The last look before the first<br />

Consumers demand the highest standards<br />

regarding the product and its packaging<br />

especially in the healthcare sector.<br />

Therefore 100% quality is provided on<br />

the inside and the outside in order not to<br />

disappoint customer expectations. Misaligned,<br />

creased or damaged labels and<br />

unreadable imprints or closure faults can<br />

result in another manufacturer‘s product<br />

being chosen. The health of the customer<br />

is even at risk if labels are applied<br />

www.heuft.<strong>com</strong><br />

which do not correspond to the product.<br />

The <strong>HEUFT</strong> <strong>FinalView</strong> <strong>FX</strong> subjects filled<br />

containers to an extensive final examination<br />

and ensures that only those are<br />

delivered which fulfil the highest quality<br />

requirements. Fully developed, optical<br />

systems examine the container dress: the<br />

labels are checked to ensure that they<br />

are present, properly aligned and that<br />

the reference to the product as regards<br />

the contents is correct. For example the<br />

<strong>HEUFT</strong> <strong>FinalView</strong> <strong>FX</strong><br />

risk of a product with the incorrect dosage<br />

information reaching the market and<br />

endangering the welfare of the consumer<br />

is therefore ruled out. In addition the system<br />

for checking the final product checks<br />

the integrity of the closures. The <strong>HEUFT</strong><br />

<strong>FinalView</strong> <strong>FX</strong> can be tailor­made exactly<br />

to your requirements with other highly<br />

efficient detections for example for reading<br />

product markings such as barcodes<br />

and 2D codes.

Taking four individual pictures and the total developed view made up of these<br />

Optimally equipped<br />

pharma & healthcare group<br />

35285 Gemünden<br />

Aqua, Sodium Laureth<br />

Sulfate, Laureth-2, Disodium<br />

Laureth Sulfosuccinate,<br />

Sodium Coride, Caffeine,<br />

Panthenol, Parfum, PEG-120<br />

Methyl GlucoseDioleate,<br />

Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein<br />

Regardless whether high­priced or<br />

favour ably priced products: confidence<br />

diminishes in the cosmetics, care or<br />

pharmaceutical product if the consumer<br />

feels he has been poorly informed due<br />

to missing or insufficient information on<br />

the label.<br />

The <strong>HEUFT</strong> <strong>FinalView</strong> <strong>FX</strong> examines dif­<br />

ferent criteria of the label dress and<br />

guarantees that only containers which<br />

shampoo<br />

Verleiht Kraft<br />

und Glanz<br />

für alle Haartypen<br />

30 ml<br />

www.heuft.<strong>com</strong><br />

shampoo<br />

Aqua, Sodium Laureth<br />

Sulfate, Laureth-2, Disodium<br />

Laureth Sulfosuccinate,<br />

pharma & healthcare group<br />

Sodium Verleiht Coride, Kraft Caffeine,<br />

35285 Gemünden<br />

Panthenol, und Parfum, Glanz PEG-120<br />

Methyl GlucoseDioleate,<br />

Aqua, Sodium Laureth<br />

Sulfate, Laureth-2, Disodium<br />

Laureth Sulfosuccinate,<br />

Hydrolyzed<br />

für alle<br />

Wheat<br />

Haar-<br />

Protein<br />

Sodium Coride, Caffeine,<br />

Panthenol, Parfum, PEG-120<br />

Methyl GlucoseDioleate,<br />

typen<br />

Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein<br />

30 ml<br />

shampoo<br />

Verleiht Kraft<br />

und Glanz<br />

für alle Haartypen<br />

30 ml<br />

shampoo<br />

shampoo<br />

are optimally dressed and labelled<br />

reach the market. For this four pictures<br />

offset by 90 degrees are put together<br />

into a total developed view. The result:<br />

reliable information regarding the<br />

presence and the absolute position of<br />

the labels as well as their alignment in<br />

relation to one another.<br />

A final check as regards the contents is<br />

carried out simultaneously: in this way a<br />

shampoo<br />

shampoo<br />

<strong>HEUFT</strong> <strong>FinalView</strong> <strong>FX</strong><br />

<strong>HEUFT</strong> <strong>FinalView</strong> <strong>HEUFT</strong> <strong>FinalView</strong> <strong>HEUFT</strong> <strong>FinalView</strong><br />

pharma & healthcare group<br />

35285 Gemünden<br />

<strong>HEUFT</strong> <strong>FinalView</strong><br />

humadyne <strong>HEUFT</strong> ag <strong>FinalView</strong> <strong>HEUFT</strong> humadyne ag <strong>FinalView</strong> <strong>HEUFT</strong> humadyne <strong>FinalView</strong><br />

ag<br />

INHALT:<br />

INHALT:<br />

INHALT:<br />

INHALT:<br />

Aqua, Sodium Aqua, Laureth Sodium Laureth Aqua, Sodium Laureth<br />

Aqua, Sodium Laureth<br />

Aqua, Sodium Laureth<br />

Sulfate, Laureth-2, Sulfate, Laureth-2, Disodium Disodium Sulfate, Laureth-2, Disodium<br />

