Dames & Moore, 1999 - USDA Forest Service

Dames & Moore, 1999 - USDA Forest Service Dames & Moore, 1999 - USDA Forest Service


June 15, 1998 Surface Water, May 1998, Holden Mine Page 4 Manganese (0.04 ug/L) was detected in the method blank associated with the repreparation for total analysis of samples HC-4, HC-3, HC-1, RC-11, Big-1, and CC-1. As manganese was detected at the detection limit, results .reported in associated samples less than 5X the concentration in the blank are qualified as not detected and flagged "U" accordingly. Results between 5X and 10X the concentration detected in the method blank are qualified as estimated and flagged."JV accordingly. ' Results reported as not detected or greater .than 10X the concentration detected in the method blank do not require qualification. Manganese (0.05 uglL) was detected in the method blank assoc~ated with the dissolved analysis of RC-1, RC-4, RC-4X, RC-7, RC-5, RC-10, RC-3, RC-2, HC-4, HC-3, HC-2, HC-1, RC-11, BIG-1, CC-1, CC-2, and RC-6 and the total analysis of EB050298, EB050398, and EB050598. Manganese results were not detected or were greater than 1 OX the method blank concentration in all samples with the exception of BIG-1. The result was less than 5X the method blank concentration and qualified as not detected and flagged "U" accordingly. . . Analytes of concern were detected in the equipment blanks as noted below. Analyte Detection Limit EB050298 EB050398 EB050598 Barium 0.04 0.04 0.05 0.1 2 Copper 0.2 Not Detected Not Detected 0.4 Lead 0.2 0.4 Not Detected , 0.3 Sodium 50 50 50 Not Detected ,. . .. .. . Each of the equipment blanks is associated to samples as follows: . , EB050298 -Tubing used for filtration of portal, ventilator portal, and seep samples. EB050398 - Decon of nozzles and adaptors associated with surface water sampling. Note that the additional equipment used for surface water sampling is generally dedicated to each individual station. EB050598 - Ending decontamination blank for all sampling equipment used in the May 1998 sampling event. . Due to the low level detection of the metals shown, the p'roximity of the results to the detection limits of the method, and the associated samples for each equipment blank,. the data does not clearly show an additive effect related to the decontamination of equipment. Data were not qualified based on the equipment blank results. 6. Internal'Standards (ICP MS analysis, only) - Acceptable 7. . ICP Interference Check (ICP'analysis orily) - Acceptable 8. Laboratory Control Sample - Acceptable 9. Laboratory Duplicate Sample The laboratory duplicate performed on HC-3 (dissolved) was acceptable (within 20%) for all elements except lead. The lead results were not detected and 0.8 ug/L. As the difference is greater than the CRDL, associated sample results for lead reported greater than the detection limit are qualified as estimated and flagged "J". Associated samples include dissolved analysis . of HC-4, HC-3, HC-2, HC-1, RC-11, BIG-1, CC-1, CC-2, RC-6, RC-1, RC-4, RC-4X, RC-7, RC-5, RC-10, RC-3, RC-2, EB050298, EB050398, and EB050598.

June 15, 1998 Surface Water, May 1998, Holden Mine Page 5 10. Field Duplicate - Acceptable Sample RC-4X is the field duplicate of RC-4. 11. Matrix Spike - Acceptable 12. ICP Serial Dilution (ICP analysis only) - Acceptable 13. Detection Limits - Acceptable 14. Type of Review - Standard 15. Overall Assessment of Data The usefulness of the data is based .on EPA guidance documents listed above. Upon consideration of the information presented above, the data are acceptable except where flagged with data qualifiers that modify the usefulness of the individual values. Conventional Analvses Samples were analyzed for total dissolved solids (TDS), total suspended solids (TSS), alkalinity, and sulfate by EPA or other methods identified in the introduction of this report. In addition, hardness was determined by calculation from dissolved metals analysis and reviewed for correctness. @ 1. Hold Time - Acceptable 2. . Initial Calibration - Acceptable Applicable for alkalinity and sulfate. 3. Continuing Calibration - Acceptable .Applicable for alkalinity and sulfate. 4. Blanks - Acceptable 5. Laboratory Control Sample - Acceptsble Applicable for alkalinity. A standard reference material (SRM) was used to evaluate sulfate. Results were acceptable. 6. Laboratory Sample Duplicate - Acceptable 7. Field Duplicate - Acceptable Sample RCdX is the field duplicate of sample RC-4. 8. Matrix Spike (MS) -'Acceptable Applicable for sulfate.

