Toperverg 2 , H. Zabel 2 , C. Marcelot 3 , J. Stahn 3 , A. Rühm 4 and T. Keller 4 .<br />

1 University of Fribourg, 1700 Fribourg, Switzerland<br />

2 Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 44780 Bochum, Germany<br />

3 Paul Scherrer Insitute, 5234 Villigen, Switzerland<br />

4 Max-Planck-Institut, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany<br />

Atomically engineered multilayers combining materials with antagonistic orders<br />

such as superconductivity and ferromagnetism are not only offer unique opportunities<br />

to realize novel quantum states but also are important from technology point of<br />

view. In particular, oxide based superconducting/ferromagnetic multilayers allow<br />

one to utilize the high superconducting transition temperature of cuprates and the<br />

versatile magnetic properties of the colossal-magnetoresistance manganites. Recent<br />

measurements on SuperADAM reveal an intricate interplay between superconducting<br />

and ferromagnetic orders suggesting a sizable proximity effect taking place in<br />

these superlattices.<br />

Reflectivity<br />

10 0<br />

10 −2<br />

10 −4<br />

10 −6<br />

10 −8<br />

a)<br />

1 st<br />

300K<br />

100K<br />

10K<br />

2 nd<br />

0.03 0.06 0.09 0.12<br />

q z (Å −1 )<br />

Unpol<br />

|++><br />

|--><br />

3 rd<br />

4 th<br />

SLD (10 14 m −2 )<br />

5<br />

4<br />

3<br />

2<br />

1<br />

0<br />

Magnetic at 10 K<br />

Magnetic at 100 K<br />

Nuclear<br />

YBCO<br />

LCMO<br />

b)<br />

LCMO<br />

YBCO<br />

0 2 4 6 8 10<br />

z (nm)<br />

Fig. 18: a)Polarized neutron reflectivity curves as a function of the momentum transfer for a<br />

YBCO/LCMO superlattice at T=300 K, T=100 K and T=10 K. The arrows indicate the position<br />

of the superlattice Bragg peaks. The solid lines are the results of the fits. b) Nuclear and magnetic<br />

scattering length density inside the LCMO layers as obtained from the fits.<br />

The interaction between the superconducting<br />

(SC) and ferromagnetic (FM) orders has been<br />

broadly studied and is still the subject of ongoing<br />

research. First theoretical predictions<br />

-19-<br />

and later experimental proofs of proximity effects<br />

have opened a new door for potential<br />

applications[1; 2; 3]. Nevertheless, most of<br />

this work has been focused on conventional


low temperature superconductors and little is<br />

known about the interaction between superconductivity<br />

and ferromagnetism in oxide-based<br />

materials. These oxide based superconducting<br />

YBa2Cu3O7−δ (YBCO) and ferromagnetic<br />

La2/3Ca1/3MnO3 (LCMO) multilayers have obvious<br />

advantages, like high-TC of cuprates or<br />

the versatile magnetic properties of manganites<br />

which can be tailored by weak perturbations<br />

such as an external magnetic field and(or)<br />

even by close proximity to SC layers. Polarized<br />

neutron reflectometry (PNR), which probes<br />

the magnetic depth profile and its evolution as<br />

a function of temperature enables us to observe<br />

such weak perturbations.<br />

The studied superlattices consist of 10 repetitions<br />

of the bilayer structure with a nominal<br />

layer thickness of 10 nm. Figure 1 a) shows<br />

the reflectivity curves measured at different<br />

temperatures above and below the superconducting<br />

and ferromagnetic transition temperatures,<br />

TSC = 88 K and TC = 201 K respectively.<br />

Sharp and intense superlattice Bragg<br />

peaks, product of the constructive interference<br />

between reflections coming from all the interfaces,<br />

can be observed evidencing the high sample<br />

quality. At room temperature (green symbols),<br />

only the nuclear interaction of the neutrons<br />

is relevant and the even order Bragg<br />

peaks are strongly suppressed as expected for<br />

a superlattice with equal layer thicknesses.<br />

For the curves measured below the Curie temperature<br />

(red and blue symbols) intense even<br />

order Bragg peaks are observed which are the<br />

fingerprint of a reduced symmetry of the magnetic<br />

depth profile with respect to the nuclear<br />

one [4]. Figure 1 b) shows the nuclear and<br />

magnetic profiles for various temperatures as<br />

obtained from fitting the data (solid lines in<br />

figure 1 a)). The ferromagnetic moment is<br />

strongly suppressed on the LCMO side of the<br />

interfaces. Although the magnetic nature of<br />

these depleted ferromagnetic regions is not yet<br />

clear, their very large magnetic roughness and<br />

the anomalous evolution of their thickness with<br />

temperature suggest an inhomogeneous or oscillatory<br />

magnetic state.<br />

3 rd Bragg Peak Asymmetry<br />

-20-<br />

0.5<br />

0.4<br />

0.3<br />

0.2<br />

0.1<br />

T SC<br />

Reflectivity (x10 -4 )<br />

0.0<br />

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160<br />

Temperature (K)<br />

2<br />

1<br />

0<br />

|++><br />

|--><br />

100K<br />

4K<br />

0.09 0.1 0.11<br />

qz ( -1 )<br />

Fig. 19: Asymmetry of the 3 rd order Bragg peak,<br />

(I −− − I ++ )/(I −+ + I ++ ), as a function of temperature.<br />

Dataset combines measurements from Super-<br />

ADAM (ILL), N-REX+ (FRM2) and AMOR (PSI).<br />

Inset: Reflectivity in the vicinity of the third Bragg<br />

peak showing the large splitting between the different<br />

spin channels below TSC.<br />

Figure 2 shows the temperature dependence<br />

of the asymmetry of the 3rd order superlattice<br />

Bragg peak. This asymmetry remains<br />

very small above 90K and it exhibits a clear<br />

anomaly below TSC which reveals that the onset<br />

of superconductivity in the YBCO layers<br />

gives rise to marked changes of the depleted<br />

layers in LCMO. As shown in Figure 1 b), the<br />

thickness of the depleted layers gets reduced<br />

below TSC.<br />

The PNR measurements on SuperADAM reveal<br />

a fascinating magnetic proximity effect<br />

which unambiguously confirms the presence of<br />

a layer, at the LCMO side of the interface<br />

where the FM order of the Mn moments is<br />

strongly supressed. In addition, the superconductivity<br />

induced change in the thickness of<br />

the depleted FM layer, is indicative of a sizeable<br />

coupling between superconductivity and<br />

ferromagnetic orders across the interface.<br />

References<br />

[1] A. I Buzdin, Rev. Mod. Phys. 77 (2005)<br />

935.<br />

[2] F. S. Bergeret et. al. Rev. Mod. Phys. 77<br />

(2005) 1321.<br />

[3] M. Eschrig, Phys. Today 64 (2011) 43.<br />

[4] J. Stahn et. al. Phys. Rev. B 71 (2005)<br />


Magnetic nanostructures and nanoparticles<br />

-21-<br />

Lateral structures



Lateral structures<br />

Magnetizing interactions between Co nanoparticles induced by Pt<br />

capping<br />

A. Ebbing 1 , L. Agudo 2 , G. Eggeler 2 and O. Petracic 1<br />

1 Institut für <strong>Experimentalphysik</strong>/Festkörperphysik, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany<br />

2 Institute for Material Science, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany<br />

By capping self-assembled Co nanoparticles (NPs) with Pt the magnetic properties<br />

can be strongly influenced. With an inceasing amount of Pt deposited onto the<br />

NPs a strong magnetizing interaction between the NPs can be induced.<br />

The samples were prepared at room temperature<br />

using Ar ion beam sputtering at base pressures<br />

better than 5 × 10 −9 mbar using highly<br />

purified Ar gas. After sputtering the amorphous<br />

Al2O3 buffer layer of 3.4 nm thickness<br />

from an Al2O3 target onto Si substrates with<br />

a rate of 0.017 nm/s, a Cobalt-layer of nominal<br />

thickness tCo = 0.66 nm was sputtered<br />

from a Cobalt target at a rate of 0.03 nm/s.<br />

Due to extreme Volmer-Weber growth the Co<br />

forms isolated and nearly spherical particles [1].<br />

These particles were then capped by sputtering<br />

a Pt layer with various nominal thicknesses 0<br />

≤ tP t ≤ 1.57 nm under a constant oblique deposition<br />

angle of 30 ◦ with respect to the surface<br />

normal. Finally, another alumina layer with a<br />

thickness of 3.4 nm was sputtered under constant<br />

rotation of the substrate to embed and<br />

to protect the NPs from oxidation.<br />

Fig. 20: STEM images of Co NPs without Pt capping<br />

(A), with tP t > 0.53 nm (B) and with tP t > 1.40 nm.<br />

Fig. 20 shows scanning transmission electron<br />

mircroscopy (STEM) images of samples with<br />

different amounts of Pt deposited onto the Co<br />

NPs. While the uncapped NPs are clearly<br />

sepereated with a mean diameter of 2.7 nm at<br />

average distances of 4.2 nm, for tP t = 0.53 nm<br />

the NPs are partially connected via bridges of<br />

Pt. For tP t = 1.40 nm the NPs are completely<br />

covered with Pt.<br />

-23-<br />

The magnetic properties have been studied using<br />

a superconducting quantum interference device<br />

(SQUID) magnetometer.<br />

Fig. 21: ZFC/FC measurements for different amounts<br />

of Pt. The measurements are performed in a small field<br />

of 20 Oe.<br />

Fig. 21 shows the ZFC/FC measurements for<br />

tP t =0.53, 0.70, 0.88 and 1.40 nm. For the Co<br />

NPs capped with Pt up to 0.53 nm the measurements<br />

reveal a superparamagnetic behavior<br />

which is independent of the sample history.<br />

The samples capped with tP t > 0.53 nm show<br />

different behaviour depending on the fields applied<br />

before cooling the sample in zero field.<br />

Therefore these ZFC/FC measurements are<br />

performed both after applying + 1kOe and -1<br />

kOe at 350 K. After the field was removed the<br />

samples were kept at 350 K for 30 min to allow<br />

for thermal relaxation. For the sample with tP t<br />

= 0.70 nm (Fig. 21b) both ZFC curves show a<br />

peak around 110 K, which fits well the blocking<br />

temperature of the sample capped with 0.53


nm Pt. In the ZFC curve obtained after a negative<br />

field applied at 350 K additionally a steep<br />

increase appears between 200 K and 220 K.<br />

A further increase in Pt capping results in a<br />

less pronounced peak at 110 K and a strongly<br />

enlarged increase around 210 K. Increasing<br />

the amount of Pt further leads to a complete<br />

switching of the magnetization around 210 K.<br />

The ZFC/FC measurements are comparable<br />

within a range of 1.05 nm ≤ tP t ≤ 1.57 nm Pt.<br />

The FC curves show the shape of a ferromagnetic<br />

order parameter and can be described using<br />

the semiempirical fit formula<br />

Ms(T )<br />

Ms(0) =<br />

� � �p � � �<br />

5/2<br />

β<br />

T<br />

T<br />

1 − s − (1 − s)<br />

TC<br />

TC<br />

(2)<br />

where 0 3/2 are semiempirical<br />

fit parameters and β is the critical exponent<br />

of the order parameter [2].<br />

This FM-like behaviour can be due to either<br />

single NPs acting as stable FM nanomagnets<br />

or a parallel coupling of the NP-superspins. A<br />

capable method to investigate the nature and<br />

strength of the coupling are δM curves following<br />

the expression<br />

δM(H) = 2MIRM(H) − 1 + MDCD(−H) (3)<br />

References<br />

[1] O. Petracic, Superlatt. Microstruct. 47, 569 (2010)<br />

[2] M. D. Kuzmin et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 107204 (2005)<br />

[3] P. E. Kelly, K.O. Grady, et al., IEEE Trans. Magn. 25, 3881 (1989)<br />

-24-<br />

[3]. For the IRM data the samples are demagnetized<br />

while for the DCD data the samples are<br />

fully negative magnetized. The following measurement<br />

procedure is the same for both cases.<br />

At a temperature of 5 K the field is succesively<br />

increased and the magnetization is measured<br />

between two field steps at 0 Oe.<br />

Fig. 22: δ M curves for different thicknesses of Pt.<br />

The δ M curves in Fig. 22 include a negative<br />

area which represents a demagnetizing interaction<br />

between the NPs that can be attributed to<br />

dipolar interactions. An increase in Pt results<br />

in a transition to a positive area included and<br />

therefore indicates an upcoming magnetizing<br />


Lateral structures<br />

Coupling behavior in iron-oxide nanoparticle/Py thin film<br />

composite systems<br />

C. Fink 1 , P. Szary 1 , G.A. Badini Confalonieri 1 , D. Mishra 1 , L. Agudo 2 , G. Eggeler 2 , and<br />

O. Petracic 1<br />

1 Institut für <strong>Experimentalphysik</strong>/ Festkörperphysik, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Bochum, Germany<br />

2 Institut für Werkstoffe, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Bochum, Germany<br />

We report on the effect of dipolar coupling between ultrathin films of Permalloy<br />

and mixed-phase iron-oxide nanoparticles.<br />

Recently, a new class of materials where the<br />

building blocks are nanoparticles or nanocrystals<br />

came into the focus of scientific research<br />

due to their tunable structural, optical, magnetic<br />

and electronic properties [1]. In the<br />

present study, we continue the work presented<br />

in [2] and focus on different coupling behavior<br />

in iron-oxide nanoparticle / Permalloy thin<br />

film composite systems.<br />

The systems are composed of a 2.2 nm<br />

thick Permalloy (Py = Ni80Fe20) film coated<br />

with one monolayer of mixed-phase magnetite<br />

(Fe3O4) - wüstite (FeO) nanoparticles (NPs).<br />

The NPs are coated with an organic surfactant<br />

of oleic acid and exhibit inner particle exchange<br />

bias. For details on the sample fabrication<br />

please refer to [2]. A schematic and a transmission<br />

electron microscopy (TEM) image of<br />

the system is shown in Fig. 23.<br />

Fig. 23: Schematics of the different composite systems<br />

without (a) and with (b) an additional Al2O3<br />

layer. Panel (c) shows a TEM cross section image of<br />

the composite system.<br />

We prepared two different types of composite<br />

systems using iron-oxide nanoparticles purchased<br />

from Ocean NanoTech. In system A<br />

(Fig. 23 (a)), the NPs were deposited directly<br />

onto the Py. However, in system B (Fig.<br />

23 (b)) an additional sapphire (Al2O3) layer<br />

was introduced between the Py and the NPs<br />

-25-<br />

in order to reduce the effect of dipolar coupling.<br />

Magnetic behavior was characterized using<br />

superconducting quantum interference device<br />

(SQUID) magnetometry. For this purpose,<br />

first, the samples were cooled down in a small<br />

negative field of approximately -10 Oe. Then, a<br />

positive field of +50 Oe was applied and M(T )<br />

was recorded during heating (ZFC*) and subsequent<br />

cooling of the sample (FC) (Fig. 24).<br />

The small negative cooling field was used in order<br />

to imprint a preference direction onto the<br />

magnetization of the Py layer and thus stress<br />

its contribution in the M(T ) curve. M(H)<br />

magnetic hysteresis curves were measured after<br />

field-cooling in 50 Oe (Fig. 25).<br />

Fig. 24: ZFC* and FC measurements of the different<br />

composite systems, i.e. for Py/NP (a) and<br />

Py/Al2O3/NP (b).<br />

In Fig. 24, the M(T ) behavior is shown for the<br />

Py/NP (a) and the Py/Al2O3/NP (b) system.<br />

It is a superposition of the contribution of the<br />

NPs and the Py layer. A steep increase of the


magnetization is observed in the ZFC* curves<br />

at ∼43 K in the Py/NP composite and at ∼13<br />

K (inflection points) in the Py/Al2O3/NP composite,<br />

respectively. The same effect has been<br />

observed in our previous investigations and can<br />

be explained by the reversal of the Py [2]. The<br />

lower temperature of the Py reversal in the<br />

Py/Al2O3/NP composite can be attributed to<br />

decoupling due to the Al2O3 spacer layer between<br />

Py and NPs. The second increase in<br />

the ZFC* curves describes the alignment of the<br />

NPs in the applied field. In the case of Fig.<br />

24 (a) we find the increase already appearing<br />

at ∼133 K. However, by introducing the sapphire<br />

layer, the step is shifted to ∼166 K (Fig.<br />

24 (b)). Moreover, a peak in the ZFC curve<br />

is observed at ∼185 K and ∼238 K for the<br />

Py/NP and the Py/Al2O3/NP system. These<br />

values have to be compared to a reference sample<br />

with only NPs (not shown). Here, we find<br />

this step at a temperature of ∼153 K and for<br />

the blocking temperature ∼224 K. Most probably,<br />

in Fig. 24 (a), the reversal of the Py layer<br />

influences the realignment of the NP’s magnetization<br />

due to the dipolar coupling and thus<br />

is responsible for the lower temperature compared<br />

to the reference sample. In contrast, the<br />

insulating layer leads to a strong decoupling of<br />

the Py and the NPs and therefore yields comparable<br />

characteristic temperatures of the ZFC*<br />

curve as in the reference NP-system. Moreover,<br />

the step in the FC curves observed at ∼111 K<br />

is due to the Verwey transition occurring in<br />

magnetite.<br />

Figure 25 (a) shows the hysteresis of the composite<br />

system without Al2O3. Here, we discover<br />

a decoupled, step-like reversal, first of the<br />

Py and then of the NPs. In panel (b) of Fig.<br />

25 (b) we find a strongly decoupled switching.<br />

The first step in the hysteresis, corresponding<br />

to the Py reversal is much smaller compared<br />

References<br />

[1] S.A. Claridge et al. ACSnano 3, 244 (2009).<br />

[2] P. Szary et al. Annual Report EP <strong>IV</strong> 2010 45-46 (2010)<br />

[3] G.A. Badini Confalonieri et al. Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 1, 101 (2010).<br />

[4] M.J. Benitez, D. Mishra et al. J. Phys.: Condens. <strong>Matter</strong>, 23 126003 (2011).<br />

-26-<br />

to (a) and in the same range as for a reference<br />

Py layer without NPs (not shown) which supports<br />

the idea of a strong decoupling. The second<br />

step in (b) indicates switching of th NPs<br />

which occurs at similar field values as in (a).<br />

The small asymmetry and shift of the hysteresis<br />

for both systems can be explained by the<br />

inner-particle exchange bias.<br />

Fig. 25: Hysteresis loops of the Py/NP (a) and<br />

Py/Al2O3/NP (b) composite.<br />

In conclusion, we observe a weaker coupling<br />

of the composites compared to our previous<br />

study. In particular, the system with the additional<br />

sapphire layers shows an almost uncoupled<br />

behavior indicated by the small coercive<br />

field in the hysteresis and the almost similar<br />

characteristic temperatures in the ZFC*<br />

curve when comparing to the reference system.<br />

The authors would like to thank M. Bienek, A.<br />

Ludwig, A. Rai and A. Ludwig for technical<br />

help and the Materials Research Department<br />

of the Ruhr-Universität Bochum for financial<br />


Lateral structures<br />

Structural and magnetic properties of self-assembled iron oxide<br />

nanoparticle superlattices<br />

D. Greving, G. A. Badini Confalonieri, D. Mishra, O. Petracic, and H. Zabel<br />

Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 44780 Bochum, Germany<br />

The substrate dependent growth as well as the resulting magnetostatic properties<br />

of iron oxide nanoparticle (NP) superlattices were investigated.<br />

Thin films of closely packed iron oxide NPs<br />

were prepared by spin coating. Two different<br />

types of substrates were used to investigate<br />

the substrate-dependent colloidal growth<br />

modes and the magnetostatic interactions in<br />

between the NPs. Particular attention was<br />

given to the so-called memory effect known<br />

from superspin glasses (SSGs) [2]. The NPs<br />

were purchased from Ocean Nanotech with a<br />

diameter of 20 nm. The particles consist of<br />

a mixture of a FeO (wüstite) and γ-Fe2O3<br />

(maghemite) phases. The phase composition<br />

of the NPs can be changed to mainly Fe3O4<br />

(magnetite) by an annealing treatment, i.e.<br />

heating up the samples to 120 ◦ C in air or 230 ◦ C<br />

in vacuum, respectively. The substrates used<br />

in this work were silicon and electropolished<br />

aluminum wafers. Using scanning electron microscopy<br />

(SEM) imaging, the NPs growth type<br />

was found to be strongly dependent on the substrate.<br />

Fig. 26: NPs spincoated on a Si substrate showing a<br />

Stranski-Krastanov growth mode.<br />

The self-organization of particles spincoated<br />

onto silicon can be described in analogy to<br />

thin film growth by the Stranski-Krastanov<br />

(SK) growth mode (Fig. 26). This mode is<br />

characterized by first building few complete<br />

and smooth layers covering the entire substrate<br />

which is then continued by island growth for<br />

the following layers. Consequently, this behavior<br />

is dominated by island growth for large<br />

-27-<br />

numbers of layers. Contrary to this, NPs on<br />

aluminum seemed to prefer a form of arrangement<br />

similar to Frank-van-der-Merwe (FvdM)<br />

growth (Fig. 27). It is characterized by smooth<br />

and complete layers one after another for all<br />

layers.<br />

Fig. 27: NPs spincoated on Al substrate showing<br />

Frank-van-der-Merwe growth mode.<br />

Strictly speaking, these models apply for films<br />

composed of atoms. However, it seems legitimate<br />

to assume that the same or similar<br />

physical mechanisms describing the growth of<br />

atomic films are also valid in the case of NPs.<br />

Recently, we succeeded to observe even the<br />

third growth mode, i.e. Volmer-Weber (VW)<br />

growth being characterized by complete island<br />

growth for all layers [3]. This is observed for<br />

NPs spincoated onto a layer of PMMA [3]<br />

Furthermore, the mean ’supergrain’ diameter,<br />

d, i.e. the area within which the self-organized<br />

NPs share the same lattice orientation, was obtained<br />

from analysis of several SEM images.<br />

We find: dSi = (149 ± 42) nm = (8.3 ± 2.8)dNP<br />

in the case of silicon and dAl = (185 ± 34) nm<br />

= (10.3 ± 1.9)dNP in the case of aluminum<br />

wafers, with dNP being the diameter of a single<br />

NP. Thus, we showed that, besides the different<br />

growth modi, the growth on silicon leads to<br />

smaller grain sizes. Consequently it then shows<br />

a worse degree of packing with more structural<br />



Fig. 28: Difference curve of two ZFC magnetization<br />

measurements of Fe-oxide NPs on Si substrate annealed<br />

at 80 ◦ C, one with a waiting time of 1000 s at 150 K,<br />

the other without. Pronounced bulge in ∆M vs. T<br />

is visible at the temperature of the waiting point Tw,<br />

indicative for a memory effect.<br />

These differences in the packing are supposed<br />

to influence also the magnetic behavior of<br />

an ensemble of NPs. Therefore, the samples<br />

were studied in Zero-Field-Cooling (ZFC) measurements<br />

as function of temperature using a<br />

SQUID magnetometer. A ZFC curve implies<br />

that a sample is cooled in zero field down to a<br />

temperature below the blocking temperature.<br />

Then, a magnetic field is applied and the magnetization<br />

M of the sample is recorded as a<br />

function of the increasing temperature T during<br />

warming up.<br />

The individual NPs used here show superparamagnetic<br />

(SPM) behavior. However, the films<br />

of NPs are expected to show SSG behavior.<br />

Therefore, two ZFC measurements were performed,<br />

one with a certain waiting time tw<br />

(e.g. 10000s) at an intermediate waiting temperature<br />

Tw (around 140-200K) during cooling<br />

down, and the other measurement without this<br />

waiting period.<br />

In the case of a SSG (and more generally in<br />

the case of a spin glass (SG)), halting the sys-<br />

References<br />

tem at a certain temperature Tw will ’age’ the<br />

system at this temperature and thus imprint<br />

a particular metastable spin state. This state<br />

is ’recalled’ upon reheating. The ZFC curve<br />

with waiting will show a dip exactly at T = Tw<br />

compared to the reference ZFC curve. This is<br />

known as the memory effect in SG systems [4].<br />

The effect of the memory effect is better visible<br />

if the difference between ZFC curve and<br />

reference ZFC curve is plotted (Fig. 28).<br />

Fig. 29: Difference curves for ZFC magnetization measurements<br />

with and without waiting time as function of<br />

temperature for a magnetite sample annealed at 230 ◦ C<br />

in vacuum on Al substrate.<br />

Although the expected dips near Tw could easily<br />

be observed in the FeO-phase samples, the<br />

magnetite samples annealed at 120 ◦ C in air<br />

and 230 ◦ C in vacuum show a surprising oscillatory<br />

behavior around Tw on both Si and Al<br />

substrates (Fig. 29). These oscillations cannot<br />

clearly be attributed to the memory effect<br />

since no such behavior is known from literature.<br />

Further research is necessary.<br />

The authors acknowledge support by the Materials<br />

Research Department of the Ruhr-<br />

University Bochum, funding by the Rektorat of<br />

the Ruhr-University Bochum and by the state<br />

NRW.<br />

[1] D. Greving, Bachelor Thesis, Magnetostatic Interactions in Systems of Self-Assembled Iron Oxide Nanoparticles<br />

