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was better suited to theorizing. Fortunately, Paul Habicht was a good machinist, and by August 1907 he had a prototype of the Maschinchen, or<br />

little machine, ready to be unveiled. “I am astounded at the lightning speed with which you built the Maschinchen,” Einstein wrote. “I’ll show up on<br />

Sunday.” Unfortunately, it didn’t work. “I am driven by murderous curiosity as to what you’re up to,” Einstein wrote a month later as they tried to fix<br />

things.<br />

Throughout 1908, letters flew back and forth between Einstein and the Habichts, filled with complex diagrams and a torrent of ideas for how to<br />

make the device work. Einstein published a description in a journal, which produced, for a while, a potential sponsor. Paul Habicht was able to<br />

build a better version by October, but it had trouble keeping a charge. He brought the machine to Bern, where Einstein commandeered a lab in one<br />

of the schools and dragooned a local mechanic. By November the machine seemed to be working. It took another year or so to get a patent and<br />

begin to make some versions for sale. But even then, it never truly caught hold or found a market, and Einstein eventually lost interest. 13<br />

These practical exploits may have been fun, but Einstein’s glorious isolation from the priesthood of academic physicists was starting to have<br />

more drawbacks than advantages. In a paper he wrote in the spring of 1907, he began by exuding a joyful self-assurance about having neither the<br />

library nor the inclination to know what other theorists had written on the topic. “Other authors might have already clarified part of what I am going to<br />

say,” he wrote. “I felt I could dispense with doing a literature search (which would have been very troublesome for me), especially since there is<br />

good reason to hope that others will fill this gap.” However, when he was commissioned to write a major year-book piece on relativity later that year,<br />

there was slightly less cockiness in his warning to the editor that he might not be aware of all the literature. “Unfortunately I am not in a position to<br />

acquaint myself about everything that has been published on this subject,” he wrote, “because the library is closed in my free time.” 14<br />

That year he applied for a position at the University of Bern as a privatdozent, a starter rung on the academic ladder, which involved giving<br />

lectures and collecting a small fee from anyone who felt like showing up. To become a professor at most European universities, it helped to serve<br />

such an apprenticeship. With his application Einstein enclosed seventeen papers he had published, including the ones on relativity and light<br />

quanta. He was also expected to include an unpublished paper known as a habilitation thesis, but he decided not to bother writing one, as this<br />

requirement was sometimes waived for those who had “other outstanding achievements.”<br />

Only one professor on the faculty committee supported hiring him without requiring him to write a new thesis, “in view of the important scientific<br />

achievements of Herr Einstein.” The others disagreed, and the requirement was not waived. Not surprisingly, Einstein considered the matter<br />

“amusing.” He did not write the special habilitation or get the post. 15<br />

The Equivalence of Gravity and Acceleration<br />

Einstein’s road to the general theory of relativity began in November 1907, when he was struggling against a deadline to finish an article for a<br />

science yearbook explaining his special theory of relativity. Two limitations of that theory still bothered him: it applied only to uniform constantvelocity<br />

motion (things felt and behaved differently if your speed or direction was changing), and it did not incorporate Newton’s theory of gravity.<br />

“I was sitting in a chair in the patent office at Bern when all of a sudden a thought occurred to me,” he recalled. “If a person falls freely, he will not<br />

feel his own weight.”That realization, which “startled” him, launched him on an arduous eight-year effort to generalize his special theory of relativity<br />

and “impelled me toward a theory of gravitation.” 16 Later, he would grandly call it “the happiest* thought in my life.” 17<br />

The tale of the falling man has become an iconic one, and in some accounts it actually involves a painter who fell from the roof of an apartment<br />

building near the patent office. 18 In fact, probably like other great tales of gravitational discovery—Galileo dropping objects from the Tower of Pisa<br />

and the apple falling on Newton’s head 19 —it was embellished in popular lore and was more of a thought experiment than a real occurrence.<br />

Despite Einstein’s propensity to focus on science rather than the merely personal, even he was not likely to watch a real human plunging off a roof<br />

and think of gravitational theory, much less call it the happiest thought in his life.<br />

Einstein refined his thought experiment so that the falling man was in an enclosed chamber, such as an elevator in free fall above the earth. In this<br />

falling chamber (at least until it crashed), the man would feel weightless. Any objects he emptied from his pocket and let loose would float alongside<br />

him.<br />

Looking at it another way, Einstein imagined a man in an enclosed chamber floating in deep space “far removed from stars and other<br />

appreciable masses.” He would experience the same perceptions of weightlessness. “Gravitation naturally does not exist for this observer. He<br />

must fasten himself with strings to the floor, otherwise the slightest impact against the floor will cause him to rise slowly towards the ceiling.”<br />

Then Einstein imagined that a rope was hooked onto the roof of the chamber and pulled up with a constant force. “The chamber together with the<br />

observer then begin to move ‘upwards’ with a uniformly accelerated motion.”The man inside will feel himself pressed to the floor. “He is then<br />

standing in the chest in exactly the same way as anyone stands in a room of a house on our earth.” If he pulls something from his pocket and lets<br />

go, it will fall to the floor “with an accelerated relative motion” that is the same no matter the weight of the object—just as Galileo discovered to be<br />

the case for gravity. “The man in the chamber will thus come to the conclusion that he and the chest are in a gravitational field. Of course he will be<br />

puzzled for a moment as to why the chest does not fall in this gravitational field. Just then, however, he discovers the hook in the middle of the lid of<br />

the chest and the rope which is attached to it, and he consequently comes to the conclusion that the chamber is suspended at rest in the<br />

gravitational field.”<br />

“Ought we to smile at the man and say that he errs in his conclusion?” Einstein asked. Just as with special relativity, there was no right or wrong<br />

perception. “We must rather admit that his mode of grasping the situation violates neither reason nor known mechanical laws.” 20<br />

A related way that Einstein addressed this same issue was typical of his ingenuity: he examined a phenomenon that was so very well-known that<br />

scientists rarely puzzled about it. Every object has a “gravitational mass,” which determines its weight on the earth’s surface or, more generally, the<br />

tug between it and any other object. It also has an “inertial mass,” which determines how much force must be applied to it in order to make it<br />

accelerate. As Newton noted, the inertial mass of an object is always the same as its gravitational mass, even though they are defined differently.<br />

This was obviously more than a mere coincidence, but no one had fully explained why.<br />

Uncomfortable with two explanations for what seemed to be one phenomenon, Einstein probed the equivalence of inertial mass and gravitational<br />

mass using his thought experiment. If we imagine that the enclosed elevator is being accelerated upward in a region of outer space where there is<br />

no gravity, then the downward force felt by the man inside (or the force that tugs downward on an object hanging from the ceiling by a string) is due<br />

to inertial mass. If we imagine that the enclosed elevator is at rest in a gravitational field, then the downward force felt by the man inside (or the<br />

force that tugs downward on an object hanging from the ceiling by a string) is due to gravitational mass. But inertial mass always equals<br />

gravitational mass. “From this correspondence,” said Einstein, “it follows that it is impossible to discover by experiment whether a given system of<br />

coordinates is accelerated, or whether . . . the observed effects are due to a gravitational field.” 21<br />

Einstein called this “the equivalence principle.” 22 The local effects of gravity and of acceleration are equivalent. This became a foundation for his

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