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affection, and it concluded on that note as well. “When the end came,” Einstein’s assistant Helen Dukas later said, “Hermann asked all of them to<br />

leave the room, so he could die on his own.”<br />

Einstein felt, for the rest of his life, a sense of guilt about that moment, which encapsulated his inability to forge a true bond with his father. For the<br />

first time, he was thrown into a daze, “overwhelmed by a feeling of desolation.” He later called his father’s death the deepest shock he had ever<br />

experienced. The event did, however, solve one important issue. On his deathbed, Hermann Einstein gave his permission, finally, for his son to<br />

marry Mileva Mari . 88<br />

Einstein’s Olympia Academy colleagues, Maurice Solovine and Conrad Habicht, convened in special session on January 6, 1903, to serve as<br />

witnesses at the tiny civil ceremony in the Bern registrar’s office where Albert Einstein married Mileva Mari . No family members—not Einstein’s<br />

mother or sister, nor Mari ’s parents—came to Bern. The tight group of intellectual comrades celebrated together at a restaurant that evening, and<br />

then Einstein and Mari went back to his apartment together. Not surprisingly, he had forgotten his key and had to wake his landlady. 89<br />

“Well, now I am a married man and I am living a very pleasant cozy life with my wife,” he reported to Michele Besso two weeks later. “She takes<br />

excellent care of everything, cooks well, and is always cheerful.” For her part, Mari * reported to her own best friend, “I am even closer to my<br />

sweetheart, if it is at all possible, than I was in our Zurich days.” Occasionally she would attend sessions of the Olympia Academy, but mainly as an<br />

observer. “Mileva, intelligent and reserved, listened intently but never intervened in our discussions,” Solovine recalled.<br />

Nevertheless, clouds began to form. “My new duties are taking their toll,” Mari said of her housekeeping chores and role as a mere onlooker<br />

when science was discussed. Einstein’s friends felt that she was becoming even more gloomy. At times she seemed laconic, and distrustful as<br />

well. And Einstein, at least so he claimed in retrospect, had already become wary. He had felt an “inner resistance” to marrying Mari , he later<br />

claimed, but had overcome it out of a “sense of duty.”<br />

Mari soon began to look for ways to restore the magic to their relationship. She hoped that they would escape the bourgeois drudgery that<br />

seemed inherent in the household of a Swiss civil servant and, instead, find some opportunity to recapture their old bohemian academic life. They<br />

decided—or at least so Mari hoped—that Einstein would find a teaching job somewhere far away, perhaps near their forsaken daughter. “We will<br />

try anywhere,” she wrote to her friend in Serbia. “Do you think, for example, that in Belgrade people of our kind could find something?” Mari said<br />

they would do anything academic, even teaching German in a high school. “You see, we still have that old enterprising spirit.” 90<br />

As far as we know, Einstein never went to Serbia to seek a job or to see his baby. A few months into their marriage, in August 1903, the secret<br />

cloud hovering over their lives suddenly cast a new pall. Mari received word that Lieserl, then 19 months old, had come down with scarlet fever.<br />

She boarded a train for Novi Sad. When it stopped in Salzburg, she bought a postcard of a local castle and jotted a note, which she mailed from<br />

the stop in Budapest: “It is going quickly, but it is hard. I don’t feel at all well. What are you doing, little Jonzile, write me soon, will you? Your poor<br />

Dollie.” 91<br />

Apparently, the child was given up for adoption. The only clue we have is a cryptic letter Einstein wrote Mari in September, after she had been in<br />

Novi Sad for a month: “I am very sorry about what happened with Lieserl. Scarlet fever often leaves some lasting trace behind. If only everything<br />

passes well. How is Lieserl registered? We must take great care, lest difficulties arise for the child in the future.” 92<br />

Whatever the motivation Einstein may have had for asking the question, neither Lieserl’s registration documents nor any other paper trace of her<br />

existence is known to have survived. Various researchers, Serbian and American, including Robert Schulmann of the Einstein Papers Project and<br />

