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Lake Como, May 1901<br />

“You absolutely must come see me in Como, you little witch,” Einstein wrote Mari at the end of April 1901. “You’ll see for yourself how bright and<br />

cheerful I’ve become and how all my brow-knitting is gone.”<br />

The family disputes and frustrating job search had caused him to be snappish, but he promised that was now over. “It was only out of<br />

nervousness that I was mean to you,” he apologized. To make it up to her, he proposed that they should have a romantic and sensuous tryst in one<br />

of the world’s most romantic and sensuous places: Lake Como, the grandest of the jewel-like Alpine finger lakes high on the border of Italy and<br />

Switzerland, where in early May the lush foliage bursts forth under majestic snow-capped peaks.<br />

“Bring my blue dressing-gown so we can wrap ourselves up in it,” he said. “I promise you an outing the likes of which you’ve never seen.” 31<br />

Mari quickly accepted, but then changed her mind; she had received a letter from her family in Novi Sad “that robs me of all desire, not only for<br />

having fun, but for life itself.” He should make the trip on his own, she sulked.“It seems I can have nothing without being punished.” But the next day<br />

she changed her mind again. “I wrote you a little card yesterday while in the worst of moods because of a letter I received. But when I read your<br />

letter today I became a bit more cheerful, since I see how much you love me, so I think we’ll take that trip after all.” 32<br />

And thus it was that early on the morning of Sunday, May 5, 1901, Albert Einstein was waiting for Mileva Mari at the train station in the village of<br />

Como, Italy, “with open arms and a pounding heart.” They spent the day there, admiring its gothic cathedral and walled old town, then took one of<br />

the stately white steamers that hop from village to village along the banks of the lake.<br />

They stopped to visit Villa Carlotta, the most luscious of all the famous mansions that dot the shore, with its frescoed ceilings, a version of<br />

Antonio Canova’s erotic sculpture Cupid and Psyche, and five hundred species of plants. Mari later wrote a friend how much she admired “the<br />

splendid garden, which I preserved in my heart, the more so because we were not allowed to swipe a single flower.”<br />

After spending the night in an inn, they decided to hike through the mountain pass to Switzerland, but found it still covered with up to twenty feet of<br />

snow. So they hired a small sleigh,“the kind they use that has just enough room for two people in love with each other, and a coachman stands on a<br />

little plank in the rear and prattles all the time and calls you ‘signora,’ ” Mari wrote. “Could you think of anything more beautiful?”<br />

The snow was falling merrily, as far as the eye could see, “so that this cold, white infinity gave me the shivers and I held my sweetheart firmly in my<br />

arms under the coats and shawls covering us.” On the way down, they stomped and kicked at the snow to produce little avalanches, “so as to<br />

properly scare the world below.” 33<br />

A few days later, Einstein recalled “how beautiful it was the last time you let me press your dear little person against me in that most natural<br />

way.” 34 And in that most natural way, Mileva Mari became pregnant with Albert Einstein’s child.<br />

After returning to Winterthur, where he was a substitute teacher, Einstein wrote Mari a letter that made reference to her pregnancy. Oddly—or<br />

perhaps not oddly at all—he began by delving into matters scientific rather than personal.“I just read a wonderful paper by Lenard on the generation<br />

of cathode rays by ultraviolet light,” he started. “Under the influence of this beautiful piece I am filled with such happiness and joy that I must share<br />

some of it with you.” Einstein would soon revolutionize science by building on Lenard’s paper to produce a theory of light quanta that explained this<br />

photoelectric effect. Even so, it is rather surprising, or at least amusing, that when he rhapsodized about sharing “happiness and joy” with his newly<br />

pregnant lover, he was referring to a paper on beams of electrons.<br />

Only after this scientific exultation came a brief reference to their expected child, whom Einstein referred to as a boy: “How are you darling?<br />

How’s the boy?” He went on to display an odd notion of what parenting would be like: “Can you imagine how pleasant it will be when we’re able to<br />

work again, completely undisturbed, and with no one around to tell us what to do!”<br />

Most of all, he tried to be reassuring. He would find a job, he pledged, even if it meant going into the insurance business. They would create a<br />

comfortable home together. “Be happy and don’t fret, darling. I won’t leave you and will bring everything to a happy conclusion. You just have to be<br />

patient! You will see that my arms are not so bad to rest in, even if things are beginning a little awkwardly.” 35<br />

Mari was preparing to retake her graduation exams, and she was hoping to go on to get a doctorate and become a physicist. Both she and her<br />

parents had invested enormous amounts, emotionally and financially, in that goal over the years. She could have, if she had wished, terminated her<br />

pregnancy. Zurich was then a center of a burgeoning birth control industry, which included a mail-order abortion drug firm based there.<br />

Instead, she decided that she wanted to have Einstein’s child—even though he was not yet ready or willing to marry her. Having a child out of<br />

wedlock was rebellious, given their upbringings, but not uncommon. The official statistics for Zurich in 1901 show that 12 percent of births were<br />

illegitimate. Residents who were Austro-Hungarian, moreover, were much more likely to get pregnant while unmarried. In southern Hungary, 33<br />

percent of births were illegitimate. Serbs had the highest rate of illegitimate births, Jews by far the lowest. 36<br />

The decision caused Einstein to focus on the future. “I will look for a position immediately, no matter how humble it is,” he told her. “My scientific<br />

goals and my personal vanity will not prevent me from accepting even the most subordinate position.” He decided to call Besso’s father as well as<br />

the director of the local insurance company, and he promised to marry her as soon as he settled into a job. “Then no one can cast a stone on your<br />

dear little head.”<br />

The pregnancy could also resolve, or so he hoped, the issues they faced with their families. “When your parents and mine are presented with a<br />

fait accompli, they’ll just have to reconcile themselves to it as best they can.” 37<br />

Mari , bedridden in Zurich with pregnancy sickness, was thrilled. “So, sweetheart, you want to look for a job immediately? And have me move in<br />

with you!” It was a vague proposal, but she immediately pronounced herself “happy” to agree. “Of course it mustn’t involve accepting a really bad<br />

position, darling,” she added. “That would make me feel terrible.” At her sister’s suggestion she tried to convince Einstein to visit her parents in<br />

Serbia for the summer vacation. “It would make me so happy,” she begged. “And when my parents see the two of us physically in front of them, all<br />

their doubts will evaporate.” 38<br />

But Einstein, to her dismay, decided to spend the summer vacation again with his mother and sister in the Alps. As a result, he was not there to<br />

help and encourage her at the end of July 1901 when she re-took her exams. Perhaps as a consequence of her pregnancy and personal situation,<br />

Mileva ended up failing for the second time, once again getting a 4.0 out of 6 and once again being the only one in her group not to pass.<br />

Thus it was that Mileva Mari found herself resigned to giving up her dream of being a scientific scholar. She visited her home in Serbia—alone<br />

—and told her parents about her academic failure and her pregnancy. Before leaving, she asked Einstein to send her father a letter describing their<br />

plans and, presumably, pledging to marry her. “Will you send me the letter so I can see what you’ve written?” she asked. “By and by I’ll give him the<br />

necessary information, the unpleasant news as well.” 39<br />

Disputes with Drude and Others

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