Dames & Moore, 1999 - USDA Forest Service

Dames & Moore, 1999 - USDA Forest Service

Dames & Moore, 1999 - USDA Forest Service


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appears to be relatively localized. No mineral claims and/or mapped deposits were noted in the immediate<br />

area and/or hydrologically upgradient of the Bridge Creek sampling location (BC- 1) (Church et al., 1984).<br />

Two relatively small mines were located apparently upgradient of the South Fork of Agnes Creek sampling<br />

location (SFAC- I). However, a more thorough assessment discovered that the two workings were actually<br />

located near the headwaters of Swamp Creek which joins the North Fork of Agnes Creek downstream of the<br />

aquatic sampling location.<br />

The Company Creek aquatic sampling location (CoC-1) is situated approximately eight miles downstream<br />

of a relatively small mineral prospect. The mineral deposit is noted to be situated on the "Holden trend,"<br />

and was documented to contain copper and silver. The concentration of mineralization was noted to be<br />

. higher than found at the Holden Mine, but the physical location near a ridge top limited the potential for<br />

development (Church et al., 1984).<br />

4.2.2 Railroad Creek Geology and Mineral Resources<br />

Referring to Figure 4.2-4, the geology of the Railroad Creek watershed generally consists of bedrock<br />

overlain by unconsolidated to semi-consolidated glacial, fluvial, lacustrine, and colluvial deposits of silt,<br />

sand, and gravel (Cater and Crowder, 1967). The geologic basement rocks (bedrock) consist primarily of<br />

massiye granitics and metamorphosed sedimentv rocks including hornblende, gneiss, and schist. The<br />

granitic rocks are predominant in the eastern portion of Railroad Creek. Bedrock outcrops at the surface<br />

along the valley walls and ridge lines, and is encountered at depths ranging from the ground surface to<br />

greater than 100 feet deep in the valleys. The granites are primarily biotite-hornblende quartz diorites, and<br />

the metamorphic rocks generally consist of hornblende, schist, and gneiss (Church et al., 1984).<br />

In terms of the structural geology, the bedrock is, in places, highly fractured, folded, and faulted. However,<br />

referring to Figure 4.2-5, the faults have been mapped by others as being generally limited in lateral extent<br />

(Cater & Wright, 1957 and 1967).<br />

The Railroad Creek watershed contains a relatively large number of economic mineral deposits, in addition<br />

to the Holden Mine, which have been developed as either prospects and/or mines. Referring to Figure 4.2-4<br />

and Table 4.2- 1, 2 1 prospects and/or mines were identified in the watershed; records were found for 18 of<br />

the workings (USGS, 1998). Four prospects were noted on the maps near the mouth of Railroad Creek for<br />

which no records were located; one of the prospects was observed in the field to be near surface water<br />

sampling station RC-8.<br />

Based on the records reviewed, one of the prospects located northeast of Holden Lake, noted as the Mary<br />

Green (a.k.a. Martin Peak) was operated by Howe Sound Company in the late 1950s. The prospect included<br />

several adits approximately 370 feet in length with several prospect pits (Church et al., 1984). Ebbutt, 1938,<br />

documented the presence of a 280-foot-long drift, but with "no mineralization in evidence that would<br />

approach being commercial." The principal mineralization was reported'as copper and silver. Observations<br />

during the RI disclosed a single mine opening, a limited waste rock pile, and no indications of seepage<br />

and/or drainage from either the mine opening or waste rock pile.<br />

Three other prospects and/or mines were reported between Holden Lake and Railroad Creek. The owners<br />

and/or operators were not found. One of the deposits, known as the Ideal, reportedly was developed for<br />


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