(2010)<br />

[2] O. Petracic et al., J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 300, 192 (2006); Superlatt. Microstr. 47, 569 (2010).<br />

[3] D. Mishra et al., Nanotechnology 23, 055707 (2012).<br />

[4] Spin Glasses and Random Fields, Ed. A.P. Young (World Scient., 1998), Vol. 12.<br />


Lateral structures<br />

An experimental approach to a 2-dimensional magnetic network<br />

close to the percolation transition<br />

M. Lange, P. Szary, O. Petracic, F. Brüssing, and H. Zabel<br />

Institut für <strong>Experimentalphysik</strong>, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, D-44780 Bochum, Germany<br />

We prepared 2-dimensional networks by means of nanosphere lithography with different<br />

bridge widths. This enabled us to produce networks close to the percolation<br />

transition. On this networks magnetic and electrical investigations were performed.<br />

The present study combines the approaches of<br />

percolation transition and magnetic networks.<br />

In the focus of this study are network systems<br />

with narrow connections, i.e. small bridgewidths<br />

and thus networks close to the percolation<br />

transition. To our knowledge only few<br />

experimental studies exist to observe the percolation<br />

transition in networks [1; 2].<br />

(a)<br />

(b)<br />

disconnected<br />

link<br />

backbone<br />

2 mm 2 mm<br />

Fig. 30: Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) images<br />

of networks fabricated with nanosphere lithography in<br />

order to show hexagonal ordering (a) and typical defects<br />

(b): disconnected links and backbones.<br />

Different approaches to fabricate the networks<br />

were considered, whereby nanosphere lithography<br />

using micrometer-sized, self-assembled<br />

polystyrene spheres turned out to be the most<br />

capable method (compare [3]). For example,<br />

it allows the fabrication of networks with a<br />

very high lateral resolution compared to other<br />

methods (e.g. electron beam lithography) and<br />

provides a random ordering of the network.<br />

Self-organizing the spheres via the horizontal<br />

sliding method, enabled us to produce large<br />

and close-packed hexagonally ordered monolayers.<br />

By means of oxygen plasma etching the<br />

spheres were decreased in size in a controlled<br />

fashion and thus networks of different bridgewidths<br />

could be fabricated. Subsequently, the<br />

self-organized spheres were used as a shadow<br />

mask during the deposition of soft ferromagnetic<br />

Permalloy (Py) (compare Fig. 30). How-<br />

-29-<br />

ever, due to the self-organization and plasma<br />

etching process, defects could occur as shown<br />

in Fig. 30.<br />

Fig. 31: The specific resistance of the measured<br />

samples in dependence of the average bridge-width<br />

(red) and the estimated specific resistance for a sample,<br />

where the resistance was above the limit of the<br />

measurement setup (blue).<br />

The average bridge-width of each network was<br />

determined in a structural analysis and was<br />

used as the characteristic parameter for the<br />

subsequent studies (compare [4]). The magnetic<br />

and electrical behavior of the networks<br />

was studied by means of magneto-optical Kerr<br />

effect (MOKE) and magneto-resistance measurements.<br />

All samples were investigated in<br />

longitudinal and transverse geometry, i.e. current<br />

parallel and perpendicular to the external<br />

field, respectively. Moreover, the resistances<br />

of the networks at zero applied magnetic field<br />

were measured. With these values the specific<br />

resistances were calculated and plotted<br />

as a function of the bridge-width. This plot<br />

is displayed in figure 31 which shows the tendency<br />

of a percolation transition, i.e. an increasing<br />

specific resistance with decreasing average<br />

bridge-width. In the magnetic investigations<br />

we observed an increased value of the


coercive field of the networks compared to a<br />

continuous film because the antidot structure<br />

and the roughness induced by the plasma etching<br />

process lead to an increased number of pinning<br />

centers during the reversal process (compare<br />

[3]). Furthermore, all samples showed<br />

an anisotropic magneto-resistance and a large<br />

isotropic negative magneto-resistance due to<br />

spin order scattering. A characteristic property<br />

which was common to all samples is the<br />

occurrence of a double peak behavior in the<br />

anisotropic magneto-resistance. In figure 32 a<br />

magneto-resistance measurement is exemplary<br />

displayed for one network in longitudinal direction.<br />

Here, the first peak corresponds to an<br />

external field of 120 Oe and the second peak<br />

to 240 Oe. In order to understand the occurrence<br />

of the double peak, the switching fields<br />

of both peaks in the magneto-transport curve<br />

and the coercive field in the hysteresis curves<br />

obtained by MOKE were compared. It turned<br />

out that the field value of the first peak remains<br />

nearly constant for all samples, whereas the<br />

second peak increased with decreasing bridgewidth.<br />

This effect can be explained as an<br />

independent switching of defects (backbones)<br />

and the network. Figure 32 shows spin structures<br />

obtained by micromagnetic simulations<br />

of a network structure with a defect. The defect<br />

switches earlier than the residual network,<br />

which leads to two peaks in the anisotropic<br />

magneto-resistance curve. However, magnetic<br />

hysteresis curves obtained from MOKE measurements<br />

did not show any evidence of two<br />

different switching fields. Here, the measured<br />

coercive field for all samples was in between<br />

the field values of the two transport peaks,<br />

which is attributed to an effect of the different<br />

measuring techniques. In the case of magnetotransport<br />

measurements the main part of the<br />

current is going through the broader backbones,<br />

whereas no current passes the disconnected<br />

links. Thus, the backbones are of increased<br />

importance for the resistive behavior.<br />

However, MOKE averages over all magnetic<br />

parts of the sample, in particular also over<br />

those which are disconnected. This yields a<br />

magnetic hysteresis, where the backbones play<br />

a less crucial role than for the transport measurements<br />

and hence no second peak occurred.<br />

-30-<br />

The coercive field is an average of the entire<br />

sample and thus is in between the field values<br />

of the two peaks of the transport measurements.<br />

Fig. 32: Bottom: transport measurements of a Py network<br />

in parallel geometry. Top: spin-structure images<br />

of a network obtained from micromagnetic simulations.<br />

In order to get a deeper understanding of the<br />

effect of randomness in the network structures,<br />

a perfectly symmetric network, prepared by<br />

means of electron beam lithography, was investigated.<br />

Here, the bridge-width was constant<br />

over the entire sample. As expected, this network<br />

did not show any double peak behavior<br />

and supports the above given model. Moreover,<br />

in this perfect symmetry we could observe<br />

the occurrence of a six-fold anisotropy due to<br />

the hexagonal structure of the network. For<br />

a better comparison a network with a higher<br />

bridge-width could be fabricated by means of<br />

nanosphere lithography. In order to get a better<br />

understanding of the percolation transition<br />

and compare to theoretical models, more networks<br />

close to the threshold have to be prepared<br />

in future. Moreover, other measurement<br />

techniques (e.g. photoemission electron microscopy)<br />

would give a more detailed picture<br />

of the switching behavior.<br />

References<br />

[1] Parish, M. M. et al. Nature 426, 162 (2003)<br />

[2] Bunde, A. et al. Diffusion Fundamentals 6, 1<br />

(2007)<br />

[3] M. Lange et al. Annual Report, EP <strong>IV</strong> RUB (2010)<br />

[4] M. Lange Master Thesis, RUB (2011)

Epitaxial self-assembly of iron oxide nanoparticles<br />

Lateral structures<br />

D. Mishra 1 , D. Greving 1 , G. A. Badini Confalonieri 1,2 , P. Szary 1 , J. Perlich 3 , B. P.<br />

Toperverg 1,4 , O. Petracic 1 , H. Zabel 1<br />

1 Institut for Experimental <strong>Condensed</strong> <strong>Matter</strong> <strong>Physics</strong>, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany<br />

2 Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales, E-28049 CSIS Madrid, Spain<br />

3 HASYLAB at DESY, Notkestrasse 85, 22607 Hamburg, Germany<br />

4 Petersburg Nuclear <strong>Physics</strong> Institute RAS, Gatchina 188350, St Petersburg, Russia<br />

We report on self-assembly of iron oxide nanoparticles (NP) studied by SEM and<br />

GISAXS, which mimic the atomic thin film growth modes.<br />

The arrangement of NPs in 2- and 3-d close<br />

packed structures has opened up novel nanodevice<br />

fabrication processes with tunable electrical<br />

and magnetic properties [1; 2], which demand<br />

better understanding of the physical or<br />

chemical processes driving the NP ordering.<br />

We used iron oxide NPs (purchased from<br />

Ocean NanoTech LLC) of mean diameter<br />

(18 ±1.08 nm) dispersed in toluene for selfassembly.<br />

The substrates used were silicon (Si),<br />

and PMMA (with different molecular weights)<br />

coated silicon (PMMA 4P, PMMA 33P). The<br />

PMMA 4P and PMMA 33P substrates were<br />

prepared by spin-coating PMMA on Si at 4000<br />

rpm for 30 s and were heat treated at 80 ◦ C in<br />

air for 20 minutes. In the final step, NPs were<br />

spin-coated at 4000 rpm for 30 s on these substrates<br />

and were heat treated at 80 ◦ C in air<br />

for 20 minutes. In another experiment, selfassembly<br />

was achieved by sedimentation on<br />

PMMA 4P with excess of toluene.<br />

Fig. 33: GISAXS geometry<br />

Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used<br />

for real space characterization, while grazing incidence<br />

small angle x-ray scattering (GISAXS)<br />

was used for the reciprocal space map. The<br />

GISAXS patterns were measured at HASY-<br />

LAB beam line BW4 at a photon energy of<br />

-31-<br />

8.978 keV. The GISAXS images were captured<br />

by a MarCCD camera with 2048×2048 pixels<br />

and a pixel size of 79.1µm. The sample to detector<br />

distance was 210.44 cm, which gives an<br />

angular resolution of 0.00215 ◦ . The geometry<br />

of the GISAXS measurements is shown in Figure<br />

33. The angle of incidence was 0.5 ◦ .<br />

Fig. 34: SEM (a, b, c) and GISAXS (d, e, f) images on<br />

Si, PMMA 4P and PMM 33P substrates respectively.<br />

Figure 34a shows the SEM image of the NPs<br />

spin-coated on a Si substrate, a monolayer<br />

of NPs in hexagonal close packed (HCP) order.<br />

Figure 34b shows the SEM image on<br />

PMMA 4P. The NPs form 3-d islands of 1µm<br />

in size, separated by few hundred nanometers<br />

from each other. The NPs inside each island<br />

(inset of the figure), lack long range order. The<br />

NPs on PMMA 33P (Figure 34c) form a network<br />

of islands. The inset shows that the NPs<br />

are arranged in HCP structure. The GISAXS<br />

pattern for the NPs on Si (Figure 34d) has


two key features, the ring like intensity distribution,<br />

a manifestation of Fourier transform of<br />

the form factor of the NPs and the Bragg peaks,<br />

a manifestation of scattering function (Fourier<br />

transform of the pair-correlation function)[2].<br />

The Bragg peak positions could be assigned to<br />

a 2-d HCP lattice with lattice constant 20.38<br />

nm. The GISAXS pattern on PMMA 4P (Figure<br />

34e) shows only broad rings without any<br />

in-plane Bragg peaks, due to the absence of<br />

any long range ordering inside the islands. The<br />

position of the ring matches with the intraparticle<br />

distance. The GISAXS pattern on<br />

PMMA 33P (Figure 34f) shows again a 2-d<br />

HCP lattice reflecting the polycrystalline like<br />

order inside the islands.<br />

The NP film formation reveals a striking similarity<br />

to the atomic thin film growth process.<br />

The 3 thin film growth modes are (a)<br />

layer by layer growth (Frank-van-der-Merwe/<br />

FM growth), (b) island growth (Volmer-<br />

Weber/VW growth) and (c) layer plus island<br />

growth (Stranski-Krastanov/SK growth).<br />

In the atomic growth processes the different<br />

modes are basically driven by two parameters,<br />

namely lattice mismatch and surface interaction<br />

energy between the deposited material<br />

and the substrate. In the current scenario for<br />

NPs the first parameter could be neglected because<br />

the NP diameter is much bigger than<br />

the atomic lattice. So the deciding factor is<br />

the NP solution and film interaction energy,<br />

which shapes the film morphology. The two<br />

surface energies involved in the process are<br />

substrate-NP (γSN) and NP-NP (γNN) interactions.<br />

In a simple model, γNN < γSN implies<br />

FM growth, γNN > γSN implies VW growth<br />

and γNN = γSN implies SK growth mode. The<br />

NP growth on Si resembles FM growth, while<br />

that on PMMA 4P resembles VW growth.<br />

Figure 35a and b show the SEM images of the<br />

sedimentation samples. The NPs form nearly<br />

References<br />

[1] Whitesides et al., Science 295 2418 (2002)<br />

[2] Majetich et al., ACS Nano 5 6081 (2011)<br />

[2] Mishra et al., Nanotechnology 23 055707 (2012)<br />

-32-<br />

triangular islands (VW growth) and grow epitaxially<br />

inside each island. But the random<br />

orientation of islands give rise to a polycrystalline<br />

like GISAXS pattern (Figure 35c and<br />

d), indexed assuming a HCP lattice. The angle<br />

of incidence was 0.1 ◦ . The appearance of<br />

Bragg spots instead of Bragg rods is an indication<br />

of the 3-d extension of the lattice planes.<br />

Fig. 35: SEM (a, b) and GISAXS (c, d) images of<br />

sedimentation.<br />

Fig. 36: Line scan for sample (a) sedimentation at<br />

qz = 0.9nm −1 and (b) PMMA 33P at qz = 0.58nm −1<br />

with Lorentzian fits.<br />

The 1-d plot of intensity versus qy at a constant<br />

qz value for the sedimentation and PMMA 33P<br />

sample is shown in Figure 36a and b, respectively.<br />

The respective Lorentzian profile fits<br />

yield a coherence length of 280 ±6 nm and 100<br />

±4 nm.<br />

In summary, we succeeded in obtaining selfassembly<br />

of 18 nm NPs, resembling the atomic<br />

growth modes (FM and VW). The NP ordering<br />

inside the islands was found to be either<br />

polycrystalline, amorphous or single crystal. A<br />

complete theoretical modelling is in progress regarding<br />

the NP growth modes.

Lateral structures<br />

Polarized neutron reflectivity of monolayers of iron oxide<br />

nanoparticles at Super ADAM<br />

D. Mishra 1 , A. Devishvili 1,2 , O. Petracic 1 , G. A. Badini Confalonieri 1,3 , P. Szary 1 ,<br />

K. Theis-Bröhl 4 , B. P. Toperverg 1,5 , H. Zabel 1<br />

1 Institut for Experimental <strong>Condensed</strong> <strong>Matter</strong> <strong>Physics</strong>, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany<br />

2 Institut Laue-Langevin, BP 156, F-38042 Grenoble, France<br />

3 Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales, E-28049 CSIS Madrid, Spain<br />

4 University of Applied Sciences Bremerhaven, D-27568 Bremerhaven, Germany<br />

5 Petersburg Nuclear <strong>Physics</strong> Institute RAS, Gatchina 188350, St Petersburg, Russia<br />

We report about Polarized Neutron Reflectivity (PNR) measurements of iron oxide<br />

nanoparticle monolayers spin-coated on a Vanadium film.<br />

The 2-d and 3-d self-assembly of magnetic<br />

nanoparticles (NPs) is promising for<br />

high density data storage and spintronics<br />

applications[1]. The pertinent question in<br />

dense assemblies is the arrangement of magnetic<br />

moments (superspins) due to the dipolar<br />

coupling between the NPs, which we have investigated<br />

by PNR.<br />

PNR from a monolayer sample is difficult<br />

to measure unlike a multilayer[2], because of<br />

small scattering volume of magnetic materials.<br />

To enhance the magnetic contrast of the<br />

film a different approach was used, where neutron<br />

standing waves were formed by sandwiching<br />

a material of negative potential between<br />

two positive potential materials[3]. The standing<br />

waves enhance the probability of scattering<br />

from the probing layer and increase the<br />

magnetic contrast. In our case a tri-layer system<br />

of NP/V /Al2O3 was used. The iron oxide<br />

NPs of 20 nm diameter were spin-coated<br />

on a sputtered V film (50 nm) on a-plane sapphire<br />

substrate. The PNR measurements were<br />

carried out at the Super ADAM reflectometer<br />

stationed at ILL Grenoble with λ of 0.441<br />

nm. The polarization efficiency was about 97%.<br />

All measurements were done at room temperature<br />

and all four channels of reflectivites were<br />

measured by a position sensitive 3 He detector<br />

(PSD). Figure 37 (a) and (b) show SEM images<br />

of nearly a monolayer film spin-coated on<br />

V at different positions of the sample. The images<br />

show hexagonal close-packed ordering and<br />

a discontinuous second layer could also be seen.<br />

-33-<br />

Figure 38 shows the geometry of the PNR measurements.<br />

The right panel shows the theoretical<br />

profile of the neutron potential well.<br />

Fig. 37: (a) and (b) SEM images of nearly one monolayer<br />

of iron oxide NPs.<br />

Fig. 38: PNR geometry, � ki the incident wave vector,<br />

�kf the exit wave vector, �qz scattering vector, � H external<br />

magnetic field parallel to the neutron polarization<br />

axis (Y-axis), � M Magnetization vector and γ angle between<br />

� M and � H. (b) The theoretical neutron potential<br />

well.<br />

Figure 39 (a) and (b) show the non spin flip<br />

(NSF) R ++ , R −− and spin flip reflectivites R +−<br />

and R −+ at high field (2 kOe) and remanence<br />

(8 Oe) respectively along with the fits (solid<br />

line). The spin asymmetry (R ++ - R −− )/ (R ++<br />

+ R −− ) shown in Figure 39 (c) is an indication<br />

of the magnetized state of the sample at 2<br />

kOe, which disappears in remanence. Surprisingly<br />

no spin flip scattering was observed in<br />

remanence. For quantitative analysis, all four<br />

curves were fitted simultaneously, described by


following equations,<br />

R ++ = 1<br />

4 |R+(1 + cos γ) + R−(1 − cos γ)| 2<br />

R −− = 1<br />

4 |R+(1 − cos γ) + R−(1 + cos γ)| 2<br />

R +− = R −+ = 1<br />

4 |R+ − R−| 2 sin 2 γ<br />

where R+,− are the reflectance amplitudes for<br />

positive and negative spin projection of neutron<br />

on � M and γ is the angle between � M and<br />

neutron polarization ( � P )[4].<br />

Fig. 39: PNR measurments (a) at high field (2<br />

kOe)(b) in remanence. The inset shows the nuclear<br />

SLD (Nb) profiles. (c) Spin asymmetry at 2 kOe and<br />

remanence along with the fit.<br />

The inset shows the nuclear SLD (Nb) values<br />

obtained from the fit. The top NP layer has the<br />

highest roughness, probably due to its incompleteness<br />

and some residual organics present<br />

on the top. Next comes the organic shell with<br />

a lower Nb followed by the second complete<br />

NP layer. The fitting parameters used are the<br />

Nb of NP layers, roughness and magnetic SLD<br />

References<br />

(Np) of all layers, cos γ and sin 2 γ. In remanence<br />

all thicknesses and Nb values were held<br />

fixed, same as obtained at 2 kOe. The value<br />

of cos γ at 2 kOe and in remanence are 0.35<br />

and 0.14 respectively, which reflects the deviation<br />

of � M from the fully saturated state, which<br />

should be along � H.<br />

The Np values obtained from the fitting at high<br />

field and remanence are shown in Figure 40 (a)<br />

and (b) respectively. It is surprising that the<br />

Np values per layer are not zero in remanence,<br />

although total magnetization is zero. This<br />

means that the magnetization persists over an<br />

area larger than the neutron coherence length,<br />

but over the whole film has a random orientation.<br />

One could imagine that the dipolar interaction<br />

leads to such magnetic correlation extending<br />

over few NPs. The sketches in Figure<br />

40 (c) and (d) show the superspin arrangement<br />

at 2 kOe and in remanence respectively.<br />

Fig. 40: Magnetic SLDs (Np) and sketch of superspin<br />

arrangement at 2 kOe ((a), (c)) and in remanence ((b),<br />

(d)) respectively.<br />

In summary we have succeeded in obtaining<br />

the nuclear and magnetic SLD profile of a<br />

monolayer of NP film by neutron standing<br />

wave formation. In remanence, dipolar coupling<br />

leads to the formation of local quasidomains<br />

over several NPs.<br />

We thank Mrs Sabine Erdt-Böhm for preparing<br />

vanadium films on sapphire substrates.<br />

[1] Murray et al., Annu. Rev. Mater. Res. 30, 545 (2000)<br />

[2] Mishra et al., Nanotechnology 23, 055707 (2012).<br />

[3] Ignatovich et al. Physical Review B 64, 205408 (2001).<br />

[4] Zabel et al. Handbook of Magnetism and Advanced Magnetic Materials 3,ed. H Kronmüller and S Parkin,<br />

New York: Wiley (2007).<br />


Lateral structures<br />

Magnetization reversal in dipolarly coupled PdFe nanodot arrays<br />

M. Ewerlin, D. Demirbas, F. Brüssing, O. Petracic and H. Zabel<br />

Institut für <strong>Experimentalphysik</strong> <strong>IV</strong>, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany<br />

