Dames & Moore, 1999 - USDA Forest Service

Dames & Moore, 1999 - USDA Forest Service

Dames & Moore, 1999 - USDA Forest Service


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- Mink<br />

Mink are carnivores which feed, in order of importance. on mammals, fish and amphibians. birds. reptiles<br />

and invertebrates. Population density depends upon available cover and food, but typically ranges from<br />

0.01 to 0.1 mink per ha Mink home range depends largely upon food abundance but ranges from 7.8 to<br />

20.4 ha. in heavily vegetated and sparsely vegetated habitats, respectively (Mitchell, 1961). Home ranges<br />

are usually aligned with waterways and, in Idaho, mink were never observed more than 100 m from water<br />

(Melquist et al., 1981). Adult male mink weigh about 1 kg and consume about 0.069 kg food/kg body<br />

weight per day, and ingest about 0.099 Lkg body weight per day (EPA, 1993). In Michigan. Sealander<br />

(1943) reported that small mammals comprised about 64 percent of the diet.<br />

Metals data in small mammals have not been collected for the Holden Mine site. Therefore, the algorithms<br />

provided by, Sample ei al. (1998) were used to estimate the secondary exposure minks acquire through<br />

consumption of small insectivorous, omnivorous, and hehivorous small mammals (Table 7.2.3-1 0).<br />

These equations were then used to estimate small animal concentrations at the UCL of Holden Mine soils<br />

(Table 7.2.3-6) and the doses to mink (Table 7.2.3-14).<br />

Duskv Shrew<br />

The dusky shrew (Sorex vagrans 0bscw-u) is a carnivore which feeds largely on earthworms, insects, slugs<br />

and snails (EPA, 1993). They have forage ranges of about 0.03 to 2.2 ha, depending on population density.<br />

Shrews have very high metabolic rates and Winter mortality may range up to 90 percent. Dusky shrews<br />

weigh about 0.022 kg and consume about 0.56 kg foodkg body weight per day and drinks about 0.22 Ukg<br />

body weight per day. Since there are no data or models to estimate metals concentrations in insects, slugs.<br />

or snails, it was assumed that the shrew diet is composed 100 percent of earthworms. The equations in<br />

Sample et al. (1998) were used to estimate the metals concentrations in earthworms (Table 7.2.3-6) and<br />

doses to the shrew (Table 7.2.3- 15).<br />

Red-tailed Hawk<br />

The red-tailed hawk is a carnivore which feeds largely on terrestrial rodents (EPA, 1993). Adult male red-<br />

tailed hawks weigh about 1.2 kg and consume about 0.049 kg foodkg body weight per day and ingest about<br />

0.056 Ukg body weight per day of water. In Oregon, Janes (1 984) reported that small mammals comprised<br />

about 76.1 percent of the diet, with the remaining percentage composed of birds and reptiles. Doses for red-<br />

tailed hawk (Table 7.2.3-16) were estimated using the small mammal body burdens developed for the mink,<br />

above.<br />

American Robin<br />

The Arnerican robin is a common omnivore which feeds largely on fruits, ground-dwelling invertebrates,<br />

and foliage-dwelling insects (EOA, 1993). Preceding the breeding season, about 90 percent of the diet<br />

consists of invertebrates. Robins weigh about 0.078 kg and consume about 0.129 kg foodkg body weight<br />

per day and drink about 0.14 Lkg body weight per day. The equations in Sample et al. (1998) were used to<br />

estimate the metals concentrations in earthworms and the doses to the robin (Table 7.2.3-1 7).<br />

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17693-005419Uuly 27,<strong>1999</strong>;s: 16 P MDM FINAL RI REPORT

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