Dames & Moore, 1999 - USDA Forest Service

Dames & Moore, 1999 - USDA Forest Service Dames & Moore, 1999 - USDA Forest Service


TABLE 5.44 HISTORICAL SUMMARY OF MILL BUILDING DRIP SAMPLES (1995-1996) HOLDEN MINE RllFS DAMES (L MOORE JOB NO. 17693005019 . Data ..'.. Notes: ~ ~,~~~~~~,~~,.~~ .... .. ......,.,;:.....:.: ;~@$?&#&Jgj:j;,; indicates the constituent was not analyzed. Data Source: (a) K~lburn J E 8 S J Sutley 1996 Charactenzat~on of acrd mlne drarnage at the Holden mrne Chelan Wash~ngton USGS Open F~le Report 96-531 (Data collected In 1995) (b) Kllburn J E B S J Sutley 1997 Analytrcal results and cornparatwe overvlew of geochern~cal studles conducted at the Hotden M~ne spnng 1996 USGS Open F~le Report 97-128 (Data collected In Spr~ng 1996) H:\Holden\Dran final n rpt\S-5\Tables\5-4-6 xls 7/26/99 Page 1 of 1 DAMES & MOCIRE

TABLE 5.47 WENllAL COMPOUNDS OF CONCERN (PCOC] FOR GROUNDWAER HOLDEN MINE RMS DAMES L MOORE JOB NO. 9769%00!3419 I Arra Honeymoon Helghts Waste Rock Pile East Waste Rock Plle . ' ~alntenance Yard . . Talllngs Pile 1 . . Talllngs Plle 2 Talngs East of Talllngs Plle 3 . . . , . Lucerne Analytes Above MTCAdl MfCAg or WAC 173-200 Cadmium, Copper. Iron, ZInc. pH Arsenic, Beryllium. Cadmium. Copper. Manganese. Zinc. TOS, pH. SO, Cadmium. Copper, Iron. Zinc, pH Cadmium. Copper. Zinc, p~ . Cadmium. Copper, Imn. Zinc. TDS. SO, pH Beryllii. Cadmium. Copper. Iron. Manganese. Zinc, TOS. SO. pH Arsenic, B Wh. Cadmium. Copper* Iron. Manganese, Zinc. TDS, SO. pH, color Arsenic, Cadmium. Iron. Manganese, pH. TDS. SO, mlor Anenic. Beryllium. Cadmium. Copper. Iron. Manganese. TDS. SO, pH Beryllium. Imn. Lead. Ma%~=e. TDS. SO.. PH Bevlliw Im Manganese. TDS. SO, pH Be'yOiu'!' Cadmium' Copw Imn. Manganese. TDS. SO+ pH Cadmium. Copper. Zinc pH pH Anam Above Fedenl MCLs Not Applicable Not~pplicable Not Applicable ~ oApplicable t Not Applicable No1 Applicable Not Applicable ~ oAppncable t Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Appilcable NOI Applicable ~mn (secondary MCL) &.Es :Samples indicated u mnaininp PCm MY rial cmtlh dl @(he PCOCa Wed a may mntah PCOCs dependem upon Ule season. PCWs Cadmium, Copper, pH Arsenlc. Beryllium. Cadmium. Copper. Manganese. Zinc. TDS, pH. SO, Cadmium. Copper. Iron. Zinc. pH Cadmium. Copper, 2tt-1~. p~ Cadmium Copper. Iron. Zinc. TDS. SO.. PH TP1-14 TPl-24 TP1-34 TP14A. TP1-54 TP16A B ~ ~ ~ e ~ ~ ~ i ~ , ~ ~ I ~ Arsenic. Beryllium. Cedmim Copper. Iron. Manganese. Zinc. TDS. SO. pH. color Arsenic, Csmnim Iron. Manganese, pH. TDS. SO, color Arsenic. BeryIUum. Cedrmum. Copper. Im Mangsnese. TDS. SO+ pH . Beryllim. Imn. Lead. Manganese. TDS, SO, pH Barylli. Imn. Manganese. TDS. SO,. pH Beryllium. Cadmium. Copper, Iron. Manganese. TOS. SO+ PH Cadmium. Copper. Zinc, pH Imn. pH . Sampler Contalnlng PCOC's SP-14 Upper(pH W). SP-14. SP-14 Lower. SP-23 UP. SP-23 Venl Rd. SP-23. SP-238. SP-12. A-1 SP4. SP-15E. SP-1W. SP-'I~. SP-9. SPll SPB. SP-19. SP-IOW. SP-IOE HBKG-1 SP-7. SP-22. SP-24. SP-25 SP-1. SP-2 PZ-14 PZ-10. PZ-34 TP24A.TPZ-W. TP2M TP2-IA Spa. SP4 TP34. TP3-64 TP3-9. TP3-9. TP3-IOA PZdA DS-1.0s-2 SPS. SP-17. SP-18 SP-21 ~uceme DAMES & MOORE

TABLE 5.44<br />



DAMES (L MOORE JOB NO. 17693005019<br />

.<br />

Data<br />

..'..<br />

Notes:<br />

~ ~,~~~~~~,~~,.~~<br />

.... .. ......,.,;:.....:.:<br />

;~@$?&#&Jgj:j;,; indicates the constituent was not analyzed.<br />

Data Source:<br />

(a) K~lburn J E 8 S J Sutley 1996 Charactenzat~on of acrd mlne drarnage at the Holden mrne Chelan Wash~ngton USGS Open F~le Report 96-531<br />

(Data collected In 1995)<br />

(b) Kllburn J E B S J Sutley 1997 Analytrcal results and cornparatwe overvlew of geochern~cal studles conducted at the Hotden M~ne spnng 1996<br />

USGS Open F~le Report 97-128 (Data collected In Spr~ng 1996)<br />

H:\Holden\Dran final n rpt\S-5\Tables\5-4-6 xls<br />

7/26/99<br />

Page 1 of 1<br />


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