We have studied a 2-dimensional XY macrospin model system by fabricating nanodot<br />

arrays from Pd1−xFex with low Fe concentrations as magnetic material using<br />

electron beam lithography. The magnetization reversal of the entire system was<br />

studied using a low-temperature MOKE setup.<br />

Circular magnetic nanodots arranged on a periodic<br />

lattice are a potential realization of a<br />

2-dimensional XY system. Each single dot carries<br />

a macrospin if its size is below the single domain<br />

limit. Since the anisotropy of each dot is<br />

expected to be negligible, dipolar interactions<br />

between the macrospins might lead to a complex<br />

order of the entire system. To realize and<br />

investigate this experimentally we have fabricated<br />

single domain nanodots on a square lattice.<br />

As magnetic material we used an alloy of<br />

Pd1−xFex. The Curie temperature of such alloys<br />

depends on the Fe concentration and therefore<br />

can be tuned. We chose a Fe concentration<br />

of x=13% aiming a Curie temperature below<br />

room temperature. This low TC ensures that<br />

the system can be cooled from a completely<br />

paramagnetic state into the macrospin state.<br />

Fig. 41: SQUID measurements on a continuous film<br />

with x=13%. The m(T) curve is shown in a). The<br />

Curie temperature is estimated to be 290 K. b) shows<br />

a hysteresis measured at 100 K showing a very low coercive<br />

field of 0.8 Oe.<br />

The samples were prepared on Si substrates at<br />

room temperature using Ar ion beam sputtering<br />

at a base pressure better than 5 × 10 −9<br />

mbar. On top of a 5 nm Ta buffer layer a 10<br />

nm PdFe layer was sputtered from a Pd target<br />

covered partially with small iron stripes to<br />

achieve an iron concentration of x=13%. The<br />

-35-<br />

samples are capped with a 5 nm Al2O3 layer<br />

to protect them from oxidation.<br />

The magnetic characterization of the films was<br />

performed using superconducting quantum interference<br />

device (SQUID) magnetometry and<br />

is shown in figure 41. The m(T ) curve confirms<br />

a Curie temperature of 290 K and the<br />

hysteresis a coercive field of 0.8 Oe.<br />

Fig. 42: Phase diagram of nanodots simulated by<br />

OOMMF. The diagram shows the spin state in a single<br />

dot depending on the diameter and the thickness of the<br />

dot. The pink circle indicates the dots with d=150 nm<br />

and b=10 nm - which are realized in our experiments -<br />

showing a single domain state.<br />

OOMMF simulations were performed to generate<br />

a diagram showing the spin structure of<br />

a single dot depending on its diameter d and<br />

thickness b. Therefore the exchange constant<br />

A as well as the saturation magnetization Ms<br />

were determined using magnetization curves<br />

measured from continuous films0 at different<br />

temperatures via SQUID. The spin state was<br />

simulated for diameters between 60 and 900<br />

nm and b=5 nm, 10 nm and 20 nm, respectively.<br />

The phase diagram is shown in figure<br />

42. A clear separation between single domain


states and vortex states is shown, whereas in<br />

the single domain regime also s-state spin structures<br />

are included. For our experimental nanostructures<br />

we use dots with a thickness of 10 nm<br />

and a diameter of 150 nm, which show a clear<br />

single domain state (indicated with the pink<br />

circle in 42). The lithography was performed<br />

using negative resist and Ar ion milling. Figure<br />

43 shows a SEM image of the nanostructured<br />

samples. The dots are arranged on a square<br />

lattice with a periodicity of 300 nm.<br />

Fig. 43: SEM image of the nanostructured dots after<br />

milling. The dots have a diameter of 150 nm and are<br />

arranged on a square lattice with a periodicity of 300<br />

nm.<br />

The nanostructured sample was then measured<br />

in a low temperature MOKE setup. The hysteresis<br />

curves were taken for various temperatures<br />

down to 100 K. The results are shown<br />

in figure 44. Figure 44a) shows the hysteresis<br />

for 256 K, indicating that the system is below<br />

its Curie temperature and in a ferromagnetic<br />

state. With decreasing temperature the shape<br />

of the curves changes significantly. Down to<br />

160 K the hysteresis becomes vortex-like (see<br />

figure 44b) and c)), and for even lower temperatures<br />

the coercive field increases (figures<br />

44d) and e)). The hysteresis shows a singledomain-like<br />

shape at 100 K (figure 44f)). For<br />

temperatures between 250 K and 160 K the<br />

-36-<br />

spin structure of each dot is not purely single<br />

domain but s-shape or vortex-like. Due to<br />

dipolar interactions below a certain temperature<br />

around 150 K, the dots become single domain.<br />

Alternatively one might speculate about<br />

a state where the entire dot array forms a collective<br />

vortex-like state, which is temperature<br />

dependend. In this XY-Kosterlitz-Thouless<br />

scenario one would expect vortex-antivortex<br />

pairs which unbind and annihilate at the KTtransition,<br />

which would then be around 140 K<br />

in our case. Comparison with OOMMF simulations<br />

of interacting dots is expected to shed<br />

light onto this question.<br />

Fig. 44: Low temperature MOKE measurements at<br />

the PdFe dot array. a) - f) shows hysteresis curves for<br />

256 K, 185 K, 160 K, 150 K, 130 K and 100 K, respectively.<br />

The authors would like to thank Peter Stauche<br />

for technical support and the SFB491 for financial<br />


Lateral structures<br />

Nucleation process of magnetic domains in Co2MnGe-Heusler<br />

nanostripes<br />

K. Gross, K. Westerholt, and H. Zabel<br />

Institut für <strong>Experimentalphysik</strong>/Festkörperphysik, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, D-44780 Bochum, Germany<br />

Nucleation process of magnetic domains in Co2MnGe-Heusler nanostripes with different<br />

magnetocrystalline anisotropy are investigated by magnetic force microscopy<br />

(MFM), magneto-optical Kerr effect (MOKE) and by micromagnetic simulations.<br />

Recent developments of magneto-electronic<br />

devices require a good understanding of domain<br />

structures and magnetization reversal<br />

processes of nano-sized elements. Reversibility<br />

in the switching processes and stability<br />

of the remanent states are fundamental requirements<br />

for technological applications[1].<br />

We study stripes prepared from the Heusler<br />

alloy Co2MnGe with a thickness of 100 nm<br />

prepared by rf-sputtering on (11¯20) Al2O3<br />

substrates; this Heusler phase can develop<br />

different in-plane anisotropies depending on<br />

the growth conditions. We investigate two<br />

different Co2MnGe films, the first one (designated<br />

as cubic sample) exhibits a pure cubic<br />

anisotropy with K4 = 1.2 ∗ 10 3 J/m 3 , the<br />

second one (uniaxial sample) has an uniaxial<br />

anisotropy with KU = 2.8 ∗ 10 3 J/m 3 . Using<br />

electronbeam- lithography and ion beam<br />

milling, the Co2MnGe films were shaped<br />

into rectangular slabs with the aspect ratio<br />

length/width = m = 17, 10, 7 and 5. The long<br />

axis of the stripes was oriented perpendicular<br />

to the uniaxial anisotropy axis.<br />

Fig. 45(a) shows MFM images of the fluxclosure<br />

domains obtained in zero field after<br />

saturation parallel and perpendicular to the<br />

stripe axis; in most cases (m = 17, 10 and 7)<br />

the equilibrium domain states are essentially<br />

independent of the orientation of the field. The<br />

domain size is determinate by the anisotropy<br />

and aspect ratio of the stripes as shown in<br />

the Fig. 45(b). Magnetization reversal of an<br />

array of stripes with m = 7 of the uniaxial<br />

sample was investigated by MOKE. Hysteresis<br />

loop for the field direction parallel to the stripe<br />

axis is shown in Fig. 46(a). The shape of the<br />

loop, together with the MFM images taken<br />

-37-<br />

at different positions along the hysteresis loop,<br />

evidence that the magnetization reversal of<br />

the stripes occurs trough a combination of domain<br />

-nucleation, -propagation, -rotation and<br />

-annihilation.<br />

Fig. 45: (a) Zero field magnetization configuration after<br />

saturation parallel and perpendicular to the stripe<br />

axis for the uniaxial sample. (b) Dependence of the<br />

domain width on the aspect ratio.<br />

Starting from the dipole state in saturation<br />

and by reducing the magnetic field, domain<br />

walls begin to nucleate at the nucleation field<br />

Hn= 36 mT; the nucleation begins at the ends<br />

of the stripes and subsequently domain walls<br />

start to propagate to the center and fill entirely<br />

the stripe. Then, at the lower rotation field HR<br />

= 6 mT, further reversal occurs trough continuous<br />

rotation of the domains until the vortices


are expelled at the annihilation field Ha = -36<br />

mT. Such switching modus was confirmed by<br />

OMMFF simulations (Fig. 46(b)). The calculated<br />

hysteresis loop is in good qualitative<br />

agreement with the experiment; however, the<br />

simulated chracteristic fields Hn = 20 mT and<br />

Ha = -16 mT are smaller as the experimental<br />

ones. Additionally, rotations at low fields<br />

are perfectly reversible, whereas in the experimental<br />

curve a small remanence and hysteretic<br />

behavior is seen. This disagreement is probably<br />

due to pinning of domain walls which give<br />

rise to a higher Ha.<br />

Fig. 46: MOKE (a) und simulated (b) hysteresis loops<br />

with the magnetic field applied along to the long axis<br />

of the stripes for m = 7(anisotropic sample).<br />

A different switching mechanism was observerd<br />

for fields applied in the perpendicular direction.<br />

In this orientation the nucleation of all<br />

domain walls starts simultaneously along the<br />

total stripe length. Subsequently, the domain<br />

walls propagate until they reach a fully compensated<br />

state at remanence. This process<br />

starts at different values of Hn depending on<br />

the width of the stripes. Narrower elements<br />

like the cases m = 17 and 10 start the switching<br />

first, as evidenced in the MFM image taken<br />

at H = 55 mT (Fig. 47(a)). At H =18 mT nucleation<br />

also appears in the stripes with m = 7<br />

and 5. The dependence of Hn on the aspect ratio<br />

for the cubic- and uniaxial-system is shown<br />

in Fig. 47(b).<br />

-38-<br />

Simulated and experimental hysteresis loops<br />

of the cubic sample (not shown) proved that<br />

the remagnetization follows steps similar to<br />

the uniaxial sample, however, it exhibits a<br />

non-zero remanence characterized by noncompensated<br />

metastable states strongly depending<br />

on the magnetic history.<br />

In conclusion, we studied domain configurations<br />

and the magnetization reversal of<br />

Co2MnGe-micro-sized stripes with different aspect<br />

ratios and magnetocrystalline anisotropy.<br />

Magnetic history plays an important role for<br />

the stripes with low cubic anisotropy but is<br />

essentially irrelevant for the sample with the<br />

low uniaxial anisotropy. In this respect the<br />

uniaxial sample is similar to the stripes with<br />

higher uniaxial anisotropy which we studied<br />

previorsly in [2].<br />

Fig. 47: (a) MFM images of domains nucleation states<br />

at perpendicular fields H = 55 mT and 18 mT for the<br />

uniaxial sample. (b) Dependence of Hn on m for the<br />

cubic and uniaxial sample.<br />

Thanks are due to S. Erdt-Boehm and P.<br />

Stauche for collaboration in fabrication and<br />

technical support; to DAAD and the SFB 491<br />

for financial support.<br />

References<br />

[1] Stuart S. P. Parkin, et al., Science 320, 190 (2008)<br />

[2] K. Gross, et al., Phys. Rev. B 84, 054456 (2011)

Lateral structures<br />

Probing periodic permalloy stripe patterns with polarized neutron<br />

reflectometry<br />

D. Gorkov 1 , K. Zhernenkov 1 , B.P. Toperverg 1 , A. Vach 2 , C. Bock 2 , U. Kunze 2 and H. Zabel 1<br />

1 Institut für <strong>Experimentalphysik</strong> <strong>IV</strong>,Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 44780 Bochum, Germany<br />

2 Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Ruhr-Universität Bochum,<br />

44780 Bochum, Germany<br />

With polarized neutron reflectivity we have examined Py stripe patterns. The<br />

in-plane and out-of plane structure of the pattern was determined via quantitative<br />

analysis of specular reflection and off-specular scattering measured with two complementary<br />

orientations: with stripes perpendicular and parallel to the incident<br />

beam. In the first case Bragg scattering was recorded in magnetic fields applied<br />

along stripes. In the second case a saturating magnetic field of 1 kOe was directed<br />

perpendicular to the stripes and strong polarization dependent diffuse off-specular<br />

scattering was observed. It can be attributed to, e.g. stray fields created due to<br />

the appreciable roughness of the stripe edges.<br />

Lateral patterning of thin film surfaces is routinely<br />

used to modify their magnetic properties<br />

aiming to fulfill various requests for further<br />

design and engineering of micro and nanodevices.<br />

For instance, micro stripes of magnetically<br />

soft and isotropic material, such as<br />

permalloy, induce in thin films macroscopic uniaxial<br />

anisotropy. It is clear that the strength<br />

of such anisotropy depends on the hight and<br />

width of the stripes, as well as on the distance<br />

between them. However, it may also be quite<br />

sensitive to the degree of the stripe perfection.<br />

Indeed, magnetic moments of homogeneously<br />

magnetized narrow stripes with ideal edges<br />

would effectively interact via dipolar fields at<br />

their free ends at the sample boundary. This<br />

may not be the case for stripes with sufficiently<br />

rough edges. Then magnetic flux may not propagate<br />

along the total stripe length, but percolate<br />

into inter-stripe space, and hence affect<br />

neighboring stripes wherever the internal field<br />

homogeneity is sufficiently perturbed by the<br />

roughness. In fact, roughness induces interstripe<br />

interaction which may substantially reduce<br />

the net shape anisotropy. Moreover, imperfection<br />

of stripe boundaries may play a role<br />

of notches where domains are efficiently pinned,<br />

and/or nucleated during re-magnetization processes<br />

under alternating external field. This<br />

may increase the coercivity of the system be-<br />

-39-<br />

yond that is expected due to simply the geometrical<br />

factor[1].<br />

� f<br />

� f<br />

2 0<br />

1 0<br />

0<br />

2 0<br />

1 0<br />

0<br />

N o r m a liz e d In te n s ity<br />

0 .1<br />

0 .0 1<br />

1 E -3<br />

1 E -4<br />

1 E -5<br />

s p in s u p<br />

s p in s d o w n<br />

0 1 0 2 0<br />

� i<br />

s p in s u p s im u la tio n<br />

s p in s d o w n s im u la tio n<br />

0 1 0 2 0 3 0<br />

1 E -6<br />

0 .0 0 0 .0 1 0 .0 2 0 .0 3<br />

� �� r a d i<br />

0 .0 4 0 .0 5 0 .0 6<br />

� i<br />

R +<br />

R -<br />

R + fit<br />

R - fit<br />

0 .0 1 3 0 0<br />

0 .0 0 5 2 0 2<br />

7 .9 4 6 E -0 4<br />

1 .9 9 8 E -0 4<br />

5 .0 3 9 E -0 5<br />

1 .2 8 6 E -0 5<br />

1 .0 0 0 E -0 6<br />

Fig. 48: (top row) Scattering intensity maps together<br />

with model calculation, (bottom)specular reflectivity<br />

curves together with fit to the experimental data<br />

The sample with the size of 20x20 mm 2 consisting<br />

of Py stripes was manufactured in the Engineering<br />

Department of the Ruhr-University


Bochum by use of laser lithography and lift-off<br />

technology with subsequent chemical etching.<br />

The individual stripes have a width of 1.1µm<br />

and periodicity of 4µm. Scanning electron microscopy<br />

confirmed almost perfect quality of<br />

the periodic pattern with small, but distinguishable<br />

roughness of the stripe edges. PNR<br />

experiments have been conducted at the Super-<br />

ADAM reflectometer at the ILL (Grenoble,<br />

France)[2]. The results of our first experiment<br />

are presented Fig.48. Two scattering maps for<br />

spins up and spins down state are shown for<br />

stripes oriented perpendicular to the scattering<br />

plane and parallel to the polarization direction.<br />

Diagonal ridges on the maps represent<br />

the specular reflection from mean optical<br />

potential, while curved bands indicate Bragg<br />

diffraction from periodic structure with the lateral<br />

period 4µm [3]. The bottom panel reproduces<br />

the specular reflectivity, where the Kiessig<br />

fringes from the layer thickness are well recognized.<br />

The reflectivities for up and down polarized<br />

neutrons are shifted against each other,<br />

indicative for the well magnetized state of the<br />

ferromagnetic Py - stripes. Right panels show<br />

results of the theoretical simulations based on<br />

the parameters deduced from the fit of reflectivity<br />

curves to the model. From the fit it follows<br />

that in the external field of 100 Oe the<br />

layer induction containing stripes is equal to<br />

3.05 kGauss. In our second experiment we rotated<br />

the stripes by 90 0 , so that the incident<br />

beam is directed parallel to stripes, see Fig.49.<br />

From fits we determined the filling factor to be<br />

around 0.4. Simultaneously, stripe magnetic<br />

induction of 11 kGauss was determined in saturating<br />

field of 1 kOe applied perpendicular to<br />

stripes. Multiplying 11 kGauss by the factor<br />

0.4 one obtains 4.4 kGauss for the film magnetic<br />

induction. This value exceeds by 30% the<br />

experimentally determined magnetic induction<br />

for the parallel case after saturating in a field<br />

of 100 Oe. From this we conclude that an external<br />

field of 100 Oe applied along the stripes<br />

is not sufficient for full saturation and the sample<br />

remains in a multi-domain state. Hysteresis<br />

loop measured later along and across stripes<br />

has shown that in the first case the saturation<br />

field is above 100 Gauss , while in the second<br />

case sample is saturated in the field of about<br />

1 kGauss. This value of 100 Oe is much higher<br />

than the usual coercivity of bulk Py or continuous<br />

Py films, which is around of few Oe.<br />

Thus the coercivity of the stripes is enhanced.<br />

One may ascribe this to residual domains heavily<br />

pinned by rough edges of stripes. With<br />

PNR we cannot detect this roughness seen otherwise<br />

with the electron microscopy. However,<br />

roughness may create extensive stray fields in<br />

the inter-stripe space hence generating spindependent<br />

off-specular scattering. The latter<br />

is depicted in Fig.49 for stripes oriented along<br />

the incident beam. In this case scattering from<br />

stray fields is enhanced due to Yoneda effect<br />

at the angles of total reflection from the Si substrate,<br />

but not from the stripe material as seen<br />

in Fig. 1. This strongly suggests that magnetic<br />

induction between stripes seen in specular<br />

PNR is laterally inhomogeneous. From the<br />

fit the size of inhomogeneities is estimated to<br />

be in the order of few µm.<br />

Fig. 49: Off-specular scattering intensity maps in a<br />

field of Hext = 1kGauss for stripes oriented parallel<br />

to the scattering plane (top row). Specular reflectivity<br />

curves together with the best fit to the experimental<br />

data (bottom row)<br />

References<br />

[1] M.T.Bryan, D. Atkinson and R.P.Cowburn, Journal<br />

of Phys., Conference Series 17, 40 (2005)<br />

[2] A. Devishvili, K. Zhernenkov, B. P. Toperverg, B.<br />

Hjorvarsson and H. Zabel, to be submitted Rev.<br />

Sci. Inst<br />

[3] H. Zabel, K. Theis-Bröhl, B. Toperverg, In Handbook<br />

of Magnetism and Advanced Magnetic Materials<br />

by H. Kronmüller/ S. Parkin (Eds.), Wiley<br />

p. 1237 (2007).<br />


Dynamic Processes<br />




~Bz<br />

~M1<br />

Spin Current<br />

Co Cu<br />

Ni81Fe19<br />

-41-<br />

~Bz<br />

~M2<br />

Dynamic Processes<br />




Dynamic Processes<br />

Time and element resolved magnetisation dynamics of ferrimagnetic<br />

GdFe in transmission geometry<br />

R. Abrudan 1 , I. Radu 2 , R. Weber 3 , K. Holldack 3 , R. Schumann 4 , M. J. J. Vrakking 4 , M.<br />

Weinelt 5 , H. Zabel 1 , and F. Radu 3<br />

1 <strong>Experimentalphysik</strong> <strong>IV</strong>,Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 44780 Bochum, Germany<br />

2 Institute for Molecules and Materials, Radboud University Nijmegen, 6525 ED Nijmegen, The Netherlands<br />

3 Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie GmbH, 12489 Berlin, Germany<br />

4 Max-Born Institut für Nichtlineare Optik und Kurzzeitspektroskopie, 12489 Berlin, Germany<br />

5 Freie Universität Berlin, Fachbereich Physik, Arnimallee 14, 14195 Berlin<br />

A femtosecond laser pump-pulse is used to quench the magnetisation of ferrimagnetic<br />

GdFe alloy exhibiting perpendicular anisotropy. The effect is probed by<br />

circularly polarized synchrotron light synchronized with the fs-laser pump.<br />

ALICE chamber [1] is a diffractometer with<br />

a fully rotatable magnetic field and a sample<br />

temperatures between 10K - 475 K. X-ray<br />

Magnetic Resonant Scattering (XMRS), Total<br />

Electron Yield (TEY) in absorption and transmission<br />

and Fluorescence Yield (FY) measurement<br />

techniques are routinely used. Moreover,<br />

magnetization dynamics experiments involving<br />

a specially designed sample holder in order to<br />

use a pulsed magnetic field as excitation were<br />

demonstrated[4; 3].<br />

Here we report on the successful implementation<br />

of laser-pump / X-ray probe technique using<br />

the Max-Born Institute Femtolaser facility<br />

in combination with the Alice diffractometer.<br />

We use the Femtosecond laser for pumping<br />

and resonant soft x-rays for probing the transient<br />

magnetization state with ∼ 50 ps resolution<br />

provided by the usual multibunch operation<br />

mode of the BESSY II synchrotron facility.<br />

The XMCD and XRMS in a transmission geometry<br />

are measured using single-photon counting<br />

technique: a PicoQuant electronic unit is<br />

triggered by the laser trigger which is further<br />

synchronized with the x-ray pulses.<br />

As a result the measured temporal spectra<br />

consists of a number of single bunch peaks.<br />

A sequence of the measured bunch is shown<br />

schematically in Fig 50.<br />

We have implemented three new detectors<br />

which were placed on the former detector arm.<br />

One avalanche photo-diode (APD1) is covered<br />

by Al foils to prevent laser reflections reaching<br />

-43-<br />

the active area. A second detector (APD2) is<br />

left wide open to measure the laser beam. By<br />

plotting the separate detection of the laser and<br />

x-ray beams we are able to control accurately<br />

the temporal overlap between the ”pump” and<br />

the ”probe” pulses.<br />

The size of the laser beam is one important<br />

parameter in this experiment and it needs to<br />

be reduced and focused on the sample surface<br />

using an optical telescope.<br />

Fig. 50: Schema of the time overlap used in the experiment<br />

(top). Delay scans measured for 100 mW Laser<br />

power on three independent x-ray bunches. (buttom)<br />

We were able to obtain a focused laser beam<br />

of about 100 µm in diameter which is slightly<br />

larger as compared to the x-ray beam (∼ 60<br />



Fig. 51: Fluence dependence of the XMCD signal<br />

measured at Fe L3. Lines represents fittings using a<br />

double exponential function [4].The corresponding fluences<br />

are: 4, 7, 10, 14 mJ/cm 2 for 30, 50, 70 and 100<br />

mW, respectively. Laser repetition rate was set here to<br />

30 kHz.<br />

Figure 50 shows a sketch of the time overlap<br />

used in this experiment; three temporally separated<br />

single bunches are measured simultaneously<br />

while the laser is delayed using a optical<br />

delay stage in order to scan across the middle<br />

x-ray bunch. At each point in time, the magnetic<br />

field perpendicular to the sample surface<br />

is switched between positive and negative values,<br />

this way avoiding any background problem<br />

due to the incoming beam decay. A representative<br />

delay scan is shown in Fig. 50 bottom; the<br />

red curves are recorded on the bunch prior to<br />

the pumped one (t=-1) and gives a measure of<br />

the XMCD signal similar to the static XMCD<br />

signal of the sample. The orange is the signal<br />

recorded on the later bunch after the pumped<br />

one (t=+1). Interestingly, the total XMCD signal<br />

is now reduced showing that the system is<br />

not relaxed completely and thermal effects persist<br />

more then 800 ns. Blue curves depicts the<br />

pumped signal (t=0) with a laser fluence of 14<br />

mJ/cm 2 . Left part of the curves is measured<br />

when the laser is still far away in time from<br />

the x-ray bunch, thus the XMCD signal is in<br />

fact the same as the static one (or the previous<br />

not pumped bunch one) and is getting reduced<br />

when the laser is temporarily overlapping the<br />

x-ray bunch. In this particular case the demagnetisation<br />

is closed to 100% , as the XMCD is<br />

now reduced to zero.<br />

Figure 51 depicts the laser fluence dependence<br />

of the XMCD. The curves show the signal measured<br />

on the pumped x-ray bunched and nor-<br />

-44-<br />

malised to the not-pumped one. A clear dependence<br />

of the magnetic signal due to the increased<br />

laser power is visible here. At t0 where<br />

the laser is temporarily perfect overlapped with<br />

the x-ray one can notice a drastic decay of the<br />

XMCD signal. At higher delays, the XMCD<br />

tends to relax back to the initial value at negative<br />

delays. For a 100 mW laser power, the<br />

XMCD (as can be seen also in the Fig. 50) is reduced<br />

to almost zero and the relaxation time<br />

is rather long. If one sets the Laser delay at<br />

positive delays close to t0 value and sweeps the<br />

magnetic field, three hysteresis loops on each<br />

bunch can be recorded.<br />

Fig. 52: Dynamic hyseresis loops measured on three<br />

different x-ray bunches, one of them being the pumped<br />

one (blue).<br />

Figure 52 shows three hysteresis loops measured<br />

at the 50 mW laser power. A reduction<br />

of the saturation magnetisation is clearly visible<br />

for the pumped signal in comparison with<br />

the un-pumped ones. These results demonstrates<br />

that the Alice diffractometer with the<br />

Max-Born Femtosecond facility can be used at<br />

HZB for pump-probe magnetisation dynamics<br />

in an usual multibunch operation mode of the<br />

synchrotron.<br />

We gratefully acknowledge the support provided<br />

by HZB and BMBF Contract No.<br />

05K10PC2.<br />

References<br />

[1] J. Grabis et al. Rev. Sci. Instr. 74, 4048 (2003)<br />

[4] St. Buschorn et al. J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 44<br />

165001 (2011)<br />

[3] R. Salikhov et al. Appl. Phys. Lett 99 092509<br />

(2011)<br />

[4] I. Radu et al. Nature 472 205 - 208 (2011).

