Dames & Moore, 1999 - USDA Forest Service

Dames & Moore, 1999 - USDA Forest Service Dames & Moore, 1999 - USDA Forest Service


D.7 D. 8 D. 9 E.0 SOURCE: Base map information from USFS and Washington DNR, DEM CD ROM Figure 8.2-3 DAMES & MOORE RI HYDROLOGIC INVESTIGATIONHITE A DAM3 (L MOORE GROUP COMPANY Holden Mine RVFS Draft Final RI Report

9.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The data collected during the course of the RI are sufficient to define the nature and extent of compounds of concern, the pathways and receptors of concern and to serve as a basis to complete the Feasibility Study. The objectives, conclusions and recommendationsand key findings of the RI are summarized in this section. One remaining RI data collection activity has been identified by the Agencies in order to augment or clarify specific findings and conclusions related to sediment. The results will be appended to this document after the field data collection and analyses are completed. 9.1 OBJECTIVES OF THE RI The RI objectives have been addressed as follows: a The environmental setting of the Site has been characterized a The presence, magnitude, nature and extent of potential environmental concerns determined to be associated with historic mining activities have been defined • The potential pathways and rates of migration of compounds of potential concern on the Site have been characterized a The potential receptors of compounds of potential concern associated with the historic mining at the Site have been evaluated • The stream habitat has been characterized a The analytical data generated from the investigation in terms of applicable, relevant, and appropriate regulations, including both state and federal requirements, have been evaluated • Relevant data of sufficient quality have been provided so that the FS can evaluate cost- effective remedial alternatives that will address significant environmental concerns identified on the Site. 9.2 CONCLUSIONS Referring to Figures 9.2- 1 through 9.2-5, the RI conclusions are described below: 9.2.1 Host Rock Mineralogy The Holden Mine ore deposit is hosted by the Buckskin Schist. which is a quartz amphibole schist sequence with at least two horizons of intermittent marble beds and calcareous schists. The dominant silicates are plagioclase and biotite (aluminum-based). The primary sulfide minerals in the Holden Mine ore deposit include pyrite, pyrrhotite, sphalerite and chalcopyrite. G:\WPDATA\OO5\REPORTSWOLDEN-ZUU\9-OOd~ 9- 1 17693-005-019Uuly 28. 1999;10:07 A M;DW FINAL R1 REPORT

D.7 D. 8 D. 9 E.0<br />

SOURCE: Base map information from USFS and<br />

Washington DNR, DEM CD ROM<br />

Figure 8.2-3<br />



Holden Mine RVFS<br />

Draft Final RI Report

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