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Findings from behavioral genetics research indicate that<br />

a. situational factors contributed most to similarities<br />

b. family factors contributed most to similarities<br />

c. genetic factors contributed most to similarities<br />

d. all three components contributed about equally<br />

Research on the heritability of personality shows that appears to have a surprisingly small<br />

ID: A<br />

impact on personality.<br />

a. shared family environment<br />

b. heredity<br />

c. unique experiences<br />

d. unconscious motivation<br />

According to the evolutionary approach to personality, humans have evolved special sensitivity to variations<br />

in the ability to cooperate and collaborate with others, which is closely associated with which 'ofthe<br />

following Big Five personality traits?<br />

a. neuroticism<br />

b. extraversion<br />

c. agreeableness<br />

d. conscientiousness<br />

According to the evolutionary approach to personality, humans have evolved special sensitivity to variations<br />

in the tendency to be reliable and ethical, which is closely associated with which ofthe following Big Five<br />

personality traits?<br />

a. neuroticism<br />

b. extraversion<br />

c. agreeableness<br />

d. conscientiousness<br />

Which of the following is not one of the main weaknesses in biological approaches to personality?<br />

a. conceptual problems with heritability estimates<br />

b. an overly optimistic view of human nature<br />

c. the difficulty of separating the effects of nature and nurture<br />

d. the lack of a comprehensive theory<br />

The generalized preference for high or low levels of sensory stimulation is referred to as<br />

a. self-monitoring<br />

b. sensation seeking<br />

c. locus of control<br />

d. level of intraception<br />

Jack is an adventuresome fellow who feels most alive when he is putting his life at risk. Marvin Zuckerman<br />

would say that Jack is high in<br />

a. self-actualization<br />

b. impulse behavior<br />

c. sensation seeking<br />

d. self-monitoring<br />

All but which of the following are characteristic of high sensation seekers?<br />

a. uninhibited<br />

b. adventuresome<br />

c. low tolerance for stress<br />

d. low tolerance for routine and repetition<br />


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