Sulfate, Laureth-2, Disodium Sulfate, Laureth-2, Disodium<br />

Verleiht Verleiht Kraft Kraft<br />

pharma & healthcare group<br />

und und Glanz 35285 Glanz<br />

Gemünden<br />

Aqua, Sodium Laureth<br />

Sulfate, Laureth-2, Disodium<br />

für alle für Laureth Haar- alle Sulfosuccinate, Haar-<br />

Verleiht Kraft<br />

Sodium Coride, Caffeine,<br />

und Glanz<br />

Verleiht Kraft<br />

typen Panthenol, typen Parfum, PEG-120 und Glanz<br />

Methyl GlucoseDioleate,<br />

für alle Haar-<br />

Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein<br />

typen<br />

für alle Haartypen<br />

30 ml30<br />

ml 30 ml<br />

30 ml<br />

Laureth Sulfosuccinate,<br />

Laureth Sulfosuccinate, Laureth Sulfosuccinate,<br />

Laureth Sulfosuccinate,<br />

Laureth Sulfosuccinate,<br />

humadyne ag<br />

humadyne ag humadyne ag<br />

humadyne ag<br />

humadyne ag<br />

humadyne ag humadyne ag<br />

humadyne ag<br />

Verleiht Verleiht Kraft Kraft<br />

Verleiht Kraft<br />

pharma & healthcare group pharma & healthcare group pharma & healthcare group<br />

pharma & healthcare group pharma & healthcare grouppharma<br />

& healthcare group pharma & healthcare group pharma & healthcare group pharma & healthcare group<br />

Sodium Coride, Sodium Verleiht Caffeine, Coride, farmerstr. Kraft 38 Caffeine, Sodium farmerstr. 38 Coride, farmerstr. Caffeine,<br />

38<br />

farmerstr. 38 Sodium farmerstr. 38Coride,<br />

Caffeine,<br />

farmerstr. 38 farmerstr. 38 Sodium Coride, farmerstr. 38 Caffeine,<br />

35285 Gemünden 35285 Gemünden<br />

35285 Gemünden<br />

35285 und Gemünden Glanz und Glanz<br />

Verleiht Kraft<br />

35285 Gemünden 35285 Gemünden<br />

35285 Gemünden 35285 Gemünden<br />

35285 Gemünden und Glanz<br />

Panthenol, Panthenol, Parfum, und PEG-120 Glanz Parfum, PEG-120 Panthenol, Parfum, PEG-120<br />

Panthenol, Parfum, INHALT:<br />

INHALT:<br />

INHALT:<br />

INHALT:<br />

INHALT: und PEG-120<br />

INHALT: Glanz Panthenol, Parfum, PEG-120<br />

INHALT:<br />

INHALT:<br />

Methyl GlucoseDioleate,<br />

Aqua, Methyl Sodium Laureth GlucoseDioleate,<br />

Aqua, Sodium Laureth<br />

Aqua, Methyl Sodium Laureth<br />

GlucoseDioleate,<br />

Aqua, Sodium Laureth<br />

Aqua, Sodium Laureth Aqua, Methyl Sodium Laureth GlucoseDioleate,<br />

Aqua, Sodium Laureth Aqua, Sodium Laureth Methyl GlucoseDioleate,<br />

Aqua, Sodium Laureth<br />

Sulfate, Laureth-2, Disodium Sulfate, Laureth-2, Disodium Sulfate, Laureth-2, Disodium<br />

Sulfate, Laureth-2, Disodium Sulfate, Laureth-2, Disodium Sulfate, Laureth-2, Disodium Sulfate, Laureth-2, Disodium Sulfate, Laureth-2, Disodium Sulfate, Laureth-2, Disodium<br />

