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Part of Einstein’s genius was his tenacity. He could cling to a set of ideas, even in the face of “apparent contradiction” (as he put it in his 1905<br />

relativity paper). He also had a deep faith in his intuitive feel for the physical world. Working in a more solitary manner than most other scientists, he<br />

held true to his own instincts, despite the qualms of others.<br />

But although he was tenacious, he was not mindlessly stubborn. When he finally decided his Entwurf approach was untenable, he was willing to<br />

abandon it abruptly. That is what he did in October 1915.<br />

To replace his doomed Entwurf theory, Einstein shifted his focus from the physical strategy, which emphasized his feel for basic principles of<br />

physics, and returned to a greater reliance on a mathematical strategy, which made use of the Riemann and Ricci tensors. It was an approach he<br />

had used in his Zurich notebooks and then abandoned, but on returning to it he found that it could provide a way to generate generally covariant<br />

gravitational field equations. “Einstein’s reversal,” writes John Norton, “parted the waters and led him from bondage into the promised land of<br />

general relativity.” 66<br />

Of course, as always, his approach remained a mix of both strategies. To pursue a revitalized mathematical strategy, he had to revise the<br />

physical postulates that were the foundation for his Entwurf theory. “This was exactly the sort of convergence of physical and mathematical<br />

considerations that eluded Einstein in the Zurich notebook and in his work on the Entwurf theory,” write Michel Janssen and Jürgen Renn. 67<br />

Thus he returned to the tensor analysis that he had used in Zurich, with its greater emphasis on the mathematical goal of finding equations that<br />

were generally covariant. “Once every last bit of confidence in the earlier theories had given way,” he told a friend, “I saw clearly that it was only<br />

through general covariance theory, i.e., with Riemann’s covariant, that a satisfactory solution could be found.” 68<br />

The result was an exhausting, four-week frenzy during which Einstein wrestled with a succession of tensors, equations, corrections, and updates<br />

that he rushed to the Prussian Academy in a flurry of four Thursday lectures. It climaxed, with the triumphant revision of Newton’s universe, at the<br />

end of November 1915.<br />

Every week, the fifty or so members of the Prussian Academy gathered in the grand hall of the Prussian State Library in the heart of Berlin to<br />

address each other as “Your Excellency” and listen to fellow members pour forth their wisdom. Einstein’s series of four lectures had been<br />

scheduled weeks earlier, but until they began—and even after they had begun—he was still working furiously on his revised theory.<br />

The first was delivered on November 4. “For the last four years,” he began, “I have tried to establish a general theory of relativity on the<br />

assumption of the relativity even of non-uniform motion.” Referring to his discarded Entwurf theory, he said he “actually believed I had discovered<br />

the only law of gravitation” that conformed to physical realities.<br />

But then, with great candor, he detailed all of the problems that theory had encountered. “For that reason, I completely lost trust in the field<br />

equations” that he had been defending for more than two years. Instead, he said, he had now returned to the approach that he and his mathematical<br />

caddy, Marcel Grossmann, had been using in 1912. “Thus I went back to the requirement of a more general covariance of the field equations, which<br />

I had left only with a heavy heart when I worked together with my friend Grossmann. In fact, we had then already come quite close to the solution.”<br />

Einstein reached back to the Riemann and Ricci tensors that Grossmann had introduced him to in 1912. “Hardly anyone who truly understands it<br />

can resist the charm of this theory,” he lectured. “It signifies a real triumph of the method of the calculus founded by Gauss, Riemann, Christoffel,<br />

Ricci, and Levi-Civita.” 69<br />

This method got him much closer to the correct solution, but his equations on November 4 were still not generally covariant. That would take<br />

another three weeks.<br />

Einstein was in the throes of one of the most concentrated frenzies of scientific creativity in history. He was working, he said, “horrendously<br />

intensely.” 70 In the midst of this ordeal, he was also still dealing with the personal crisis within his family. Letters arrived from both his wife and<br />

Michele Besso, who was acting on her behalf, that pressed the issue of his financial obligations and discussed the guidelines for his contact with<br />

his sons.<br />

On the very day he turned in his first paper, November 4, he wrote an anguished—and painfully poignant—letter to Hans Albert, who was in<br />

Switzerland:<br />

I will try to be with you for a month every year so that you will have a father who is close to you and can love you. You can learn a lot of good<br />

things from me that no one else can offer you. The things I have gained from so much strenuous work should be of value not only to strangers<br />

but especially to my own boys. In the last few days I completed one of the finest papers of my life. When you are older, I will tell you about it.<br />

He ended with a small apology for seeming so distracted: “I am often so engrossed in my work that I forget to eat lunch.” 71<br />

Einstein also took time off from furiously revising his equations to engage in an awkward fandango with his erstwhile friend and competitor David<br />

Hilbert, who was racing him to find the equations of general relativity. Einstein had been informed that the Göttingen mathematician had figured out<br />

the flaws in the Entwurf equations. Worried about being scooped, he wrote Hilbert a letter saying that he himself had discovered the flaws four<br />

weeks earlier, and he sent along a copy of his November 4 lecture. “I am curious whether you will take kindly to this new solution,” Einstein asked<br />

with a touch of defensiveness. 72<br />

Hilbert was not only a better pure mathematician than Einstein, he also had the advantage of not being as good a physicist. He did not get all<br />

wrapped up, the way Einstein did, in making sure that any new theory conformed to Newton’s old one in a weak static field or that it obeyed the<br />

laws of causality. Instead of a dual math-and-physics strategy, Hilbert pursued mainly a math strategy, focusing on finding the equations that were<br />

covariant. “Hilbert liked to joke that physics was too complicated to be left to the physicists,” notes Dennis Overbye. 73<br />

Einstein presented his second paper the following Thursday, November 11. In it, he used the Ricci tensor and imposed new coordinate<br />

conditions that allowed the equations thus to be generally covariant. As it turned out, that did not greatly improve matters. Einstein was still close to<br />

the final answer, but making little headway. 74<br />

Once again, he sent the paper off to Hilbert. “If my present modification (which does not change the equations) is legitimate, then gravitation must<br />

play a fundamental role in the composition of matter,” Einstein said. “My own curiosity is interfering with my work!” 75<br />

The reply that Hilbert sent the next day must have unnerved Einstein. He said he was about ready to oblige with “an axiomatic solution to your<br />

great problem.” He had planned to hold off discussing it until he explored the physical ramifications further. “But since you are so interested, I would<br />

like to lay out my theory in very complete detail this coming Tuesday,” which was November 16.<br />

He invited Einstein to come to Göttingen and have the dubious pleasure of personally hearing him lay out the answer. The meeting would begin<br />

at 6 p.m., and Hilbert helpfully provided Einstein with the arrival times of the two afternoon trains from Berlin. “My wife and I would be very pleased if<br />

you stayed with us.”<br />

Then, after signing his name, Hilbert felt compelled to add what must surely have been a tantalizing and disconcerting postscript. “As far as I

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