Dames & Moore, 1999 - USDA Forest Service

Dames & Moore, 1999 - USDA Forest Service Dames & Moore, 1999 - USDA Forest Service


greater than two times the 90' percentile value (background) and less than ten percent of the sample concentrations may be above the 90' percentile value in a data set. PCOCs were identified where metal concentrations were (1) greater than 2 times background, or (2) more than 10% of the sample concentrations in a data set were above background, and (3) concentrations were above MTCA Method A cleanup levels or MTCA Method B cleanup levels if Method A levels were not available. Exceptions to the PCOC assessment were cations (calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium), aluminum, and iron as there are no available cleanup levels provided for these metals. Calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium are considered nutrient metals and were not considered as PCOCs. lron and aluminum were considered PCOCs if the results were above background as noted above. 5.2.2 Holden Village Historical Soil Samples Seven surficial soil samples (HV-IA, HV-2A, HV-3A, HV4A, HV-5A, HV-6A, HV-7) were collected in 1994 by the USBM in Holden Village. One surface soil sample (HW-1 A) was collected in the area near the current USFS guard station west of Holden Village. Sample locations are shown in Figure 5.2-3 and the data are provided in Table 5.2-3. Concentrations of aluminum, beryllium, chromium, copper, iron, lead, mercury, nickel. silver, and zinc were above background levels in several samples, however with the exception of beryllium, all were below MTCA cleanup levels. Beryllium concentrations were slightly above background (0.2 mgkg) and the MTCA Method B level (0.23 m ag) in samples HV-4A (0.32 mgkg) and HV-6A (0.29 mgkg). lron concentrations above background (24,100 mgkg) ranged from 26,200 to 28,400 mgkg and were detected in samples HW-lA, HV-3A, HV-4A, and HV-6A. Aluminum concentrations ranged from 21,400 mgkg to 25,100 mgkg and were above background (20.900 mgkg) in samples HV-]A, HV-3A, HV4A, and HV-6A. Sample HW-1A contained arsenic (25.2 mgkg) above background and the MTCA Method A (20 mgkg) level. RI ~ 6i1 Samples Seven surficial soil samples (DMSS-1, DMSS-2, DMSS-3, DMSS-4, DMSS-5, DMSS-6, DMSS-7) and a field duplicate (DMSS-6X) were collected in September 1997 in and around Holden Village. The samples were analyzed for metals. Sample locations are shown in Figure 5.2-1 and analytical data are summarized in Table 5.2- 1. Concentrations of aluminum, barium, beryllium, chromium, copper, iron, lead, molybdenum, nickel, silver, and zinc were detected in one or more samples above background concentrations. However, with the exception of beryllium, the concentrations were below MTCA levels. Beryllium concentrations were slightly above background (0.2 mgkg) and the MTCA Method B level (0.23 mg/kg) in samples DMSS-1 (0.3 mg~kg), DMSS-3 (0.3 mgkg), DMSS-6 (0.3 mgkg), and DMSS-6X (0.3 mg/kg). Iron concentrations above background (24,100 mgkg) ranged from 24,600 to 29,600 mgkg and were detected in samples DMSS-2, DMSS-3, DMSS-4, DMSS-5, DMSS-6, and DMSS-6X. Aluminum was above background (20,900 mgkg) in samples DMSS-3, DMSS-6, and DMSS-6X and ranged from 23,500 1 m@g to26.300 m@g. \WM~SEAI\VOLI\COMMOMWP\WPDATA\OOS\REPORTSWOLDEN-2WU-O 5-7 17693-005-0 I9Uuly 28. 1999;11:09 AM;DRAFT FINAL R1 REPORT

The historical data for samples collected in Holden Village were compared to the data collected during the RI. The soil samples collected in 1994 were not analyzed for molybdenum and uranium, and mercury and selenium were not analyzed in 1997; therefore, comparisons were not performed for these metals. The analytical data for the comparable list of analytes were well within an order of magnitude. The PCOCs in soil in Holden Village appear to be: arsenic at historical location HW-1A; beryllium at historical locations HV-4A and'HV-6~, and RI locations DMSS-1, DMSS-3, and DMSS-6; and iron at historical locations HW-IA, HV-3A, HV-4A, HV-6A and RI locations DMSS-2, DMSS-3, DMSS-4, DMSS-5, and DMSS-6; and aluminum at historical locations HV-lA, HV-3A, HV-4A; HV-6A and RI locations DMSS-3 and DMSS-6. 5.2.3 Baseball Field One surficial soil sample (DMSS-25) was collected from within the baseball field area in October 1997 (Figure 5.2-1). Analytical results are summarized in Table 5.2-1. Copper (63 mgkg) and 'iron (26,600 mgkg) were detected above background (57.4 mgkg and 24,100 mgkg, respectively). The concentration of silver (0.5 mgkg) in the sample was equal to background. Copper and silver were below the MTCA Method B levels (2,960 mgkg and 400 mgkg, respectively). Iron was identified as a PCOC for this area. 5.2.4 Maintenance Yard Four surface soil samples (DMSS-8, DMSS-9, Storage, and DMSS-lo), a field duplicate (DMSS-IOX) and three subsurface samples (DMSS-8, DMSS-9, and DMSS-10) collected at 2 feet bgs were collected during the RI. Sample locations are shown in Figure 5.2-1 and the analytical data are summarized in Table 5.2-1. 0'. Samples were analyzed for metals and organics (TPH, PCBs). Inorganic Results Arsenic, barium, cadmium, copper, iron, lead, molybdenum, nickel, silver, and zinc concentrations were above background in one or more surface samples. Concentrations were below MTCA levels with the exception of arsenic, cadmium, copper, and lead. The arsenic concentration detected in surface sample "Storage" (60 mgkg) was above background and the MTCA Method A (20 mgkg) cleanup level. Cadmium (9.4 to 21.6 mgkg) was detected in samples DMSS-8, DMSS-9, and "Storage" above background (5.4 mg/kg) and MTCA Method A (2 mag) level. Copper (3,160 mgkg) detected in sample DMSS-9 was above background (57.4 mglkg) and MTCA Method B (2,960 mgkg) level. Lead (1,070 and 392 mgkg) was detected in samples DMSS-8 and DMSS-9 above background (20.6 mgkg) and MTCA Method A (250 mgfkg) level. Iron ranged from 22,400 mgkg to 60,300 mgkg. Concentrations detected in samples DMSS-8, DMSS-9 and "Storage" were above background (24,100 mf5'kg). Metal concentrations for aluminum, copper, lead, and zinc were above background in one or more subsurface samples. Concentrations for copper, lead and zinc were below MTCA levels. Aluminum (23,900 mgkg) detected in subsurface sample DMSS-10 was above background (20,900 mgkg). Generally, the data from surface and subsurface samples indicated that metal concentrations decreased with depth. \\DM-SEAI\VOLI\COMMOMWP\WPDATAU)OnREWRTSWOLDEN-2\RN-O.Qs 5-8 17693-005-019Uuly 28, 1999;I 1 :09 AMDRAFT FINAL RJ REPORT

