GAMMEX® powder-free Gloves with AMT Antimicrobial Technology

GAMMEX® powder-free Gloves with AMT Antimicrobial Technology

GAMMEX® powder-free Gloves with AMT Antimicrobial Technology


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Not oNly does it feel<br />

like a secoNd skiN<br />

it has its owN<br />

immuNe system<br />

kills >99% of<br />

a hepatitis c virus surrogate<br />

kills 99% of<br />

hiv-1 straiN mn<br />

kills >99.7% of<br />

8 commoN iNfectious bacteria

Powder-<strong>free</strong><br />

pathogens are proven to transfer from healthcare workers to patients<br />

and from patients to healthcare workers. 1,4<br />

direct bacterial traNsmissioN<br />

from the patient<br />

in a majority of gloves <strong>with</strong> a breach<br />

longer surgeries increase the risk of contamination<br />

• hand bacterial counts are significantly higher <strong>with</strong> longer surgery time 2<br />

double gloving reduces the risk of hand contamination, but does not eliminate it 4,5<br />

• in 18% to 48% of cases, breaches occur in both the outer and inner gloves<br />

HEALTHCArE workErS<br />

CAN BE EXpoSED<br />

To HArMfuL pATHoGENS<br />

DurING SurGErY<br />

• bacteria pass to the healthcare worker through glove breaches resulting from normal wear 1<br />

45,5%<br />

no bacterial<br />

transmission<br />

54,5%<br />

bacterial transmission<br />

references: 1. Hübner N-o, Goerdt A-M, Stanislawski N, et al. Bacterial migration through punctured surgical gloves under real surgical conditions. BMC Infect Dis. 2010;10:192. 2. Eklund AM, ojajärvi<br />

J, Laitinen k, Valtonen M, werkkala kA. Glove punctures and postoperative skin flora of hands in cardiac surgery. Ann Thorac Surg. 2002;74:149-153. 3. Misteli H, weber wp, reck S, et al. Surgical<br />

glove perforation and the risk of surgical site infection. Arch Surg. 2009;144:553-558. 4. Harnoß J-C, partecke L-I, Heidecke C-D, Hübner N-o, kramer A, Assadian o. Concentration of bacteria passing<br />

through puncture holes in surgical gloves. Am J Infect Control. 2010;38:154-158. 5. Thomas S, Agarwal M, Mehta G. Intraoperative glove perforation—single versus double gloving in protection against<br />

skin contamination. postgrad Med J. 2001;77:458-460. 6. Chan kY, Singh VA, oun BH, To BH. The rate of glove perforations in orthopaedic procedures: single versus double gloving. A prospective<br />

study. Med J Malaysia. 2006;61(suppl B):3-7. 7. rabussay D, korniewicz DM. The risks and challenges of surgical glove failure. AorN J. 1997;66:867-888.

THE rISk for EXpoSurE<br />


the majority of glove breaches go unnoticed. 2,5,6<br />

up to 83% of glove breaches<br />

are Not Noticed by surgeoNs,<br />

depending on the study 2,5,6<br />

BrEACHES NoT<br />

NoTICED<br />

BY SurGEoN,%<br />

80<br />

60<br />

40<br />

20<br />

0<br />

CHAN kY,<br />

et al. 6<br />

EkLuND AM,<br />

et al. 2<br />

glove wear and tear, not sharps injuries, causes most breaches 6,7<br />

• only 2% or less of all glove failures are caused by sharps injuries in most surgeries 7<br />

• only 5% of noticed glove breaches are attributable to sharp surgical instruments in<br />

orthopaedic surgeries 6<br />

THoMAS S,<br />

et al. 5<br />

83%<br />

69%<br />




gammeX ® <strong>powder</strong>-<strong>free</strong> gloves <strong>with</strong> amt antimicrobial technology<br />

reduce wearer exposure to pathogens.<br />

a new level of antiviral protection<br />

during in vitro laboratory testing, gammeX ® <strong>powder</strong>-<strong>free</strong> <strong>with</strong> amt:<br />

• Kills >99% of a hepatitis c virus surrogate as early as 1 minute following exposure<br />

• Kills 99% of hiv-1 strain mn * as early as 1 minute following exposure<br />

rapid and lasting antibacterial action against a wide range of bacteria<br />

during in vitro laboratory testing, gammeX ® <strong>powder</strong>-<strong>free</strong> <strong>with</strong> amt:<br />

