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With all this talk of distance and duration being relative depending on the observer’s motion, some may be tempted to ask: So which observer is<br />

“right”? Whose watch shows the “actual” time elapsed? Which length of the rod is “real”? Whose notion of simultaneity is “correct”?<br />

According to the special theory of relativity, all inertial reference frames are equally valid. It is not a question of whether rods actually shrink or<br />

time really slows down; all we know is that observers in different states of motion will measure things differently. And now that we have dispensed<br />

with the ether as “superfluous,” there is no designated “rest” frame of reference that has preference over any other.<br />

One of Einstein’s clearest explanations of what he had wrought was in a letter to his Olympia Academy colleague Solovine:<br />

The theory of relativity can be outlined in a few words. In contrast to the fact, known since ancient times, that movement is perceivable only as<br />

relative movement, physics was based on the notion of absolute movement. The study of light waves had assumed that one state of<br />

movement, that of the light-carrying ether, is distinct from all others. All movements of bodies were supposed to be relative to the light-carrying<br />

ether, which was the incarnation of absolute rest. But after efforts to discover the privileged state of movement of this hypothetical ether through<br />

experiments had failed, it seemed that the problem should be restated. That is what the theory of relativity did. It assumed that there are no<br />

privileged physical states of movement and asked what consequences could be drawn from this.<br />

Einstein’s insight, as he explained it to Solovine, was that we must discard concepts that “have no link with experience,” such as “absolute<br />

simultaneity” and “absolute speed.” 61<br />

It is very important to note, however, that the theory of relativity does not mean that “everything is relative.” It does not mean that everything is<br />

subjective.<br />

Instead, it means that measurements of time, including duration and simultaneity, can be relative, depending on the motion of the observer. So<br />

can the measurements of space, such as distance and length. But there is a union of the two, which we call spacetime, and that remains invariant in<br />

all inertial frames. Likewise, there are things such as the speed of light that remain invariant.<br />

In fact, Einstein briefly considered calling his creation Invariance Theory, but the name never took hold. Max Planck used the term Relativtheorie<br />

in 1906, and by 1907 Einstein, in an exchange with his friend Paul Ehrenfest, was calling it Relativitätstheorie.<br />

One way to understand that Einstein was talking about invariance, rather than declaring everything to be relative, is to think about how far a light<br />

beam would travel in a given period of time. That distance would be the speed of light multiplied by the amount of time it traveled. If we were on a<br />

platform observing this happening on a train speeding by, the elapsed time would appear shorter (time seems to move more slowly on the moving<br />

train), and the distance would appear shorter (rulers seem to be contracted on the moving train). But there is a relationship between the two<br />

quantities—a relationship between the measurements of space and of time—that remains invariant, whatever your frame of reference. 62<br />

A more complex way to understand this is the method used by Hermann Minkowski, Einstein’s former math teacher at the Zurich Polytechnic.<br />

Reflecting on Einstein’s work, Minkowski uttered the expression of amazement that every beleaguered student wants to elicit someday from<br />

condescending professors. “It came as a tremendous surprise, for in his student days Einstein had been a lazy dog,” Minkowski told physicist Max<br />

Born. “He never bothered about mathematics at all.” 63<br />

Minkowski decided to give a formal mathematical structure to the theory. His approach was the same one suggested by the time traveler on the<br />

first page of H. G. Wells’s great novel The Time Machine, published in 1895: “There are really four dimensions, three which we call the three<br />

planes of Space, and a fourth, Time.” Minkowski turned all events into mathematical coordinates in four dimensions, with time as the fourth<br />

dimension. This permitted transformations to occur, but the mathematical relationships between the events remained invariant.<br />

Minkowski dramatically announced his new mathematical approach in a lecture in 1908. “The views of space and time which I wish to lay before<br />

you have sprung from the soil of experimental physics, and therein lies their strength,” he said. “They are radical. Henceforth space by itself, and<br />

time by itself, are doomed to fade away into mere shadows, and only a kind of union of the two will preserve an independent reality.” 64<br />

Einstein, who was still not yet enamored of math, at one point described Minkowski’s work as “superfluous learnedness” and joked, “Since the<br />

mathematicians have grabbed hold of the theory of relativity, I myself no longer understand it.” But he in fact came to admire Minkowski’s handiwork<br />

and wrote a section about it in his popular 1916 book on relativity.<br />

What a wonderful collaboration it could have been! But at the end of 1908, Minkowski was taken to the hospital, fatally stricken with peritonitis.<br />

Legend has it that he declared, “What a pity that I have to die in the age of relativity’s development.” 65<br />

Once again, it’s worth asking why Einstein discovered a new theory and his contemporaries did not. Both Lorentz and Poincaré had already<br />

come up with many of the components of Einstein’s theory. Poincaré even questioned the absolute nature of time.<br />

But neither Lorentz nor Poincaré made the full leap: that there is no need to posit an ether, that there is no absolute rest, that time is relative<br />

based on an observer’s motion, and so is space. Both men, the physicist Kip Thorne says, “were groping toward the same revision of our notions<br />

of space and time as Einstein, but they were groping through a fog of misperceptions foisted on them by Newtonian physics.”<br />

Einstein, by contrast, was able to cast off Newtonian misconceptions. “His conviction that the universe loves simplification and beauty, and his<br />

willingness to be guided by this conviction, even if it meant destroying the foundations of Newtonian physics, led him, with a clarity of thought that<br />

others could not match, to his new description of space and time.” 66<br />

Poincaré never made the connection between the relativity of simultaneity and the relativity of time, and he “drew back when on the brink” of<br />

understanding the full ramifications of his ideas about local time. Why did he hesitate? Despite his interesting insights, he was too much of a<br />

traditionalist in physics to display the rebellious streak in-grained in the unknown patent examiner. 67 “When he came to the decisive step, his nerve<br />

failed him and he clung to old habits of thought and familiar ideas of space and time,” Banesh Hoffmann said of Poincaré. “If this seems surprising,<br />

it is because we underestimate the boldness of Einstein in stating the principle of relativity as an axiom and, by keeping faith with it, changing our<br />

notion of space and time.” 68<br />

A clear explanation of Poincaré’s limitations and Einstein’s boldness comes from one of Einstein’s successors as a theoretical physicist at the<br />

Institute for Advanced Studies in Princeton, Freeman Dyson:<br />

The essential difference between Poincaré and Einstein was that Poincaré was by temperament conservative and Einstein was by<br />

temperament revolutionary. When Poincaré looked for a new theory of electromagnetism, he tried to preserve as much as he could of the old.<br />

He loved the ether and continued to believe in it, even when his own theory showed that it was unobservable. His version of relativity theory was<br />

a patchwork quilt. The new idea of local time, depending on the motion of the observer, was patched onto the old framework of absolute space<br />

and time defined by a rigid and immovable ether. Einstein, on the other hand, saw the old framework as cumbersome and unnecessary and<br />

was delighted to be rid of it. His version of the theory was simpler and more elegant. There was no absolute space and time and there was no<br />

ether. All the complicated explanations of electric and magnetic forces as elastic stresses in the ether could be swept into the dustbin of

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