Dames & Moore, 1999 - USDA Forest Service

Dames & Moore, 1999 - USDA Forest Service Dames & Moore, 1999 - USDA Forest Service


The October 1998 baseflow survey included five stations (BF-I through BF-5) between RC-6 and RC-4 (Figure 4.3-10). Over the course of the measurements (approximately 5 hours) the stage in Railroad Creek was measured continuously with an electronic data logger situated at RC-4. The data indicated that the stage in Railroad Creek did not change, indicating that the flow measurements are directly comparable. -.. Referring to Figure 4.3-10 and Table 4.3-9, the results of the survey indicate an apparent increase in flow between the 1500;level main portal drainage (P-5) and Railroad Creek adjacent to the Holden Village septic field (approximately midway between P-5 and RC-4), with a subsequent loss of a similar quantity of flow between the septic field and the vehicle bridge (upstream of RC-4). Statistical analyses were completed in order to evaluate the results of the October 1998 baseflow survey in, terms of accuracy and precision; the results of analyses are presented in Appendix N and are summarized herein. Referring to Figure 4.3-10 and Table 4.3-9, the mean flow measured at stations BF- 1 and BF-5 during the October 1998 flow survey appear to remain relatively constant. However, there is an apparent increase in flow noted between stations BF-2 and BF-3 (8.5 percent), and a similar decrease in flow between statibns between BF-3 and BF-4. The standard deviation was calculated for each station; the values were found to range between 0.8 and 2.2 cfs. Taking the standard deviation into account, the data appear to suggest no significant change between the stations. Consequently, additional statistical analyses were performed in an attempt to further evaluate the accuracy and precision of measurements. The statistical differences between the means (utilizing the one- tailed students t-test) appears to confirm that there is no significant difference between the means of BF- I through BF-5 at the 95 percent confidence level. Thus, there remains a question as to the significance and magnitude of the observed flow loss and gain within this reach of Railroad Creek. Due to this question, the water balance analysis has assumed that the loss (indicated as Qal in the water balance equation), may , range from 0 to 1.0 cfs. The gain is (Qag) estimated to be 1.5 cfs in the spring and 0.5 cfs in the fall for the entire reach (see Section Other Related Observations Water surface elevations observed on May 20, 1997 indicated that the water surface in the segment of Railroad Creek adjacent to the wetland area immediately east of tailings pile 3 (see Figure 4.3-3a) was nearly 2 feet higher than the elevation of the wetland. This appears to verify the observed flow loss within the reach between RC-2 and RC-5. This apparent condition may be the result of stream confinement, which has restricted the floodplain and associated sediment storage areas, with the result that higher permeability alluvial materials have been transported and deposited downstream of the tailings piles where the channel is no longer confined by the riprap and tailings piles. A zone of mixing of surface water and groundwater likely exists beneath ailr road Creek. This area of mixing is called the hyporheic zone which is defined as a zone of mixed surface water and groundwater that may occur in the interstices of the bed sediment in direct contact with the water (Benner et al., 1995). However, the presence of ferricrete, as described in Section 4.3.9, may limit direct mixing between groundwater originating From the tailings piles and Railroad Creek water by armoring the streambed. The implications of the hyporheic zone in terms of the fate and transport of constituents of potential concern are G:\WPDATA\O05REPORTS\HOLDEN-ZUUCl-O-ODOC 17693005-019Uuly 19.19994:51 PM;DRAFT FMAL RI REPORT

discussed in' Section 6.8.2 of this report. It is possible that during baseflow periods the interaction between surface water and groundwater is limited for those portions of Railroad Creek adjacent to the tailings piles, with interaction increasing immediately downstream of tailings pile 3. This is indicated by the apparent flow loss between RC-2 and RC-5, followed by an apparent gain in Railroad Creek flow measured approximately 100 feet downstream of RC-5, as discussed above. Other observations with respect to surface water and groundwater interaction include the relationship between precipitation and flow rates in Railroad Creek and the 1500-level main portal drainage. Referring to Figures 4.3-4a and 4.3-7b, both Railroad creek and the portal drainage appear to respond relatively rapidly (i.e., within approximately one day) to precipitation events that occur during the spring snowrnelt period. This appears to suggest that the soil and bedrock are saturated during this period of time. However, as the snowmelt diminishes through the summer months, the response to precipiiation becomes less pronounced for both the portal drainage and Railroad Creek, likely due to the soil and bedrock becoming less saturated. Summary of Baseflow Survey Railroad Creek upstream of the Site appears to be a gaining stream between RC-6 and RC-1 (Figure 4.3-3a). However, adjacent to the Site, flow gains and losses are variable. It appears that, at least during parts of the year, flow is lost between upstream stations RC-I and RC-4, and immediately downstream of RC-2. Flow appears to be gained due to groundwater inflow (subtracting inflow from Copper Creek and the Copper Creek diversion) between RC-4 and RC-2 during spring. Gains and losses potentially attributed to groundwater flow are within the accuracy of the measurements during the fall and are, therefore, inconclusive when considered independent of other site information. 4.3.8 Hydrologic Conditions During the 1998 Wand Comparison With 1997 Rate During 1998, stream flow measurements were collected in Railroad Creek with a data logger installed at the RC-4 and portal drainage P-l stations (Figure 4.3-3a). In general, the discharge of Railroad Creek during the May 1997 sampling appeared higher than the discharge during the May 1998 sampling (compare Figures 4.3-4 and 4.3-4a). The discharge in the portal drainage was also higher in 1997 than 1998 (compare Figures 4.3-7 and 4.3-7a). Based on these data, both the 1997 and 1998 Rl spring runoff water quality samples were apparently collected on the rising limb or near the peak of the initial hydrograph rise (Figures 4.3-4 and 4.3-4a). 4.3.9 Interstitial Iron-Oxide Precipitate and Ferricrete Summary of Historical Findings The U.S. Bureau of Mines (USBM) completed an assessment of the Railroad Creek substrate in April 1994. The assessment included the mapping of the presence or absence of interstitial iron-oxide precipitates and ferricrete. The methods employed the probing of the substrate as part of the sampling of interstitial fluid (see Section 5.4.3). The probing did not allow the differentiation between non-cemented and cemented interstitial iron-oxide precipitates. However, it appeared that the cemented iron-oxide precipitates (ferricrete) were generally limited to the banks of Railroad Creek near the northeast comer of tailings pile 1 G:\WPDATA\WSWPORTSWOLDEN-2Wd.DOC 17693-005-0 19Wuly 19.1999;4:5 1 PM,DRAFT FINAL RI REPORT

