Dames & Moore, 1999 - USDA Forest Service

Dames & Moore, 1999 - USDA Forest Service Dames & Moore, 1999 - USDA Forest Service


lXOd3X n! WNU .LWW%Vd I I:O:6661 'LZ ~l~ftblO-SOO-E69~1 t4-9 "P'Og\."U."plOm~~00\~~d~~01"11"105\110~\1 WS-YV(I\\ asayl uroij 3u!z pue 'uon 'laddo:, 'urn!u~pe:, paAloss!p jo Bu!pol a u :(oz-s-g ar&!y) earn Il!m ayl pue sal!d qmx a)sely\ isaM pue w q aqi apnl:,u! ai!s ayl oi peol slaaur ainq!quo:, ieyl seare minos Ieuo!i!ppy pyad qaur aw u! layma paun:,m 8661 U! Byldures ayl ieyl ua~!% 'yaai3 peoqq oi a%req:,s!p ialempunod u! hlap e jo asne:,aq spla!A iaiempunod lam01 ImUai Aeur Ou!peol uar! iamol a u -(g-p uo!paS aas) iuaAa ilawous iuy aw 3u!inp 'popad ilaru ayl u! iaqm pai:,allo:, aram saldures ayl 'ia~amoq '8661 UI 'iuaAa aq '%u!mp iou inq 'aiojaq ~661 ludy U! paialdmo:, uaaq peq 3u!ldures Ipapallo:, aram saldures ayl aurp ayl Aq pamm Apeale pey iuaAa yaur e 'p-38 1e qdeBoipAq yaai3 peoil!q aqi uo paseq 'ia~amoq fqaumous jo a d ley u! ayl %u!inp papallm aiafi saldm Aem ~ 6I 6 a u eiuarla Ou!~dures Aem ~661 ayl oi pareduro:, se a3eu!mp lwod u!eur IaAal-ooSI ayl uroy qsnu isry ayl 01 aA!leIai aury %u!ldures iapa ayljo ilnsai e aq Aeur um!urpe:, pue 3u!z 'iaddm ioj sanp peal ia%n( a u ' I 1-38 ie pue yaa3 %!a 'yaar3 uaploH u! suo!im ureaqsdn 1e pauasqo peo~ slwaur ayljo alwl Lra~ '~661 03 rel!ur!s 'sa:,inos i!ayljo ureaqsu~op paseaimp speol uoi! pun :,u!z 'iaddo:, 'Alleuo!g!ppy .iaiempunoB uroy Z-ax pue p-ax uaamaq Ou!unmo speol uon ayl jo 4!10[~~ ayl pue "a%eu!erp ~wod ayl Aq ioj paiunme urn!urpe:, pue :,up 'iaddo:, ioj peol ayl jo ,Quofew aw yl!~ ~661 01 n~!uqs sem %u!peol jo ura~ed ayl 'ia~amo~ 'iafiol sem peol uoi! ayl pue '~661 01 aA!qai un!urpv:, pw '3yz 'iaddm ioj ia3el s e qaai3 ~ prroq~gt~ U! peol ~qoi 8661 ICem ayl '1~1aua8 u~ ie pamasqo speol aA!ielaJ mol Aq pala:,!py se 'ai!~ ayl jo ureassdn paieraua3 aq 01 pamdde Z-3~ ' I -9.9 alqeLoi upaq pareduro:, s! pue salew!isa peol 866 1 Aem ayl smoqs g-9.9 aIqeL 'uo!ieln:,lm ayl u! paiap!sum IOU SBM %U!UI!I MOU ieyl u~A!% aleur!xoidde aq oi paumssrr are pue sanlerl ~661 Aem ayl uospeduro:, ioj padola~ap aiam sanlers peol a u '(g-p uo!pag aas) suo!ias uaamlaq sd!qsuo!ielai MOD uroy paieuqysa Alqeuoseai aq plno:, lo parnseaur iayl!a aiam ieyl s~ou iuaun:,uo:, yl!m suo!ieq %u!1dures ayl jo IIB ioj padola~ap aiam saIem!lsa %u!peol a u 'punar %u!ldures AM 8661 ayl %uunp pauyqo qnsai ,Q!lmb ialem pue sluaurarnseaur MOU aqi uroy paleurysa sem qaa3 peoil!q u! uoi! pue urn!urpe:, ':,u!z 'iaddm jo %u!peo~ a u .sa~!d alp @ n q a%reqm oi palela Apanp Ap~~sau iou s! pue 'sapd s%y~!s ayl yleauaq sl~ua~em le!Anlp ayl yl!m pale!- mou iatempund pue a%erop quq Aq pauysns s! mo~ daas leyl sasa83ns osp s ! .qaa.t=) ~ peoqg JO paq~~eas~ ayl o ~y sapd ayl jo aseq ayl @ n q a%reqs!p ~uanbasqns yl!~ sal!d s%yl!e) atp @ n q uouq~gu! jo pouad papuawa w qsuar %up01 uon u! Aelap a u .sa%eu!wp io sdaas iou '~ouaseq iatempund urq am speo~ uar! asnq iaddm pue um!upm ':,u!z oi ayvlar paAelap s! aSqs!p uoi~ -%u!.unm J~%UO~ ou s! a%mqm iaiempunoB pue dn hp 01 un%aq aAeq sdaas iav ~pj pue iaurums @ n q aypap spml u0.11 .)sa@!q ayl are smo~ uaqm %uuds ayl %uunp isa@!q are spm[ uar~ -sal!d s%u~ly ayl %uop MoUasEq 1almpuno.d uroy A~peuqd pavtqgum s! uon paAIoss!a .uo!mpuw npqs e p !py uo!ieln:,p laquraldas a u 'pala!d!%xd peol y aseawap a u 'peal pa~loss!p aw .lapun ioj palunme IOU 'arojaralp 's! pue pala!d!md s! pappv uon

