Dames & Moore, 1999 - USDA Forest Service

Dames & Moore, 1999 - USDA Forest Service Dames & Moore, 1999 - USDA Forest Service


i flow associated with two seeps adjacent to Railroad Creek, seeps SP-12 and SP-23. In addition, it is possible that some of the Honeymoon Heights intermittent drainage water migrates into the underground mine through fractures and joints in the bedrock. A dye test was completed during the RI to test the hypothesis that discharge from the SP-12 and SP-23 seeps and 1500-level main portal drainage are connected with the Honeymoon Heights intermittent drainage; however, the results were inconclusive. Eastern Portion of Site Snow accumulates atop the tailings piles during the winter months and melts during the spring runoff period. A series of the trenches were constructed between 1989 and 199 1 up slope and on the surface of the tailings piles with the intent of intercepting surface water run on. and reducing the ponding of water on top of the piles. Most of the water is conveyed in the ditches in the surface of the tailings piles which eventually discharges either to Copper Creek or Railroad Creek. The ditch systems serve to divert water off the tailings piles but do not prevent ponding of water in contact with tailings. A series of three ditches were constructed on the surface of tailings pile 1. The ditches drain water to the north to Copper Creek Diversion and to the east to Copper Creek. The ditch located in the western portion of the tailings pile also transmits seep water which emanates from the base of the east waste rock pile. One of the ditches present along the southern margin of the tailings pile was observed to be draining into what appears to be an abandoned wood-lined decant tower which was not plugged during the 1989 to 1991 tailings pile rehabilitation. , . Tailings piles 2 and 3 also have a system of drainage ditches on the surface of the piles. The ditches divert surface water run on to the east indirectly into Railroad Creek at seep SP-2 1, east of tailings pile 3. A series of ditches were also observed in a road cut above tailings pile 3; the ditch appears to intercept some of the surface water run on before it comes into contact with the tailings piles. The water,that drains to the east From tailings piles 2 and 3 enters a wetland area to the east of tailings pile 3 before eventually discharging to Railroad Creek. Lake Chelan Lake Chelan is the largest and deepest natural lake in Washington State. The lake is more 50 miles long with an average width of one mile. It is the third deepest lake in the continental United States. The deepest portion of the lake is in the Lucerne Basin, approximately mid-way up the lake and is approximately 453 meters (1,486 feet) deep. Railroad Creek is the second largest hydrologic source to Lake Chelan, historically contributing approximately 10 percent of the annual input to the basin. The largest is the Stehekin River, at the northern end of the lake. The mouth of the Railroad Creek is situated on the west side of the lake, approximately 15 miles south of the northern end of the lake. Sediments transported by Railroad Creek are deposited in a delta near the mouth of the creek. However, the Stehekin River contributes more sediment to Lake Chelan than does Railroad Creek. A dam is present at the southernmost end of the lake; the dam raises the water as much as 21 feet above the pre-dam level. During summer, the lake level is approximately 1,100 feet above sea level. When full, the lake has an area of about 52 square miles. The water flows through the dam, over a water falls to the Columbia River. There is no direct pathway for fish to migrate from the Columbia River to Lake Chelan. \U)M-SEAI\VOL~\COMMOMWP\WPDATAUW)S\REPORTSWOLDEN-~W\~~ 8- 1 3 DAMES & MOORE 17693-005-019Uuly 28,1999:10:24 AM:DRAFT FMAL RI REPORT Aquatic Reference Reaches The three aquatic reference reach streams are relatively similar to relevant segments of Railroad Creek in terms of hydrologic conditions. However, the reference reach segment selected in Bridge Creek was noted to have deeper pools than Railroad Creek. The selected segment of the South Fork of Agnes Creek was similar in gradient and character as Railroad Creek, but with lower strearnflows. The selected segment of Company Creek was situated near the confluence of the Stehekin River. 8.2.4 Groundwater Railroad Creek Watershed Groundwater within the Railroad Creek valley exists as several relatively isolated occurrences: 1) a shallow occurrence within the near-surface sand and gravel (reworked glacial till), and perched above the less permeable glacial till; 2) a deeper occurrence within the glacial till unit; and 3) within the bedrock. The permeability of the uppermost occurrence is anticipated to be relatively high; it is anticipated that the majority of near-surface groundwater occurrence is within reworked glacial till unit. Groundwater permeability within the glacial till and bedrock are anticipated to be orders of magnitude lower than the near-surface occurrence, but are difficult to measure due to the random distribution of fractures and/or joints in which water flows, and the relatively low probability of intercepting these fractures during a field testing program (i.e., drilling and monitoring well installation). Groundwater within the glacial till is likely limited to isolated zones of higher permeability sand and gravel. The bedrock groundwater is anticipated to be limited to fractures and joints. The groundwater within the watershed flows eventually into Railroad Creek. Site General The groundwater underlying the Site generally exists as the same general three occurrences discussed above for the Railroad Creek watershed. Groundwater and surface water conditions on the Site are considered to be dynamic (refer to Section 4.0 for further details). Surface water infiltrates into the ground surface, travels along surfaces of relatively low permeability soil layers such as glacial till, and either emanates from the base of slopes as springs or seeps, or eventually enters Railroad Creek as diffuse groundwater. Groundwater movement through the bedrock in the mine is anticipated to be significantly greater than the surrounding non-mined bedrock. In addition, isolated groundwater occurrences exist within the tailings piles. The groundwater levels are highest during spring snowmelt, which is reflected in the relatively frequent occurrences of springs and seeps flowing during that period of time, and by the relatively high portal drainage flow rates. The groundwater levels decline as the source of groundwater recharge, snowmelt and precipitation, decrease over the summer and early fall periods. This is reflected in the reduction in measured Site seeps from a maximum of 26 in the period of the May-June 1997, to three in September 1997, and the reduction in discharge rates from the portal drainage, from a peak of approximately 3.5 cfs to a measured low of approximately 0.1 cfs. 8- 1 4 \U~M~SEAI\VOLI\COMMOMWP~WPDATA\OO~\REPORTSWOLDEN-ZW\~- 17693-005-0 19Uuly 28,1999; 10:24 AM;DRAFT FINAL FU REPORT