June 15, 1998<br />

Surface Water, May 1998, Holden Mine<br />

Page 4<br />

Manganese (0.04 ug/L) was detected in the method blank associated with the repreparation for<br />

total analysis of samples HC-4, HC-3, HC-1, RC-11, Big-1, and CC-1. As manganese was detected at the<br />

detection limit, results .reported in associated samples less than 5X the concentration in the blank are<br />

qualified as not detected and flagged "U" accordingly. Results between 5X and 10X the concentration<br />

detected in the method blank are qualified as estimated and flagged."JV accordingly. ' Results reported as<br />

not detected or greater .than 10X the concentration detected in the method blank do not require<br />

qualification.<br />

Manganese (0.05 uglL) was detected in the method blank assoc~ated with the dissolved analysis<br />

of RC-1, RC-4, RC-4X, RC-7, RC-5, RC-10, RC-3, RC-2, HC-4, HC-3, HC-2, HC-1, RC-11, BIG-1, CC-1,<br />

CC-2, and RC-6 and the total analysis of EB050298, EB050398, and EB050598. Manganese results were<br />

not detected or were greater than 1 OX the method blank concentration in all samples with the exception of<br />

BIG-1. The result was less than 5X the method blank concentration and qualified as not detected and<br />

flagged "U" accordingly. . .<br />

Analytes of concern were detected in the equipment blanks as noted below.<br />

Analyte Detection Limit EB050298 EB050398 EB050598<br />

Barium 0.04 0.04 0.05 0.1 2<br />

Copper 0.2 Not Detected Not Detected 0.4<br />

Lead 0.2 0.4 Not Detected , 0.3<br />

Sodium 50 50 50 Not Detected<br />

,. . .. .. .<br />

Each of the equipment blanks is associated to samples as follows: . ,<br />

EB050298 -Tubing used for filtration of portal, ventilator portal, and seep samples.<br />

EB050398 - Decon of nozzles and adaptors associated with surface water sampling. Note that the<br />

additional equipment used for surface water sampling is generally dedicated to each individual station.<br />

EB050598 - Ending decontamination blank for all sampling equipment used in the May 1998 sampling<br />

event.<br />

. Due to the low level detection of the metals shown, the p'roximity of the results to the detection<br />

limits of the method, and the associated samples for each equipment blank,. the data does not clearly<br />

show an additive effect related to the decontamination of equipment. Data were not qualified based on<br />

the equipment blank results.<br />

6. Internal'Standards (ICP MS analysis, only) - Acceptable<br />

7. . ICP Interference Check (ICP'analysis orily) - Acceptable<br />

8. Laboratory Control Sample - Acceptable<br />

9. Laboratory Duplicate Sample<br />

The laboratory duplicate performed on HC-3 (dissolved) was acceptable (within 20%) for all<br />

elements except lead. The lead results were not detected and 0.8 ug/L. As the difference is<br />

greater than the CRDL, associated sample results for lead reported greater than the detection<br />

limit are qualified as estimated and flagged "J". Associated samples include dissolved analysis .<br />

of HC-4, HC-3, HC-2, HC-1, RC-11, BIG-1, CC-1, CC-2, RC-6, RC-1, RC-4, RC-4X, RC-7, RC-5,<br />

RC-10, RC-3, RC-2, EB050298, EB050398, and EB050598.

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