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quirk in the cosmos. For him, these quanta of energy (which in 1926 were named photons) 20 existed even when light was moving through a<br />

vacuum. “We wish to show that Mr. Planck’s determination of the elementary quanta is to some extent independent of his theory of blackbody<br />

radiation,” he wrote. In other words, Einstein argued that the particulate nature of light was a property of the light itself and not just some description<br />

of how the light interacts with matter. 21<br />

Even after Einstein published his paper, Planck did not accept his leap. Two years later, Planck warned the young patent clerk that he had gone<br />

too far, and that quanta described a process that occurred during emission or absorption, rather than some real property of radiation in a vacuum. “I<br />

do not seek the meaning of the ‘quantum of action’ (light quantum) in the vacuum but at the site of absorption and emission,” he advised. 22<br />

Planck’s resistance to believing that the light quanta had a physical reality persisted. Eight years after Einstein’s paper was published, Planck<br />

proposed him for a coveted seat in the Prussian Academy of Sciences. The letter he and other supporters wrote was filled with praise, but Planck<br />

added: “That he might sometimes have overshot the target in his speculations, as for example in his light quantum hypothesis, should not be<br />

counted against him too much.” 23<br />

Just before he died, Planck reflected on the fact that he had long recoiled from the implications of his discovery. “My futile attempts to fit the<br />

elementary quantum of action somehow into classical theory continued for a number of years and cost me a great deal of effort,” he wrote. “Many of<br />

my colleagues saw in this something bordering on a tragedy.”<br />

Ironically, similar words would later be used to describe Einstein. He became increasingly “aloof and skeptical” about the quantum discoveries<br />

he pioneered, Born said of Einstein. “Many of us regard this as a tragedy.” 24<br />

Einstein’s theory produced a law of the photoelectric effect that was experimentally testable: the energy of emitted electrons would depend on the<br />

frequency of the light according to a simple mathematical formula involving Planck’s constant. The formula was subsequently shown to be correct.<br />

The physicist who did the crucial experiment was Robert Millikan, who would later head the California Institute of Technology and try to recruit<br />

Einstein.<br />

Yet even after he verified Einstein’s photoelectric formulas, Millikan still rejected the theory. “Despite the apparently complete success of the<br />

Einstein equation,” he declared, “the physical theory on which it was designed to be the symbolic expression is found so untenable that Einstein<br />

himself, I believe, no longer holds to it.” 25<br />

Millikan was wrong to say that Einstein’s formulation of the photo-electric effect had been abandoned. In fact, it was specifically for discovering<br />

the law of the photoelectric effect that Einstein would win his only Nobel Prize. With the advent of quantum mechanics in the 1920s, the reality of the<br />

photon became a fundamental part of physics.<br />

However, on the larger point Millikan was right. Einstein would increasingly find the eerie implications of the quantum—and of the wave-particle<br />

duality of light—to be deeply unsettling. In a letter he wrote near the end of his life to his dear friend Michele Besso, after quantum mechanics had<br />

been accepted by almost every living physicist, Einstein would lament, “All these fifty years of pondering have not brought me any closer to<br />

answering the question, What are light quanta?” 26<br />

Doctoral Dissertation on the Size of Molecules, April 1905<br />

Einstein had written a paper that would revolutionize science, but he had not yet been able to earn a doctorate. So he tried one more time to get<br />

a dissertation accepted.<br />

He realized that he needed a safe topic, not a radical one like quanta or relativity, so he chose the second paper he was working on, titled “A<br />

New Determination of Molecular Dimensions,” which he completed on April 30 and submitted to the University of Zurich in July. 27<br />

Perhaps out of caution and deference to the conservative approach of his adviser, Alfred Kleiner, he generally avoided the innovative statistical<br />

physics featured in his previous papers (and in his Brownian motion paper completed eleven days later) and relied instead mainly on classical<br />

hydrodynamics. 28 Yet he was still able to explore how the behavior of countless tiny particles (atoms, molecules) are reflected in observable<br />

phenomena, and conversely how observable phenomena can tell us about the nature of those tiny unseen particles.<br />

Almost a century earlier, the Italian scientist Amedeo Avogadro (1776–1856) had developed the hypothesis—correct, as it turned out—that<br />

equal volumes of any gas, when measured at the same temperature and pressure, will have the same number of molecules. That led to a difficult<br />

quest: figuring out just how many this was.<br />

The volume usually chosen is that occupied by a mole of the gas (its molecular weight in grams), which is 22.4 liters at standard temperature and<br />

pressure. The number of molecules under such conditions later became known as Avogadro’s number. Determining it precisely was, and still is,<br />

rather difficult. A current estimate is approximately 6.02214 x 10 23 . (This is a big number: that many unpopped popcorn kernels when spread<br />

across the United States would cover the country nine miles deep.) 29<br />

Most previous measurements of molecules had been done by studying gases. But as Einstein noted in the first sentence of his paper, “The<br />

physical phenomena observed in liquids have thus far not served for the determination of molecular sizes.” In this dissertation (after a few math and<br />

data corrections were later made), Einstein was the first person able to get a respectable result using liquids.<br />

His method involved making use of data about viscosity, which is how much resistance a liquid offers to an object that tries to move through it.<br />

Tar and molasses, for example, are highly viscous. If you dissolve sugar in water, the solution’s viscosity increases as it gets more syrupy. Einstein<br />

envisioned the sugar molecules gradually diffusing their way through the smaller water molecules. He was able to come up with two equations, each<br />

containing the two unknown variables—the size of the sugar molecules and the number of them in the water—that he was trying to determine. He<br />

could then solve for these unknown variables. Doing so, he got a result for Avogadro’s number that was 2.1 x 10 23 .<br />

That, unfortunately, was not very close. When he submitted his paper to the Annalen der Physik in August, right after it had been accepted by<br />

Zurich University, the editor Paul Drude (who was blissfully unaware of Einstein’s earlier desire to ridicule him) held up its publication because he<br />

knew of some better data on the properties of sugar solutions. Using this new data, Einstein came up with a result that was closer to correct: 4.15 x<br />

10 23 .<br />

A few years later, a French student tested the approach experimentally and discovered something amiss. So Einstein asked an assistant in<br />

Zurich to look at it all over again. He found a minor error, which when corrected produced a result of 6.56 x 10 23 , which ended up being quite<br />

respectable. 30<br />

Einstein later said, perhaps half-jokingly, that when he submitted his thesis, Professor Kleiner rejected it for being too short, so he added one<br />

more sentence and it was promptly accepted. There is no documentary evidence for this. 31 Either way, his thesis actually became one of his most<br />

cited and practically useful papers, with applications in such diverse fields as cement mixing, dairy production, and aerosol products. And even

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