Time-resolved XRMS in F/N/F trilayers (part I)<br />

Dynamic Processes<br />

R. Salikhov 1 , R. Abrudan 1 , F. Brüssing 1 , D. Mishra 1 , Ch. Luo 1 , F. Radu 2 , I. A. Garifullin 3<br />

and H. Zabel 1<br />

1 Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany<br />

2 Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energy, Berlin, Germany<br />

3 Zavoisky Physical-Technical Institute, Kazan, Russia<br />

We have found that the magnetic moments of Fe in permalloy layers in Co/Cu/Ni81Fe19<br />

trilayers exhibit different dynamical behavior in parallel orientation of the magnetization<br />

of the Py and Co layer, as compared to their antiparallel orientation.<br />

Spin current related phenomena in F1/N/F2<br />

structures, where F is the ferromagnetic layer<br />

and N is the normal metal layer are an important<br />

aspect of modern magnetism and can be<br />

treated in many different practical applications.<br />

For example, one can apply a spin-polarized<br />

electron current through the interface between<br />

the F1 and N layers to observe the magnetization<br />

torque in F2 layer that can lead to magnetization<br />

reversal of the F2 [1]. At the same<br />

time the inverse effect can be obtained, namely,<br />

a spin current can be created by a precession<br />

of the magnetization in an externally applied<br />

magnetic field. This inverse (spin pumping) effect<br />

may also lead to practical applications like<br />

a spin battery operated FMR [2].<br />

J.-V. Kim and C. Chappert [3] theoretically<br />

investigated the dynamical coupling between<br />

magnetic moments of ferromagnetic layers by<br />

the spin-pumping effect in F1/N/F2 structures<br />

and concluded that this coupling can lead to<br />

configurational dependence of magnetic relaxations.<br />

That can give a unique possibility to<br />

control the relaxation rate of F2 layer by adjusting<br />

the magnetization direction of F1 and<br />

F2 layers to be parallel or antiparallel.<br />

We have studied Co/Cu/Ni81Fe19 (Py) trilayers<br />

with different thicknesses of Cu-spacer layers<br />

(25 and 40 nm) using the Time-Resolved<br />

X-ray Resonant Magnetic Scattering (TR<br />

XRMS) at the synchrotron radiation facility of<br />

the Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin (ALICE chamber).<br />

This method enables the detection of the<br />

free precessional decay of the magnetization of<br />

ferromagnetic films in response to a field pulse<br />

(for details see [4]). Samples were grown on sap-<br />

-45-<br />

phire (Al2O3) substrates by magnetron sputtering<br />

under a static magnetic field of about 1000<br />

Oe to induce a uniaxial magnetic anisotropy in<br />

ferromagnetic films. A 65 nm thick Cu conductive<br />

layer was deposited before the deposition<br />

of Co/Cu/Py systems. Current pulse through<br />

this Cu-layer generates a pulsed Oersted field<br />

Hp. For both samples the thicknesses of the<br />

Co and Py layers were 10 and 25 nm, respectively.<br />

The 350 µm wide stripe shaped samples<br />

were lithographically fabricated such that the<br />

magnetic easy axis is parallel to the stripe axis.<br />

TR-XRMS was measured at room temperature<br />

for parallel (P) and antiparallel (AP) orientations<br />

of magnetizations of the Co and Py-layer<br />

in our samples. In Fig. 53 we plot the magnetization<br />

precession of Fe in the Py layer for<br />

P (black open circles) and AP (blue closed<br />

circles) orientations in the Co/Cu(40 nm)/Py<br />

sample and for an external magnetic (bias)<br />

field HB = 11 Oe (a-b) and 13 Oe (c-d), which<br />

was applied along the easy axis. In both cases a<br />

decrease of the precessional relaxation time in<br />

the Py-layer upon transition from the P to AP<br />

state is clearly seen. From the fits we derive a<br />

noticeable increase in the Landau-Lifshitz (LL)<br />

damping parameter λ/4π from 190 ±20 MHz<br />

for the P orientation to about 270 ±30 MHz for<br />

the AP orientation. The damping parameters<br />

are essentially identical for both samples with<br />

different Cu spacer layer thicknesses. Here we<br />

would like to stress that the precessional frequency<br />

of the Py magnetic moments does not<br />

change from P to AP and equals 90 GHz and<br />

92 GHz for HB = 11 Oe and 13 Oe, respectively.<br />

This fact indicates that the stray field<br />

from domain walls of the Co layer does not


Opening Angle [deg]<br />

13<br />

12<br />

11<br />

10<br />

9<br />

8<br />

13<br />

12<br />

11<br />

10<br />

9<br />

8<br />

8<br />

7<br />

6<br />

5<br />

8<br />

7<br />

6<br />

5<br />

P<br />

AP<br />

(a)<br />

H B =11 Oe<br />

(b)<br />

H B =11 Oe<br />

(e)<br />

H B =21 Oe<br />

1 2 3<br />

Delay Time [ns]<br />

(f)<br />

H B =19 Oe<br />

4<br />

1<br />

AP<br />

P<br />

2 3<br />

Delay Time [ns]<br />

Co(10nm)/Cu(40nm)/Py(25nm)<br />

T=300 K<br />

(c)<br />

H B =13 Oe<br />

(d)<br />

H B =13 Oe<br />

-40 -20 0 20 40<br />

H [Oe]<br />

Fig. 53: Comparison of the magnetization dynamics<br />

of Py layer in the Co/Cu(40 nm)/Py sample measured<br />

for the P (black open circles) (a, c) and AP (blue closed<br />

circles) (b, d) mutual orientations of Co and Py magnetization.<br />

(e, f) represent delay scans for the P state<br />

with different signs of the magnetization direction (positive<br />

(e) and negative (f), see corresponding arrows in<br />

the hysteresis loop (g)). Solid lines represent the fits.<br />

strongly contribute to the change in damping<br />

parameter for P and AP configurations. (The<br />

effect of the domain wall stray fields from F1<br />

layer on magnetization dynamics of F2 layer<br />

in F1/N/F2 structures is described in detail<br />

in the next report). Moreover, we found that<br />

as magnetic moments in the Co layer reverse<br />

their direction along the descending branch of<br />

the hysteresis loop from P configuration in positive<br />

field to P configuration in negative field,<br />

the free precessional oscillation of the Py magnetic<br />

moments remains essentially the same<br />

(see Fig. 53(e and f) and hysteresis loop in (g)).<br />

This fact proves in addition that the observed<br />

change of precessional damping of the magnetization<br />

in Py is indeed intimately connected<br />

with the mutual orientation of the magnetic<br />

moments in the Co and Py layers and possible<br />

stray field inhomogeneities that may emanate<br />

from the Co layer do not affect strongly the<br />

spin dynamics in the Py layer.<br />

At low temperature the coercive field of the<br />

Co layer increases (see Fig. 54 (a)) giving possibility<br />

to compare the values of LL damping<br />

parameter for P and AP configurations in a<br />

higher range of the HB up to 38 Oe. TR-<br />

XRMS measurements of our samples at 100 K<br />

P<br />

f<br />

b<br />

AP<br />

a<br />

c<br />

e<br />

AP<br />

Py<br />

Co<br />

d<br />

4<br />

P<br />

(g)<br />

10<br />

9<br />

8<br />

7<br />

10<br />

9<br />

8<br />

7<br />

5<br />

0<br />

-5<br />

Opening<br />

Angle [deg]<br />

M [x10 -5<br />

emu]<br />

-46-<br />

show that the LL damping parameter for this<br />

range of HB remains different for P and AP<br />

orientations of magnetizations of the Co and<br />

Py-layer in our samples (Fig. 54 (b)).<br />

������ ��<br />

λ/4π [MHz]<br />

�������<br />

��<br />

�<br />

���<br />

����<br />

���<br />

���<br />

���<br />

���<br />

��������������������������<br />

���������<br />

��� � �� ��<br />

���<br />

������<br />

��<br />

��<br />

�<br />

��<br />

��<br />

� � �����<br />

Fig. 54: (a) Hysteresis loop for Co/Cu(40 nm)/Py<br />

sample measured at 100 K. (b) LL damping parameters<br />

as a function of the bias field, measured at 100 K<br />

at P (black open circles) and AP (blue closed circles)<br />

mutual orientations of Co and Py magnetization.<br />

Taking into account the possible mechanisms<br />

which can cause the observed effect in our<br />

samples with relatively thick Cu-spacer layers<br />

where the exchange interaction between Flayers<br />

is negligible, we suggest that the increase<br />

of damping in Py for AP orientation of Co and<br />

Py magnetic layers is associated with the spinpumping-induced<br />

damping effect as it was predicted<br />

theoretically by J.-V. Kim and C. Chappert.<br />

We kindly acknowledge Peter Stauche for technical<br />

support. This work is supported by<br />

BMBF 05K10PC1. We are also thankful to<br />

the Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin for travel support<br />

under BMBF 05 ES3XBA/5.<br />

References<br />

[1] J. C. Slonczewski J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 159, L1<br />

(1996); L. Berger, Phys. Rev. B 54, 9353 (1996).<br />

[2] A. Brataas, et. al. Phys. Rev. B 54, 9353 (1996).<br />

[3] J.-V. Kim, C. Chappert J. Magn. Magn. Mater.<br />

286, 56 (2005).<br />

[4] St. Buschhorn, F. Brüssing, R. Abrudan, and H.<br />

Zabel J. Synchrotron Rad. 18, 212 (2011); J. Phys.<br />

D 44, 165001 (2011).<br />

�<br />

��<br />

���<br />

���<br />


Time-resolved XRMS in F/N/F trilayers (part II)<br />

Dynamic Processes<br />

R. Salikhov 1 , R. Abrudan 1 , F. Brüssing 1 , K. Gross 1 , Ch. Luo 1 , F. Radu 2 , I. A. Garifullin 3 ,<br />

K. Westerholt 1 and H. Zabel 1<br />

1 Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany<br />

2 Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energy, Berlin, Germany<br />

3 Zavoisky Physical-Technical Institute, Kazan, Russia<br />

We have investigated the influence of the domain wall induced coupling effect on<br />

the precessional dynamics of Py layer in Co2MnGe/V/Py trilayers by TR-XRMS.<br />

In our previous report we presented the results<br />

of our study of Co/Cu/Ni81Fe19 (Py) spin valve<br />

systems by TR-XRMS, where we obtain a noticeable<br />

decrease of the precessional relaxation<br />

time in the Py-layers upon transition from the<br />

parallel (P) to the antiparallel (AP) state. We<br />

attributed our finding to configurational properties<br />

of the spin-pumping coupling of two ferromagnetic<br />

(F) layers separated by nonmagnetic<br />

metallic layer. Here we show that in certain<br />

cases the domain-wall (DW) induced coupling<br />

mechanism can also be responsible for<br />

the orientational dependence of the damping<br />

of free F-layer in spin valve systems. Origin of<br />

this mechanism is the magnetostatic coupling<br />

of the ferromagnetic thin layers at interfaces<br />

via DW stray fields [1; 2]. We also show that<br />

experimentally these two cases may be distinguished<br />

analyzing the precessional frequency<br />

for P and AP configurations of magnetizations.<br />

The Co layer in Co/Cu/Py samples is not fully<br />

saturated (see Fig. 55 (a)) even at the maximum<br />

bias field HB=80 Oe we can apply in our<br />

experimental setup. Therefore one can think<br />

that inversion of the magnetization direction of<br />

the Py and Co layers may cause a reconstruction<br />

of the size and shape of domains in the<br />

Co layer via the DWs induced coupling effect.<br />

Such reconstruction, in turn, may lead to an increase<br />

of the inhomogeneity of stray fields from<br />

the Co DWs at the Py layer. Inhomogeneity<br />

of stray fields, in turn, leads to higher values<br />

of the damping parameter and to a change in<br />

precessional frequency of the magnetization of<br />

Fe moments in Py layer. However, we showed<br />

experimentally that the latter remains equal<br />

for both configurations. This means that the<br />

influence of the DW induced coupling on the<br />

-47-<br />

magnetization dynamics in Co/Cu/Py system<br />

is negligible.<br />

In this report using our TR-XRMS setup we<br />

show that for another spin valve like system<br />

(Co2MnGe/V/Py trilayers) DW induced coupling<br />

mechanism dominates the precessional relaxation<br />

time when changing the mutual orientation<br />

of magnetizations. The samples for this<br />

study were grown by rf -sputtering at a substrate<br />

temperature of 300 o C on Al2O3 a-plane,<br />

for details of the Co2MnGe Heusler alloy growing<br />

see e.g. [3]. Here we used V (40 nm) buffer<br />

layer as a conductor for the current pulses.<br />

The magnetic hysteresis loop measured for<br />

the Co2MnGe(30 nm)/V(20 nm)/Py(15 nm)<br />

sample is shown in Fig. 55 (b). From the<br />

shape of the hysteresis loop one can conclude<br />

that the Co2MnGe layer reverses it’s magnetization<br />

direction via multiple intermediate domain<br />

states in contrast to the Co layer in<br />

Co/Cu/Py system Fig. 55 (a).<br />

M ( x 1 0 -5 e m u )<br />

1 0<br />

5<br />

0<br />

-5<br />

-1 0<br />

5<br />

0<br />

-5<br />

(a )<br />

T = 3 0 0 K<br />

(b )<br />

T = 3 0 0 K<br />

C o (1 0 n m )/C u (2 5 n m )/P y (2 5 n m )<br />

C o 2 M n G e (3 0 n m )/V (2 0 n m )/P y (1 5 n m )<br />

-3 0 -2 0 -1 0 0 1 0 2 0 3 0<br />

H (O e )<br />

Fig. 55: Hysteresis loop of (a) Co(10 nm)/Cu(25<br />

nm)/Py(25 nm) and (b) Co2MnGe(30 nm)/V(20<br />

nm)/Py(15 nm) sample, measured by SQUID magnetometery.


Results of the TR-XRMS measurements<br />

of magnetization dynamics of Py layer in<br />

Co2MnGe/V/Py system for P (closed blue circles)<br />

and AP (open black circles) directions of<br />

Py magnetic moment in respect to the initial direction<br />

of magnetization in Co2MnGe layer are<br />

presented in Fig. 56 (a). From the fit of these<br />

curves, measured at HB = 11 Oe, we obtain<br />

the change in Landau-Lifshitz damping parameter<br />

λ/4π from 208 MHz for the P orientation<br />

to about 224 MHz for the AP orientation and a<br />

change of precessional frequencies fp from 0.9<br />

GHz for P to 0.81 GHz for AP configuration.<br />

Fig. 56: Comparison of magnetization precessional<br />

dynamics in Py layer for P (open blue circulus) and AP<br />

(closed black circulus) state for (a): Co2MnGe/V/Py<br />

and (b): Co/Cu/Py system.<br />

We performed the measurements of the time<br />

delay scans for different amplitudes of HB<br />

and the obtained values of precessional frequency<br />

(a) and damping (b) for P (circles)<br />

and AP (squares) configurations are presented<br />

in Fig. 57. Interestingly, the precessional frequency<br />

fp in AP state for all values of HB is<br />

systematically lower than fp for P configuration.<br />

This result can be interpreted by DWs<br />

induced coupling mechanism. In AP state the<br />

domains in the Co2MnGe layer are structured<br />

such that the stray fields from DWs are mostly<br />

aligned opposite to the direction of magnetization<br />

of Py layer. This leads to a reduction of<br />

the external field at Py layer and as a result<br />

the value of precessional frequency decreases<br />

according to the Kittel equation. The higher<br />

the amplitude of inhomogeneous stray fields<br />

-48-<br />

from DWs in Co2MnGe layer are, the stronger<br />

should be the change in damping parameter of<br />

Py layer for P and AP configurations. This is<br />

what we observe in Fig. 57: at the bias fields<br />

HB where difference in fp for P and AP state<br />

is higher, we obtained a larger change in LL<br />

damping parameter.<br />

l /4 p (M H z ) f p (G H z )<br />

1 ,4<br />

1 ,2<br />

1 ,0<br />

0 ,8<br />

0 ,6<br />

3 0 0<br />

2 5 0<br />

2 0 0<br />

1 5 0<br />

(a )<br />

(b )<br />

6 8 1 0 1 2 1 4 1 6 1 8 2 0 2 2 2 4 2 6 2 8<br />

H B (O e )<br />

P<br />

A P<br />

P<br />

A P<br />

Fig. 57: Values of precessional frequency fp(a) and<br />

damping parameter λ/4π (b) at P (circles) and AP<br />

(squares) state in Co2MnGe(30 nm)/V(20 nm)/Py(15<br />

nm) samples for different values of bias field HB.<br />

In conclusion, we would like to stress that the<br />

behavior of the precessional frequency fp when<br />

changing the mutual orientation of magnetizations<br />

of two F layers determines the mechanism<br />

of their coupling. If precessional frequency<br />

remains identical for both states as for<br />

Co/Cu/Ni81Fe19 system (Fig. 56 (b)) then configurational<br />

properties of the spin pumping coupling<br />

is important; if it changes, then DWs induced<br />

coupling effect dominates.<br />

We kindly acknowledge Sabine Erdt-Böhm for<br />

samples preparation. This work is supported<br />

by BMBF 05K10PC1. We are also thankful to<br />

the Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin for travel support<br />

under BMBF 05 ES3XBA/5.<br />

References<br />

[1] L. Thomas, et al. Phys. Rev. Lett 84, 1816 (2000).<br />

[2] J. Kurde, et. al. New Journal of <strong>Physics</strong> 13,<br />

033015 (2011).<br />

[3] U. Geiersbach, et. al. J. Magn. Magn. Mater 240,<br />

546 (2002).

Ferromagnetic resonance in the Co/Cu/Py system<br />

Dynamic Processes<br />

R. Salikhov 1 , A. A. Kamashev 3 , N. N. Garifyanov 3 , F. Radu 2 , I. A. Garifullin 3 and H. Zabel 1<br />

1 Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany<br />

2 Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energy, Berlin, Germany<br />

3 Zavoisky Physical-Technical Institute, Kazan, Russia<br />

Conventional ferromagnetic resonance technique at X-band frequency has been<br />

used for the study of Co/Cu/Py trilayers. Indication for the exchange of spin<br />

currents pumped from the precessing magnetization of each layer has been found.<br />

Recently the Co/Cu/Py (where Py=Ni0.81Fe0.19)<br />

trilayers have been studied using time-resolved<br />

x-ray resonant magnetic scattering (TR<br />

XRMS) at the synchrotron facility BESSY II<br />

[1]. It was found that the magnetic moment of<br />

iron in permalloy layers exhibits a noticeable<br />

increase in Landau-Lifshitz (LL) damping parameter<br />

when changing the mutual orientation<br />

of magnetizations of Co and Py layers from<br />

parallel (P) to antiparallel (AP) orientation.<br />

It was concluded that the increase of damping<br />

in Py for AP orientation of Co and Py<br />

magnetic layers in comparison with P orientation<br />

is associated with the properties of the<br />

spin-pumping-induced damping.<br />

Here we have studied Co/Cu/Py spin valve<br />

system with different thicknesses of ferromagnetic<br />

Py dP y and Cu dCu spacer layers using a<br />

conventional ferromagnetic resonance (FMR)<br />

technique at the frequency 9.3 GHz and in the<br />

temperature range from 15 to 300 K. We measured<br />

two series of samples: series I are just the<br />

samples Co(150 ˚ A)/Cu/Py which were already<br />

used in TR XRMS [1], series II are the samples<br />

CoO(200 ˚ A)/Co(30 ˚ A)/Cu/Py in which the<br />

magnetization of the Co layer is pinned by the<br />

cobalt oxide bias layer. In series II dCu=30,<br />

150, 400 ˚ A and dP y=50 and 100 ˚ A<br />

For the series I we observed two resonance lines<br />

at room temperature: the first one was observed<br />

at the resonance field H 1 res � 600 Oe and<br />

the second one at H 2 res � 1270 Oe. Our analysis<br />

shows that the first line can be attributed to<br />

the Co layer and another one - to the Py layer.<br />

With decreasing the temperature the gap between<br />

these lines decreased from 740 Oe at 300<br />

K down to 600 Oe at 20 K. Such a behavior of<br />

-49-<br />

the resonance lines may probably indicate that<br />

coupling of the Co and Py layers occurs due to<br />

the spin pumping. It is necessary to note that<br />

in course of these measurements the magnetizations<br />

of Co and Py layers were always aligned<br />

(see Fig. 53 (g) of Ref. [1]).<br />

More interesting behavior demonstrated the<br />

samples from series II with a CoOx bias layer.<br />

We have used two regimes of the measurements<br />

for these samples. In both cases we cooled the<br />

samples down to about 15 K in an external<br />

field of 4 kOe. In the first regime we performed<br />

the FMR measurements with increasing temperature<br />

(P case). In the second regime after<br />

cooling, the sample was rotated by 180 o at<br />

zero magnetic field and measured again with<br />

increasing temperature (AP case). In both<br />

regimes we observed a single resonance line<br />

which may be attributed to the FMR line of<br />

the ”free” Py layer. For this series of samples<br />

the Co layer is thinner than in series I. In addition<br />

to that it is in contact with an antiferromagnetic<br />

CoO layer which broadens the<br />

FMR line from the Co layer. Both reasons<br />

can make the FMR line from the Co layer to<br />

be invisible. With decreasing temperature the<br />

FMR line from the Py layer strongly moves to<br />

lower fields accompanied by a strong broadening.<br />

Both parameters (resonance field Hres(T )<br />

and linewidth ∆H(T )) appear to follow an universal<br />

curve for all samples (see, e.g., Fig. 58).<br />

SQUID magnetization measurements show<br />

that in the first regime of measurements the<br />

magnetization of the Co and Py layers are parallel<br />

at all temperatures. At the same time<br />

at the second regime their magnetizations are<br />

antiparallel up to 150 K.


