Dames & Moore, 1999 - USDA Forest Service

Dames & Moore, 1999 - USDA Forest Service

Dames & Moore, 1999 - USDA Forest Service


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Windblown Tailings Material<br />

The erosion of the tailings from the piles has resulted in the deposition of the materials on the ground<br />

surface adjacent to and downwind of the Site. The majority of the windblown tailings deposits'were<br />

found to be less than several millimeters in thickness. Concentrations of all metals analyzed, other than<br />

iron, were below the regulatory standard for soil. Based on the results of human health and ecological<br />

risk assessment, the potential for adverse effects from the iron concentrations was low.<br />

Riprap and Soil Source Evaluation<br />

An evaluation was completed to identify a source of riprap within the Railroad Creek drainage and<br />

sources of granular soil that may be needed for remedial actions. The results of the evaluation confirmed<br />

that the rock quality within the existing quany is relatively poor. However, a potential source of higher<br />

quality rock exists nearer the Site as a talus deposit (cobble- to boulder-sized rock at the base of a bedrock<br />

outcrop). The riprap source had been iliminated by the USFS during the Site work between 1989 and<br />

1991' due to safety considerations; however, it appears feasible to design measures to mitigate the<br />

concerns. A potential source of granular soil was identified near tailings pile 3.<br />

Winston Home Sites Fuel Storage Tanks<br />

The results of the evaluation of the Winston Home Sites identified up to 38 underground storage tanks<br />

(USTs) remaining in the area. No indications of petroleum hydrocarbons were noted in soils exposed in<br />

backhoe test pits excavations completed adjacent to seven of the tank locations. It was reported that<br />

some, if not all, of the tanks were pumped during the 1960s in order to supply fuel for Holden Village.<br />

All of the tanks appeared to be less than 1000 gallons in size and, therefore, not regulated as USTs. These<br />

tanks have been sufficiently evaluated.<br />


The following potential environmental concerns were identified at the Site:<br />

Seasonal Exceedances of Water Quality Criteria<br />

The discharge of portal drainage water and Site groundwater in the western portion of the<br />

site (represented as seeps) into Railroad Creek results in exceedances of water quality<br />

criteria for cadmium, copper, lead, and zinc during the spring snowmelt period at the Site in<br />

Railroad Creek. Dissolved metal concentrations decreased as streamflow declined. By<br />

September, State water quality criteria were exceeded for copper only in a south bank<br />

sample and for zinc only at stations adjacent to and immediately downstream of the site.<br />

Groundwater concentrations of arsenic, beryllium, cadmium, copper, iron and manganese<br />

beneath the tailings piles are above the MTCA groundwater levels in the spring. By fall<br />

only iron and manganese are above MTCA levels.<br />

Reduction in Benthic Macroinvertebrate and Fish Populations<br />

Both benthic macroinvertebrate and fish populations are reduced downstream of tailings<br />

pile 1 when compared to the control or reference sites. Fish populations remained low in<br />


17693-005-OI9Uuly 28. <strong>1999</strong>;12:16 PM;DRAFT FINAL R1 REPORT ES- 13 DAMES & MOORE<br />


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