Dames & Moore, 1999 - USDA Forest Service

Dames & Moore, 1999 - USDA Forest Service Dames & Moore, 1999 - USDA Forest Service


After flowing through the hydroelectric power plant, water from the diversion flows to the west side of tailings pile 1 and into Railroad Creek upstream of tailings pile 1 (Figure 4.3-3a). This water is in partial contact with debris and some tailings material within the short reach downstream of the hydroelectric plant before it enters Railroad Creek. A small portion of this water also flows to the outdoor sauna pool. Streamflow Discharge in the Copper Creek diversion is routed over a weir downstream of the hydroelectric plant. The height of water behind the weir is measured by a staff gage, and can be converted.to flow in cfs via a weir rating table that is kept in the hydroelectric plant. The discharge was also measured directly by Dames & Moore in the field. During the April 1997 field program, discharge in the diversion was estimated to be . approximately 2.8 cfs based on the staff gage height in the pool behind the weir. According to the Holden Village operations manager, the majority of flow from Copper Creek was diverted during April to provide power and water to Holden Village (personal communication with Mark Schmidt, 1997). In 1997 the staff gage behind the weir was read relatively frequently, and ranged uniformly throughout the spring, summer and fall observations. The weir table indicates the measurements correspond to flows of 6.8 to 7.1 cfs. Direct measurements at the weir indicated slightly lower flows, between 5.5 and 6 cfs. The relatively minor difference between the rated flow and the measured flow may be due to measurement error at the weir, or may also be partially due to loss of flow via infiltration within the diversion channel and stilling pool behind the weir. Portal Drainage Channel Morphology Referring to Figure 4.3-3% the portal drainage emerges from the 1500-level main mine portal and flows downslope in both a man-made ditch and a natural drainage to a point approximately mid-way between RC-I and RC-4 where it enters Railroad Creek. The drainage channel is composed of cobble and gravel, with a millimeter or more of whitish precipitate (apparent aluminum hydroxide)'coating the bed materials throughout its length. Flow measurements were made in the drainage at the upstream end where it emerges from the mine portal (Station P-I), and at its downstream end just before entering Railroad Creek (Station P- 5) during each sampling round, and on a weekly basis throughout the MayIJune 1997 sampling round. Streamflow Flow measurements in the portal drainage at stations P-l and P-5 during 1997 are shown on Figure 4.3-7. For two out of the three paired flow measurements, P- 1 was greater than P-5, indicating a loss of flow as the drainage water flows downslope, probably resulting from infiltration into the channel bed. The exception was during May when snowrnelt runoff between P-l and P-5 resulted in a higher flow at P-5. Flows ranged from a high in MayIJune of approximately 3.5 cfs, to a low of less than 0.3 cfs in mid-September. A weir and water level data logger (transducer or Troll) were installed at the 1500-level main portal opening in the portal drainage in early October 1997 to collect relatively continuous water level data. The weir consists of wood planking installed across the bottom of the portal opening, with plastic sheeting placed on the upstream side to prevent leakage, and a V-shaped notch in the planking through which the water flows. G:\WPDATA\OO5NEPORTSWOLDEN-2W-O.DOC 17693-00S-019Uuly 19.1999;4:SI PM:DRAFT FINAL RI REPORT

The data logger, or transducer, was placed in the pool behind the weir and measures water level. A rating curve was developed to allow discharge flow rates to be determined based on the height of water measured behind the weir with the transducer. Referring to Figure 4.3-7% transducer output for the period from early October to late December 1997 was very erratic. The erratic nature of the data may have been the result of freezing temperatures, which would likely have caused ice build-up in the V-shaped notch in the weir. The ice buildup could have restricted water flow through the V-shaped notch, resulting in increased water levels behind the weir. As the water levels continued to increase, the water would eventually overtop the ice, resulting in melting and a decrease in the pool level. This phenomenon could have been cyclical, which would explain the plotted data on Figure 4.3-7a. Based on the precipitation data presented in Table 4.3-2, the months of highest precipitation at Holden Village are October through March. Referring to Table 4.3-3, the average temperatures between November and February are below O°C (32°F). Therefore, the precipitation would fall in the form of snow. As snow continued to accumulate through the months of November and December, the portal opening would eventually be filled with snow. The snow would insulate the portal, thereby reducing the likelihood of freezing. Referring to Figure 4.3-7a, the transducer data output after December becomes less erratic. Another possible explanation for the erratic data during the period between October and December may be the impact of freezing temperatures on the operation of the transducer. Due to relatively low water levels during this period of time, the majority of the transducer would not be in the water, making it susceptible to freezing. Assuming that the portal opening becomes blocked with snow after ~ecember, as speculated above, the insulating conditions would reduce the likelihood of freezing conditions, and the transducer would function normally. It is also possible that the erratic behavior depicted on Figure 4.3-7a from early October to late December is the result of a combination of the above-mentioned phenomena. As noted on Figure 4.3-7% the discharge rate of the portal drainage was observed to be relatively constant from early January 1998 to late April 1998, and then climbed from approximately 0.05 cfs to approximately 1.80 cfs within approximately one to two days. Between late April to early June 1998, the discharge rates fluctuated between approximately 0.70 cfs to 1.70 cfs. However, the data record was interrupted for six days in May 1998 when the plastic lining placed on the upstream side of the weir failed, resulting in loss of water. The weir was repaired and the transducer reinstalled on May 7, 1998. Figure 4.3-7b is a graphical representation of portal drainage discharge and precipitation data collected at Holden Village in 1998. Precipitation data were not available for Holden Village for October 1997 through early May 1998 in order to allow a comparison of transducer data for that period of time. However, the comparison of precipitation and transducer data for the period between early May and mid-October 1998 indicate the following: For the period of time between early May and midJune 1998, the portal drainage responded within approximately one day of precipitation events with discharge rate increases as high as 100 percent when compared to the pre-precipitation event conditions. The flow increases were short-lived and the discharge rate returned to pre-precipitation event conditions within approximately one day. G:\WPDATA\WS\REPORTSWLDEN-2W-O.DOC 17693-005-019Vuly 19. 1999;4:1(1 PM:DRAFT FINAL RI REPORT

