Dames & Moore, 1999 - USDA Forest Service

Dames & Moore, 1999 - USDA Forest Service Dames & Moore, 1999 - USDA Forest Service


A 500-year event was not analyzed, with or without fire and landslide upstre& scenarios; however, it is assumed that such an event would remove additional riprap and likely result in erosion and the release of tailings materials to Railroad Creek. Copper Creek The primary tributary to Railroad Creek is Copper Creek which enters Railroad Creek at the Site between tailings piles 1 and 2. Copper Creek provides less than 10 percent of the total flow of Railroad Creek at this location. The source of Copper Creek is the basin to the south of the Site. Due to the relatively steep gradient and irregular substrate, it is difficult to determine whether Copper Creek is losing water adjacent to tailings piles 1 and 2. Groundwater measurements collected from nearby wells installed in tailings pile 2 infer a losing condition for Copper Creek adjacent to the tailings piles for portions of the year. However, it is reported that much of Copper Creek is diverted to the hydroelectric plant during the winter months to provide electric power for Holden Village. Consequently, the potential for loss of wa'ter to the tailings piles is likely limited during this period of time. Copper Creek Diversion Copper Creek contains a concrete weir approximately one-half mile southeast of the Site. A pipe transports a portion of the Copper Creek water to the Holden Village hydroelectric plant located immediately west of tailings pile 1. The water exits the plant and flows above-ground to Railroad Creek. The drainage, known herein as the Copper Creek Diversion, comes into contact with the western limit of tailings pile 1. A portion of the stream flows through a pond utilized by Holden Village residents and visitors for cooling off after using the sauna facility before it also exits into Railroad Creek. Mine Portal Discharge 1500-Level Main Portal Drainage After the operations ceased in 1957, the lower workings of the underground mine eventually filled with groundwater. The water now flows out of the lowermost mine opening at the 1500-level portal near the abandoned mill facility. Weekly flow measurements were collected during the RI between May and October 1997. In addition, a data logger was installed in a weir placed at the portal opening in early October, 1997 in order to collect nearly continuous water level readings. The measured flow rates ranged from approximately 0.10 to 0.20 cfs (approximately 45 to 90 gallons per minute) from about September to April, with isolated peak flows as high as 3.5 cfs (approximately 1,570 gallons per minute) during spring melt in May and June of 1997; in comparison, peak flows for May and June of 1998 were measured to be less than approximately 1.8 cfs (approximately 808 gallons per minute). An analysis of precipitation data collected during the RI when compared to the portal drainage flows for the same period indicates a relatively rapid response (within approximately one to two days) in flow rates in the portal drainage after a precipitation event in spring through early summer. From approximately mid-summer through fall, the influence of precipitation on portal drainage flow rates appears minimal. This suggests that the bedrock is saturated during the spring to early summer months, and unsaturated for most of the remainder of the year. \V)M~SU\I\VOLI\COMMOMWP\WPDATA\OOS\REPORTSOLD-2W.d - 17693-005-019Uuly 28, 1999:10:24 AM,DRAF? FINAL RI REPORT 8- 1 1

It is likely that much of the water enters the mine from the ground surface through fractures andlor joints in bedrock. The slopes above the 1100-level mine portal were mapped as being devoid of glacial soil cover, which would limit the percolation of meteoric water into the bedrock, and eventually into the mine. In contrast, the slopes below the 1100-level mine portal are mapped as generally covered with the glacial soil: therefore, both the infiltration of surface water into the bedrock, as well as exfiltration from the underground mine through fractures and joints in the bedrock, is anticipated to be limited below this level of the mine. Surface Water RunonIRunoff Features General Surface water run on at the Site occurs primarily in the form of near-surface and overland flow from the slopes to the south during the spring snowmelt period. As the snowmelt proceeds and diminishes. the run on appears to make a transition to being predominantly subsurface flow within the near-surface soils. Surface water runoff at the Site also varied ,seasonally. All surface water runoff was noted to eventually flow into Railroad Creek. During the spring snowmelt period, the runoff was noted to be principally in the form of overland flow and seeps (as noted earlier in this report, the term seeps utilized in this RI includes surface expressions of groundwater that are sources of potential metals loading principally from the mill. mine support, Honeymoon Heights, and tailings pile areas into Railroad Creek). During the May to June spring snowmelt period, one area of overland flow was observed emanating from the lagoon which collects surface water runoff from the mill and waste rock piles. In addition, 26 seeps were observed flowing and/or collecting water during the May-June event. Later in the spring and summer seasons, the surface water runoff decreased significantly when compared to the spring snowmelt period. In September of 1997 and 1998, no indications of overland flow were noted and only three seeps located at the base of the tailing piles were observed flowing. . Western portion of Site The principal surface water run on features observed in the mill and mine support area, including the maintenance yard, were a series of seeps (groundwater expressions) that flow overland from the mill building and from near the base of the two waste rock piles during the May-June event. This overland flow discharges into the lagoon which flows directly into Railroad Creek for intermittent periods during the spring snowmelt. However, by September, the seeps were no longer present and the lagoon no longer contained standing water. The decrease in the water level of the lagoon results from a combination of infiltration into the underlying soils and evaporation. The lagoon is coincident with the mapped location of a pre-existing Railroad Creek channel before the tailings piles were constructed. Consequently, the abandoned stream bed may be acting as a preferential pathway for the draining of the lagoon feature. The pre-existing stream bed was observed on historic Site maps to intersect Railroad Creek near the northwest comer of tailings pile 1, near seeps SP-1 and SP-2. Intermittent surface water flowing adjacent to two mine waste rock piles in the Honeymoon Heights area (1 100 and 800 levels) eventually disappears into talus rock which appears to contain some waste rock. Intermittent seepage from the 1100-level'portal also infiltrates into the waste rock pile,adjacent to the mine opening. The intermittent drainage from this portion of the Site appears to be coincident with overland \WM-SW\I\VOLI\COMMOMWP\WDATA\~~~WPORTSWOLDEN-2. 8- 12 17693-005-019Uuly 28, 1999;10:24 AM;DRAFT FINAL Rf REPORT