source areas was estimated from flow measurements and water quality results for seeps associated with these areas collected in the spring and fall of 1997. The loading analysis included the data from seeps SP- 6 and SP-ISE, associated with the west waste rock pile, SP-7 and SP-22 associated with the mill area, and SP-8 associated with the east waste rock pile. These seeps do not enter Railroad Creek as surface flow and are considered to contribute to downslope seeps and ultimately to the alluvial aquifer. The loading analysis was conducted to quantify the maximum load available from these areas that could contribute to dissolved metals loading into Railroad Creek. The loading data are provided in Table 6.6-4 and shown on Figure 6.5-20. The data indicate that maximum loading from these source areas accounts for a small percentage of the total load at RC-2 ranging from 0.2 to 2.9% for cadmium, 0.1 to 4.3% for copper, less than 0.01% for iron, and 0.4 to 2.7% for zinc. The highest loads result from the mill area at SP-7 and the west waste rock pile at SP-15E in the spring. The seeps used for the loading analysis were not flowing in the fall except in response to significant precipitation. A loading analysis was also performed for data collected from SP-21 located east of tailings pile 3 and downstream of RC-2. Chemical data, direction of groundwater flow (especially in the fall), and the documented loss of flow in Reach 2 (RC-4 to RC-2) indicate that affected groundwater from the tailings and loss from Railroad Creek (unaccounted load) may be measurable at SP-21. Loading for dissolved cadmium, copper, iron, and zinc were calculated using flow measurements and analytical data collected in the spring and fall of 1997. The percentage load is based on RC-2 as an appropriate location downstream of SP-2 1 on Railroad Creek was not established. The analysis indicates that loading for these metals ranges from 0.8 to 1.2% in the spring and 0.1% or less '. in the fall. Conclusions The following is concluded from the loading calculations: All significant observed loads have been identified and accounted for in Railroad Creek. Groundwater loads can be used to balance Site area chemical loading. Back-calculated concentrations using flow estimates compare well with expected groundwater sources such as mine discharge water and tailings seepage. Copper and zinc loads to Railroad Creek from measured point sources and other groundwater (baseflow) sources are highest during the spring snowmelt and groundwater discharge period when groundwater levels are highest in the deep wells beneath the tailings, and high flow occurs at the 1500-level portal drainage. During the May round when flows are the highest, the portal drainage is the primary source of loading of cadmium, copper and zinc to Railroad Creek. Seeps SP-23 and SP-23B are the two next highest point sources that are estimated to contribute cadmium, copper and zinc during May; however, this load drops to zero later in the year as seep SP-23 dries up. - 17693-005419Vuly 27,1999;4:11 PM;DRAFT FINAL RI REPORT

lXOd3X n! WNU .LWW%Vd I I:O:6661 'LZ ~l~ftblO-SOO-E69~1<br />

t4-9 "P'Og\."U."plOm~~00\~~d~~01"11"105\110~\1 WS-YV(I\\<br />

asayl uroij 3u!z pue 'uon 'laddo:, 'urn!u~pe:, paAloss!p jo Bu!pol a u :(oz-s-g ar&!y) earn Il!m ayl pue<br />

sal!d qmx a)sely\ isaM pue w q aqi apnl:,u! ai!s ayl oi peol slaaur ainq!quo:, ieyl seare minos Ieuo!i!ppy<br />

pyad qaur aw u! layma paun:,m 8661 U! Byldures ayl ieyl ua~!% 'yaai3 peoqq<br />

oi a%req:,s!p ialempunod u! hlap e jo asne:,aq spla!A iaiempunod lam01 ImUai Aeur Ou!peol uar! iamol<br />

a u -(g-p uo!paS aas) iuaAa ilawous iuy aw 3u!inp 'popad ilaru ayl u! iaqm pai:,allo:, aram saldures<br />

ayl 'ia~amoq '8661 UI 'iuaAa aq '%u!mp iou inq 'aiojaq ~661 ludy U! paialdmo:, uaaq peq 3u!ldures<br />