Laureth Sulfosuccinate, Laureth Sulfosuccinate,<br />

Laureth Sulfosuccinate,<br />

Laureth Sulfosuccinate,<br />

Laureth Sulfosuccinate, Laureth Sulfosuccinate,<br />

Laureth Sulfosuccinate, Laureth Sulfosuccinate,<br />

Laureth Sulfosuccinate,<br />

Verleiht Hydrolyzed Kraft Verleiht Kraft Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein Verleiht Kraft Verleiht Hydrolyzed Kraft Wheat<br />

für alle<br />

Protein<br />

Haar-<br />

Verleiht Kraft Verleiht Kraft<br />

Verleiht Kraft<br />

Sodium Coride, Caffeine, Sodium Coride, Caffeine,<br />

Sodium Coride, Caffeine,<br />

und Glanz und Glanz für Verleiht alle<br />

Wheat Kraft Haar-<br />

Protein<br />

für alle Haar-<br />

Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein<br />

Hydrolyzed Wheat<br />

für<br />

Protein<br />

alle Haar-<br />

Sodium Coride, Caffeine, Sodium Coride, Caffeine,<br />

Sodium Coride, Caffeine,<br />

und Glanz und Glanz<br />

Verleiht Kraft<br />

Sodium Coride, Caffeine,<br />

Sodium Coride, Caffeine,<br />

und Glanz und Glanz<br />

Verleiht Kraft<br />

Sodium Coride, Caffeine,<br />

Sodium Coride, Caffeine,<br />

und Glanz<br />

Panthenol, Parfum, PEG-120 und Panthenol, Glanz Parfum, PEG-120 Panthenol, Parfum, PEG-120<br />

Panthenol, und Glanz typen<br />

Parfum, PEG-120 typen<br />

für alle Haar-<br />

Panthenol, Parfum, PEG-120 und Panthenol, Glanz Parfum, PEG-120 Panthenol, Parfum, PEG-120 Panthenol, Parfum, PEG-120 Panthenol, Parfum, typen<br />

PEG-120<br />

Methyl GlucoseDioleate, Methyl GlucoseDioleate,<br />

Methyl GlucoseDioleate,<br />

Methyl GlucoseDioleate,<br />

Methyl GlucoseDioleate, Methyl GlucoseDioleate,<br />

Methyl GlucoseDioleate, Methyl GlucoseDioleate,<br />

Methyl GlucoseDioleate,<br />

für alle Haar- für alle<br />

Hydrolyzed<br />

Haartypen Wheat Protein Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein<br />

für alle Haar- für<br />

Hydrolyzed<br />

alle Haar-<br />

Wheat Protein<br />

typentypen für alle Haar-<br />

Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein<br />

für alle Haar-<br />

Hydrolyzed<br />

für alle Haar-<br />

Wheat Protein<br />

typentypen für alle Haar-<br />

Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein<br />

für alle typen<br />

Hydrolyzed<br />

Haar-<br />

Wheat Protein<br />

typentypen für alle Haar-<br />

Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein<br />

Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein<br />

typentypentypentypen<br />

30 ml 30 ml<br />

30 ml 30 ml<br />

30 ml 30 30 ml ml 30 ml<br />

30 ml<br />

30 ml<br />

30 ml<br />

30 ml<br />

30 ml<br />

30 ml<br />

30 ml<br />

shampoo<br />

shampoo<br />

shampoo<br />

Verleiht Kraft<br />

und Glanz<br />

für alle Haartypen<br />

humadyne ag<br />

30 ml<br />

pharma & healthcare group<br />

farmerstr. 38<br />

35285 Gemünden<br />

INHALT:<br />

Aqua, Sodium Laureth<br />

Sulfate, Laureth-2, Disodium<br />

Laureth Sulfosuccinate,<br />

Sodium Coride, Caffeine,<br />

Panthenol, Parfum, PEG-120<br />

Methyl GlucoseDioleate,<br />

Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein<br />

shampoo<br />

pharma & healthcare pharma & healthcare group grouppharma<br />

& healthcare group<br />

farmerstr. 38<br />

farmerstr. 38<br />

35285 Gemünden 35285 Gemünden 35285 Gemünden<br />

shampoo<br />

shampoo<br />

shampoo<br />

humadyne ag<br />

pharma & healthcare group<br />

farmerstr. 38<br />

35285 Gemünden<br />

INHALT:<br />

Aqua, Sodium Laureth<br />

Sulfate, Laureth-2, Disodium<br />

Laureth Sulfosuccinate,<br />

Sodium Coride, Caffeine, Verleiht Kraft<br />

Panthenol, Parfum, PEG-120 und Glanz<br />

Methyl GlucoseDioleate,<br />

Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein für alle Haartypen<br />

