Dames & Moore, 1999 - USDA Forest Service

Dames & Moore, 1999 - USDA Forest Service

Dames & Moore, 1999 - USDA Forest Service


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the surface waters. Some of the dissolved metals precipitate out of the water column and settle on the<br />

' bottom of Railroad Creek.<br />

Seasonal metals concentrations indicate that copper, zinc, and cadmium are at their highest levels during<br />

spring snowmelt (h4ayIJune) when seeps and discharge horn ke portal drainage are at their highest, as<br />

discussed previously in Section 5. Iron concentrations are at their highest during periods of lower flow. In<br />

addition, copper, zinc and cadmium increase the most dramatically between stations RC-I and ~d-4, and<br />

iron (and to a lesser extent zinc) concentrations increase most dramatically between stations RC-4 and RC-<br />

7. These observations indicate that copper, cadmium and zinc enter Railroad Creek fiom the portal drainage<br />

and associated seeps and drainages north of the tailings piles, and that iron is introduced primarily fiom<br />

seepage and groundwater flow from the tailings.<br /> Mass Balance Calculation Method<br />

The metal loading to Railroad Creek was computed using flow measmment data and analytical results for<br />

water samples collected over a tweday period in 1997. Specifically, loading was calculated as the<br />

measured concentration for each metal for each source times the flow rate of each source at the time the<br />

sample was collected. The individual source loading was compared to the computed loading for the same<br />

constituent at the same time within Railroad Creek. Loading is reporled as mass per unit time. For the<br />

purposes of this study, the loading is reported as milligrams per second (mgs), which are common units for<br />

reporting loading results.<br />

Flow data used to compute the loading fiom the seeps and seeprelated drainages were estimated andor<br />

measured directly in the field at the time that the water quality sample was collected. Field flow<br />

measurement methods used were previously described in Sections 3 and 4. Flow measurement accuracy is<br />

directly related to the flow volume measured at each station and the measurement tools utilized. The ./<br />

accuracy of the flow measurements for the surface water in Railroad Creek ranges between 5 and 7 percent<br />

using a flow meter (Swoffer or Price AA), and 10 to 12 percent utilizing a bridgeboard, as used at RC-2 and<br />

RC-4 during high flow conditions.<br />

The accuracy of seep flow measurements at SP-6 through SP-9, SP- 14 through SP-19, SP-21, SP-23A and<br />

SP-23B was estimated to be e5 percent.<br />

Seep flow estimates for SP-1 through SP-5; SP-1OEN through SP-13; and SP-24 through SP-26 are<br />

assumed to be accurate within f 50 percent of the actual value because of limited amount of flow and the<br />

difficulty in capturing and measuring flow emerging as diffuse seepage. Although the accuracy of these<br />

measurements is marginal, the loading analysis will demonstrate that the load of select metals at these seep<br />

locations were an insignificant proportion to the overall load of select reaches of Railroad Creek.<br />

It should be noted that the flow in Railroad Creek was dynamic and was changing during the period that<br />

seeps were sampled, and also during the time that Railroad Creek was sampled (particularly during the May<br />

and July sampling rounds). Consequently, the flow measurements recorded at the time of seep sampling did<br />

not always reflect comparative flow conditions relative to RC-2.<br />

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17693405-0 19UuIy 27. <strong>1999</strong>;4: 11 PMDM FINAL RI RE#IRT

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