Michele Zackheim, who wrote a book about searching for Lieserl, have fruitlessly scoured churches, registries, synagogues, and cemeteries.<br />

All evidence about Einstein’s daughter was carefully erased. Almost every one of the letters between Einstein and Mari in the summer and fall of<br />

1902, many of which presumably dealt with Lieserl, were destroyed. Those between Mari and her friend Helene Savi during that period were<br />

intentionally burned by Savi ’s family. For the rest of their lives, even after they divorced, Einstein and his wife did all they could, with surprising<br />

success, to cover up not only the fate of their first child but her very existence.<br />

One of the few facts that have escaped this black hole of history is that Lieserl was still alive in September 1903. Einstein’s expression of worry,<br />

in his letter to Mari that month, about potential difficulties “for the child in the future,” makes this clear. The letter also indicates that she had been<br />

given up for adoption by then, because in it Einstein spoke of the desirability of having a “replacement” child.<br />

There are two plausible explanations about the fate of Lieserl. The first is that she survived her bout of scarlet fever and was raised by an<br />

adoptive family. On a couple of occasions later in his life, when women came forward claiming (falsely, it turned out) to be illegitimate children of<br />

his, Einstein did not dismiss the possibility out of hand, although given the number of affairs he had, this is no indication that he thought they might<br />

be Lieserl.<br />

One possibility, favored by Schulmann, is that Mari ’s friend Helene Savi adopted Lieserl. She did in fact raise a daughter Zorka, who was blind<br />

from early childhood (perhaps a result of scarlet fever), was never married, and was shielded by her nephew from people who sought to interview<br />

her. Zorka died in the 1990s.<br />

The nephew who protected Zorka, Milan Popovi , rejects this possibility. In a book he wrote on the friendship and correspondence between Mari<br />

and his grandmother Helene Savi , In Albert’s Shadow, Popovi asserted, “A theory has been advanced that my grandmother adopted Lieserl,<br />

but an examination of my family’s history renders this groundless.” He did not, however, produce any documentary evidence, such as his aunt’s birth<br />

certificate, to back up this contention. His mother burned most of Helene Savi ’s letters, including any that had dealt with Lieserl. Popovi ’s own<br />

theory, based partly on the family stories recalled by a Serbian writer named Mira Ale kovi , is that Lieserl died of scarlet fever in September 1903,<br />

after Einstein’s letter of that month. Michele Zackheim, in her book describing her hunt for Lieserl, comes to a similar conclusion. 93<br />

Whatever happened added to Mari ’s gloom. Shortly after Einstein died, a writer named Peter Michelmore, who knew nothing of Lieserl,<br />

published a book that was based in part on conversations with Einstein’s son Hans Albert Einstein. Referring to the year right after their marriage,<br />

Michelmore noted, “Something had happened between the two, but Mileva would say only that it was ‘intensely personal.’ Whatever it was, she<br />

brooded about it, and Albert seemed to be in some ways responsible. Friends encouraged Mileva to talk about her problem and get it out in the<br />

open. She insisted that it was too personal and kept it a secret all her life—a vital detail in the story of Albert Einstein that still remains shrouded in<br />

mystery.” 94<br />

The illness that Mari complained about in her postcard from Budapest was likely because she was pregnant again. When she found out that<br />

indeed she was, she worried that this would anger her husband. But Einstein expressed happiness on hearing the news that there would soon be a<br />

replacement for their daughter. “I’m not the least bit angry that poor Dollie is hatching a new chick,” he wrote. “In fact, I’m happy about it and had<br />

already given some thought to whether I shouldn’t see to it that you get a new Lieserl. After all, you shouldn’t be denied that which is the right of all<br />

women.” 95<br />

Hans Albert Einstein was born on May 14, 1904. The new child lifted Mari ’s spirits and restored some joy to her marriage, or so at least she told<br />

her friend Helene Savi : “Hop over to Bern so I can see you again and I can show you my dear little sweetheart, who is also named Albert. I cannot<br />

tell you how much joy he gives me when he laughs so cheerfully on waking up or when he kicks his legs while taking a bath.”

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