Dames & Moore, 1999 - USDA Forest Service

Dames & Moore, 1999 - USDA Forest Service Dames & Moore, 1999 - USDA Forest Service


I 11.0 REFERENCES A&L'Mid West Laboratory. 1988. Soil Analysis Report. Adams, Nigel Bruce. 1981. The Holden Mine : Discoverv To Production, 1896- 1938. Ader, Mark. 1994. Letter to Al Murphy, District Ranger, Forest Service, Wenatchee National Forest, dated January 19,1 994 regarding additional sampling as part of EPA's Preliminary Assessment. Air Resource Specialists, Inc. 1994. Monitoring and Qualitv Assurance Plan for the Holden Mine Tailings Air Quality Site Inspection Program. Prepared for the Forest Service - Region 6 - Wenatchee National Forest. Air Resource Specialists, Inc. 1994. Preliminary Data Transmittal Rebort for the Holden Mine Tailings ~ir' Quality Site Inspection Promam. Prepared for the Forest Service - Region 6 - Wenatchee National Forest. . . : Alexander, G.R. 1977. Food of vertebrate predators on trout waters in north central Michigan. The Michigan Academician 10: 181-195 Alldredge, A.W., J.F. Lipscomb, and F.W. Whicker. 1974. Forage intake rates of mule deer estimated with fallout cesium-137. J. Wildlife Mgmt. 38: 508-516. @ American Ornithologists' Union (AOU). 1983. check-list of North American Birds. , American Ornithologists' Union, Lawrence, Kansas. 877 pp. ~ndersbn, Paul R. and Benjamin, Mark M. 1982. Mine Tailings Effluent Studv Propress Report for 1 Januarv - 3 1 March 1982. Prepared for the Forest Service Wenatchee National Forest - Chelan Ranger District. Anderson, R.L., C.T. Walbridge and J.T. Fiandt. 1980. Survival and ~rowth on Tanvtarsus dissimilis JChironimidae) exposed to copper. cadmium, zinc. and lead. Arch. Env. Contam. Toxicol. 9: 329-335. Anwar, R.A., R.F. Langham, C.A. Hoppert, B.V. Alfiedson and R.U. Byermm. 1961. Chronic toxicitv studies 111. Chronic toxicity of cadmium and chromium in do~s. Arch. Environ. Health. 3:456- 460. Arthur, W.J., and A.W. Alldredge. 1979. Soil ingestion by mule deer in north-central Colorado. J. Wldf. Mngt. 32: 67-7 1. ATSDR. 1992. Toxicological Profile for Zinc (Draft). U.S. Public Health Service, Agency for Toxic . . Substances and Disease Registry, Washington, D.C. ATSDR. 199.2. Toxicological profile for zinc (draft). U.S. public Health Service, Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, Washington, DC. H:\l I-0.doc 17693-005-019Uuly 29. 1999;5:11 PM;DRAm FINAL RI REPORT

I ATSDR. 1990. Toxicological profile for Lead (drafi). U.S. Public Health Service, Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, Washington, DC. , ATSDR. 1990. Toxicological Profile for Lead (Draft). U.S. Public Health Service, Agency for Toxic ., Substances and Disease Registry, Washington, D.C. I ATSDR. 1989. Toxicological Profile for Silver (Draft). U.S. Public Health Service, Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, Washington, D.C. ATSDR. Various Dates. Toxicological Profiles for various compounds. Agency for Toxic Substances ., * and Disease Registry, U.S. Public Health Service. . +. Aulerich, R.J., R.K. Ringer, M.R. Bleavins, and A. Napolitano. 1982. Effects of supplemental dietary copper on growth, reproductive performance and kit survival of standard dark mink and the acute toxicity of copper to mink. J. Animal. Sci. 55: 337-343. 64 &? Azar, A., H.J. Trochimowitz, and M.E. Maxwell. 1973. Review of lead studies in animals carried out at , : - f PI Haskell Laboratory: two-year feeding study and response to hemorrhage study, pp. 199-210. In: Pi Environmental Health Aspects of Lead: Proceedings, International Symposium (D. Barth et al. Eds.). Commission European Communities. , I Barton, N., Lien, R. and Lund, J. 1974. "Engineering Classification of Rock Masses for the Design of Tunnel Support," Rock Mechanics, Vol. 6, pp. 189-236. Betourney, M.C. 1996. "Lessons Learned from Stability Analysis of Case Studies of Shallow Stopes. of Hard Mines," Proceedings of the Second North American Rock Mechanics Symposium, Montreal, Canada. pp 1949-1 856. Beyer, W.N., E.E. Connor and S. Gerould. 1994. Estimates of soil ingestion by wildlife. 3. Wildl. Manage. 58(2):375-382. Beyer, W.N., O.H. Pattee, L. Sileo, D.J. Hoffman and B.M. Mulhern. 1985. Metal contamination in wildlife living near two zinc smelters. Env. Pollut. (A) 38: 63-86. Bjornn, T.C., M.A. Brusven, M.P. Molnau, J.H. Milligan, R.A. Klamt, E. Chacho and C. Schaye. 1977. Transport of granitic sediment in streams and its'effects on insects and fish. Forestry, Wildlife and Range Experiment Station, University of Idaho. Bulletin Number 17. Blackburn, C. 1988. Holden Riprap Sources, Description of Potential Sites and Development Recommendations. Blaustein, A.R., J.J. Beatty, D.H. Olson and R.M. Storm. 1995. The biology of amphibians and reptiles in old-growth forests in the Pacific Northwest. General Technical Report. PNW-GTR-337. Bradley, R.W. and J.B. Sprague. 1985. The influence of pH. water hardness. and alkalinity on the acute lethality of zinc to rainbow trout (Salmo ~airdneri). Can. J . Fish Aquat. Sci. 42: 73 1-736. H:\l I-0.doc 17693-005-019Uuly 29. 1999;S:ll PM;DRAn FWAL RI REPORT