30 ml<br />

shampoo<br />

shampoo<br />

Verleiht Kraft<br />

und Glanz<br />

shampoo<br />

shampoo<br />

shampoo<br />

humadyne ag<br />

pharma & healthcare group<br />

farmerstr. 38<br />

35285 Gemünden<br />

INHALT:<br />

Aqua, Sodium Laureth<br />

Sulfate, Laureth-2, Disodium<br />

Laureth Sulfosuccinate,<br />

Sodium Coride, Caffeine,<br />

Panthenol, Parfum, PEG-120<br />

shampoo<br />

Methyl GlucoseDioleate,<br />

Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein<br />

für alle Haartypen<br />

30 ml<br />

shampoo<br />

shampoo<br />

shampoo<br />

pharma & healthcare group<br />

farmerstr. 38<br />

35285 Gemünden<br />

shampoo<br />

humadyne ag<br />

humadyne ag<br />

pharma & healthcare group<br />

pharma & healthcare group<br />

farmerstr. 38<br />

farmerstr. 38<br />

35285 Gemünden<br />

35285 Gemünden<br />

INHALT:<br />

INHALT:<br />

Aqua, Sodium Laureth<br />

Aqua, Sodium Laureth<br />

Sulfate, Laureth-2, Disodium<br />

Sulfate, Laureth-2, Disodium<br />

Laureth Sulfosuccinate,<br />

Laureth Sulfosuccinate,<br />

Verleiht Kraft<br />

Sodium Coride, Caffeine, Verleiht Kraft<br />

Sodium Coride, Caffeine,<br />

und Glanz<br />

Panthenol, Parfum, PEG-120 und Glanz<br />

Panthenol, Parfum, PEG-120<br />

Methyl GlucoseDioleate,<br />

Methyl GlucoseDioleate,<br />

für alle Haar-<br />

Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein für alle Haar-<br />

Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein<br />

typentypen<br />

humadyne ag<br />

30 ml<br />

30 ml<br />

pharma & healthcare group<br />

farmerstr. HS/rkl 20100824/2010030 38<br />

HS/rkl 20100824/2010030<br />

35285 Gemünden<br />

shampoo<br />

INHALT:<br />

Aqua, Sodium Laureth<br />

Sulfate, Laureth-2, Disodium<br />

Laureth Sulfosuccinate,<br />

Sodium Coride, Caffeine,<br />

Panthenol, Parfum, PEG-120<br />

Methyl GlucoseDioleate,<br />

Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein<br />

shampoo<br />

shampoo<br />

HS/rkl 20100824/2010030<br />

humadyne ag<br />

pharma & healthcare group<br />

farmerstr. 38<br />

35285 Gemünden<br />

Verleiht Kraft<br />

und Glanz<br />

für alle Haartypen<br />

30 ml<br />

shampoo<br />

humadyne ag<br />

pharma & healthcare group<br />

HS/rkl 20100824/2010030 farmerstr. HS/rkl 20100824/2010030 38<br />

35285 Gemünden<br />

INHALT:<br />

Aqua, Sodium Laureth<br />

Sulfate, Laureth-2, Disodium<br />

Laureth Sulfosuccinate,<br />

Sodium Coride, Caffeine,<br />

Panthenol, Parfum, PEG-120<br />

Methyl GlucoseDioleate,<br />

Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein<br />

humadyne ag<br />

pharma & healthcare group<br />

farmerstr. 38<br />

35285 Gemünden<br />

INHALT:<br />

Aqua, Sodium Laureth<br />

Sulfate, Laureth-2, Disodium<br />

Laureth Sulfosuccinate,<br />

Sodium Coride, Caffeine,<br />

Panthenol, Parfum, PEG-120<br />

Methyl GlucoseDioleate,<br />

Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein<br />

label forgotten in the magazine during<br />

a product change which inadvertently<br />

ends up on the packaging of another<br />

product is found immediately. Furthermore<br />

areas within the 360 degree<br />

developed view can be defined which<br />

are examined with a picture resolution<br />

which is four times higher. For example<br />

the presence of non­falsifiable brand<br />

logos, expiry dates, barcodes and 2D<br />

codes is checked in this way.<br />

HS/rkl 20100824/2010030<br />

pharm<br />

3<br />

Aqu<br />

Sulfate<br />

Laur<br />

Sodi<br />

Panthe<br />

Meth<br />


Technologies for inspecting closures<br />

The modular construction of the <strong>HEUFT</strong><br />

<strong>FinalView</strong> <strong>FX</strong> makes a <strong>com</strong>bination of different<br />