(O e )<br />

r e s<br />

H<br />

D H (O e )<br />

1 2 0 0<br />

1 0 0 0<br />

8 0 0<br />

6 0 0<br />

2 5 0<br />

2 0 0<br />

1 5 0<br />

1 0 0<br />

5 0<br />

P<br />

A P<br />

(a )<br />

P<br />

A P<br />

(b )<br />

0<br />

0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 0<br />

T (K )<br />

Fig. 58: Temperature dependence of the resonance<br />

field (a) and linewidth (b) for P and AP orientation<br />

of magnetizations in the sample CoO/Co(30 ˚ A)/Cu(150<br />

˚A)/Py(50 ˚ A).<br />

(O e )<br />

r e s<br />

H<br />

D H (O e )<br />

1 1 0 0<br />

1 0 0 0<br />

9 0 0<br />

8 0 0<br />

7 0 0<br />

2 5 0<br />

2 0 0<br />

1 5 0<br />

1 0 0<br />

5 0<br />

d P y = 5 0 A<br />

d P y = 1 0 0 A<br />

0<br />

0 2 0 4 0 6 0 8 0 1 0 0<br />

T (K )<br />

d P y = 5 0 A<br />

d P y = 1 0 0 A<br />

(a )<br />

Fig. 59: Temperature dependence of the resonance<br />

field (a) and linewidth (b) for P orientation of<br />

magnetizations in the sample CoO/Co(30 ˚ A)/Cu(150<br />

˚A)/Py(dP y). dP y=50 ˚ A and dP y=100 ˚ A.<br />

The most interesting result of this study is the<br />

dependencies of Hres(T ) and ∆H(T ) for parallel<br />

(Fig. 59) and antiparallel (Fig. 60) orientations<br />

of magnetizations for the samples with<br />

different thicknesses of the Py layer. From<br />

these figures it is clearly seen that for the sample<br />

with thin Py layer (dP y=50 ˚ 1 1 0 0<br />

1 0 0 0<br />

9 0 0<br />

8 0 0<br />

7 0 0<br />

6 0 0<br />

d = 5 0 A<br />

P y<br />

d = 1 0 0 A<br />

P y<br />

(a )<br />

A) the effect is<br />

more pronounced for both parameters. Moreover,<br />

for AP orientation we observe a bigger<br />

2 5 0<br />

2 0 0<br />

1 5 0<br />

1 0 0<br />

d = 5 0 A<br />

P y<br />

d = 1 0 0 A<br />

P y<br />

effect. The latter confirms an increase in LL<br />

damping parameter observed earlier in XRMS<br />

experiments with the only difference that in<br />

FMR this effect is seen only at low tempera-<br />

5 0<br />

0<br />

0 2 0 4 0 6 0<br />

T (K )<br />

8 0<br />

(b )<br />

1 0 0<br />

tures.<br />

Fig. 60: The same as in Fig. 2) for AP orientation.<br />

In general, decrease of the resonance field and larger than the distance between two resonance<br />

increase of the linewidth for Py layer in such lines, these lines start to move to the center of<br />

a system with decreasing temperature may indicate<br />

the importance of the spin pumping ef-<br />

gravity. In the studied case the ωex value increases<br />

due to increase of spin diffusion length<br />

fect. Indeed, when one has bilayers consisting of conduction electrons in the Cu layer with<br />

of ferromagnetic and normal (N) metal layers decreasing temperature. As it has been shown<br />

the relaxation rate of the F layer very often is theoretically that such dynamic coupling can<br />

determined by the the spin current pumping. give rise to an effective damping for the free<br />

In case of F1/N/F2 trilayer precessing magne- layer which depends on the spin-valve configutization<br />

of each layer is transported by conducration and is sensitive to the bias field acting<br />

tion electrons of the N layer. This is an analog<br />

of the classical problem in electron paramag-<br />

on the pinned layer [3].<br />

netic resonance (EPR) for two magnetic ions<br />

with different g-values coupled by isotropic ex-<br />

References<br />

change interaction (see, e.g., [2]). When the [1] R. I. Salikhov, et al. previous article in this jabi<br />

exchange frequency ωex which causes the spin<br />

flip between the spins of these ions becomes<br />

[2] I. A. Garifullin, et al. Fizika Tverdogo Tela 29,<br />

2118 (1987).<br />

[3] J.-V. Kim, C. Chappert J. Magn. Magn. Mater.<br />

-50-<br />

286, 56 (2005).<br />

(O e )<br />

r e s<br />

H<br />

D H (O e )<br />

(b )

Dynamic Processes<br />

AC field stimulated dynamics of magnetization in iron film<br />

K. Zhernenkov, D. Gorkov, B.P. Toperverg and H. Zabel<br />

Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 44780 Bochum, Germany<br />

Dynamical response of magnetization in thin iron film on the harmonically modulated<br />

external field is probed with polarized neutron reflectometry (PNR) within<br />

the radio frequency (RF) range. It is shown that up to 1 MHz the AC field coherently<br />

tilts the magnetization from its initial direction determined by DC field.<br />

The latter directed perpendicular to the AC field is applied to suppress possible<br />

domain kinetics. It is shown that at lowest frequency of 110 kHz the magnetization<br />

adiabatically follows the AC field, while the maximum tilt angle of the magnetization<br />

vector decreases by increasing the frequency. No detectable response on AC<br />

field was observed above 1 MHz.<br />

Since many decades response of magnetization<br />

on alternating in time magnetic field was thoroughly<br />

studied in different systems, e.g. thin<br />

continues and laterally patterned films and<br />

multilayes, applying various experimental techniques<br />

[1]. They predominantly provide an access<br />

to frequency dispersion of longitudinal and<br />

transverse components of the homogeneous linear<br />

susceptibility, or to time resolved direct<br />

space images. In contrast, specular PNR can<br />

measure depth resolved the magnetization profile<br />

and, in principle, can be used to record<br />

its time, or frequency dependent response to<br />

AC fields [2]. Simultaneously recording offspecular<br />

scattering one can resolve the AC<br />

field response from lateral structures and hence<br />

study complex domain kinetics. Here, however,<br />

we report on AC-PNR test measurements aiming<br />

to address the most simple, but fundamental<br />

question on AC field stimulated magnetization<br />

dynamics. The set of measurements has<br />

been carried out on a 60 nm thick magnetically<br />

soft iron film. In order to avoid domain formation<br />

the sample was kept in the saturating<br />

DC field HDC = 55 Oe much exceeding coercive<br />

field Hc = 8 Oe. At the same time the DC field<br />

was used to guide the neutron polarization directed<br />

along the Y-axis (see Fig.61). The AC<br />

field HAC(t) = H0 sin(2πft) with an amplitude<br />

of H0 = 45 Oe and a frequency 0.11 ≤ f ≤<br />

1 MHz was applied collinear with the X-axis,<br />

i.e. perpendicular to the DC field. One can<br />

expect that in the quasi-static regime, i.e. at<br />

slow variation of the AC field, the direction of<br />

-51-<br />

the magnetization vector M should follow the<br />

direction of the field H(t) = HDC + HAC(t) deviating<br />

from the DC field direction for angles<br />

−40◦ ≤ γ(t) ≤ 40◦ .<br />

r<br />

B⊥ y<br />

γ<br />

α i<br />

Basic Equation for PNR from<br />

B r<br />

Pi r<br />

||<br />

ki r<br />

α f<br />

Fig. 61: Experimental geometry and schematics of<br />

magnetization tilt due to HAC<br />

Consequently, the tilt angle γ(t) of magnetization<br />

should vary coherently within the same<br />

”opening” angles, neglecting the influence of<br />

the anisotropy which does not allow to overcome<br />

the angle γ = 45 ◦ . The magnetization<br />

tilt with respect to the polarization direction<br />

causes two effects in PNR. The first one is that<br />

magnetization projection Mx = M0 sin γ(t) creates<br />

spin-flip (SF) reflection, R ± = R ∓ , which<br />

is proportional to sin 2 γ(t). The second ef-<br />

x<br />

k r<br />

P r<br />

f<br />

f<br />

Q r<br />



fect is related to deviations of the projection<br />

My = M0 cos γ(t) from saturation value M0.<br />

As a result each non-spin-flip reflection channels<br />

R ±± is amended by its counterpart R ∓∓ .<br />

Reflectivity<br />

Reflectivity<br />

1.0<br />

0.8<br />

0.6<br />

0.4<br />

0.2<br />

Saturation<br />

f = 110 kHz<br />

f = 500 kHz<br />

Model calculations<br />

Saturation<br />

f = 110 kHz<br />

f = 500 kHz<br />

R + + - -<br />

, R<br />

0.0<br />

0.003 0.006 0.009 0.012 0.015 0.018 0.021<br />

Incident angle, rad<br />

0.35<br />

0.30<br />

0.25<br />

0.20<br />

0.15<br />

0.10<br />

0.05<br />

H AC = 45 Oe, H DC = 55 Oe<br />

Saturation<br />

f = 110 kHz<br />

f = 500 kHz<br />

Model Calculations<br />

Saturation<br />

f = 110 kHz<br />

f = 500 kHz<br />

- +<br />

R<br />

0.00<br />

0.003 0.006 0.009 0.012 0.015 0.018 0.021<br />

Incident angle, rad<br />

Fig. 62: Reflectivity curves R + + , R − − (top panel)<br />

and R − + (bottom panel) together with model calculations<br />

corresponding to the best fit obtained<br />

Both effects can be well distinguished in<br />

Fig.62 representing all four reflectivity channels<br />

recorded at the frequency f = 110 kHz.<br />

In contrast, at high frequency, as seen from<br />

Fig.62(bottom panel), no SF reflection was detected,<br />

except for a small contribution which<br />

is solely due to the imperfect initial polarization<br />

and polarization analysis. Also, R + + and<br />

R − − show respectively only one of the critical<br />

edges of the total reflection, e.g. for spin ”up”,<br />

or ”down” states, as it should be, if magnetization<br />

is fairly collinear with the polarization<br />

analysis axis. This means that at high frequencies<br />

the magnetization is not tilted from the<br />

DC field direction. Note, that in the present<br />

experiment the reflected signal was not discriminated<br />

with respect to time and the curves in<br />

Fig.62 represent reflectivities averaged over the<br />

time of observation. However, time resolution<br />

is not really necessary, if the coherency of the<br />

magnetization tilt is experimentally confirmed.<br />

This is done by analyzing the relationship between<br />

time averaged parameters 〈cos γ(t)〉 and<br />

〈sin 2 γ(t)〉 extracted from the reflectivity fit<br />

and plotted in Fig.63 as functions of the frequency<br />

f. Indeed, in case of a coherent tilt<br />

〈cos 2 γ〉 = 1 − 〈sin 2 γ〉 = 〈cos γ〉 2 and the dispersion<br />

∆ = 〈cos 2 γ〉 − 〈cos γ〉 2 = 0, as seen<br />

in Fig.63. From this figure it can be concluded<br />

that the AC field induced tilt angle<br />

monotonously decreases with frequency indicative<br />

for an increasing retardment of the sample<br />

magnetization response on AC field. In passing<br />

we also note that no off-specular scattering<br />

manifesting presence of domains was detected<br />

over all frequencies.<br />

Value<br />

-52-<br />

1.0<br />

0.8<br />

0.6<br />

0.4<br />

0.2<br />

0.0<br />

cos γ<br />

sin 2 γ<br />

Δ<br />

Bias field amplitude H = 55 Oe<br />

dc<br />

AC field amplitude H = 45 Oe<br />

ac<br />

0 200 400 600 800 1000<br />

Frequency, kHz<br />

Fig. 63: Frequency dependence of parameters sin 2 γ,<br />

cos γ and ∆ obtained from fit<br />

References<br />

[1] M.R. Fitzsimmons, S.D. Bader, J.A. Borchers,<br />

G.P. Felcher , Furdyna J K, A. Hoffmann, J.B.<br />

Kortright, Ivan K. Schuller, T.C. Schulthess, S.K.<br />

Sinha, M.F. Toney, D. Weller, D. Wolf J. Magn.<br />

Magn. Mater. 271 103 (2004)<br />

[2] K. Zhernenkov, S. Klimko, B.P. Toperverg, H.<br />

Zabel, Journal of Phys., Conference Series 211,<br />

012016 (2010)

Dynamic Processes<br />

Domain kinetics: 90 degrees domain w<br />

Domain kinetics in iron film under AC magnetic field<br />

K. Zhernenkov, D. Gorkov, B.P. Toperverg and H. Zabel<br />

Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 44780 Bochum, Germany<br />

Polarized neutron reflectometry (PNR) is applied to study re-magnetization domain<br />

kinetics in thin single crystalline iron film. The experiments were carried<br />

out applying AC field along one of the easy axis in the presence of low DC field<br />

directed along the orthogonal easy axis. It is shown that the low frequency AC field<br />

induces nucleation and propagation of domains with magnetization perpendicular<br />

to the DC field. These processes are substantially suppressed when the frequencies<br />

exceed 0.5 MHz and finally terminated at about 1 MHz.<br />

Considering re-magnetization processes in the<br />

field collinear with the axis of easiest magnetization<br />

it is usually assumed that magnetization<br />

reversal involves nucleation and expansion<br />

of domains with magnetization along the altered<br />

external field. The model based on this<br />

scenario was successfully applied to describe<br />

our data [1] using AC-PNR [2] from single crystalline<br />

Fe film subjected to AC and DC magnetic<br />

fields collinear with one of the Fe easy<br />

axes. The validity of the model was confirmed<br />

by the fact that reflected neutrons mainly maintain<br />

their initial spins state, while very little<br />

spin-flip (SF) reflection was detected. This<br />

tiny effect, however, could not be ignored and<br />

has led us to a decision to examine the role<br />

of domains with magnetization perpendicular<br />

to the DC field guiding neutron polarization<br />

in more detail. Due to the biaxial magnetic<br />

anisotropy of iron such domains can easily be<br />

nucleated at a small misalignment between external<br />

field and one of the crystallographic axis,<br />

mosaicity, or magnetic inhomogeneities, e.g. at<br />

the sample edges. In order to highlight the role<br />

and properties of 90 ◦ domains we have carried<br />

out a set of measurements with AC magnetic<br />

field, HAC(t) = H0 sin(2πft), with H0 = 45 Oe,<br />

applied along the X easy axis, as indicated in<br />

Fig.64. This axis was set perpendicular to the<br />

neutron polarization guided in low DC field<br />

HDC = 12 Oe applied along the Y-axis. The<br />

strength of DC field HDC = 12 Oe, is just above<br />

the coercive field Hc = 8 Oe, and was chosen<br />

so that the angle γH(t) between instant direction<br />

of field at the sample and the Y-axis was<br />

oscillating between ±γmax = 75 ◦ .<br />

scenario for bi-axial anis<br />

-53-<br />

Y<br />

X<br />

magnetization<br />

DC field:<br />

DC+AC field<br />

AC field<br />

Fig. 64: Schematic view of two stage re-magnetization<br />

process via 90 ◦ domain walls propagation<br />

If at t = 0 the sample is completely magnetized<br />

along the Y-axis, then perpendicular to<br />

the DC field domains in the quasi-static regime<br />

can be nucleated at the moments of time t1<br />

at which HAC(t1) ≈ Hc. After that quickly<br />

propagating 90 ◦ DWs should result in the flip<br />

of the net magnetization close to the X-axis.<br />

There it may stay until the moment of time<br />

t2 when in the second quarter of the AC field<br />

period HAC(t2) ≈ HDC. At this moment nucleation<br />

and propagation of the opposite set<br />

of 90 ◦ DWs should restore the initial magnetization<br />

along the Y-axis. Within the subsequent<br />

half of the AC field period the magnetization<br />

will flip in opposite direction and then<br />

finally restored back again. This scenario was<br />

experimentally confirmed via analyzing all four,<br />

two non-spin-flip (NSF), R ± ± , and two spin-


flip, R ± ∓ , PNR curves at low AC frequency<br />

f = 110 kHz.<br />

Reflectivity<br />

Reflectivity<br />

1.0<br />

0.8<br />

0.6<br />

0.4<br />

0.2<br />

0.8<br />

0.6<br />

0.4<br />

0.2<br />

0.003 0.006 0.009 0.012 0.015 0.018<br />

Incident angle, radians<br />

R -+<br />

0.003 0.006 0.009 0.012 0.015 0.018<br />

Incident angle, radians<br />

Saturation<br />

f = 700 kHz<br />

f = 110 kHz R<br />

f = 110 kHz R<br />

Model calculations<br />

Saturation<br />

f = 700 kHz<br />

f = 110 khz R<br />

f = 110 kHz R<br />

R --<br />

R ++<br />

+ +<br />

- -<br />

+ +<br />

- -<br />

Saturation<br />

f = 110 kHz<br />

f = 700 kHz<br />

Model calculations<br />

Saturation<br />

f = 110 kHz<br />

f = 700 kHz<br />

Fig. 65: PNR data and the best fit to the model<br />

The results are depicted in Fig.65, where one<br />

can admit rather strong SF reflection caused<br />

by the magnetization component perpendicular<br />

to the initial polarization vector. At the<br />

same time the spin splitting between NSF R<br />

+ +<br />

and R − − reflectivities is small indicating a<br />

substantial reduction of the mean magnetization<br />

averaged over the AC field period. Such<br />

measurements were repeated for a sequence<br />

of AC field frequencies up to 1 MHz, where<br />

SF reflecivity almost vanishes, while NSF reflectivities<br />

approaches to those in saturation.<br />

From the fit we determined two essential parameters:<br />

the values averaged over the period<br />

〈sin 2 γ(t)〉, and 〈cos γ(t)〉, where γ(t) is the instant<br />

value of the net magnetization tilt angle.<br />

From Fig.66 it follows that with increasing frequency<br />

the mean value of the Y-component<br />

of the magnetization monotonously increases,<br />

while mean squared deviations of X-projection<br />

decrease. This means that DWs cannot exactly<br />

follow sufficiently fast the variation of the<br />

external AC field. In Fig.66 one can clearly<br />

see a crossover to non-adiabatic behavior at<br />

f = 0.4 MHz. At this frequency the dispersion<br />

∆ = � 〈cos 2 γ(t)〉 − 〈cos γ(t)〉 2 reaches its<br />

-54-<br />

maximum value, while it tends to go to zero at<br />

high and low frequencies. In the first limit magnetization<br />

does not deviate from that in saturation<br />

and 〈cos 2 γ(t)〉 = 〈cos γ(t)〉 2 ≈ 1. In<br />

the second case 〈cos γ(t)〉 ≈ 0 suggesting that<br />

magnetization with almost equal probability is<br />

tilted by ∼ ±90 ◦ with respect to DC field.<br />

Value<br />

1.0<br />

0.8<br />

0.6<br />

0.4<br />

0.2<br />

0.0<br />

Bias field H dc = 12 Oe AC field H ac = 45 Oe<br />

cos γ<br />

sin 2 γ<br />

Δ - dispersion<br />

0 200 400 600 800 1000<br />

Field frequency, f (kHz)<br />

Fig. 66: Frequency dependence of parameters 〈sin 2 γ〉,<br />

〈cos γ〉 and ∆.<br />

It should also be mentioned that at all frequencies<br />

the presence of small magnetic domains is<br />

revealed with off-specular scattering measured<br />

with full polarization analysis. This is illustrated<br />

in Fig.67, where SF off specular scattering<br />

is seen as blobs asymmetrically displayed<br />

above, or below the corresponding SF specular<br />

ridges.<br />

Outgoing angle, mrad<br />

Outgoing angle, mrad<br />

20<br />

15<br />

10<br />

5<br />

0<br />

20<br />

15<br />

10<br />

5<br />

R ++<br />

- -<br />

R<br />

H DC = 12 Oe, f = 700 kHz, H AC = 45 Oe<br />

5.0E-2<br />

1.7E-2<br />

3.3E-3<br />

6.6E-4<br />

1.3E-4<br />

2.6E-5<br />

5.1E-6<br />

1.0E-6<br />

R +-<br />

R -+<br />

0<br />

0 5 10 15 200<br />

5 10 15 20<br />

Incident angle, mrad<br />

Incident angle, mrad<br />

5.0E-3<br />

2.7E-3<br />

Fig. 67: Scattering intensity maps; SF maps are<br />

scaled by factor 10<br />

References<br />

[1] K. Zhernenkov, S. Klimko, B.P. Toperverg, H.<br />

Zabel, Journal of Phys., Conference Series 211,<br />

012016 (2010)<br />

[2] S. Klimko, K. Zhernenkov, B. P. Toperverg and<br />

H. Zabel, Rev. Sci. Inst. 81, 103303 (2010)<br />

1.1E-3<br />

4.2E-4<br />

1.6E-4<br />

6.5E-5<br />

2.5E-5<br />


Instrumentation<br />

-55-<br />




Instrumentation<br />

Vector- and angle-resolved MOKE measurements on Fe/MgO(001)<br />

as preparatory studies for time-resolved femtosecond laser scanning<br />

Kerr microscopy<br />

Min-Sang Lee 1,2 , Hartmut Zabel 1 and Thomas Eimüller 1,3<br />

1 Junior Research Group Magnetic Microscopy, Ruhr-University of Bochum, Universitätsstr. 150, D-44801<br />

Bochum, Germany<br />

2 Institute of Experimental <strong>Physics</strong> <strong>IV</strong>, Ruhr-University of Bochum, Universitätsstr. 150, D-44801 Bochum,<br />