discussed in' Section 6.8.2 of this report. It is possible that during baseflow periods the interaction between<br />

surface water and groundwater is limited for those portions of Railroad Creek adjacent to the tailings piles,<br />

with interaction increasing immediately downstream of tailings pile 3. This is indicated by the apparent<br />

flow loss between RC-2 and RC-5, followed by an apparent gain in Railroad Creek flow measured<br />

approximately 100 feet downstream of RC-5, as discussed above.<br />

Other observations with respect to surface water and groundwater interaction include the relationship<br />

between precipitation and flow rates in Railroad Creek and the 1500-level main portal drainage. Referring<br />

to Figures 4.3-4a and 4.3-7b, both Railroad creek and the portal drainage appear to respond relatively<br />

rapidly (i.e., within approximately one day) to precipitation events that occur during the spring snowrnelt<br />

period. This appears to suggest that the soil and bedrock are saturated during this period of time. However,<br />

as the snowmelt diminishes through the summer months, the response to precipiiation becomes less<br />

pronounced for both the portal drainage and Railroad Creek, likely due to the soil and bedrock becoming<br />

less saturated.<br /> Summary of Baseflow Survey<br />

Railroad Creek upstream of the Site appears to be a gaining stream between RC-6 and RC-1 (Figure 4.3-3a).<br />

However, adjacent to the Site, flow gains and losses are variable. It appears that, at least during parts of the<br />

year, flow is lost between upstream stations RC-I and RC-4, and immediately downstream of RC-2. Flow<br />

appears to be gained due to groundwater inflow (subtracting inflow from Copper Creek and the Copper<br />

Creek diversion) between RC-4 and RC-2 during spring. Gains and losses potentially attributed to<br />

groundwater flow are within the accuracy of the measurements during the fall and are, therefore,<br />

inconclusive when considered independent of other site information.<br />

4.3.8 Hydrologic Conditions During the 1998 Wand Comparison With 1997 Rate<br />

During 1998, stream flow measurements were collected in Railroad Creek with a data logger installed at the<br />

RC-4 and portal drainage P-l stations (Figure 4.3-3a). In general, the discharge of Railroad Creek during<br />

the May 1997 sampling appeared higher than the discharge during the May 1998 sampling (compare<br />

Figures 4.3-4 and 4.3-4a). The discharge in the portal drainage was also higher in 1997 than 1998 (compare<br />

Figures 4.3-7 and 4.3-7a).<br />

Based on these data, both the 1997 and 1998 Rl spring runoff water quality samples were apparently<br />

collected on the rising limb or near the peak of the initial hydrograph rise (Figures 4.3-4 and 4.3-4a).<br />

4.3.9 Interstitial Iron-Oxide Precipitate and Ferricrete<br /> Summary of Historical Findings<br />

The U.S. Bureau of Mines (USBM) completed an assessment of the Railroad Creek substrate in April 1994.<br />

The assessment included the mapping of the presence or absence of interstitial iron-oxide precipitates and<br />

ferricrete. The methods employed the probing of the substrate as part of the sampling of interstitial fluid<br />

(see Section 5.4.3). The probing did not allow the differentiation between non-cemented and cemented<br />

interstitial iron-oxide precipitates. However, it appeared that the cemented iron-oxide precipitates<br />

(ferricrete) were generally limited to the banks of Railroad Creek near the northeast comer of tailings pile 1<br />


17693-005-0 19Wuly 19.<strong>1999</strong>;4:5 1 PM,DRAFT FINAL RI REPORT

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