inspection modules possible which<br />

is exactly adapted to the requirements.<br />

Constant new and further developments<br />

ensure that the <strong>HEUFT</strong> quality assurance<br />

systems redefine the state of the art in<br />

inspection technology again and again.<br />

The photocells which detect the exces­<br />

sive height of closures are good value<br />

www.heuft.<strong>com</strong><br />

for money, robust and versatile. Colour<br />

sensors ensure that the product reaches<br />

the customer with the correct closure.<br />

Camera­based systems are more flexible<br />

and check a number of features e.g. that<br />

the safety elements are correctly positioned,<br />

<strong>com</strong>plete and intact.<br />

The presence of closures is inspected by<br />

means of sensors which work inductively<br />

<strong>HEUFT</strong> <strong>FinalView</strong> <strong>FX</strong><br />

and canted closures can be identified by<br />

means of ultrasonic sensors.

<strong>HEUFT</strong> VX<br />

fill-level detection<br />

by means of a camera<br />

Fill level check<br />

HS/rkl 20100820/2010010<br />

The operating principle of the camera<br />

inspection<br />

Underfilling as well as overfilling are<br />

conditions which are not wanted (by<br />

the customer, the legislator or the producer).<br />

A measurement with camera,<br />

high frequency or X­ray technology<br />

provides the best result depending on<br />

the container and the filled product.<br />

Transparent containers can be checked<br />

optically. For this LEDs illuminate the<br />

www.heuft.<strong>com</strong><br />

<strong>HEUFT</strong> VX<br />

fill-level detection<br />

by means of HF<br />

The operating principle of the high<br />

frequency measurement<br />

HS/rkl 20100820/2010011<br />

container from the side. The light is<br />

directed via mirrors to a CCD camera<br />

which takes a picture of the fill level.<br />

The containers pass through an electric<br />

field in the case of the high frequency<br />

technology. The field is influenced<br />

depending on the amount of the product<br />

in the container. This change is measured<br />

and makes an exact conclusion<br />

<strong>HEUFT</strong> <strong>FinalView</strong> <strong>FX</strong><br />

<strong>HEUFT</strong> VX<br />

fill-level detection<br />

by means of X-ray<br />

The operating principle of the X­ray<br />

measurement<br />

HS/rkl 20100820/2010012<br />

regarding the fill level possible. Differences<br />

in the fill level due to the<br />

development of foam are included.<br />

The product attenuates the measuring<br />

beam in the case of the fill level examination<br />

by means of the X­ray measurement.<br />

A receiver records this and the<br />

fill level of the container is provided by<br />

evaluating the result.

Traceability guaranteed<br />

Labelling and above all alphanumeric<br />

coding such as unique IDs are indispensable<br />

as far as the identification<br />

and traceability of healthcare products<br />

is concerned. However they only<br />

make sense if they can be read out and<br />

verified in real time. This is possible<br />

with the <strong>HEUFT</strong> vio OCR in the <strong>HEUFT</strong><br />

<strong>FinalView</strong> <strong>FX</strong>. The intelligent mini camera<br />

ensures that only perfectly coded<br />

products reach the market. It records<br />

www.heuft.<strong>com</strong><br />

expiry dates or alphanumeric codes<br />

among things for clearly identifying a<br />

product and checks them for readability<br />

and plausibility. In this way it can be<br />

checked whether a predefined number<br />

is in the correct position on the healthcare<br />

product packaging. The con tainer<br />

in question is rejected immediately if this<br />

is not the case or if the coding identified<br />

belongs to another batch. Difficult<br />

ambient conditions do not present a<br />

<strong>HEUFT</strong> <strong>FinalView</strong> <strong>FX</strong><br />

problem either: the <strong>HEUFT</strong> vio OCR<br />

ensures a constant, optimal picture<br />

quality due to the integrated multicoloured<br />

LED illumination. It is always<br />

up­to­date as regards production due<br />

to its different possibilities for an automatic<br />

code adaptation.

