Dames & Moore, 1999 - USDA Forest Service

Dames & Moore, 1999 - USDA Forest Service

Dames & Moore, 1999 - USDA Forest Service


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Railroad Creek Adiacent to Site<br />

The results of the screening for this exposure area are presented in Table 7.1-27. All constituents were<br />

eliminated as IHSs based on this screening. ,<br />

Railroad Creek Downmdient of Site<br />

The results of the screening for this exposure area are presented in Table 7.1-28. All constituents were<br />

eliminated as IHSs based on this screening.<br />

Co~~er Creek<br />

The results of the screening for this exposure area are presented in Table 7.1-29. The only constituent<br />

selected as an IHS based on this screening was molybdenum.<br />

Elimination of most of the constituents in surface water for the fish ingestion pathway is supported by data<br />

collected in 1989 and 1991 by PNL and in 1992 by Ecology, which indicated that concentrations of metals<br />

in trout muscle were below levels of concern for human health (PNL, 1992). PNL and Ecology collected<br />

fish muscle tissue from three locations in Railroad Creek, including at Lucerne, and from 25-Mile Creek.<br />

PNL concluded there were no significant overall locational differences in metal concentrations for muscle<br />

tissue, and that results indicated little risk to human health through consumption of trout. This fish tissue<br />

data screening is described below.<br />

Seeps<br />

Historical and 1997 analytical data collected for seeps were screened against the appropriate screening<br />

criteria. There was insufficient data to calculate area background concentrations for seeps; however. the<br />

concentration detected in the one background sample is presented in the screening table for comparison<br />

purposes. 'Ihe conservatism in the seep screening significantly overestimates potential risk to human health<br />

posed by this medium because the screening criteria are for tap water consumption. Incidental ingestion of<br />

water generating from the seeps is not presumed to occur at this rate. The results of the screening for this<br />

medium are presented in Table 7.1-30. Based on the screening, aluminum, cadmium. lead, manganese,<br />

selenium and zinc were selected as IHSs.<br />

1500-Level Main Portal Drainage<br />

Historical and 1997/1998 analytical data collected for the 1500-level main portal drainage were screened<br />

against the appropriate screening criteria. The conservatism in the mine portal drainage screening<br />

significantly overestimates potential risk to human health posed by this medium because the screening<br />

criteria are for tap water consumption. Incidental ingestion of water generating from the drainage is not<br />

presumed to occur at this rate. The results of the screening fo; this medium are presented in Table 7.1-3 1.<br />

Based on the screening, aluminum, cadmium, copper, lead, manganese and zinc were selected as IHSs:<br />

1500-Level Ventilator Portal Seepage<br />

One 1998 sample was screened against the appropriate screening criteria. The conservatism in the ventilator<br />

portal drainage screening significantly overestimates potential risk to human health posed by this medium<br />

because the screening criteria are for tap water consumption. Incidental ingestion of water generating from<br />

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176931)05419Vuly27.<strong>1999</strong>,5:16 PMDRAFTFINAL RI REPORT

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