Germany<br />

3 Hochschule Kempten, University of Applied Sciences, Bahnhofstr. 61, D-87435 Kempten, Germany<br />

We have performed vector- and angle-resolved MOKE measurements on Fe(5 nm)<br />

/MgO(001) to obtain quantitative information about its magnetic anisotropy. This<br />

is a crucial preparatory work for our further studies on optically excited ultrafast<br />

magnetization dynamics, which are currently being carried out using our femtosecond<br />

laser scanning Kerr microscope.<br />

Fig. 68: a) the remanence Mr normalized to the saturation<br />

value MS vs. the azimuthal rotation angle φ of<br />

the sample, b) the coercivity Hc vs. φ.<br />

In our contribution to the last year’s Annual<br />

Report, we presented modifications and extensions<br />

to our femtosecond laser scanning<br />

-57-<br />

Kerr microscope. This setup is currently being<br />

used to perform spatio-temporally resolved<br />

studies of optically excited ultrafast magnetization<br />

dynamics in Fe(5 nm)/MgO(001). Particular<br />

focus is put on the highly energetic<br />

spin-waves generated by the spatial inhomogeneity<br />

of strongly focused optical excitation,<br />

escaping from the excitation center and thus<br />

causing additional damping to the magnetization<br />

precession on the ps-timescale. For this<br />

purpose it is crucial, firstly, to have a sample<br />

with good structural quality (i.e. homogeneity,<br />

crystallinity, thermal stability etc.) and, secondly,<br />

to well characterize its magnetic properties<br />

(i.e. determining the saturation magnetization<br />

MS, the orientation and strength of<br />

anisotropy, the Landé factor etc.). The first<br />

requirement was fulfilled by ensuring the epitaxial<br />

growth of an iron film (5 nm thick) on<br />

a MgO(001) substrate in a UHV-MBE system<br />

(deposition at 338 K and post-annealing at<br />

673 K). For the pre-characterization of sample<br />

prior to the spatio-temporally resolved studies,<br />

many different methods such as VSM, vectorand<br />

angle-resolved MOKE hysteresis measurement,<br />

and time-resolved MOKE measurement<br />

based on pump-probe technique (also vectorand<br />

angle-resolved) are applied.<br />

In this article, we present the results from the<br />

vector- and angle-resolved MOKE hysteresis<br />

measurements. Other measurements and analysis<br />

are currently on-going. Fig. 68 shows how


Fig. 69: a) vector-resolved hysteresis loops measured<br />

at φ = 338 deg. (cf. Fig. 68), b) the trajectory of the<br />

magnetization vector � M during the magnetization reversal<br />

in a), c) the extended view of the hysteresis loops<br />

from a) in a larger field range of −1200 ∼ 1200 Oe.<br />

the normalized remanence Mr/MS and the coercivity<br />

Hc change depending on the direction<br />

of magnetization reversal. To obtain angleresolved<br />

MOKE hysteresis loops, the sample<br />

was azimuthally rotated about its surface normal<br />

while the field axis stayed constant, parallel<br />

to the longitudinal axis (i.e. parallel to the<br />

sample plane and the plane of incidence of the<br />

laser beam) and the hysteresis loops were measured<br />

in the longitudinal Kerr geometry. The<br />

angular dependence of Mr/MS in Fig. 68 a)<br />

exhibits a perfect fourfold symmetry with the<br />

periodicity of 90 deg. suggesting its origin in<br />

the crystalline cubic anisotropy (CA). This has<br />

been expected since Fe grows on a MgO(001)<br />

substrate into a bcc structure along the (001)axis,<br />

which we also confirmed by X-ray diffractometry.<br />

However, Hc in Fig. 68 b) shows that<br />

there is an additional uniaxial anisotropy (UA)<br />

where the easy axis of this uniaxial anisotropy<br />

lies parallel to one of the two easy axes of the<br />

CA. This makes the magnetization along the<br />

one easy axis less easy than along the other,<br />

thus we refer to it as “less easy axis”. The<br />

presence of such additional anisotropy in Fe<br />

films directly grown on MgO(001) can be attributed<br />

to the strain across Fe/MgO interface<br />

caused by the lattice parameter mismatch between<br />

Fe and MgO. Considering the fact that<br />

this UA does not influence the angular dependence<br />

of Mr/MS visibly, as shown in Fig. 68 a),<br />

and that Hc varies within a very small field<br />

range (2 ∼ 6 Oe), one can expect the UA to<br />

be much weaker than the CA in its strength.<br />

This expectation was also confirmed when we<br />

estimated the values of the anisotropy constants<br />

K (2)<br />

u , K (4)<br />

u (the anisotropy constants of<br />

the UA with the first two lowest orders) and<br />

K (4)<br />

cubic (the anisotropy constants of the CA with<br />

the lowest order). The UA turned out to<br />

be weaker by two orders of magnitude than<br />

the CA (K (2)<br />

u /MS ∼ 1 Oe; K (4)<br />

u /MS ∼ 1 Oe;<br />

K (4)<br />

cubic /MS ∼ 100 Oe). This estimation was<br />

based on the calculation of the integrals of<br />

magnetization curves (virgin curves) measured<br />

along the easy, the less easy, and the hard axes.<br />

-58-<br />

Fig. 69 demonstrates the capability of our<br />

setup to perform vector MOKE measurements.<br />

By measuring the hysteresis loops of the longitudinal<br />

magnetization component Mx and of<br />

the transversal magnetization component My,<br />

the full trajectory of � M during the magnetization<br />

reversal can be determined. Note that<br />

the abrupt changes of magnetization shown in<br />

Fig. 69 a) correspond to the paths along which<br />

the length of � M is reduced, indicating that the<br />

reversal of � M along these paths is dominated<br />

by domain wall motion. The plateaus of the<br />

steps in Fig. 69 a) are caused by the temporary<br />

pinning of � M along the less easy axis where the<br />

length of � M is restored as shown in Fig. 69 b).<br />

The arm-shaped paths on the far right and far<br />

left ends in Fig. 69 b) correspond to the large<br />

field region in Fig. 69 c). Here, the length of<br />

�M is conserved, meaning that the dominant<br />

process here is coherent dipole rotation.<br />

Vector MOKE technique will also be implemented<br />

in the currently running time-resolved<br />

MOKE measurements, which will allow us to<br />

obtain the full 3D precessional trajectory of � M.

Design and results of the new Nano-MOKE setup<br />

F. Brüssing, M. Stadlbauer, M. Schlottke, G. Badini Confalonieri, H. Zabel<br />

Instrumentation<br />

The magnetic reversal at the nanoscale is in focus of many potential technical applications.<br />

Here, we present a new instrument aiming at the investigation of the local<br />

reversal of magnetic nanostructures. The setup is based on the longitudinal Magneto<br />

Optical Kerr Effect and is ideally suited to measure the magnetic properties<br />

of thin magnetic films and magnetic nanostructures with in-plane magnetization.<br />

Fig. 70: The nano-MOKE setup placed on a damped<br />

optical table and with open shielding<br />

Highly sensitive local magneto optical measurements<br />

require stable and well reproducible conditions.<br />

The environmental conditions during<br />

a measurement are kept constant due to the<br />

air-conditioning of the room, a self-leveling active<br />

isolated optical breadboard of the company<br />

Thorlabs and a shielding of the entire<br />

setting via a home made close frame, shown<br />

in fig. 70.<br />

However, in addition to the stability conditions<br />

during the measurements, also the measurement<br />

itself has to be performed with high precision.<br />

For this purpose we used a fiber coupled<br />

diode laser with a wavelength of 635 nm and<br />

a maximum intensity of 3.5 mW in cw-mode<br />

(Thorlabs S1FC635) as light source. The spatial<br />

resolution of approximately 1µm is reached<br />

due to a collimator (Thorlabs F230FC-B) and<br />

a beam expander (Thorlabs BE05M-B) which<br />

generates a wide, parallel broad beam which afterwards<br />

is polarized for the measurement technique,<br />

and focused down by an aspheric lens<br />

onto the sample with focal distance of 20 mm<br />

and a numerical aperture of 0,534 (Thorlabs<br />

-59-<br />

Fig. 71: Top view of the Nano-MOKE setup<br />

AL2520-A), see fig. 71.<br />

The magnetic measurement is performed via<br />

the longitudinal MOKE-effect which results<br />

from tilting the polarization of the incident<br />

light due to the magnetization of the sample.<br />

This rotation is very sensitively detected by the<br />

use of a lock-in technique in combination with<br />

a Faraday modulation of the reflected light and<br />

a polarization analysis. Both prisms for polarization<br />

and analysis (Rochon-Prisma) are motorized<br />

in order to guarantee the required accuracy<br />

for alignment of the components (Newport<br />

AG-PR100) with an accuracy of 0.002 ◦<br />

which suppress additional contributions to the<br />

longitudinal signal. (fig. 71).<br />

The magnetic state of the sample is varied via<br />

a dipole magnet which can apply up to 200mT.<br />

The design of this magnet opens the possibility<br />

to put lenses close to the sample surface. This<br />

magnet and the sample holder are mounted on<br />

a ground plate which allows to vary the angle<br />

of incident of the beam.


Fig. 72: Positioning error<br />

of the sample stage<br />

Fig. 73: Size of the spot<br />

in relation to the lens position<br />

For the movement of the lens system and<br />

the sample motorized translation stages are<br />

used (Thorlabs PT3-Z8) with a precision of<br />

< 0, 2µm. To determine the precision of the positioning<br />

system one of the motors was moved<br />

and afterwards the measured position was compared<br />

with the aimed position, see fig. 72. The<br />

motorized lens system is necessary to align the<br />

sample in the focus of the beam with a precission<br />

of ≈ 1µm. For this reason the reflected<br />

intensity around an edge of a nano-structure<br />

is scanned and due to changes of the optical<br />

parameters the intensity changes at the edge.<br />

This effected is used to focus the beam. The<br />

resulting slope in a scan is proportional to the<br />

spot size. A set of measurements provides the<br />

possibility to find the best focus which is related<br />

to the biggest slop, see fig. 73. After alignment<br />

of the lens the setting can be used for the<br />

investigation of samples. In figure 74 a comparison<br />

between an intensity map of the nano-<br />

MOKE setting and a scanning electron microscope<br />

(SEM) image of the sample is shown,<br />

which proves that the setting is suited for measurements<br />

of nano-structured samples.<br />

Fig. 74: Comparision of an intensity map measured<br />

with the nano-MOKE (a) and a SEM image (b)<br />

-60-<br />

Additional to the linear movement of the sample<br />

a rotation of the sample with a accuracy of<br />

0, 05 ◦ is possible with a rotation stage (Thorlabs<br />

CR1/M-Z7E). In figure 75 this stage is<br />

used to investigate an epitaxial Fe-layer (right)<br />

and Fe-lattice (left) along two different axis.<br />

For the homogeneous layer the difference between<br />

the easy axis and the hard axis is easy to<br />

see. In case of the pattern the shape anisotropy<br />

and the interaction of the elements changes the<br />

shape of the hysteresis.<br />

Fig. 75: MOKE measurement along two different directions<br />

The setting is also capable of magneto resistivity<br />

measurements, which allows to compare<br />

directly the local magnetization to the<br />

global properties of the magneto resistivity, see<br />

fig. 76.<br />

Fig. 76: Right:Image of the sample holder, left: Simultan<br />

measurment of magnetoresistivity (top) and<br />

MOKE (buttom)<br />

We gratefully acknowledge financial support by<br />

the DFG through SFB491 and the Research<br />

Department IS3/HTM. Furthermore we would<br />

like to thank the workshop of the <strong>Physics</strong> Faculty,<br />

Jürgen Podschwadek and Jörg Meermann<br />

for the assistant during construction of the setting<br />

and Oleg Petracic for the information to<br />

the basic construction of such a setting.

Lithography Chamber<br />

D. Demirbas, M. Ewerlin, A. Ludwig, J. Meermann, and O. Petracic<br />

Institut für <strong>Experimentalphysik</strong> <strong>IV</strong>, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany<br />

Instrumentation<br />

We report on the design and construction of a new high vacuum chamber, the<br />

so called ’lithography chamber’ which was built at the institute of experimental<br />

physics at the RUB. The chamber includes an electron beam evaporator for sample<br />

preparation as well as an Ar ion gun for etching.<br />

Nowadays many techniques such as molecular<br />

beam epitaxy (MBE), ion sputtering, arc evaporation<br />

and pulsed laser deposition are used for<br />

the preparation of thin films and multilayers.<br />

We built up a new chamber in which electron<br />

beam evaporation technology is used for sample<br />

preparation.<br />

Fig. 77: Photo of the ’lithography chamber’.<br />

Figure 77 shows a photo of the chamber. In<br />

figure 78 a technical drawing of the chamber is<br />

depicted.<br />

The chamber consists of two parts, mainly the<br />

loadlock and the main chamber. The loadlock<br />

is used for transfer-in and out of the samples.<br />

Also heating of the samples up to 500 ◦ C is<br />

possible. The sample holder can be transfered<br />

into the main chamber using a transfer rod. In<br />

the main chamber evaporation as well as etching<br />

is possible. Depending on the process, the<br />

sample holder is rotated into the appropriate<br />

position using the sample-manipulator. The<br />

films are grown using electron beam evaporation,<br />

which is a thermal evaporation process<br />

that requires ultra-high vacuum conditions in<br />

order to avoid contamination of the evaporated<br />

-61-<br />

material by residual gas atoms. Therefore we<br />

work with a base pressure in the order of 10 −9<br />

mbar. The evaporation material placed in a<br />

crucible is hit by a high energy electron beam,<br />

localy melted and vaporized. The advantage<br />

of this method is that due to the high energy<br />

of the electrons high melting temperatures can<br />

be reached. Therefore this method can be used<br />

for the evaporation of nearly all materials.<br />

Fig. 78: Technical drawing of the ’lithography chamber’.<br />

Fig. 79: X-ray reflectivity of a Co film deposited in<br />

the ’lithography chamber’.


In our chamber it is possible to place four different<br />

materials into the e-beam evaporator. The<br />

evaporation rate is controlled using a quartz<br />

crystal. This allows a very precise determination<br />

of the grown film thickness after calibration<br />

for the used material. Figure 79 shows<br />

the X-ray reflectivity of a Co film deposited in<br />

the chamber. The graph shows oscillations up<br />

to 8.5 ◦ indicating a good quality of the film.<br />

Fig. 80: Etching holder in etching process.<br />

The etching is performed using Ar ion milling.<br />

The ion beam is directed orthogonally onto the<br />

sample on the substrate holder. To prevent<br />

back-sputtering into the ion gun a special etching<br />

holder was constructed. A photo of this<br />

holder is shown in figure 80. The technical<br />

drawing is shown in figure 81. The substrate<br />

is placed on a wedge at an angle of 45 ◦ .<br />

The etching process in the lithography chamber<br />

is comparable to the etching process in the<br />

ion beam sputter chamber. The etching uniformity<br />

is even improved (see figure 82) so that<br />

larger areas can be etched. Figure 82 shows the<br />

etching profile obtained from an array of lithographically<br />

patterned crosses in a Si-substrate.<br />

One finds a good uniformity with less than 20%<br />

List of equipment:<br />

• Four-pocket e-beam evaporator: EBVM200 (Dr. Eberl)<br />

• Ar ion gun (Roth & Rau) with plasma bridge neutralizer<br />

• Ar gas mass flow controller (MKS)<br />

• Quartz crystall (Hositrad) with thickness monitor (Inficon)<br />

-62-<br />

deviation in the etch depth over an area of 12×<br />

12 mm 2 .<br />

In the lithography chamber everything is controlled<br />

manually. During the etching process<br />

the pressure in the chamber rises to 10 −3 mbar.<br />

To prevent heating of the samples during the<br />

etching process, the etching holder can be<br />

cooled with either water or liquid nitrogen. It<br />

is possible to perform uniform etching. The<br />

etching rates are also comparable to the etching<br />

rates in the sputtering system.<br />

Fig. 81: Technical drawing of the etching holder.<br />

Fig. 82: Etching profile of a Si layer etched in the<br />

chamber.<br />

Thanks are due to SFB491 for funding.

SuperADAM: recent developments.<br />

A. Devishvili 1 , A. Dennison 2 , K. Zhernenkov 1 , B. Toperverg 1 and H. Zabel 1<br />

1 Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 44780 Bochum, Germany<br />

2 DPMS, Uppsala University, BP 530, 751 21 Uppsala, Sweden<br />

Instrumentation<br />

Within the framework of the millennium program M1 at the ILL and BMBF project<br />

05KN7PC1 the polarized neutron reflectometer ADAM has been upgraded. The<br />

new reflectometer has been in regular user operation since 2010. During 2011 the<br />

reflectometer received upgraded polarizer for off-specular polarization analysis, as<br />

well as a new goniometer head and translation stages. A minor software improvements<br />

now provide a full automation of AC-PNR setup and integration of several<br />

new devices over a serial interface.<br />

Polarizer / Wavelenght<br />

filter<br />

Berillium filter<br />

Fig. 83: The principle schematics of the polarized neutron reflectometer SuperADAM.<br />

During the year 2011 the high flux ILL reactor<br />

has been running for 195 days. Twentyfive<br />

different experiments were performed on Super-<br />

ADAM, nine of which were available through<br />

ILL’s part of the beamtime.<br />

The instrument consists of two monochromators<br />

delivering two neutron beams at different<br />

angles which cross at a pivot point located<br />

outside of the casemate. In order to provide<br />

fast switching time between different operation<br />

modes, the instrument can freely rotate around<br />

the pivot point. The detector arm can rotate<br />

around the sample position providing the required<br />

momentum transfer. The layout of the<br />

new instrument is depicted on Fig. 83.<br />

-63-<br />

New heavy duty goniometer head was installed<br />

on the sample position. Loads up to 300 kg<br />

permit installation of any standard sample environment<br />

on a sample position without any additional<br />

support equipment. New heavy duty<br />

translation stages were installed in the detector<br />

tank. Various heavy polarization and neutron<br />

detection devices can be manipulated with minimal<br />

user intervention.<br />

The new multi-mirror analyzer has been installed<br />

and tested. The device provides a high<br />

polarization of up to 98.6% combined with an<br />

excellent transmission of 76% in a wide angular<br />

range. The constant nature of neutron polarization<br />

process removes any complications<br />

in the data analysis commonly associated with


time dependent 3 He polarization decay in 3 He<br />

spin filter devices which are mostly used for<br />

this type of experimental tasks. The example<br />

of full polarization analysis of off-specular scattering<br />

of thin iron film is presented in Fig 84.<br />

Fig. 84: Logarithm of NSF (top panels) and SF (bottom<br />

panels) of neutron intensity distributed over angles<br />

of incidence onto and scattering from 100 nm thick Fe<br />

film subjected to AC magnetic field applied perpendicular<br />

to DC field guiding neutron polarization.<br />

In all four maps one can see specular reflection<br />

ridges running along the main diagonal.<br />

In the upper panels these ridges represent non<br />

spin-flip reflectivities of nearly equal intensity,<br />

suggesting almost equally populated domain<br />

states with magnetization projection along and<br />

opposite to the field guiding neutron polarization.<br />

Intensities of spin flip ridges of specular<br />

reflectivities in the bottom panels are substantially<br />

suppressed, but not down to zero suggesting<br />

a presence of domains with magnetization<br />

-64-<br />

perpendicular[1] to the external DC field and<br />

collinear with AC field. The asymmetry in the<br />

intensity distribution in the spin-flip maps is<br />

mostly due to the birefringence [1] of neutron<br />

waves in the mean optical potential averaged<br />

over the coherence length, as well as over the<br />

AC field period. Due to very low intensity of<br />

this asymmetry in the spin-flip channel it can<br />

only be observed using the multi-mirror analyzer.<br />

The AC-PNR option used in those measurements<br />

have received an upgrade in the principal<br />

control system. The operation of the AC<br />

and DC fields components can be performed<br />

from the instrument control software. The details<br />

of the AC-PNR setup can be found in [2].<br />

The support for several sample environments<br />

from ILL have been implemented in the instrument<br />

control software. This upgrade permits<br />

users to control HPLC pumps, water bath controllers,<br />

RT100 temperature probes and other<br />

serial bus devices available on the instrument.<br />

We gratefully acknowledge financial support<br />

by the BMBF projects 05KN7PC1 and<br />

05K10PC1 (since July 1, 2010).<br />

References<br />

[1] H. Zabel, K. Theis-Bröhl, B.P. Toperverg,<br />

in Handbook of Magnetism and Advanced<br />

Magnetic Materials Vol.12, edited by H.<br />

Kronmüller and S. Parkin (Wiley, New<br />

York, 2007), 1237.<br />

[2] K. Zhernenkov, S. Klimko, B.P. Toperverg,<br />

H. Zabel, Journ. of <strong>Physics</strong>: Conf.<br />

Series 211 (2010) 012016

Instrumentation<br />

Imaging with Low Temperature Magnetic Force Microscope<br />

G. A. Badini Confalonieri 1 , K. Gross 1 , and H. Zabel 1<br />

Institut für <strong>Experimentalphysik</strong>, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, D-44780 Bochum, Germany<br />

In this report we detail the procedure used to perform low temperature magnetic<br />

force microscopy measurements with the HV Solver (NT-MDT) instrument available<br />

at EP <strong>IV</strong>. A microstructured Heusler alloy, of known room temperature magnetic<br />

behavior, was used as test sample.<br />

The HV Solver (NT-MDT) Atomic and Magnetic<br />

force microscope (AFM /MFM) available<br />

at EP <strong>IV</strong> is capable of RT atomic and magnetic<br />

force microscopy measurements (AFM/MFM)<br />

with the possibility to apply variable magnetic<br />

field parallel to the sample stage surface.<br />

An additional piezo-step motor control stage<br />

can be used in order to perform angle dependent<br />

measurements. The AMF/MFM is placed<br />

inside a vacuum chamber and connected, by a<br />

transference line, to a N2 dewar in order to allow<br />

temperature dependent measurements. In<br />

the following sections, a list of guidelines for<br />

the correct use of the AFM/MFM microscope<br />

in low temperature mode will be presented.<br />

Fig. 85: (a) the reduction of the applied field from<br />

the nominal value when using the rotating sample stage<br />

and (b) in plane field gradient between the magnetic<br />

poles at a nominal maximum value of applied field of<br />

1000 Oe.<br />

The magnetic tip used during measurements<br />

utlimately plays a major for the quality of<br />

the magnetic contrast. Two commercial tips<br />

have been tested at RT: Multi75M-G and PPP-<br />

MFMR. Their difference lays mainly on the<br />

quality of the magnetic coating which ultimately,<br />

determines the quality of the magnetic<br />

contrast. the tip from PPP-MFMR, showed<br />

a somewhat higher resolution and was finally<br />

chosen for the temperature measurements.<br />

Usually, the sample is mounted on a 10 mm<br />

high copper cylinder. An optional rotating<br />

-65-<br />

stage can also be used in order to perform angle<br />

dependent measurements. However, care<br />

must be taken when applying a magnetic field.<br />

In fact, the profile of the rotating stage rises<br />

approximately 2 mm above the top edge of the<br />

magnetic poles between which it sits. The magnetic<br />

field experienced by the sample is therefore<br />

different from the nominal field, as shown<br />

in Fig. 85(a).<br />

With the use of the rotating stage, vertical component<br />

of the field should also be expected. For<br />

the purpose of low temperature measurements<br />

it is advisable to use, whenever possible, the<br />

traditional copper stage which, being made of<br />

a single copper piece, has also the advantage<br />

of ensuring good thermal conductivity between<br />

the sample and the nitrogen cold finger.<br />

As a final remark, the user should be aware of<br />

the presence of an in-plane field gradient between<br />

the magnetic poles (separated by a gap<br />

of approx 25mm), which becomes particularly<br />

relevant when working with large area samples.<br />

As an example, the field gradient measured<br />

when the maximum field is applied, and the<br />

sample is mounted on the single copper support,<br />

is shown in Fig. 85(b). Clearly, at the<br />

centre of the stage, the sample experience a<br />

magnetic field that is approximately fifty percent<br />

of the nominal value of 1000 Oe.