• Kills >99.7% to >99.999% of 8 common infectious bacteria causing healthcare<br />

facility–associated infection, comprising gram-positive, gram-negative, and drug-resistant bacteria as early<br />

as 1 and 2 minutes following exposure<br />

in vivo laboratory testing confirms that the internal antimicrobial coating remains active against<br />

staphylococcus aureus after 2 hours of wear.<br />

Kills a wide range of pathogens<br />

hiv<br />

viruses<br />

hepatitis c<br />

virus surrogate<br />

* hiv-1 strain mn is a well-studied, virulent strain of hiv-1.<br />

mrsa<br />

p. mirabilis<br />

e. coli<br />

bacteria<br />

gram-positive<br />

s. aureus<br />

gram-negative<br />

b. fragilis<br />

e. faecium<br />

K. oxytoca<br />

a. baumannii

<strong>AMT</strong> ANTIMICroBIAL TECHNoLoGY<br />

rEDEfINES pErforMANCE<br />

ansell’s proprietary amt antimicrobial technology delivers added protection.<br />

• ansell’s proprietary antimicrobial coating contains chlorhexidine gluconate (chg)<br />

for antiviral and antibacterial action.<br />

• chg is an effective antimicrobial agent found in common products such<br />

as antiseptics and mouthwashes.<br />

• antimicrobial action remains uncompromised when used <strong>with</strong> waterless<br />

and water-aided surgical scrubs.<br />

innovative technology<br />

<strong>with</strong> a uNique structure<br />

cross-sectioNal view<br />

biopolymer overcoat<br />

antimicrobial coating<br />

containing chg<br />

polymer coating<br />

natural rubber latex<br />

iNterNal surface/haNd<br />

eXterNal surface<br />

amt<br />

antimicrobial technology<br />

components<br />

gammeX pf<br />

base glove

MKTPRO190V1<br />


wITH A SofT TouCH<br />

gammeX ® <strong>powder</strong>-<strong>free</strong> <strong>with</strong> amt combines antimicrobial action<br />

<strong>with</strong> unsurpassed safety and comfort.<br />

No distractiNg skiN irritatioN<br />

• antimicrobial coating contains anti-irritants, moisturisers, and emollients to care for the hands<br />

• no evidence of skin sensitisation observed during in vivo laboratory testing<br />

• exceptionally low skin irritation level comparable to deionised water<br />

• tested in accordance <strong>with</strong> iso 10993: biological evaluation of medical devices,<br />

part 10: tests for irritation and delayed-type hypersensitivity<br />

• extended product testing for enhanced quality assurance<br />

gammeX ® <strong>powder</strong>-<strong>free</strong> <strong>with</strong> amt has a fit so natural,<br />

it feels like a secoNd skiN<br />

thinner, softer latex <strong>with</strong><br />

shaped finger pads<br />

for further sensitivity<br />

optimal thumb positioning and a<br />

larger thumb ball for enhanced<br />

comfort and reduced fatigue<br />

tapered straight cuff for<br />

improved gown grip<br />

ansell healthcare europe n.v.<br />

riverside business park block j boulevard international 55<br />

b-1070 brussels belgium tel.: +32 (0) 2 528 74 00 fax: +32 (0) 2 528 74 01<br />

fax: customer service +32 (0) 2 528 74 03<br />

http://www.ansell.eu e-mail: info@ansell.eu<br />

GAMMEX ® <strong>powder</strong>-<strong>free</strong> <strong>Gloves</strong> <strong>with</strong> <strong>AMT</strong> <strong>Antimicrobial</strong> <strong>Technology</strong> contain natural rubber latex, which may cause allergic reactions.<br />

GAMMEX ® <strong>powder</strong>-<strong>free</strong> <strong>Gloves</strong> <strong>with</strong> <strong>AMT</strong> <strong>Antimicrobial</strong> <strong>Technology</strong> are not proven to protect against blood-borne infections where the<br />

skin is broken, cut, or punctured. Australia patent No. 703926 and New Zealand patent No. 556353. Au and worldwide patents pending.<br />

Ansell, ® and are trademarks owned by Ansell Limited or one of its affiliates. © 2011 Ansell Limited. All rights reserved.<br />

produced on ansell’s proprietary<br />

anatomic formers for<br />

a more natural fit<br />

wider, textured palm for<br />

better instrument grip<br />

in damp and dry environments<br />

neither this document nor any other statement made herein by or on behalf of ansell should be construed as a warranty of merchantability or that any ansell product is fit for<br />

a particular purpose. ansell assumes no responsibility for the suitability or adequacy of an end user’s selection of gloves for a specific application.<br />

about aNsell<br />

ansell is a world leader in providing superior health and safety protection solutions that enhance human well being. <strong>with</strong> operations in north america, latin america, emea<br />

and asia, ansell employs more than 10,000 people worldwide and holds leading positions in the natural latex and synthetic polymer glove and condom markets. ansell<br />

operates in four main business segments: medical solutions, industrial solutions, new verticals & advanced concepts, and sexual health & well being. information on ansell<br />

and its products can be found at http://www.ansell.eu<br />

YGAMMEX<strong>AMT</strong>DETEN / GAMMEX<strong>AMT</strong> DETAILAID EN / 5000 / 09-11 / SSBC

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