Dames & Moore, 1999 - USDA Forest Service

Dames & Moore, 1999 - USDA Forest Service Dames & Moore, 1999 - USDA Forest Service


TABLE 7.22-10 STAT~SMAL ANALYSIS AND COMPARISON OF CHE~KAL DATA FOR STAnons ALONG PORTAL DRAINAGE HOLDEN MNE RMS DAMES 6 -RE JOB NO. 1769MOM19 pala Nd*% J - Ertimaled vahr. U . Paramderws -Wed Ici, bl( nd detected abwe the repmglrnt shown UJ - Panmela wr ~a)yled IN. h4 nd dtleded Menion Lrrit is en edimalcd MLle. .,... . . . hjcales lhal me &In was nd am~hbk lor Ws p m c r ~~~~~~ statklkal No(. (Slstlrtical cak&lions were perl-d vvnp Wartlnpton DepsRmeN of Eco(an I MTCASlst Gcd V 5 Macro (Moddc 2 11 domioaded Iran lhnr & ule ) Maumm andmnmm concmbaUons are based on Mcded MLm W Rang+ of rcpolttnp W s (RL) are based on rertdr rqmIed as nd dtledcd hstnbu~on s dtlemrned bascd on the MTCA slat progam by anah/zlng Vu &la Urourfl the W Tcsl or 'D Aposllno s leg mere ma IS nol bpwnnaly nor namaly dslnbled me drtnblllon n ndcd as Nerlhn Whm apponmale a m o n tr reported as 'nalher' the man- cmcmbaben IS reponed as the 95% UCL and s (rcrcrded m BOLD lal n UCL IS reported m brsdrds (UCL value) tlus mbcaes U!al me cWed resa from MTCASat was repmed to be UUIUOW h#~ The mean 15 an MUmdlc mean fl data are m l y dslnh#cd or 41 dstnbllon as mdcstcd as 'New The repcded mean lor bprormoly 6rmbled data Is a b9x.mz.l mean Slaf~acal aMlyws war nd paformed on &la sds where 50% ca pedo of Vu re-s w e repmcd as rml rnectcd W j md~un Md mmnm ccmabatmr arc repMed 11 appTcaKe For Vrre dats sds, a cahJslcd mdan IS based on deteded vahrs W. ' Valns wnh'geatn Ihad sipr m e rcpcrted as shown m Ur apprcMe reDort(s) rdnared The sdm vsLe was used as an ertvnate of lhe bawd ccmcertratim in me -mok Page 3 013

TABLE 7.2.2-1 H STATISTICAL ANALYSIS AND COMPARISON OF CHEMICAL DATA FROM GROUNDWATER SEEPAGE HOLDEN MINE RIIFS DAMES 8 MOORE JOB NO. 17693-005019 Data Notes: J - Estimated Value U - Parameter was analyzed for, but not detected abwe the reporting limn shown UJ - Parameter was analyzed for, but not detected. Detection limit isan estimated value ,: .........., >:.:.:. i' . .?., . .:m;.sN:ms Indicates that the data was not available for this parameter. Data Source: (a) Kilburn, et al. 1994. Geochemical data and sample locality maps for stream-sediment, heavy-mineralconcentrate. mill tailing, water. andpreciprtate samples collected in and around the Holden m~ne. Chelan County. Washington. USGS Open File Report 94-680A Paper Version. 94-6800 Diskette version (Data Collected in 1994). (b) K~lbum. J.E. 8 S.J. Sutley. 1996. Charactenzatron of acid mine drainage at the Holden mine. Chelan. Washington. USGS Open File Report 96-531. (Data collected in 1995) (c) Kilburn, J.E. & S J Sutley 1997 Analytical results and comparative overview of gwchemrcal studies conducted at the Holden Mine, spring 1996. USGS Open F~le Report 97-128 (Data collected in Spnng 1996). (d) Kilburn, J.E. 8 S J. Sutley. 1997. Preliminary data (no report attached, data collected in Fall 1996). (e) Johnson. A,. et al. 1997. Effects of Holden Mine on the Water. Sediments and Benthic Invertebrates of Rarlroad Creek (Lake Chelan). Environmental Investigations and Laboratory Services Program. Water Body No. WA-47-1020. Publication No 97-330 (data collected in Spring and Fall 1996). Page 1 of8 TABLE 7.2.2-tH STATlSTlCU ANALYSIS 6 COMPARISON OF CHEVPCAL DATA FROM GROUNDWATER SEEPAGE

TABLE 7.22-10<br />



DAMES 6 -RE JOB NO. 1769MOM19<br />

pala Nd*%<br />

J - Ertimaled vahr.<br />

U . Paramderws -Wed Ici, bl( nd detected abwe the repmglrnt shown<br />

UJ - Panmela wr ~a)yled IN. h4 nd dtleded Menion Lrrit is en edimalcd MLle.<br />

.,... . . .<br />

hjcales lhal me &In was nd am~hbk lor Ws p m c r<br />

~~~~~~<br />

statklkal No(. (Slstlrtical cak&lions were perl-d vvnp Wartlnpton DepsRmeN of Eco(an I MTCASlst Gcd V 5 Macro (Moddc 2 11 domioaded Iran lhnr & ule )<br />

Maumm andmnmm concmbaUons are based on Mcded MLm W<br />

Rang+ of rcpolttnp W s (RL) are based on rertdr rqmIed as nd dtledcd<br />

hstnbu~on s dtlemrned bascd on the MTCA slat progam by anah/zlng Vu &la Urourfl the W Tcsl or 'D Aposllno s leg mere ma IS nol bpwnnaly nor namaly dslnbled me drtnblllon n ndcd as Nerlhn<br />

Whm apponmale a m o n tr reported as 'nalher' the man- cmcmbaben IS reponed as the 95% UCL and s (rcrcrded m BOLD lal<br />

n UCL IS reported m brsdrds (UCL value) tlus mbcaes U!al me cWed resa from MTCASat was repmed to be UUIUOW h#~<br />

The mean 15 an MUmdlc mean fl data are m l y dslnh#cd or 41 dstnbllon as mdcstcd as 'New The repcded mean lor bprormoly 6rmbled data Is a b9x.mz.l mean<br />

Slaf~acal aMlyws war nd paformed on &la sds where 50% ca pedo of Vu re-s w e repmcd as rml rnectcd W j md~un Md mmnm ccmabatmr arc repMed 11 appTcaKe<br />

For Vrre dats sds, a cahJslcd mdan IS based on deteded vahrs W.<br />

' Valns wnh'geatn Ihad sipr m e rcpcrted as shown m Ur apprcMe reDort(s) rdnared The sdm vsLe was used as an ertvnate of lhe bawd ccmcertratim in me -mok<br />

Page 3 013

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