Examples of market specific symbols ­ no problem for the <strong>HEUFT</strong> <strong>FinalView</strong> <strong>FX</strong>!<br />

Never losing track<br />

Increased sales areas have resulted in<br />

many products being supplied to different<br />

countries. The labels used often<br />

only vary in minor details e.g. addresses<br />

or units.<br />

Therefore camera­based label checks<br />

not only ensure that the label is cor­<br />

rectly positioned but also verify that it<br />

really is the correct label. This information<br />

is determined by taking four<br />

www.heuft.<strong>com</strong><br />

individual pictures of the unaligned<br />

container which are put together into<br />

a total developed view by the software<br />

in the same way as in the case of the<br />

position check. Special areas can be<br />

defined on this developed view on the<br />

basis of which perfect identification is<br />

possible.<br />

<strong>HEUFT</strong> <strong>FinalView</strong> <strong>FX</strong>

The <strong>HEUFT</strong> reflexx image processing card<br />

The <strong>HEUFT</strong> reflexx image processing system<br />

Combining two camera pictures in real<br />

time can only be achieved by using<br />

extremely powerful image processing<br />

technology. The calculating speeds<br />

of image processors available on the<br />

market are quickly exhausted in this<br />

connection and can only meet these<br />

requirements at low production outputs.<br />

www.heuft.<strong>com</strong><br />

These basic processing steps can be<br />

carried out in a very short time on a<br />

hardware level by using the <strong>HEUFT</strong><br />

reflexx image processing card which<br />

has been specially developed for such<br />

tasks. This leaves more time for the<br />

software controlled picture analysis.<br />

The result is a level of accuracy which is<br />

unparalleled on the market.<br />

<strong>HEUFT</strong> <strong>FinalView</strong> <strong>FX</strong>

Examples of different, typical faults (crooked label, underfilled, wrong label, damaged label, wrong closure and incorrect label position)<br />

Specifications<br />

The following detection accuracy was<br />

determined as regards standard containers:<br />

• the maximum conveyor speed is up to<br />

1.5 m/s and the maximum set output<br />

1,200 containers per minute<br />

• 99% of the labels with an alignment<br />

which deviates from the nominal<br />

alignment by 2 degrees or more are<br />

detected<br />

www.heuft.<strong>com</strong><br />

• containers with a height between<br />

100 mm and 360 mm and a diameter<br />

between 40 mm and 100 mm are<br />

inspected<br />

• vertical faults in the label positioning<br />

(= 2 mm) and horizontal faults in the<br />

positioning (= 3 mm) are detected<br />

with a reliability of 99% in each case<br />

<strong>HEUFT</strong> <strong>FinalView</strong> <strong>FX</strong>

Your cost advantages with <strong>HEUFT</strong><br />

Using a final product check offers a lot • easy integration into existing lines<br />

of interesting potential savings:<br />

• minimum changeover times<br />

• the timely identification of basic oper­ • high-performance image processing<br />

ating errors at the labeller in order to<br />

specially developed for the task and<br />

avoid the costly disposal of <strong>com</strong>plete, its requirements<br />

incorrectly dressed product batches • minimum maintenance required due<br />

• a future-proof investment due to<br />

to the use of robust and stable <strong>com</strong>­<br />

modular construction with simple<br />

ponents<br />

retrofitting, upgrading and converting • long service life<br />

options<br />

• space-saving construction<br />

• the <strong>HEUFT</strong> SPECTRUM range with a • a high level of reliability regarding<br />

uniform hardware and software archi­ spare parts due to in­house develtectureoped<br />

<strong>com</strong>ponents<br />

www.heuft.<strong>com</strong><br />

<strong>HEUFT</strong> <strong>FinalView</strong> <strong>FX</strong><br />

• fast trouble shooting due to the<br />

<strong>HEUFT</strong> PILOT graphical user interface<br />

• easy identification of wearing parts<br />

and spare parts due to an integrated<br />

spare parts catalogue with exploded<br />

views and photographs<br />

• connection to the <strong>HEUFT</strong> TeleService<br />

­ fast trouble shooting by means of<br />

help for self­help

The <strong>HEUFT</strong> rejector<br />

The following rejection systems can be<br />

used with the <strong>HEUFT</strong> <strong>FinalView</strong> <strong>FX</strong>:<br />

The <strong>HEUFT</strong> flip<br />

• single-segment, high-speed rejector<br />

for cylindrical containers<br />

• particularly smooth transversal<br />

acceleration of the containers<br />

• very <strong>com</strong>pact construction<br />

www.heuft.<strong>com</strong><br />

The <strong>HEUFT</strong> DELTA-FW<br />

• reliable upright rejection due to<br />

a virtual follow­on multi­segment<br />

rejection curve<br />

• specially suitable for heavy<br />

containers<br />

<strong>HEUFT</strong> <strong>FinalView</strong> <strong>FX</strong><br />

The <strong>HEUFT</strong> flip The <strong>HEUFT</strong> DELTA-K The <strong>HEUFT</strong> DELTA-FW<br />