Ipapallo:, aram saldures ayl aurp ayl Aq pamm Apeale pey iuaAa yaur e 'p-38 1e qdeBoipAq yaai3<br />

peoil!q aqi uo paseq 'ia~amoq fqaumous jo a d ley u! ayl %u!inp papallm aiafi saldm Aem ~ 6I 6 a u<br />

eiuarla Ou!~dures Aem ~661 ayl oi pareduro:, se a3eu!mp lwod u!eur IaAal-ooSI ayl uroy qsnu isry ayl 01<br />

aA!leIai aury %u!ldures iapa ayljo ilnsai e aq Aeur um!urpe:, pue 3u!z 'iaddm ioj sanp peal ia%n( a u<br />

' I 1-38 ie pue yaa3 %!a 'yaar3 uaploH u! suo!im ureaqsdn<br />

1e<br />

pauasqo peo~ slwaur ayljo alwl Lra~ '~661 03 rel!ur!s 'sa:,inos i!ayljo ureaqsu~op paseaimp speol uoi!<br />

pun :,u!z 'iaddo:, 'Alleuo!g!ppy .iaiempunoB uroy Z-ax pue p-ax uaamaq Ou!unmo speol uon ayl jo<br />

4!10[~~ ayl pue "a%eu!erp ~wod ayl Aq ioj paiunme urn!urpe:, pue :,up 'iaddo:, ioj peol ayl jo ,Quofew<br />

aw yl!~ ~661 01 n~!uqs sem %u!peol jo ura~ed ayl 'ia~amo~ 'iafiol sem peol uoi! ayl pue '~661 01<br />

aA!qai un!urpv:, pw '3yz 'iaddm ioj ia3el s e qaai3 ~ prroq~gt~ U! peol ~qoi 8661 ICem ayl '1~1aua8 u~<br />

ie pamasqo speol aA!ielaJ mol Aq pala:,!py se 'ai!~ ayl jo ureassdn paieraua3 aq 01 pamdde Z-3~<br />

' I -9.9 alqeLoi upaq pareduro:, s! pue salew!isa peol 866 1<br />

Aem ayl smoqs g-9.9 aIqeL 'uo!ieln:,lm ayl u! paiap!sum IOU SBM %U!UI!I MOU ieyl u~A!% aleur!xoidde<br />

aq oi paumssrr are pue sanlerl ~661 Aem ayl uospeduro:, ioj padola~ap aiam sanlers peol a u<br />

'(g-p uo!pag aas) suo!ias uaamlaq sd!qsuo!ielai MOD uroy paieuqysa Alqeuoseai aq plno:, lo parnseaur<br />

iayl!a aiam ieyl s~ou iuaun:,uo:, yl!m suo!ieq %u!1dures ayl jo IIB ioj padola~ap aiam saIem!lsa<br />

%u!peol a u 'punar %u!ldures AM 8661 ayl %uunp pauyqo qnsai ,Q!lmb ialem pue sluaurarnseaur<br />

MOU aqi uroy paleurysa sem qaa3 peoil!q u! uoi! pue urn!urpe:, ':,u!z 'iaddm jo %u!peo~ a u<br />

.sa~!d alp @ n q a%reqm oi palela Apanp Ap~~sau iou s! pue 'sapd s%y~!s<br />

ayl yleauaq sl~ua~em le!Anlp ayl yl!m pale!- mou iatempund pue a%erop quq Aq pauysns s! mo~<br />

daas leyl sasa83ns osp s ! .qaa.t=) ~ peoqg JO paq~~eas~ ayl o ~y sapd ayl jo aseq ayl @ n q a%reqs!p<br />

~uanbasqns yl!~ sal!d s%yl!e) atp @ n q uouq~gu! jo pouad papuawa w qsuar %up01 uon u! Aelap<br />

a u .sa%eu!wp io sdaas iou '~ouaseq iatempund urq am speo~ uar! asnq iaddm pue um!upm ':,u!z<br />

oi ayvlar paAelap s! aSqs!p uoi~ -%u!.unm J~%UO~ ou s! a%mqm iaiempunoB pue dn hp 01 un%aq aAeq<br />

sdaas iav ~pj pue iaurums @ n q aypap spml u0.11 .)sa@!q ayl are smo~ uaqm %uuds ayl %uunp isa@!q<br />

are spm[ uar~ -sal!d s%u~ly ayl %uop MoUasEq 1almpuno.d uroy A~peuqd pavtqgum s! uon paAIoss!a<br />

.uo!mpuw npqs e p !py uo!ieln:,p laquraldas a u 'pala!d!%xd<br />

peol y aseawap a u 'peal pa~loss!p aw .lapun ioj palunme IOU 'arojaralp 's! pue pala!d!md s! pappv uon

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