greater than two times the 90' percentile value (background) and less than ten percent of the sample<br />

concentrations may be above the 90' percentile value in a data set. PCOCs were identified where metal<br />

concentrations were (1) greater than 2 times background, or (2) more than 10% of the sample<br />

concentrations in a data set were above background, and (3) concentrations were above MTCA Method A<br />

cleanup levels or MTCA Method B cleanup levels if Method A levels were not available. Exceptions to<br />

the PCOC assessment were cations (calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium), aluminum, and iron as<br />

there are no available cleanup levels provided for these metals. Calcium, magnesium, potassium, and<br />

sodium are considered nutrient metals and were not considered as PCOCs. lron and aluminum were<br />

considered PCOCs if the results were above background as noted above.<br />

5.2.2 Holden Village<br /> Historical Soil Samples<br />

Seven surficial soil samples (HV-IA, HV-2A, HV-3A, HV4A, HV-5A, HV-6A, HV-7) were collected in<br />

1994 by the USBM in Holden Village. One surface soil sample (HW-1 A) was collected in the area near the<br />

current USFS guard station west of Holden Village. Sample locations are shown in Figure 5.2-3 and the<br />

data are provided in Table 5.2-3.<br />

Concentrations of aluminum, beryllium, chromium, copper, iron, lead, mercury, nickel. silver, and zinc<br />

were above background levels in several samples, however with the exception of beryllium, all were<br />

below MTCA cleanup levels. Beryllium concentrations were slightly above background (0.2 mgkg) and<br />

the MTCA Method B level (0.23 m ag) in samples HV-4A (0.32 mgkg) and HV-6A (0.29 mgkg). lron<br />

concentrations above background (24,100 mgkg) ranged from 26,200 to 28,400 mgkg and were detected<br />

in samples HW-lA, HV-3A, HV-4A, and HV-6A. Aluminum concentrations ranged from 21,400 mgkg<br />

to 25,100 mgkg and were above background (20.900 mgkg) in samples HV-]A, HV-3A, HV4A, and<br />

HV-6A.<br />

Sample HW-1A contained arsenic (25.2 mgkg) above background and the MTCA Method A (20 mgkg)<br />

level.<br /> RI ~ 6i1 Samples<br />

Seven surficial soil samples (DMSS-1, DMSS-2, DMSS-3, DMSS-4, DMSS-5, DMSS-6, DMSS-7) and a<br />

field duplicate (DMSS-6X) were collected in September 1997 in and around Holden Village. The<br />

samples were analyzed for metals. Sample locations are shown in Figure 5.2-1 and analytical data are<br />

summarized in Table 5.2- 1.<br />

Concentrations of aluminum, barium, beryllium, chromium, copper, iron, lead, molybdenum, nickel,<br />

silver, and zinc were detected in one or more samples above background concentrations. However, with<br />

the exception of beryllium, the concentrations were below MTCA levels. Beryllium concentrations were<br />

slightly above background (0.2 mgkg) and the MTCA Method B level (0.23 mg/kg) in samples DMSS-1<br />

(0.3 mg~kg), DMSS-3 (0.3 mgkg), DMSS-6 (0.3 mgkg), and DMSS-6X (0.3 mg/kg). Iron<br />

concentrations above background (24,100 mgkg) ranged from 24,600 to 29,600 mgkg and were detected<br />

in samples DMSS-2, DMSS-3, DMSS-4, DMSS-5, DMSS-6, and DMSS-6X. Aluminum was above<br />

background (20,900 mgkg) in samples DMSS-3, DMSS-6, and DMSS-6X and ranged from 23,500<br />

1 m@g to26.300 m@g.<br />


17693-005-0 I9Uuly 28. <strong>1999</strong>;11:09 AM;DRAFT FINAL R1 REPORT

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