The <strong>HEUFT</strong> DELTA-K<br />

• multi-segment rejector as a virtual<br />

follow­on guide rail<br />

• the upright rejection of shaped<br />

containers by means of single point<br />

guidance.<br />

The <strong>HEUFT</strong> mono<br />

• single-segment, high-speed<br />

rejector for cylindrical containers<br />

• very <strong>com</strong>pact construction<br />

• suitable for steady containers

Networking<br />

• integrated Ethernet interfaces as<br />

well as TCP / IP access to all net­<br />

works<br />

• connection capability to a precon­<br />

figured DDE interface and SQL<br />

database<br />

• operation possible either via jog<br />

shuttle or touchscreen on the TFT<br />

screen at the device or via a network<br />

www.heuft.<strong>com</strong><br />

• the <strong>HEUFT</strong> PILOT graphical user<br />

interface with a <strong>com</strong>prehensible<br />

menu structure for easy operating<br />

• automatic transfer of counter readings<br />

or fault messages by SMS to<br />

a mobile phone or by e­mail if<br />

required<br />

• firewall protected connection to the<br />

remote service via Ethernet ­ the<br />

<strong>HEUFT</strong> <strong>FinalView</strong> <strong>FX</strong><br />

<strong>HEUFT</strong> TeleService can access the<br />

equipment directly and rectify faults<br />

at short notice by means of remote<br />

diagnosis if the customer wishes

Device operation and the <strong>HEUFT</strong> PILOT<br />

• multilingual, simply arranged, <strong>com</strong>­<br />

prehensible menu structure with<br />

extensive help boxes and <strong>com</strong>plete<br />

online user’s manual ­ the user<br />

interface can be supplied in any<br />

language / graphic characters if<br />

required<br />

• can be adjusted to suit the tasks of<br />

the operating staff, the quality assur­<br />

www.heuft.<strong>com</strong><br />

ance department etc. by means of<br />

password­protected and customisable<br />

user levels<br />

• easy identification of spare parts<br />

with online and offline spare parts<br />

list with photographs and exploded<br />

views ­ the order can be sent from the<br />

device either to an internal purchasing<br />

department or directly to <strong>HEUFT</strong><br />

<strong>HEUFT</strong> <strong>FinalView</strong> <strong>FX</strong><br />

• the operator receives all the information<br />

during a brand changeover<br />

regarding the necessary steps in order<br />

to exclude possible operating errors<br />

• clear fault messages with service<br />

notes and support in order to avoid<br />


Other <strong>HEUFT</strong> products<br />

The following products can also be used<br />

to safeguard product quality:<br />

The <strong>HEUFT</strong> InLine<br />

• empty container inspection for detecting<br />

foreign objects and material<br />

defects before the filling process<br />

• inspection of the finish area<br />

• base and sidewall inspection<br />

• inspection especially for detecting<br />

transparent foil in a bottle<br />

www.heuft.<strong>com</strong><br />

The <strong>HEUFT</strong> VX<br />

• quality control system with varied<br />

possibilities for fill analysis<br />

• fill level detection with high frequency,<br />

X­ray, infrared or camera<br />

technology<br />

• detailed monitoring and evaluation<br />

of the filler valves and the closer<br />

heads<br />

<strong>HEUFT</strong> <strong>FinalView</strong> <strong>FX</strong><br />

The <strong>HEUFT</strong> InLine The <strong>HEUFT</strong> VX<br />

The <strong>HEUFT</strong> squeezer QA<br />

The <strong>HEUFT</strong> squeezer QA<br />

• leakage check for plastic containers<br />

• optimal measuring accuracy due to<br />

the unique <strong>com</strong>bination of different<br />

measuring technologies<br />

• construction in accordance with the<br />

<strong>HEUFT</strong> CleanDesign


<strong>HEUFT</strong> <strong>SYSTEMTECHNIK</strong> <strong>GMBH</strong><br />

