Dames & Moore, 1999 - USDA Forest Service

Dames & Moore, 1999 - USDA Forest Service Dames & Moore, 1999 - USDA Forest Service


TABLE 7.2.2-1C =b COMPARISON OF SEDIMENTARY TOTAL METAL CONCENTRATIONS FROM RAILROAD CREEK (BASED ON SAMPLES COLLECTED FROM 1991-1997, EXCLUDES USGS SEDIMENT 8 CONCENTRATE DATA AND FLOCCULENT DATA) HOLDEN MINE RUFS DAMES 6 MOORE JOB NO. 17693005019 Statistical Notes: {Statlslcal calculat~ons were performed uslng Washington Department of Ecology's MTCAStat Excel V 5 Macro (Module 2 1). downloaded born thelr web slte ) Maxlmum and rnlnmum concentrations are based on detected values only Range of reporting llm~ts (RL) are based on resufis reported as not detected Dlstnbutlon a determined based on the MTCA stat program by analyzing the data through the "W-Test' or 'O'Agost~no's test" Where data IS not lognormally nor normally dlstnbuted, the d~stnbut~on a noted as -Ne~ther" When approxlrnate dtstrlbutlon IS reported as 'ne~thef, the maxlrnum concentrat~on IS reported as the 95% UCL and IS presented In BOLD font The mean IS an anthrnet~c mean ~f data are normally dlstr~buted or ~f dlstnbut~on a lndlcated as 'Ne~thef The reported mean for lognormally dlstrlbuted data 1s a lognormal mean Stat~stical analps was not performed on data sets where 50% or greater of the results were reported as not detected Only rnaxlrnum and mlnlrnurn concenlrat~ons are reported. I appltcable For these data Sets a calculated rnedlan IS based on detected values only H.\Holden\Drafl final ri rpl\S_7\eco raUables\7-2-2-1 -c.xls 7/26/99 Page 3 of 4

TABLE 7.2.2-lC COMPARISON OF SEDIMENTARY TOTAL METAL CONCENTRATIONS FROM RAILROAD CREEK (BASED ON SAMPLES COLLECTED FROM 1991-1997, EXCLUDES USGS SEDIMENT 8 CONCENTRATE DATA AND FLOCCULENT DATA) HOLDEN MINE RllFS DAMES 8 MOORE JOB NO. 17693405419 Stabstical Notes: {Stat~slcal calculations were performed uslng Washington Department of Ecology's MTCAStat Excel V 5 Macro (Module 2 I), downloaded from the~r web slte ) Maximum and m!nlmum concentratlons are based on detected values only Range of reporting llmits (RL) are based on results reported as not detected Dlstr~but~on IS determined based on the MTCA stat program by anabcng the data through the W Test" or 'D Agostmo's test" Where data a not lognormally nor normally datnbuted, the dlstnbul~on IS noted as 'Nerlher' When approximate dlstrlbution n reported as 'netther, the maxlmum concentration IS reported as the 95% UCL and IS presented in BOLD font The mean IS an arlthmetlc mean if data are normally dlstnbuted or B dtstnbution IS lndlcated as 'Neither The reported mean for lognormally distributed data IS a lognormal mean Statlstlcal anatysls was not performed on data sets where 50% or greater of the results were reported as not detected Only maxlmum and mlnimum concentrallons are reported, if applicable For these data sets, a calculated med~an n based on detected values only H:Wolden\DraR final ri rpt\S_7\eco ra\lables\7-2-2-1 -c.xls 7/26/99 Page 4 of 4

TABLE 7.2.2-lC<br />




DAMES 8 MOORE JOB NO. 17693405419<br />

Stabstical Notes: {Stat~slcal calculations were performed uslng Washington Department of Ecology's MTCAStat Excel V 5 Macro (Module 2 I), downloaded from the~r web slte )<br />

Maximum and m!nlmum concentratlons are based on detected values only<br />

Range of reporting llmits (RL) are based on results reported as not detected<br />

Dlstr~but~on IS determined based on the MTCA stat program by anabcng the data through the W Test" or 'D Agostmo's test"<br />

Where data a not lognormally nor normally datnbuted, the dlstnbul~on IS noted as 'Nerlher'<br />

When approximate dlstrlbution n reported as 'netther, the maxlmum concentration IS reported as the 95% UCL and IS presented in BOLD font<br />

The mean IS an arlthmetlc mean if data are normally dlstnbuted or B dtstnbution IS lndlcated as 'Neither The reported mean for lognormally distributed data IS a lognormal mean<br />

Statlstlcal anatysls was not performed on data sets where 50% or greater of the results were reported as not detected Only maxlmum and mlnimum concentrallons are reported, if applicable<br />

For these data sets, a calculated med~an n based on detected values only<br />

H:Wolden\DraR final ri rpt\S_7\eco ra\lables\7-2-2-1 -c.xls<br />

7/26/99<br />

Page 4 of 4

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