i<br />

flow associated with two seeps adjacent to Railroad Creek, seeps SP-12 and SP-23. In addition, it is possible<br />

that some of the Honeymoon Heights intermittent drainage water migrates into the underground mine<br />

through fractures and joints in the bedrock. A dye test was completed during the RI to test the hypothesis<br />

that discharge from the SP-12 and SP-23 seeps and 1500-level main portal drainage are connected with the<br />

Honeymoon Heights intermittent drainage; however, the results were inconclusive.<br />

Eastern Portion of Site<br />

Snow accumulates atop the tailings piles during the winter months and melts during the spring runoff<br />

period. A series of the trenches were constructed between 1989 and 199 1 up slope and on the surface of the<br />

tailings piles with the intent of intercepting surface water run on. and reducing the ponding of water on top<br />

of the piles. Most of the water is conveyed in the ditches in the surface of the tailings piles which eventually<br />

discharges either to Copper Creek or Railroad Creek. The ditch systems serve to divert water off the tailings<br />

piles but do not prevent ponding of water in contact with tailings.<br />

A series of three ditches were constructed on the surface of tailings pile 1. The ditches drain water to the<br />

north to Copper Creek Diversion and to the east to Copper Creek. The ditch located in the western portion<br />

of the tailings pile also transmits seep water which emanates from the base of the east waste rock pile. One<br />

of the ditches present along the southern margin of the tailings pile was observed to be draining into what<br />

appears to be an abandoned wood-lined decant tower which was not plugged during the 1989 to 1991<br />

tailings pile rehabilitation. , .<br />

Tailings piles 2 and 3 also have a system of drainage ditches on the surface of the piles. The ditches divert<br />

surface water run on to the east indirectly into Railroad Creek at seep SP-2 1, east of tailings pile 3. A series<br />

of ditches were also observed in a road cut above tailings pile 3; the ditch appears to intercept some of the<br />

surface water run on before it comes into contact with the tailings piles. The water,that drains to the east<br />

From tailings piles 2 and 3 enters a wetland area to the east of tailings pile 3 before eventually discharging to<br />

Railroad Creek.<br /> Lake Chelan<br />

Lake Chelan is the largest and deepest natural lake in Washington State. The lake is more 50 miles long<br />

with an average width of one mile. It is the third deepest lake in the continental United States. The deepest<br />

portion of the lake is in the Lucerne Basin, approximately mid-way up the lake and is approximately 453<br />

meters (1,486 feet) deep.<br />

Railroad Creek is the second largest hydrologic source to Lake Chelan, historically contributing<br />

approximately 10 percent of the annual input to the basin. The largest is the Stehekin River, at the northern<br />

end of the lake. The mouth of the Railroad Creek is situated on the west side of the lake, approximately 15<br />

miles south of the northern end of the lake. Sediments transported by Railroad Creek are deposited in a<br />

delta near the mouth of the creek. However, the Stehekin River contributes more sediment to Lake Chelan<br />

than does Railroad Creek.<br />

A dam is present at the southernmost end of the lake; the dam raises the water as much as 21 feet above the<br />

pre-dam level. During summer, the lake level is approximately 1,100 feet above sea level. When full, the<br />

lake has an area of about 52 square miles. The water flows through the dam, over a water falls to the<br />

Columbia River. There is no direct pathway for fish to migrate from the Columbia River to Lake Chelan.<br />


17693-005-019Uuly 28,<strong>1999</strong>:10:24 AM:DRAFT FMAL RI REPORT

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