Burgbrohl, GERMANY<br />

Phone: +49 2636 56 0<br />

info@heuft.<strong>com</strong><br />

<strong>HEUFT</strong> FRANCE S.A.<br />

Brumath, FRANCE<br />

Phone: +33 388 59 3000<br />

france@heuft.<strong>com</strong><br />

<strong>HEUFT</strong> DO BRASIL Ltda.<br />

Alphaville­S.P., BRASIL<br />

Phone: +55 11 4195 7671<br />

brasil@heuft.<strong>com</strong><br />

<strong>HEUFT</strong> ASIA LTD<br />

Hong Kong, CHINA<br />

Phone: +86 21 6434 3911<br />

asia@heuft.<strong>com</strong><br />

<strong>HEUFT</strong> LTD.<br />

Tamworth, GREAT BRITAIN<br />

Phone: +44 1 827 25 5800<br />

uk@heuft.<strong>com</strong><br />

<strong>HEUFT</strong> ITALIA s.r.l.<br />

Vigevano, ITALY<br />

Phone: +39 0381 290411<br />

italy@heuft.<strong>com</strong><br />

<strong>HEUFT</strong> S.A.<br />

Beccar, ARGENTINA<br />

Phone: +54 11 4707 0936<br />

argentina@heuft.<strong>com</strong><br />

<strong>HEUFT</strong> AUSTRIA <strong>GMBH</strong><br />

Leobersdorf, AUSTRIA<br />

Phone: +43 2256 65556 0<br />

austria@heuft.<strong>com</strong><br />

<strong>HEUFT</strong> HISPANIA, S.A.<br />

Madrid, SPAIN<br />

Phone: +34 91 6667 300<br />

spain@heuft.<strong>com</strong><br />

<strong>HEUFT</strong> SCAN Aps<br />

Gilleleje, DENMARK<br />

Phone: +45 4836 5070<br />

scandinavia@heuft.<strong>com</strong><br />

<strong>HEUFT</strong> MEXICO S.A. de C.V.<br />

México, D.F., MEXICO<br />

Phone: +52 55 5562 8450<br />

mexico@heuft.<strong>com</strong><br />

OOO <strong>HEUFT</strong> EURASIA<br />

Moscow, RUSSIA<br />

Phone: +7­495­935­8704<br />

eurasia@heuft.<strong>com</strong><br />

<strong>HEUFT</strong> QUALIPLUS B.V.<br />

Deventer, NETHERLANDS<br />

Phone: + 31 570 6617 00<br />

netherlands@heuft.<strong>com</strong><br />

<strong>HEUFT</strong> USA Inc.<br />

Downers Grove, USA<br />

Phone: +1 630 968 9011<br />

usa@heuft.<strong>com</strong><br />

<strong>HEUFT</strong> Systems Technology Co., Ltd.<br />

Shanghai, CHINA<br />

Phone: +86 21 6434 3911<br />

china@heuft.<strong>com</strong><br />


www.heuft.<strong>com</strong><br />

E-MAIL:<br />


The <strong>HEUFT</strong> <strong>FinalView</strong> <strong>FX</strong> final product check<br />


• inspects the presence, type, correct position,<br />

relative and absolute alignment of<br />

the label<br />

• verifies that the type of label is correct<br />

for a final check before delivery<br />

• checks all types of marking and product<br />

coding<br />

• fill level detection<br />

• checks that the closure is the correct<br />

type and fits properly<br />

• automatic and manual sampling<br />

• serial fault detection which emits a<br />

switch­off pulse<br />

[more] *<br />


• a high level of reliability due to<br />

installation outside the labelling<br />

machine ­ irrespective of its<br />

construction<br />

• a concluding check of the most<br />

different elements in a single<br />

machine saves investment and<br />

subsequent costs<br />

[more] *<br />

* [more] information on<br />

www.heuft.<strong>com</strong>/fx<br />

Real 360 degree view by means<br />

of an overlapping <strong>com</strong>position<br />

without loss and without edges and<br />

artefacts<br />

[more] *<br />

Absolutely homogeneous<br />

container illumination due<br />

to special light design<br />

[more] *<br />

<strong>HEUFT</strong> <strong>SYSTEMTECHNIK</strong> <strong>GMBH</strong> | Brohltalstr. 31­33 | 56659 Burgbrohl | Germany | Phone: +49 2636 560 | Fax: +49 2636 562 56 | info@heuft.<strong>com</strong> | www.heuft.<strong>com</strong><br />

420<br />

Fast brand changeover<br />

due to automatic motorcontrolled<br />

vertical and<br />

guide rail adjustment<br />

[more] *<br />

800 - 1450<br />

(conveyor height)<br />

HMD<strong>FX</strong>P003 ENG 1.00

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