Fig. 86: Room temperature MFM imagine of a<br />

Heusler alloy using (a) Multi75M-G tip and (b) PPP-<br />

MFMR tip. (c) The same image taken at 153K, showing<br />

a much deteriorated contrast.<br />

For low temperature measurements, high vacuum<br />

should be established in the chamber before<br />

starting the cooling process. Using the N2<br />

cold trap it is possible to achieve 5E-8 mbar<br />

pressure. A vacuum of 1E-7 mbar or less is<br />

acceptable to start the cooling sequence. For<br />

technical details on the vaccum and cooling<br />

procedure, the reader is remitted to the instruction<br />

guide prepared by Dr. A. Schumann. It<br />

should be remembered that the spring constant<br />

of the tip is pressure dependent. However it<br />

saturates at approx 10 −3 mbar.<br />

Lowering the pressure further brings forth no<br />

change on its mechanical properties. Timewise,<br />

at the moment of planning a measurement,<br />

it should be noted that a complete vacuum<br />

process requires an overnight pumping of<br />

the chamber. When cold nitrogen gas is flown<br />

within the AFM/MFM stage, the temperature<br />

start decreasing and the final temperature will<br />

depend on the pressure within the N2 dewar,<br />

which, in turn, determines the cold gas flow<br />

rate. Care should be taken not to rise the pressure<br />

to the point that liquid N2 start entering<br />

the cooling system. If that will happen a considerable<br />

amount of noise will appear during<br />

the measurements.<br />

-66-<br />

For the test measurement, T was fixed at 153<br />

K. A stability of 1 K can be achieved over<br />

the course of several minutes, allowing imaging<br />

at constant T. Test measurements, shown<br />

in Fig. 86, clearly show that the quality of the<br />

MFM contrast at low T worsened with respect<br />

to the RT contrast. This can be explained by<br />

the change in elastic constant of the tip in vacuum,<br />

as mentioned above, which results in a<br />

change in the mechanical oscillation of the cantilever.<br />

A useful figure of merit to predict the performance<br />

of the tip in high vaccum is the mechanical<br />

quality factor at resonance, Q. In the tip<br />

used in this work, the low value of Q resulted<br />

in loss of tip stabilty during scanning. This<br />

created a series of artefacts in the image, in<br />

the form of periodic contrast oscillations, as<br />

they can be observed in Figure 2c. To overcome<br />

this problem a high Q factor tip should<br />

be used, bearing in mind tht the higher Q, the<br />

stiffer the tip and, therefore, the lower the resolution.<br />

As a final precaution, particularly when attempting<br />

temperature measurements on metallic<br />

sample, care should be taken not to confuse<br />

electrostatic contrast on the sample surface<br />

for magnetic contrast. It is good practice<br />

to ground the sample by connecting it, electrically,<br />

with the sample holder. A more detailed<br />

explanation on how to deal with electrostatic<br />

contrast can be found in [1].<br />

The authors wish to acknowledge the financial<br />

support of the SFB 491 project.<br />

References<br />

[1] M. Jaafar, O. Iglesias-Freire, L. Serrano-Ramon,<br />

M. Ricardo Ibarra, J. M. de Teresa and A. Asenjo,<br />

Beilstein J. Nanotech. 2, 552 (2011)

Part II<br />

Publications and Conference<br />

Contributions<br />

Published in 2011<br />


Structural and magnetic characterization of self-assembled iron oxide nanoparticle<br />

arrays<br />

M. J. Benitez, D. Mishra, P. Szary, G. A. Badini Confalonieri, M. Feyen, A. H. Lu, L. Agudo,<br />

G. Eggeler, O. Petracic, and H. Zabel, J. Phys.: Condens. <strong>Matter</strong>. 23, 126003 (2011).<br />

Fingerprinting the magnetic behavior of antiferromagnetic nanostructures using<br />

remanent magnetization curves<br />

M. J. Benitez, O. Petracic, H. Tüysüz, F. Schüth, and H. Zabel, Phys. Rev. B 83, 134424<br />

(2011).<br />

Template-assisted self-assembly of individual and clusters of magnetic nanoparticles<br />

G. A. Badini Confalonieri, V. Vega, A. Ebbing, D. Mishra, P. Szary, V. M. Prida, O. Petracic,<br />

and H. Zabel, Nanotechnology 22, 285608 (2011).<br />

Tuning the magnetic properties of Co nanoparticles by Pt capping<br />

A. Ebbing, O. Hellwig, L. Agudo, G. Eggeler, and O. Petracic, Phys. Rev. B 84, 012405 (2011).<br />

Magnetotransport properties of Cu2MnAl, Co2MnGe and Co2MnSi -Heusler alloy<br />

thin films: from the nanocrystalline, disordered state to the long range ordered<br />

crystalline state<br />

M. Obaida, K. Westerholt and H. Zabel, Phys. Rev. B 84, 184416 (2011).<br />

Adaption of a diffractometer for time-resolved X-ray resonant magnetic scattering<br />

S. Buschhorn, F. A. Brüssing, R. Abrudan, and H. Zabel, J. Synchrotron Rad. 18, 212 (2011).<br />

Depletion at Solid-Liquid Interfaces: Flowing Hexadecane on Functionalized <strong>Surface</strong>s<br />

P. Gutfreund, M. Wolff, M. Maccarini, S. Gerth, J. F. Ankner, J. Browning, C. E. Halbert, H.<br />

Wacklin, and H. Zabel, J. Phys. Chem. 134, 064711 (2011).<br />

Magnetic domain fluctuations in an antiferromagnetic film observed with coherent<br />

resonant soft x-ray scattering<br />

S. Konings, C. Schüßler-Langeheine, H. Ott, E. Weschke, E. Schierle, H. Zabel, and J. B.<br />

Goedkoop, Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 077402 (2011).<br />

Precessional damping of Fe magnetic moments in a FeNi film<br />

S. Buschhorn, F. Brüssing, R. Abrudan, and H. Zabel, J. Phys. D: Applied <strong>Physics</strong>, 44, 165001<br />

(2011).<br />

Nanoscale Discontinuities at the Boundary of Flowing Liquids: A Look into Structure<br />


Annual Report 2011 Institute for Experimental <strong>Physics</strong><br />

M. Wolff, P. Gutfreund, A. Rühm, B. Akgun and H. Zabel, J. Phys.: <strong>Condensed</strong> <strong>Matter</strong> 23,<br />

184102 (2011).<br />

Development of magnetic moments in Fe1−xNix - alloys<br />

B. Glaubitz, S. Buschhorn, F. Brüssing, R. Abrudan, H. Zabel, J. Phys.: <strong>Condensed</strong> <strong>Matter</strong><br />

23, 254210 (2011).<br />

Interpretation of small-angle diffraction experiments on opal-like photonic crystals<br />

F. Marlow, M. Muldarisnur, P. Sharifi, and H. Zabel, Phys. Rev. B 84, 073401 (2011).<br />

Magnetic domain patterns in Co2MnGe -Heusler nanostripes K. Gross, P. Szary, O. Petracic,<br />

F. Brüssing, K. Westerholt, and H. Zabel, Phys. Rev. B 84, 054456 (2001).<br />

Precessional dynamics and damping in Co/Cu/Py spin valves<br />

R. Salikhov, R. Abrudan, F. Brüssing, St. Buschhorn, M. Ewerlin, D. Mishra, F. Radu, I. A.<br />

Garifullin, and H. Zabel, Appl. Phys. Lett. 99, 092509 (2011).<br />

Self organization of magnetic nanoparticles: A polarized grazing incidence small<br />

angle neutron scattering and grazing incidence small angle x-ray scattering study<br />

K. Theis-Bröhl, D. Mishra, B. P. Toperverg, H. Zabel, B. Vogel, A. Regtmeier, and A. Hütten,<br />

J. Appl. Phys. 110, 102207 (2011).<br />

Easily made and handled carbon nanocones for scanning tunneling microscopy and<br />

electroanalysis<br />

J. Sripirom, S. Noor, U. Köhler, A. Schulte, Carbon 49, 2402 (2011).<br />

Isolated Silicon Dangling Bonds on a Water-Saturated n+-Doped Si(001)-2x1 <strong>Surface</strong>:<br />

An XPS and STM Study<br />

J.-J. Gallet, F. Bournel, F. Rochet, U Köhler, S. Kubsky, M.G. Silly, F. Sirotti, D. Pierucci, J.<br />

Phys. Chem. C 115, 7686 (2011).<br />

Thermal behavior of MOCVD-grown Cu-clusters on ZnO(10-10)<br />

M. Kroll, T. Löber, V. Schott, C.Wöll, U. Köhler, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 14, 1654 (2011).<br />

In-plane Correlations in a Polymer-Supported Lipid Membrane Measured by Off-<br />

Specular Neutron Scattering<br />

M.S. Jablin, M. Zhernenkov, B.P. Toperverg, M. Dubey, H.L. Smith, A. Vidyasagar, R. Toomey,<br />

A.J. Hurd, J.Majewski, Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 138101 (2011).<br />

Spatial Fluctuations of Loose Spin Coupling in CuMn/Co multilayers<br />

T. Saerbeck, N. Loh, D. Lott, B.P. Toperverg, A.M. Mulders, A. Fraile Rodríguez , J.W.<br />

Freeland. Wisniowski, M. Ali, B.J. Hickey, A.P.J. Stampfl, F.Klose, R.L. Stamps, Phys. Rev.<br />

Lett. 107, 127201 (2011).<br />

Induced magnetic Cu moments and magnetic ordering in Cu(2)MnAl thin films on<br />

MgO(0 0 1) observed by XMCD<br />

B. Krumme, H. Herper, D. Erb, C. Weis, C. Antoniak, A. Warland, K. Westerholt, P. Entel<br />

and H. Wende , J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 44, 415004 (2011).<br />

Field cooling-induced magnetic anisotropy in exchange biased CoO/Fe bilayer studied<br />

by ferromagnetic resonance<br />

A. Numan, K. Sinan, A. Bakir, B. Aktas, M. Ozdemir, H. Inam, M. Obaida, J. Dudek and K.<br />

Westerholt, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 323, 346 (2011).<br />


Published and to be published in 2012<br />


Self-assembled iron oxide nanoparticle multilayer: x-ray and polarized neutron<br />

reflectivity<br />

D. Mishra , M. J. Benitez, G. A. Badini Confalonieri, P Szary, F. Brüssing, O.Petracic, K. Theis-<br />

Bröhl , A. Devishvili, A.Vorobiev, O. Konovalov, M. Paulus, Ch. Sternemann, B.P. Toperverg<br />

and H. Zabel, Nanotechnology 23, 055707 (2012).<br />

Specular and off-specular polarized neutron reflectometry of canted magnetic domains<br />

in loose spin coupled CuMn/Co multilayers<br />

T. Saerbeck, N. Loh, D. Lott, B.P. Toperverg, A. M. Mulders, M. Ali, B. J. Hickey, A. P. J.<br />

Stampfl, F. Klose, and R. L. Stamps, Phys. Rev. B, 014411 (2012) .<br />

Conference Contributions<br />

DPG-Frühjahrstagung Dresden 2011, March 14 - 18, 2011<br />

G. A. Badini Confalonieri, V. Vega, A. Ebbing, D. Mishra, P. Szary, V. M. Prida, O. Petracic,<br />

and H. Zabel<br />

Template assisted self-assembly of individual and clusters of magnetic nanoparticles, Talk<br />

M. Obaida, K. Westerholt and H. Zabel<br />

Magnetoresistance and anomalous Hall Effect measurements of Co2MnGe and Cu2MnAl Heusler<br />

alloy thin film microstructures, Talk<br />

P. Szary, G. A. Badini Confalonieri, D. Mishra, M. J. Benitez, M. Feyen, A. H. Lu, L. Agudo,<br />

G. Eggeler, O. Petracic, and H. Zabel<br />

Magnetic and transport properties of Py/ iron-oxide nanoparticle composite systems, Talk<br />

M. Lange, P. Szary, F. Brüssing, O. Petracic, and H. Zabel<br />

An experimental approach to a 2-dimensional random resistor network, Poster<br />

R. Salikhov, I. Garifullin, N. Garif’yanov, L. Tagirov, K. Westerholt, and H. Zabel<br />

Experimental observation of the spin screening effect in superconductor/ferromagnet thin film<br />

heterostructures, Talk<br />

S. Noor, S. Özkan, and U. Köhler<br />

Structural and magnetic investigations of Fe3Si/GaAs(001), Talk<br />

S. Frey, M. Kroll, and U. Köhler<br />

HR-EELS studies on zinc oxide powders samples, Poster<br />

C. Godde, U. Köhler<br />

Magnetic and structural investigations of thin ferromagnetic CrSb layers on GaAs(110)/GaAs(001)<br />

Talk (C. Godde), Talk<br />

G. K. Gross, P. Szary, O. Petracic, K. Westerholt, and H. Zabel<br />

Magnetic domain patterns in Co2MnGe-Heusler nanostripes, Talk<br />

F. Brüssing, M. Ewerlin, R. Abrudan, and H. Zabel<br />

Magnetic reversal in a laterally structured spin valve system with one tuneable magnetic layer,<br />

Talk<br />

D. Mishra, M. J. Benitez, P. Szary, G. A. Badini Confalonieri, M. Feyen, A. Lu, L. Agudo, G.<br />

Eggeler, O. Petracic and H. Zabel<br />


Annual Report 2011 Institute for Experimental <strong>Physics</strong><br />

Structural and magnetic characterization of self-assembled iron oxide nanoparticles, Talk<br />

M. Ewerlin, D. Demirbas, L. Agudo, G. Eggeler, and O. Petracic<br />

Shift of the blocking temperature of Co nanoparticles by Cr capping, Poster<br />

D. Demirbas, M. Ewerlin, F. Brüssing, O. Petracic and H. Zabel<br />

Magnetization reversal in dipolarly coupled PdFe nanodot arrays, Poster<br />

Meeting of the DGKK Kinetic Division, Clausthal, Mar. 31 - Apr.<br />

1, 2011<br />

S. Noor, S. Özkan, and U. Köhler<br />

Structural and magnetic investigations of Fe3Si/GaAs(001), Talk<br />

C. Godde, S. Noor, Atena Rastgoo Lahrood, Christian Urban, U. Köhler<br />

Investigation of island growth and alloy formation during thermal processing of thin iron layers<br />

on GaAs, Talk (C. Godde)<br />

Recent Trends in Nanomagnetism, Spintronics and their Applications,<br />

Ordizia, June 1 - 4, 2011<br />

M. Lange, P. Szary, F. Brüssing, O. Petracic, and H. Zabel<br />

An experimental approach to a 2-dimensional random resistor network, Poster<br />

Magnetics and Optics Research International Symposium 2011, Nijmegen,<br />

The Netherlands, June 21 - 24, 2011<br />

R. Salikhov, R. Abrudan, F. Brüssing, St. Buschhorn, F. Radu, I. A. Garifullin, and H. Zabel<br />

Time-resolved XRMS in Co/Cu/Py spin valve system: evidence for spin pumping effects, Talk<br />

European Conference on Neutron Scattering, Prag, July 18-22, 2011<br />

Kirill Zhernenkov, Dmitry Gorkov, Boris Toperverg, Hartmut Zabel<br />

Probing magnetization kinetics by frequency dependent polarized neutron reflectivity, Talk<br />

A. Devishvili, A. Dennison, K. Zhernenkov, A. Schebetov, V. Syromyatnikov, N. Pleshanov, P.<br />

Gutfreund, M. Wolff, A. Rennie, B. Hjövarsson, B. Toperverg, H. Zabel<br />

SuperADAM: the upgraded polarized neutron reflectometer, Poster<br />

XXII Congress and General Assembly of the International Union of<br />

Crystallography, Madrid, Spain, Aug. 22 - 29, 2011<br />

B.P. Toperverg<br />

Polarized Neutron and Light Scattering from Magnetic Nano-structures under AC-field, Invited<br />

Talk<br />

ECOSS 28, Breslau, Sep. 26 - 29, 2011<br />

S. Frey, M. Kroll, and U. Köhler<br />



Study of Cu-clusters on single crystalline ZnO with STM-Lithography, Poster<br />

Concluding Conference of the SFB 491, Bochum, Sept. 26 - 28, 2011<br />

O. Petracic<br />

Structural and magnetic properties of nanoparticle superlattices, Talk<br />

M. Lange, P. Szary, F. Brüssing, O. Petracic, and H. Zabel<br />

An experimental approach to a 2-dimensional random resistor network, Poster<br />

T. Eimüller<br />

Magnetic imaging with fs-laser pulses and x-rays, Talk<br />

M.-S. Lee<br />

Spatio-temporally resolved studies of ultrafast magnetization dynamics, Poster<br />

H. Zabel<br />

Lateral Magnetic Nanostructures, Talk<br />

R. Salikhov, R. Abrudan, F. Brüssing, St. Buschhorn, M. Ewerlin, D. Mishra, F. Radu, I. A.<br />

Garifullin, and H. Zabel<br />

Time-resolved XRMS in Co/Cu/Py system: precessional dynamics and damping, Poster<br />

S. Noor, S. Özkan, L. Elbers, N. Melnichak, I. Barsukov, W. Fehl, H. Harutyunyan, A. Ludwig,<br />

D. Reuter, M. Farle, and U. Köhler<br />

Structural and magnetic investigations of Fe3Si/GaAs(001) and the fabrication and characterization<br />

of CEO spin LEDs, Poster<br />

C. Godde, S. Noor, A. Rastgoo Lahrood, G. Nowak, F. Brüssing, H. Zabel, and U. Köhler<br />

Magnetic and structural investigations of iron based nanostructures and thin CrSb layers on<br />

GaAs, Poster (C. Godde)<br />

G. K. Gross, P. Szary, O. Petracic, F. Brüssing, K. Westerholt, and H. Zabel<br />

Magnetic domain patterns in Co2MnGe-Heusler nanostripes, Poster<br />

F. Brüssing, M. Ewerlin, R. Abrudan, and H. Zabel<br />

Magnetic reversal in a laterally structured spin valve system with one tuneable magnetic layer,<br />

Poster<br />

M. Ewerlin, D. Demirbas, F. Brüssing, O. Petracic and H. Zabel<br />

Magnetization reversal in dipolarly coupled PdFe nanodot arrays, Poster<br />

SFB 558 Workshop, Klaukenhof, Sep. 26-29, 2011<br />

S. Frey, M. Kroll, and U. Köhler<br />

Combined in-situ HR-EELS and STM/STS measurement, Talk<br />

GISAXS 2011, Hasylab, Hamburg, October 10 - 12, 2011<br />

D. Mishra , M. J. Benitez, O. Petracic, G. A. Badini Confalonieri, P. Szary, F. Brüssing, K.<br />

Theis-Bröhl , A. Devishvili, A. Vorobiev, O. Konovalov, M. Paulus, C. Sternemann, B. P.<br />

Toperverg and H. Zabel<br />


Annual Report 2011 Institute for Experimental <strong>Physics</strong><br />

Self-assembled magnetic nanoparticles: x-ray and polarized neutron scattering, Poster<br />

Science Vision for the European Spallation Source, Bad Reichenhall,<br />

October 10 - 12, 2011<br />

H. Zabel<br />

Nanostructures, Invited talk<br />

Reflectometry for ESS: demands and perspectives, Bad Reichenhall,<br />

October 13, 2011<br />

H. Zabel<br />

Reflectometry at the ESS - Challenges and Perspectives, Invited Talk<br />

Emergent magnetic monopoles in frustrated magnetic systems, The<br />

Kavli Royal Society International Centre, Chicheley Hall, October 17<br />

- 18, 2011<br />

A. Schumann, F. Brüssing, P. Szary, H. Zabel<br />

Magnetic dipole configurations on honeycomb lattices: effect of finite size, boundaries, and<br />

defects, Invited talk<br />

<strong>Physics</strong> at the nanoscale, Madrid, Oct. 18 - 21, 2011<br />

O. Petracic<br />

Structural and magnetic properties of nanoparticle superlattices, Talk<br />

9. Materialwissenschaftlicher Tag, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Nov.<br />

15, 2011<br />

M. Lange, P. Szary, F. Brüssing, O. Petracic, and H. Zabel<br />

An experimental approach to a 2-dimensional random resistor network, Poster<br />

C. Fink, P. Szary, G. A. Badini Confalonieri, D. Mishra, M. J. Benitez, M. Feyen, A. H. Lu,<br />

L. Agudo, G. Eggeler, and O. Petracic<br />

Magnetic and transport properties of Py/iron-oxide nanoparticle composite systems, Poster<br />

S. Noor, S. Özkan, L. Elbers, N. Melnichak, I. Barsukov, W. Fehl, H. Harutyunyan, A. Ludwig,<br />

D. Reuter, M. Farle, and U. Köhler<br />

Structural and magnetic investigations of Fe3Si/GaAs(001) and the fabrication and characterization<br />

of CEO spin LEDs, Poster<br />

S. Frey, M. Kroll, and U. Köhler<br />

Cluster footprint and EELS studies of zinc oxide, Poster<br />

C. Godde, S. Noor, A. Rastgoo Lahrood, G. Nowak, F. Brüssing, H. Zabel, and U. Köhler<br />

Magnetic and structural investigations of iron based nanostructures and thin CrSb layers on<br />

GaAs<br />

Poster (C. Godde)<br />



D. Mishra , M. J. Benitez, O. Petracic, D. Greving, G. A. Badini Confalonieri, P. Szary, F.<br />

Brüssing, K. Theis-Bröhl, A. Devishvili, A. Vorobiev, O. Konovalov, M. Paulus, C. Sternemann,<br />

B. P. Toperverg and H. Zabel<br />

Self-assembled magnetic nanoparticles: x-ray and polarized neutron scattering, Poster<br />

M. Ewerlin, D. Demirbas, F. Brüssing, O. Petracic and H. Zabel<br />

Magnetization reversal in dipolarly coupled PdFe nanodot arrays, Poster<br />

Third Joint BER II and BESSY II Users’ Meeting, Berlin, Nov. 30 -<br />

Dec. 2, 2011<br />

R. Salikhov, R. Abrudan, F. Brüssing, St. Buschhorn, M. Ewerlin, D. Mishra, F. Radu, I. A.<br />

Garifullin, and H. Zabel<br />

Time-resolved XRMS in Co/Cu/Py system: precessional dynamics and damping, Poster<br />

Brüssing, Melanie Ewerlin, Radu Abrudan, and Hartmut Zabel<br />

Magnetic reversal in a laterally structured spin valve system with one tuneable magnetic layer,<br />

Poster<br />


Annual Report 2011 Institute for Experimental <strong>Physics</strong><br />


Part III<br />


Invited Lectures, Talks, and Course<br />

Teaching<br />

Invited talks<br />

Oleg Petracic<br />

Structural and magnetic properties of nanoparticle superlattices<br />

Concluding Conference of the SFB 491, Bochum, Sept. 26 - 28, 2011<br />

Structural and magnetic properties of nanoparticle superlattices<br />

<strong>Physics</strong> at the nanoscale, Symposium, Madrid, Oct. 18 - 21, 2011<br />

Kurt Westerholt<br />

Ferromagnetic Heusler alloy thin films: Surprises and challenges<br />

Concluding Conference of the SFB 491, Bochum, Sept. 26 - 28, 2011<br />

Triplet Superconductivity in Josephson junctions with Heusler barriers<br />

MMM Conference Scottsdale, USA, Oct. 25 - 30, 2011<br />

Hartmut Zabel<br />

Magnetic thin films and superlattices<br />

21th HERCULES Course, Grenoble, France, March 28, 2011<br />

Atomkraft, Nein Danke ??? -Von der ersten Kernspaltung zur zivilen Nutzung der<br />

