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the observed mass,” Einstein told Schwarzschild. “It can be put this way. If I allow all things to vanish, then according to Newton the Galilean inertial<br />

space remains; following my interpretation, however, nothing remains.” 5<br />

The issue of inertia got Einstein into a debate with one of the great astronomers of the time, Willem de Sitter of Leiden. Throughout 1916,<br />

Einstein struggled to preserve the relativity of inertia and Mach’s principle by using all sorts of constructs, including assuming various “border<br />

conditions” such as distant masses along the fringes of space that were, by necessity, unable to be observed. As de Sitter noted, that in itself would<br />

have been anathema to Mach, who railed against postulating things that could not possibly be observed. 6<br />

By February 1917, Einstein had come up with a new approach. “I have completely abandoned my views, rightly contested by you,” he wrote de<br />

Sitter. “I am curious to hear what you will have to say about the somewhat crazy idea I am considering now.” 7 It was an idea that initially struck him<br />

as so wacky that he told his friend Paul Ehrenfest in Leiden, “It exposes me to the danger of being confined to a madhouse.” He jokingly asked<br />

Ehrenfest for assurances, before he came to visit, that there were no such asylums in Leiden. 8<br />

His new idea was published that month in what became yet another seminal Einstein paper, “Cosmological Considerations in the General<br />

Theory of Relativity.” 9 On the surface, it did indeed seem to be based on a crazy notion: space has no borders because gravity bends it back on<br />

itself.<br />

Einstein began by noting that an absolutely infinite universe filled with stars and other objects was not plausible. There would be an infinite<br />

amount of gravity tugging at every point and an infinite amount of light shining from every direction. On the other hand, a finite universe floating at<br />

some random location in space was inconceivable as well. Among other things, what would keep the stars and energy from flying off, escaping,<br />

and depleting the universe?<br />

So he developed a third option: a finite universe, but one without boundaries. The masses in the universe caused space to curve, and over the<br />

expanse of the universe they caused space (indeed, the whole four-dimensional fabric of spacetime) to curve completely in on itself. The system is<br />

closed and finite, but there is no end or edge to it.<br />

One method that Einstein employed to help people visualize this notion was to begin by imagining two-dimensional explorers on a twodimensional<br />

universe, like a flat surface. These “flatlanders” can wander in any direction on this flat surface, but the concept of going up or down has<br />

no meaning to them.<br />

Now, imagine this variation: What if these flatlanders’ two dimensions were still on a surface, but this surface was (in a way very subtle to them)<br />

gently curved? What if they and their world were still confined to two dimensions, but their flat surface was like the surface of a globe? As Einstein<br />

put it, “Let us consider now a two-dimensional existence, but this time on a spherical surface instead of on a plane.” An arrow shot by these<br />

flatlanders would still seem to travel in a straight line, but eventually it would curve around and come back—just as a sailor on the surface of our<br />

planet heading straight off over the seas would eventually return from the other horizon.<br />

The curvature of the flatlanders’ two-dimensional space makes their surface finite, and yet they can find no boundaries. No matter what direction<br />

they travel, they reach no end or edge of their universe, but they eventually get back to the same place. As Einstein put it, “The great charm resulting<br />

from this consideration lies in the recognition that the universe of these beings is finite and yet has no limits.” And if the flatlanders’ surface was<br />

like that of an inflating balloon, their whole universe could be expanding, yet there would still be no boundaries to it. 10<br />

By extension, we can try to imagine, as Einstein has us do, how three-dimensional space can be similarly curved to create a closed and finite<br />

system that has no edge. It’s not easy for us three-dimensional creatures to visualize, but it is easily described mathematically by the non-Euclidean<br />

geometries pioneered by Gauss and Riemann. It can work for four dimensions of spacetime as well.<br />

In such a curved universe, a beam of light starting out in any direction could travel what seems to be a straight line and yet still curve back on<br />

itself. “This suggestion of a finite but unbounded space is one of the greatest ideas about the nature of the world which has ever been conceived,”<br />

the physicist Max Born has declared. 11<br />

Yes, but what is outside this curved universe? What’s on the other side of the curve? That’s not merely an unanswerable question, it’s a<br />

meaningless one, just as it would be meaningless for a flatlander to ask what’s outside her surface. One could speculate, imaginatively or<br />

mathematically, about what things are like in a fourth spatial dimension, but other than in science fiction it is not very meaningful to ask what’s in a<br />

realm that exists outside of the three spatial dimensions of our curved universe. 12<br />

This concept of the cosmos that Einstein derived from his general theory of relativity was elegant and magical. But there seemed to be one hitch,<br />

a flaw that needed to be fixed or fudged. His theory indicated that the universe would have to be either expanding or contracting, not staying static.<br />

According to his field equations, a static universe was impossible because the gravitational forces would pull all the matter together.<br />

This did not accord with what most astronomers thought they had observed. As far as they knew, the universe consisted only of our Milky Way<br />

galaxy, and it all seemed pretty stable and static. The stars appeared to be meandering gently, but not receding rapidly as part of an expanding<br />

universe. Other galaxies, such as Andromeda, were merely unexplained blurs in the sky. (A few Americans working at the Lowell Observatory in<br />

Arizona had noticed that the spectra of some mysterious spiral nebulae were shifted to the red end of the spectrum, but scientists had not yet<br />

determined that these were distant galaxies all speeding away from our own.)<br />

When the conventional wisdom of physics seemed to conflict with an elegant theory of his, Einstein was inclined to question that wisdom rather<br />

than his theory, often to have his stubbornness rewarded. In this case, his gravitational field equations seemed to imply—indeed, screamed out—<br />

that the conventional thinking about a stable universe was wrong and should be tossed aside, just as Newton’s concept of absolute time was. 13<br />

Instead, this time he made what he called a “slight modification” to his theory. To keep the matter in the universe from imploding, Einstein added<br />

a “repulsive” force: a little addition to his general relativity equations to counterbalance gravity in the overall scheme.<br />

In his revised equations, this modification was signified by the Greek letter lambda, λ, which he used to multiply his metric tensor g μν in a way that<br />

produced a stable, static universe. In his 1917 paper, he was almost apologetic: “We admittedly had to introduce an extension of the field<br />

equations that is not justified by our actual knowledge of gravitation.”<br />

He dubbed the new element the “cosmological term” or the “cosmological constant” (kosmologische Glied was the phrase he used). Later,*<br />

when it was discovered that the universe was in fact expanding, Einstein would call it his “biggest blunder.” But even today, in light of evidence that<br />

the expansion of the universe is accelerating, it is considered a useful concept, indeed a necessary one after all. 14<br />

During five months in 1905, Einstein had upended physics by conceiving light quanta, special relativity, and statistical methods for showing the<br />

existence of atoms. Now he had just completed a more prolonged creative slog, from the fall of 1915 to the spring of 1917, which Dennis Overbye<br />

has called “arguably the most prodigious effort of sustained brilliance on the part of one man in the history of physics.” His first burst of creativity as<br />

a patent clerk had appeared to involve remarkably little anguish. But this later one was an arduous and intense effort, one that left him exhausted<br />

and wracked with stomach pains. 15<br />

During this period he generalized relativity, found the field equations for gravity, found a physical explanation for light quanta, hinted at how the

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