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The Background<br />



The Bern Clock Tower<br />

Relativity is a simple concept. It asserts that the fundamental laws of physics are the same whatever your state of motion.<br />

For the special case of observers moving at a constant velocity, this concept is pretty easy to accept. Imagine a man in an armchair at home<br />

and a woman in an airplane gliding very smoothly above. Each can pour a cup of coffee, bounce a ball, shine a flashlight, or heat a muffin in a<br />

microwave and have the same laws of physics apply.<br />

In fact, there is no way to determine which of them is “in motion” and which is “at rest.” The man in the armchair could consider himself at rest and<br />

the plane in motion. And the woman in the plane could consider herself at rest and the earth as gliding past. There is no experiment that can prove<br />

who is right.<br />

Indeed, there is no absolute right. All that can be said is that each is moving relative to the other. And of course, both are moving very rapidly<br />

relative to other planets, stars, and galaxies.*<br />

The special theory of relativity that Einstein developed in 1905 applies only to this special case (hence the name): a situation in which the<br />

observers are moving at a constant velocity relative to one another—uniformly in a straight line at a steady speed—referred to as an “inertial<br />

reference system.” 1<br />

It’s harder to make the more general case that a person who is accelerating or turning or rotating or slamming on the brakes or moving in an<br />

arbitrary manner is not in some form of absolute motion, because coffee sloshes and balls roll away in a different manner than for people on a<br />

smoothly gliding train, plane, or planet. It would take Einstein a decade more, as we shall see, to come up with what he called a general theory of<br />

relativity, which incorporated accelerated motion into a theory of gravity and attempted to apply the concept of relativity to it. 2<br />

The story of relativity best begins in 1632, when Galileo articulated the principle that the laws of motion and mechanics (the laws of<br />

electromagnetism had not yet been discovered) were the same in all constant-velocity reference frames. In his Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief<br />

World Systems, Galileo wanted to defend Copernicus’s idea that the earth does not rest motionless at the center of the universe with everything<br />

else revolving around it. Skeptics contended that if the earth was moving, as Copernicus said, we’d feel it. Galileo refuted this with a brilliantly clear<br />

thought experiment about being inside the cabin of a smoothly sailing ship:<br />

Shut yourself up with some friend in the main cabin below decks on some large ship, and have with you there some flies, butterflies, and other<br />

small flying animals. Have a large bowl of water with some fish in it; hang up a bottle that empties drop by drop into a wide vessel beneath it.<br />

With the ship standing still, observe carefully how the little animals fly with equal speed to all sides of the cabin. The fish swim indifferently in all<br />

directions; the drops fall into the vessel beneath; and, in throwing something to your friend, you need throw it no more strongly in one direction<br />

than another, the distances being equal; jumping with your feet together, you pass equal spaces in every direction. When you have observed all<br />

these things carefully, have the ship proceed with any speed you like, so long as the motion is uniform and not fluctuating this way and that. You<br />

will discover not the least change in all the effects named, nor could you tell from any of them whether the ship was moving or standing still. 3<br />

There is no better description of relativity, or at least of how that principle applies to systems that are moving at a constant velocity relative to each<br />

other.<br />

Inside Galileo’s ship, it is easy to have a conversation, because the air that carries the sound waves is moving smoothly along with the people in<br />

the chamber. Likewise, if one of Galileo’s passengers dropped a pebble into a bowl of water, the ripples would emanate the same way they would<br />

if the bowl were resting on shore; that’s because the water propagating the ripples is moving smoothly along with the bowl and everything else in<br />

the chamber.<br />

Sound waves and water waves are easily explained by classical mechanics. They are simply a traveling disturbance in some medium. That is<br />

why sound cannot travel through a vacuum. But it can travel through such things as air or water or metal. For example, sound waves move through<br />

room temperature air, as a vibrating disturbance that compresses and rarefies the air, at about 770 miles per hour.<br />

Deep inside Galileo’s ship, sound and water waves behave as they do on land, because the air in the chamber and the water in the bowls are<br />

moving at the same velocity as the passengers. But now imagine that you go up on deck and look at the waves out in the ocean, or that you<br />

measure the speed of the sound waves from the horn of another boat. The speed at which these waves come toward you depends on your motion

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