Kernenergie-<br />

Zwischen Brötchen und Borussia, Dortmund, May 21, 2011<br />

Inelastic neutron and x-ray scattering for the investigation of Phonons<br />

Summerschool SFB 616: ”Exciting excitations: From Methods to Understanding”, Waldbreitbach,<br />

July 25-29, 2011<br />

Structure and Magnetism of thin Heusler films<br />

Seminar, Transregio 80: From electronic correlations to functionality, TU MAünchen, ↩ July 28,<br />

2011<br />

Fascinating magnetic properties of Heusler alloys<br />

<strong>Condensed</strong> <strong>Matter</strong> Seminar, Uppsala, Schweden, August 9, 2011<br />

1. Lecture: Basics of Magnetism: Magnetic response<br />

2. Lecture: Basics of Magnetism: Paramagnetism<br />

3. Lecture: Basics of Magnetism: Local Moments<br />

European School on Magnetism, Bucarest, Romania, August 23-28, 2011<br />

Nanostructures<br />

Science Vision for the European Spallation Source, Bad Reichenhall, October 10 - 12, 2011<br />


Annual Report 2011 Institute for Experimental <strong>Physics</strong><br />

Reflektometry at the ESS ? Challenges and Perspectives, Hard <strong>Matter</strong><br />

Reflectometry for ESS? demands and perspectives, Bad Reichenhall, October 13, 2011<br />

Magnetic dipole configurations on honeycomb lattices: effect of finite size, boundaries,<br />

and defects<br />

Emergent magnetic monopoles in frustrated magnetic systems, The Kavli Royal Society International<br />

Centre, Chicheley Hall, October 17 - 18, 2011<br />

Quasikristalle<br />

Physikalisches Kolloquium, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, November 7, 2011<br />


Committee and review panel work<br />

Hartmut Zabel<br />


Speaker of the Sonderforschungsbereich (SFB) 491 der DFG: ”Magnetische Heteroschichten:<br />

Spinstruktur und Spintransport”<br />

Co-Chief Editor of the Journal ”Superlattices and Microstructures”, Elsevier<br />

Member of the ”Komittee Forschung mit Neutronen” (KFN) and Spokesperson for neutron<br />

instrumentation, Spokesperson for ”Instrumentation and Infrastructure”<br />

Chair of the Scientic Council of the Dynamitron-Tandem Accelerator at the Ruhr-University<br />

Bochum<br />

Member of the AG Magnetism, AK Festkörperphysik, Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft<br />

Member of the BESSY Beam Time Committee<br />

Member of the Selection Panel for the German-Israeli Foundation for Scientific Research and<br />

Development (GIF)<br />

Member of the BMBF Evaluation Committee Verbundforschung Erforschung kondensierter Materie<br />

am Grossgeräten 2007-2010.<br />

Member of the Selection Committee of the Danish Council for Independent ResearchResearch<br />

Member of the Swedish Science Foundation Selection Panel Successful Research Leaders<br />

Member of the DOE Review Panel of the Argonne National Laboratory Materials Science<br />

Division.<br />


Annual Report 2011 Institute for Experimental <strong>Physics</strong><br />


Course teaching<br />

Wintersemester 2010/2011<br />

Vorlesung: Einführung in die Festkörperphysik<br />

Dozent: Prof. Dr. U. Köhler<br />

Vorlesung: Einführung in die Oberflächenphysik<br />

Dozent: Prof. Dr. U. Köhler<br />

Seminar: Präsentation physikalischer Inhalte<br />

Dozent: Prof. Dr. U. Köhler<br />

Vorlesung: Physik für Mediziner<br />

Dozent: Prof. Dr. Dr. H. Zabel<br />

Vorlesung: Physik I für Biologen<br />

Dozent: Prof. Dr. K. Westerholt<br />

Vorlesung: Physik im Reformstudiengang für Mediziner (POL)<br />

Dozent: Prof. Dr. Dr. H. Zabel<br />

Vorlesung: Nanomagnetism 2<br />

Dozent: PD Dr. Oleg Petracic<br />

Sommersemester 2011<br />

Vorlesung: Einführung in die Festkörperphysik II<br />

Dozent: Prof. Dr. U. Köhler<br />

Seminar: Präsentation physikalischer Inhalte<br />

Dozent: Prof. Dr. U. Köhler<br />

Vorlesung: Magnetism in <strong>Condensed</strong> <strong>Matter</strong><br />

Dozent: Prof. Dr. Dr. H. Zabel<br />

Vorlesung: Exploring <strong>Condensed</strong> <strong>Matter</strong> at Large Scale Facilities<br />

Dozent: Prof. Dr. Dr. H. Zabel<br />

Vorlesung: Physik im Reformstudiengang für Mediziner (POL)<br />

Dozent: Prof. Dr. Dr. H. Zabel<br />

Vorlesung: Physik II für Biologen<br />

Dozent: Prof. Dr. K. Westerholt<br />

Vorlesung: Nanomagnetism<br />

Dozent: PD Dr. Oleg Petracic<br />

Wintersemester 2011/2012<br />


Vorlesung: Physik I für Studierende der Biochemie, Chemie und Geowissenschaften<br />

Dozent: Prof. Dr. U. Köhler<br />

Vorlesung: Einführung in die Oberflächenphysik<br />

Dozent: Prof. Dr. U. Köhler<br />


Annual Report 2011 Institute for Experimental <strong>Physics</strong><br />

Seminar: Präsentation physikalischer Inhalte<br />

Dozent: Prof. Dr. U. Köhler<br />

Vorlesung: Physik im Reformstudiengang für Mediziner (POL)<br />

Dozent: Prof. Dr. Dr. H. Zabel<br />

Vorlesung: Medizinische Physik: Einführung in die Grundlagen<br />

Dozent: Prof. Dr. Dr. H. Zabel<br />

Vorlesung: Einführung in die Festkörperphysik I<br />

Dozent: PD Dr. Oleg Petracic<br />

Vorlesung: Supraleitung in Festkörpern<br />

Dozent: Prof. Dr. K. Westerholt<br />


Guest Lectures<br />


January 13, 2011<br />

Prof. Dr. H.-J. Elmers, Universität Mainz<br />

Interplay of structure, magnetism and electronic states in ferromagnetic half-metal and shape<br />

memory Heusler alloys<br />

January 27, 2011<br />

Dr. Axel Hoffmann, Argonne National Laboratory, USA<br />

Pure Spin Currents: Discharging Spintronics<br />

April 14, 2011<br />

PD Dr. Guido Meier, Institute of Applied <strong>Physics</strong>, University of Hamburg<br />

Time Resolved Imaging of Magnetization Dynamics on the Nanoscale<br />

May 5, 2011<br />

Prof. Dr.Wolfgang Kuch, Freie Universität Berlin<br />

Magnetic properties of antiferromagnetic/ferromagnetic thin film systems and paramagnetic<br />

molecules adsorbed on ferromagnetic thin films<br />

July 14, 2011<br />

Prof. Dr. Manfred Albrecht, Universität Chemnitz<br />

Modern Concepts and materials for magnetic data storage<br />

August 8, 2011<br />

Prof. Dr. Joe Trodahl, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand<br />

Rare-Earth Nitrides: Intrinsic Ferromagnetic Semiconductors<br />

November 17, 2011<br />

Dr. Florian Kronast, Helmholtz-Zentrum-Berlin<br />

Imaging magnetic responses of three-dimensional nanomagnets by XPEEM<br />

November 24, 2011<br />

Prof. Dr. Peter Böni, TU München<br />

Chromium: Unraveling its intriguing properties<br />

December 8, 2011<br />

Prof. Dr. Gisela Schütz, MPI Stuttgart<br />

Magnetische Röntgenmikroskopie (Magnetic X-ray Microscopy)<br />


Annual Report 2011 Institute for Experimental <strong>Physics</strong><br />


Part <strong>IV</strong><br />


Workshops and Conferences organized<br />

by the Institute of Experimental<br />

<strong>Physics</strong>/Solid State <strong>Physics</strong><br />

Concluding Conference of the SFB 491: Magnetic Heterostructures,<br />

September 26-29, 2011, Ruhr-University Bochum<br />

Program Committee: M. Farle, M. Hofmann, J. König, H. Zabel<br />

Organization Committee: S. Grubba, H. Hantusch, J. Lindner, O. Petracic<br />

Speakers & Topics<br />

Tuesday, September 27, 2011<br />

Opening<br />

Prof. Dr. E. Weiler, Rektor der Ruhr-Universität Bochum<br />

Prof. Dr. J. Schröder, Prorektor, Universität Duisburg-Essen<br />

Prof. Dr. U. Czarnetzki, Dekan, Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie, Ruhr-Universität Bochum<br />

B. Hillebrands, Magnon Spintronics<br />

M. Farle, Control of spin dynamics by manipulating relaxation channels of the magnetization<br />

C.M. Schneider, Perspectives of Immersion Lens Microscopy for Magnetism Studies<br />

C. Back, Non local magnetization dynamics due to spin pumping<br />

T. Eimüller, Magnetic imaging with fs-laser pulses and x-rays<br />

J. Lindner, Microstrip-resonators: An approach to detect single nanostructure Ferromagnetic<br />

Resonance<br />

J. Kirschner, High energy surface magnons<br />

D. Hägele, Detection of incoherent dynamics in magnetic systems<br />

M. R. Hofmann, Spin controlled optoelectronic devices<br />

P. Bruno, Exploring the quantum frontier of spin dynamics<br />

Poster Session<br />

Wednesday, September 28, 2011<br />

C. Felser, Rational Design of New materials: from Topological Insulators to Spintronics<br />

K. Westerholt, Heusler alloys in thin film heterostructures: surprises and challenges<br />

P. Kratzer, Magnetic thin films on semiconductors or insulators: the role of interface atomic<br />

structure<br />

K.-H. Schwarz, DFT electronic structure calculations of solids with WIEN2k<br />

H. Wende, Magnetic heterostructures studied element specifically: towards a microscopic understanding<br />

of magnetic interactions<br />

H. Herper, Hybrid structures with ferromagnetic Heusler compounds: An ab initio investigation<br />

G. Reiss, A short trip through the life of a magnetic tunnel junction<br />

W. Kleemann, Multiferroics and Magnetoelectric Materials<br />


Annual Report 2011 Institute for Experimental <strong>Physics</strong><br />

G. Bacher, Control of spin transport and spin dynamics by external fields<br />

K. B. Efetov, Odd triplet Superconductivity in Superconductor-Ferromagnet structures<br />

J. König, Superconducting Proximity Effect in Quantum-Dot Systems<br />

Banquet in Haus Herbede<br />

Thursday, September 29, 2011<br />

P. Ziemann, Size dependent properties of FePt nanoparticles<br />

U. Köhler, Structure and magnetism of ferromagnetic layers for spin injection on III-V semiconductors<br />

O. Petracic, Structural and magnetic properties of nanoparticle superlattices<br />

R. Allenspach, Magnetic domain walls in nanomagnets<br />

H. Zabel, Lateral magnetic nanostructures<br />

Closing remarks<br />


Weihnachtskolloquium im Haus Herbede<br />

Bochum, December 21, 2011<br />

Dr. Till Schmitte (Mannesmann/Salzgitter)<br />

Visualisierung von Ultraschall mit dem photoelastischen Effekt<br />

Dr. Dirk Sprungmann (Autohaus Sprungmann)<br />

Die VW Leo Sprungmann GmbH - Sanierung eines Familienbetriebes<br />

Dr. Alexandra Brennscheidt (VDI Düsseldorf)<br />

VDI Technologiezentrum - Forschungsförderung und Innovationsbegleitung<br />

Dr. med. Isabelle Huynh-Bui (Klinikzentrum Dortmund)<br />

Plastische Chirugie in Entwicklungsländern<br />

-85-<br />


Annual Report 2011 Institute for Experimental <strong>Physics</strong><br />


Part V<br />

Personnel & On the Road<br />

Members of the Institute<br />

Secretarial Office<br />

Claudia Wulf Secretary<br />

Bahar Öztamur Secretary<br />

Hanna Hantusch SFB491 Secretary<br />

Members of EP <strong>IV</strong><br />


Radu Abrudan, Dr. Instrument Scientist, ALICE<br />

Frank Brüssing PhD student<br />

Stefan Buschhorn PhD student<br />

Derya Demirbas Diploma student<br />

Anton Devishvili Instrument Scientist, Super ADAM<br />

Astrid Ludwig (previously: Ebbing) PhD student<br />

Melanie Ewerlin PhD student<br />

Sabine Erdt-Böhm Technician<br />

Mathias Gehlmann Master student<br />

Dimitrii Gorkov PhD student<br />

David Greving Master student<br />

Katherine Gross PhD student<br />

Philipp Gutfreund PhD student<br />

Miriam Lange Master student<br />

Min-Sang Lee PhD student<br />

Timo Lichtenstein Master student<br />

Jörg Meermann Technician<br />

Siegfried Methfessel, Prof. Dr. Emeritus<br />

Durga Mishra PhD student<br />

Mohamed Obaida PhD student<br />

Oleg Petracic, PD Dr. Group leader, nanostructures<br />

Jürgen Podschwadek Technician<br />

Ruslan Salikhov, Dr. Post-Doc<br />

Matthias Schlottke Master student<br />

Alexandra Schumann PhD student<br />

Kaveh Shokuie, Dr. Post-Doc<br />

Mathias Stadlbauer Master student<br />

Peter Stauche Engineer<br />

Philipp Szary PhD student<br />

Evgenij Termer Research assistant, webmaster<br />

Boris P. Toperverg, Prof. Dr. Group leader, Polarized neutron scattering<br />

Kurt Westerholt, Prof. Dr. Group leader, Transport<br />

Kirill Zhernenkov PhD student<br />

Hartmut Zabel, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Chair<br />


Annual Report 2011 Institute for Experimental <strong>Physics</strong><br />

<strong>Surface</strong> <strong>Physics</strong> Group<br />

Elisabeth Bartling Technician<br />

Wera Fehl Diploma student<br />

Lina Elbers Bachelor student<br />

Sebastian Frey PhD student<br />

Yu Gao Master student<br />

Carsten Godde PhD student<br />

Christian Klump Bachelor student<br />

Ulrich Köhler, Prof. Dr. Group leader, <strong>Surface</strong> <strong>Physics</strong><br />

Martin Kroll PhD student<br />

Cornelia Leschke Technician<br />

Sani Noor PhD student<br />

Dietmar Rother Bachelor student<br />

Academic degrees<br />

Bachelor of Science<br />

Lina Elbers<br />

Thesis: Struktur und magnetisches Anisotropieverhalten von Fe3Si-Schichten auf GaAs(001)<br />

Advisor: Prof. Dr. U. Köhler<br />

July 2011<br />

Christian Klump<br />

Thesis: Konstruktion eines Kerr-Mikroskops mit Einsatzmöglichkeit im Ultrahochvakuum<br />

Advisor: Prof. Dr. U. Köhler<br />

August 2011<br />

Dietmar Rother<br />

Thesis: Aufbau und Inbetriebnahme eines Rastertunnelmikroskops an einem Elektronenenergieverlust-<br />

Spektrometer<br />

Advisor: Prof. Dr. U. Köhler<br />

May 2011<br />

Diploma/Master<br />

Mathias Stadlbauer<br />

Entwurf und Konstruktion einer integrierten MOKE-Messeinrichtung für die simultane Charakterisierung<br />

der magnetischen Eigenschaften nanostrukturierter Festkörper<br />

Advisor: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Hartmut Zabel<br />

Co-Advisor: PD Dr. Oleg Petracic<br />

Date of submission (Diploma thesis): April 5, 2011<br />

Miriam Lange<br />

Magnetization and Transport Properties of Nanofabricated Magnetic Networks<br />

Advisor: PD Dr. Oleg Petracic<br />


Co-Advisor: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Hartmut Zabel<br />

Date of submission (Master thesis): Dec. 12, 2011<br />

Yu Gao<br />

Thesis: Construction of a Kerr-microscopy system for ultra high vacuum<br />

Advisor: Prof. Dr. H. Köhler<br />

Date of submission (Master thesis): January 2011<br />


Wera Fehl<br />

Thesis: Experimente zur Spininjektion über die Spaltkanten von GaAs-LED-Strukturen<br />

Advisor: Prof. Dr. H. Köhler<br />

Date of submission (Master thesis): March 2011<br />

Ph.D. Thesis<br />

Philipp Gutfreund<br />

The microscopic origin of surface slip: A neutron and x-ray scattering study on the near surface<br />

structure of owing liquids<br />

Advisor: Dr. Max Wolff<br />

Co-Advisor: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Hartmut Zabel<br />

Day of Disputation: May 15, 2011<br />

Alexandra Schumann<br />

Magnetkraftmikroskopie an lateral strukturierten magnetischen Dipolgittern: Ummagnetisierungs-<br />

Prozesse, Ordnung und Frustration in Honigwabenstrukturen<br />

Advisor: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Hartmut Zabel<br />

Co-Advisor: Prof. Dr. Kurt Westerholt<br />

Day of Disputation: July 11, 2011<br />

Stefan Buschhorn<br />

Element resolved magnetization dynamics<br />

Advisor: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Hartmut Zabel<br />

Co-Advisor: Prof. Dr. Kurt Westerholt<br />

Day of Disputation: July 15, 2011<br />

Mohamed Obaida<br />

Thesis: Magnetoresistance and Anomalous Hall Effect of Cu2MnAl, Co2MnSi and Co2MnGe<br />

Heusler alloy thin films<br />

Advisor: Prof. Dr. Kurt Westerholt<br />

Co-Advisor: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Hartmut Zabel<br />

Day of Disputation: Dec. 15, 2011<br />

Guests at the Institute<br />

Björgvin Hjörvarsson, Prof. Dr.<br />

Iliz Garifullin, Prof. Dr.<br />

Giovanni Badini Confalonieri, Dr.<br />


Annual Report 2011 Institute for Experimental <strong>Physics</strong><br />

Excursions<br />

Aug. 18, 2010<br />

Visit at the Röntgen museum and climbing tour<br />

This time we combined informative input and sports by visiting first the well-known Röntgen<br />

museum in Remscheid and then continuing in a climbing garden.<br />



On the road - Visits and Experiments at external facilities<br />

by members of the Institute<br />

HASYLAB/DESY, Hamburg<br />

D. Mishra, D. Greving, G.A. Badini Confalonieri, J. Perlich, O. Petracic<br />

GISAXS studies on iron oxide nanoparticle superlattices (Sept. 9 - Sept. 12, 2011)<br />

Helmholtz Centre Berlin for Materials and Energy, Berlin<br />

Frank Brüssing, Chen Luo, Katherine Gross, Ruslan Salikhov, Radu Abrudan<br />

Laterally structured spin valve system with one tuneable magnetic layer (January 30 - February<br />

21, 2011)<br />

Frank Brüssing, Timo Lichtenstein, Melanie Ewerlin, Astrid Ludwig, Radu Abrudan<br />

Laterally structured spin valve system with one tuneable magnetic layer (July 25 -August 7,<br />

2011)<br />

Melanie Ewerlin, Derya Demirbas<br />

PEEM measurements on PdFe nanodot arrays (December 7, 2011)<br />

ILL, Grenoble, France, SuperADAM Reflectometer<br />

D. Mishra, V. Siong, A. Devishvili, K. Theis-Bröhl, B. P. Toperverg, H.Zabel<br />

PNR of iron oxide nanoparticle multilayer and monolayer (August 1 - 6 and September 29 -<br />

October 2, 2011)<br />

Dmitry Gorkov, Kirill Zhernenkov, Boris Toperverg<br />

Spin-flop transition in laterally patterned exchange coupled Fe/Cr multilayers via AC-PNR<br />

(May 16 - 21, 2011)<br />

Dmitry Gorkov, Kirill Zhernenkov, Boris Toperverg<br />

AC-PNR from AF coupled Fe/Cr/Fe trilayer (May 21 - 26, 2011)<br />

Dmitry Gorkov, Kirill Zhernenkov, Boris Toperverg<br />

Application of Time Resolved AC-PNR for studying domain kinetics in the patterned Fe film<br />

(July 08 - 28, 2011)<br />

Kirill Zhernenkov, Dmitry Gorkov, Boris Toperverg<br />

Neutron wave guides in a switched magnetic field: Proof of principle experiment (September<br />

05 - 10, 2011)<br />

Dmitry Gorkov, Kirill Zhernenkov, Boris Toperverg<br />

AC PNR measurements of laterally patterned monocrystalline thin Fe films (September 24 - 29,<br />

2011)<br />

Dmitry Gorkov, Kirill Zhernenkov, Boris Toperverg<br />

Kinetics of spin-flop re-orientation in laterally patterned exchange coupled Fe/Cr/Fe tri-layers<br />

(November 5 - 15, 2011)<br />

Kirill Zhernenkov, Dmitry Gorkov, Boris Toperverg<br />

Lateral magnetic patterns in CoPt film with perpendicular anisotropy (November 16 - 20, 2011)<br />


Annual Report 2011 Institute for Experimental <strong>Physics</strong><br />

Kirill Zhernenkov, Dmitry Gorkov, Boris Toperverg<br />

AC PNR measurements of laterally patterned monocrystallyne thin Fe films (November 21 - 23,<br />

2011)<br />

Salikhov Ruslan, Dmitry Gorkov, Kirill Zhernenkov, Boris Toperverg<br />

AC PNR measurements of Co/Cu/Py spin valve systems (November 28 - December 08, 2011)<br />

ILL, Grenoble, France, IN22, three-axis spectrometer<br />

Kirill Zhernenkov, Dmitry Gorkov, Boris Toperverg<br />

Thermal and AC field stimulated spin waves in Heusler alloys probed with inelastic polarized<br />

neutron scattering (October 09 - 20, 2011)<br />

Kirill Zhernenkov, Dmitry Gorkov, Boris Toperverg<br />

MIEZE-REFLECTOMETRY: application to the domain walls kinetics (December 09 - 22, 2011)<br />

ILL, Grenoble, France, D22 instrument<br />

K. Theis-Bröhl, D. Mishra, B. Vogel, V. Siong, A. Hütten, B. P. Toperverg, A.<br />

Devishvili, A. Wiedenmann, H. Zabel<br />

GISANS of iron oxide nanoparticle monolayers at D22 (July 4 - 6, 2011)<br />


Part VI<br />

Press & Alumni News<br />

Alumni News<br />

News<br />

Prof. Dr. Katharina Theis-Bröhl has received a Teaching Award from the University Bremerhaven.<br />

This award recognizes her outstanding achievements as a lecturer of <strong>Physics</strong>, Mathematics,<br />

and Materials Sciences. Her students selected her as the best teacher because of her lively<br />

teaching style and the variety of methods and demonstrations, which she uses in her lectures.<br />

Moreover she is able to motivate her students and raise interest in the topics of her lectures.<br />

Dr. Andreas Stierle, PhD 1996, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, and previously Research Associate<br />

at the Max Planck Institute in Stuttgart, then W2 Professor at the Bergische Universität Siegen,<br />

has accepted a Professorship in the Department of now received a call from the University<br />

Hamburg to a W3 Professorship.<br />

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Hartmut Zabel receives the award of ”Outstanding Referee 2011 of the<br />

American Physical Society”.<br />


Annual Report 2011 Institute for Experimental <strong>Physics</strong><br />


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