It is likely that much of the water enters the mine from the ground surface through fractures andlor joints in<br />

bedrock. The slopes above the 1100-level mine portal were mapped as being devoid of glacial soil cover,<br />

which would limit the percolation of meteoric water into the bedrock, and eventually into the mine. In<br />

contrast, the slopes below the 1100-level mine portal are mapped as generally covered with the glacial soil:<br />

therefore, both the infiltration of surface water into the bedrock, as well as exfiltration from the underground<br />

mine through fractures and joints in the bedrock, is anticipated to be limited below this level of the mine.<br /> Surface Water RunonIRunoff Features<br />

General<br />

Surface water run on at the Site occurs primarily in the form of near-surface and overland flow from the<br />

slopes to the south during the spring snowmelt period. As the snowmelt proceeds and diminishes. the run<br />

on appears to make a transition to being predominantly subsurface flow within the near-surface soils.<br />

Surface water runoff at the Site also varied ,seasonally. All surface water runoff was noted to eventually<br />

flow into Railroad Creek. During the spring snowmelt period, the runoff was noted to be principally in the<br />

form of overland flow and seeps (as noted earlier in this report, the term seeps utilized in this RI includes<br />

surface expressions of groundwater that are sources of potential metals loading principally from the mill.<br />

mine support, Honeymoon Heights, and tailings pile areas into Railroad Creek).<br />

During the May to June spring snowmelt period, one area of overland flow was observed emanating from<br />

the lagoon which collects surface water runoff from the mill and waste rock piles. In addition, 26 seeps<br />

were observed flowing and/or collecting water during the May-June event. Later in the spring and summer<br />

seasons, the surface water runoff decreased significantly when compared to the spring snowmelt period. In<br />

September of 1997 and 1998, no indications of overland flow were noted and only three seeps located at the<br />

base of the tailing piles were observed flowing. .<br />

Western portion of Site<br />

The principal surface water run on features observed in the mill and mine support area, including the<br />

maintenance yard, were a series of seeps (groundwater expressions) that flow overland from the mill<br />

building and from near the base of the two waste rock piles during the May-June event. This overland flow<br />

discharges into the lagoon which flows directly into Railroad Creek for intermittent periods during the<br />

spring snowmelt. However, by September, the seeps were no longer present and the lagoon no longer<br />

contained standing water. The decrease in the water level of the lagoon results from a combination of<br />

infiltration into the underlying soils and evaporation.<br />

The lagoon is coincident with the mapped location of a pre-existing Railroad Creek channel before the<br />

tailings piles were constructed. Consequently, the abandoned stream bed may be acting as a preferential<br />

pathway for the draining of the lagoon feature. The pre-existing stream bed was observed on historic Site<br />

maps to intersect Railroad Creek near the northwest comer of tailings pile 1, near seeps SP-1 and SP-2.<br />

Intermittent surface water flowing adjacent to two mine waste rock piles in the Honeymoon Heights area<br />

(1 100 and 800 levels) eventually disappears into talus rock which appears to contain some waste rock.<br />

Intermittent seepage from the 1100-level'portal also infiltrates into the waste rock pile,adjacent to the mine<br />

opening. The intermittent drainage from this portion of the Site appears to be coincident with overland<br />


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17693-005-019Uuly 28, <strong>1999</strong>;10:24 AM;DRAFT FINAL Rf REPORT

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