Chapter 4 Small Analytical Models and WinSolve

Chapter 4 Small Analytical Models and WinSolve Chapter 4 Small Analytical Models and WinSolve
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2 CHAPTER 4. SMALL ANALYTICAL MODELS AND WINSOLVE so that the model can be coded up in WinSolve. 1 We assume that households are in…nitely lived and that population grows at an exogenous rate n. Households solve the problem: Z 1 max u[C(t)]ente ¡½tdt t=0 where ½ is the rate of time preference with ½ > n, subject to a resource constraint. Assuming that production technology is labour augmenting and growing at an exogenous rate x, then this constraint can be written as _k = f(k) ¡ (n + x + ¹)k ¡ c where lower case denotes variables de‡ated by the e¤ective labour supply, so that f(k) is the production function in terms of capital per e¤ective worker, and ¹ is the rate of depreciation of capital. Assuming a utility function in the class of constant elasticity of intertemporal substitution (CEIS) utility functions u[C(t)] = C1¡¿ ¡ 1 1 ¡ ¿ where ¿ = ¾ ¡1 and ¾ is the the elasticity of intertemporal substitution, then the …rst order condition leads to a consumption function _c c In steady state, _c = _ k = 0 so that and = 1 ¿ (f 0 (k) ¡ ¹ ¡ ½ ¡ ¿x) . f 0 (k ¤ ) = ¹ + ½ + ¿x c ¤ = f(k ¤ ) ¡ (n + x + ¹)k ¤ where c ¤ and k ¤ are the steady state values of c and k respectively. The model can be discretised by the approximation _z » = zt+1 ¡ zt h where h is the discretisation factor. Assuming a Cobb-Douglas production function f(k) = k ® 1 The WinSolve formulation of this model was originally developed by Michael Chui. I am grateful to him for providing me with the coded equations and for useful discussions.

4.3. A STOCHASTIC GROWTH MODEL 3 and taking h = 1 leads to the discrete equations kt+1 ¡ kt = k ® t ¡ (n + x + ¹)kt ¡ ct and ct+1 ¡ ct ct = 1 ¿ (®k®¡1 t ¡ ¹ ¡ ½ ¡ ¿x) . This model can be coded in WinSolve as k = k( ¡1) + k( ¡1) ^alpha ¡ (n+x+mu) * k( ¡1) ¡ c( ¡1) ; c = c(1) / (1 + (alpha*k^(alpha¡1)¡mu¡rho¡tau*x)/tau) ; Note that the …rst equation has been lagged while the second equation has been renormalised on ct and so incorporates a lead. This normalisation re‡ects the saddlepath stability conditions in the model. The model can then be solved in WinSolve over any …nite time horizon using the Stacked Newton solution method. 4.3 A Stochastic Growth Model In this model agents are assumed to be in…nitely lived and to maximise lifetime expected utility subject to a budget constraint. We assume a constant relative risk aversion (CRRA) utility function u(ct) = (1 ¡ ¿) ¡1 c 1¡¿ t where ct is consumption and ¿ is the coe¢cient of relative risk aversion 0 < ¿ < 1. Then formally agents solve the following problem: max E0 t=0 subject to the resource constraint 1X (1 ¡ ¿) ¡1 c 1¡¿ ¯ t ct + kt = µtk t¡1 ® + ¹kt¡1 t (4.1) (4.2) where kt is the end of period capital stock, and µt is technology. 1 ¡ ¹ is the rate of capital depreciation, 0 · ¹ · 1 and ¯ is the rate of time discount, 0 < ¯ < 1. Technology µt is assumed to be stochastic, following the process ln µt = ½ ln µt¡1 + "t (4.3)


so that the model can be coded up in <strong>WinSolve</strong>. 1<br />

We assume that households are in…nitely lived <strong>and</strong> that population grows<br />

at an exogenous rate n. Households solve the problem:<br />

Z 1<br />

max u[C(t)]ente ¡½tdt t=0<br />

where ½ is the rate of time preference with ½ > n, subject to a resource<br />

constraint. Assuming that production technology is labour augmenting <strong>and</strong><br />

growing at an exogenous rate x, then this constraint can be written as<br />

_k = f(k) ¡ (n + x + ¹)k ¡ c<br />

where lower case denotes variables de‡ated by the e¤ective labour supply, so<br />

that f(k) is the production function in terms of capital per e¤ective worker,<br />

<strong>and</strong> ¹ is the rate of depreciation of capital.<br />

Assuming a utility function in the class of constant elasticity of intertemporal<br />

substitution (CEIS) utility functions<br />

u[C(t)] = C1¡¿ ¡ 1<br />

1 ¡ ¿<br />

where ¿ = ¾ ¡1 <strong>and</strong> ¾ is the the elasticity of intertemporal substitution, then<br />

the …rst order condition leads to a consumption function<br />

_c<br />

c<br />

In steady state, _c = _ k = 0 so that<br />

<strong>and</strong><br />

= 1<br />

¿ (f 0 (k) ¡ ¹ ¡ ½ ¡ ¿x) .<br />

f 0 (k ¤ ) = ¹ + ½ + ¿x<br />

c ¤ = f(k ¤ ) ¡ (n + x + ¹)k ¤<br />

where c ¤ <strong>and</strong> k ¤ are the steady state values of c <strong>and</strong> k respectively.<br />

The model can be discretised by the approximation<br />

_z » = zt+1 ¡ zt<br />

h<br />

where h is the discretisation factor. Assuming a Cobb-Douglas production<br />

function<br />

f(k) = k ®<br />

1 The <strong>WinSolve</strong> formulation of this model was originally developed by Michael Chui. I<br />

am grateful to him for providing me with the coded equations <strong>and</strong> for useful discussions.

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