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Cosmology and Black Holes, 1917<br />



1916–1919<br />

In his Berlin home study<br />

Cosmology is the study of the universe as a whole, including its size and shape, its history and destiny, from one end to the other, from the<br />

beginning to the end of time. That’s a big topic. And it’s not a simple one. It’s not even simple to define what those concepts mean, or even if they<br />

have meaning. With the gravitational field equations in his general theory of relativity, Einstein laid the foundations for studying the nature of the<br />

universe, thereby becoming the primary founder of modern cosmology.<br />

Helping him in this endeavor, at least in the early stages, was a profound mathematician and even more distinguished astrophysicist, Karl<br />

Schwarzschild, who directed the Potsdam Observatory. He read Einstein’s new formulation of general relativity and, at the beginning of 1916, set<br />

about trying to apply it to objects in space.<br />

One thing made Schwarzschild’s work very difficult. He had volunteered for the German military during the war, and when he read Einstein’s<br />

papers he was stationed in Russia, projecting the trajectory of artillery shells. Nevertheless, he was also able to find time to calculate what the<br />

gravitational field would be, according to Einstein’s theory, around an object in space. It was the wartime counterpart to Einstein’s ability to come up<br />

with the special theory of relativity while examining patent applications for the synchronization of clocks.<br />

In January 1916, Schwarzschild mailed his result to Einstein with the declaration that it permitted his theory “to shine with increased purity.”<br />

Among other things, it reconfirmed, with greater rigor, the success of Einstein’s equations in explaining Mercury’s orbit. Einstein was thrilled. “I<br />

would not have expected that the exact solution to the problem could be formulated so simply,” he replied. The following Thursday, he personally<br />

delivered the paper at the Prussian Academy’s weekly meeting. 1<br />

Schwarzschild’s first calculations focused on the curvature of space-time outside a spherical, nonspinning star. A few weeks later, he sent<br />

Einstein another paper on what it would be like inside such a star.<br />

In both cases, something unusual seemed possible, indeed inevitable. If all the mass of a star (or any object) was compressed into a tiny enough<br />

space—defined by what became known as the Schwarzschild radius—then all of the calculations seemed to break down. At the center, spacetime<br />

would infinitely curve in on itself. For our sun, that would happen if all of its mass were compressed into a radius of less than two miles. For the<br />

earth, it would happen if all the mass were compressed into a radius of about one-third of an inch.<br />

What would that mean? In such a situation, nothing within the Schwarzschild radius would be able to escape the gravitational pull, not even light or<br />

any other form of radiation. Time would also be part of the warpage as well, dilated to zero. In other words, a traveler nearing the Schwarzschild<br />

radius would appear, to someone on the outside, to freeze to a halt.<br />

Einstein did not believe, then or later, that these results actually corresponded to anything real. In 1939, for example, he produced a paper that<br />

provided, he said, “a clear understanding as to why these ‘Schwarzschild singularities’ do not exist in physical reality.” A few months later, however,<br />

J. Robert Oppenheimer and his student Hart-land Snyder argued the opposite, predicting that stars could undergo a gravitational collapse. 2<br />

As for Schwarzschild, he never had the chance to study the issue further. Weeks after writing his papers, he contracted a horrible auto-immune<br />

disease while on the front, which ate away at his skin cells, and he died that May at age 42.<br />

As scientists would discover after Einstein’s death, Schwarzschild’s odd theory was right. Stars could collapse and create such a phenomenon,<br />

and in fact they often did. In the 1960s, physicists such as Stephen Hawking, Roger Penrose, John Wheeler, Freeman Dyson, and Kip Thorne<br />

showed that this was indeed a feature of Einstein’s general theory of relativity, one that was very real. Wheeler dubbed them “black holes,” and they<br />

have been a feature of cosmology, as well as Star Trek episodes, ever since. 3<br />

Black holes have now been discovered all over the universe, including one at the center of our galaxy that is a few million times more massive<br />

than our sun. “Black holes are not rare, and they are not an accidental embellishment of our universe,” says Dyson. “They are the only places in the<br />

universe where Einstein’s theory of relativity shows its full power and glory. Here, and nowhere else, space and time lose their individuality and<br />

merge together in a sharply curved four-dimensional structure precisely delineated by Einstein’s equations.” 4<br />

Einstein believed that his general theory solved Newton’s bucket issue in a way that Mach would have liked: inertia (or centrifugal forces) would<br />

not exist for something spinning in a completely empty universe.* Instead, inertia was caused only by rotation relative to all the other objects in the<br />

universe. “According to my theory, inertia is simply an interaction between masses, not an effect in which ‘space’ of itself is involved, separate from

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