After flowing through the hydroelectric power plant, water from the diversion flows to the west side of<br />

tailings pile 1 and into Railroad Creek upstream of tailings pile 1 (Figure 4.3-3a). This water is in partial<br />

contact with debris and some tailings material within the short reach downstream of the hydroelectric plant<br />

before it enters Railroad Creek. A small portion of this water also flows to the outdoor sauna pool.<br />

Streamflow<br />

Discharge in the Copper Creek diversion is routed over a weir downstream of the hydroelectric plant. The<br />

height of water behind the weir is measured by a staff gage, and can be converted.to flow in cfs via a weir<br />

rating table that is kept in the hydroelectric plant. The discharge was also measured directly by <strong>Dames</strong> &<br />

<strong>Moore</strong> in the field. During the April 1997 field program, discharge in the diversion was estimated to be<br />

. approximately 2.8 cfs based on the staff gage height in the pool behind the weir. According to the Holden<br />

Village operations manager, the majority of flow from Copper Creek was diverted during April to provide<br />

power and water to Holden Village (personal communication with Mark Schmidt, 1997).<br />

In 1997 the staff gage behind the weir was read relatively frequently, and ranged uniformly throughout the<br />

spring, summer and fall observations. The weir table indicates the measurements correspond to flows of 6.8<br />

to 7.1 cfs. Direct measurements at the weir indicated slightly lower flows, between 5.5 and 6 cfs. The<br />

relatively minor difference between the rated flow and the measured flow may be due to measurement error<br />

at the weir, or may also be partially due to loss of flow via infiltration within the diversion channel and<br />

stilling pool behind the weir.<br /> Portal Drainage<br />

Channel Morphology<br />

Referring to Figure 4.3-3% the portal drainage emerges from the 1500-level main mine portal and flows<br />

downslope in both a man-made ditch and a natural drainage to a point approximately mid-way between<br />

RC-I and RC-4 where it enters Railroad Creek. The drainage channel is composed of cobble and gravel,<br />

with a millimeter or more of whitish precipitate (apparent aluminum hydroxide)'coating the bed materials<br />

throughout its length. Flow measurements were made in the drainage at the upstream end where it emerges<br />

from the mine portal (Station P-I), and at its downstream end just before entering Railroad Creek (Station P-<br />

5) during each sampling round, and on a weekly basis throughout the MayIJune 1997 sampling round.<br />

Streamflow<br />

Flow measurements in the portal drainage at stations P-l and P-5 during 1997 are shown on Figure 4.3-7.<br />

For two out of the three paired flow measurements, P- 1 was greater than P-5, indicating a loss of flow as the<br />

drainage water flows downslope, probably resulting from infiltration into the channel bed. The exception<br />

was during May when snowrnelt runoff between P-l and P-5 resulted in a higher flow at P-5. Flows ranged<br />

from a high in MayIJune of approximately 3.5 cfs, to a low of less than 0.3 cfs in mid-September.<br />

A weir and water level data logger (transducer or Troll) were installed at the 1500-level main portal opening<br />

in the portal drainage in early October 1997 to collect relatively continuous water level data. The weir<br />

consists of wood planking installed across the bottom of the portal opening, with plastic sheeting placed on<br />

the upstream side to prevent leakage, and a V-shaped notch in the planking through which the water flows.<br />


17693-00S-019Uuly 19.<strong>1999</strong>;4:SI PM:DRAFT FINAL RI REPORT

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