I<br />

11.0 REFERENCES<br />

A&L'Mid West Laboratory. 1988. Soil Analysis Report.<br />

Adams, Nigel Bruce. 1981. The Holden Mine : Discoverv To Production, 1896- 1938.<br />

Ader, Mark. 1994. Letter to Al Murphy, District Ranger, <strong>Forest</strong> <strong>Service</strong>, Wenatchee National <strong>Forest</strong>,<br />

dated January 19,1 994 regarding additional sampling as part of EPA's Preliminary Assessment.<br />

Air Resource Specialists, Inc. 1994. Monitoring and Qualitv Assurance Plan for the Holden Mine<br />

Tailings Air Quality Site Inspection Program. Prepared for the <strong>Forest</strong> <strong>Service</strong> - Region 6 -<br />

Wenatchee National <strong>Forest</strong>.<br />

Air Resource Specialists, Inc. 1994. Preliminary Data Transmittal Rebort for the Holden Mine Tailings<br />

~ir' Quality Site Inspection Promam. Prepared for the <strong>Forest</strong> <strong>Service</strong> - Region 6 - Wenatchee<br />

National <strong>Forest</strong>.<br />

. . :<br />

Alexander, G.R. 1977. Food of vertebrate predators on trout waters in north central Michigan. The<br />

Michigan Academician 10: 181-195<br />

Alldredge, A.W., J.F. Lipscomb, and F.W. Whicker. 1974. Forage intake rates of mule deer estimated<br />

with fallout cesium-137. J. Wildlife Mgmt. 38: 508-516.<br />

@ American Ornithologists' Union (AOU). 1983. check-list of North American Birds. , American<br />

Ornithologists' Union, Lawrence, Kansas. 877 pp.<br />

~ndersbn, Paul R. and Benjamin, Mark M. 1982. Mine Tailings Effluent Studv Propress Report for 1<br />

Januarv - 3 1 March 1982. Prepared for the <strong>Forest</strong> <strong>Service</strong> Wenatchee National <strong>Forest</strong> - Chelan<br />

Ranger District.<br />

Anderson, R.L., C.T. Walbridge and J.T. Fiandt. 1980. Survival and ~rowth on Tanvtarsus dissimilis<br />

JChironimidae) exposed to copper. cadmium, zinc. and lead. Arch. Env. Contam. Toxicol. 9:<br />

329-335.<br />

Anwar, R.A., R.F. Langham, C.A. Hoppert, B.V. Alfiedson and R.U. Byermm. 1961. Chronic toxicitv<br />

studies 111. Chronic toxicity of cadmium and chromium in do~s. Arch. Environ. Health. 3:456-<br />

460.<br />

Arthur, W.J., and A.W. Alldredge. 1979. Soil ingestion by mule deer in north-central Colorado. J. Wldf.<br />

Mngt. 32: 67-7 1.<br />

ATSDR. 1992. Toxicological Profile for Zinc (Draft). U.S. Public Health <strong>Service</strong>, Agency for Toxic<br />

. . Substances and Disease Registry, Washington, D.C.<br />

ATSDR. 199.2. Toxicological profile for zinc (draft). U.S. public Health <strong>Service</strong>, Agency for Toxic<br />

Substances and Disease Registry, Washington, DC.<br />

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17693-005-019Uuly 29. <strong>1999</strong>;5:11 PM;DRAm FINAL RI REPORT

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