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Bose-Einstein statistics, 327–28<br />

Boston Globe, 136<br />

Boston Herald, 299<br />

Brahe, Tycho, 166<br />

Brahms, Johannes, 167<br />

Brandeis, Louis, 298<br />

Brandeis University, 522<br />

Breuer, Marcel, 359–60<br />

Briggs, Lyman, 476<br />

Brillouin, Marcel, 313<br />

British Association for the Advancement of Science, 90, 575n<br />

Brod, Max, 166–67<br />

Broglie, Louis de, 326–27, 330, 345, 347, 538–39, 583n<br />

Brown, Robert, 103, 104<br />

Brownian motion, 68, 93, 101, 103–6, 117, 118, 140, 351, 373, 577n<br />

Brush, Steven, 99<br />

Bucky, Gustav, 435, 438, 540, 544<br />

Bucky, Peter, 435–36, 441, 443, 517<br />

Bucky, Thomas, 379<br />

Bush, Vannevar, 480, 481<br />

Byland, Hans, 27–28<br />

Byrnes, James, 484<br />

calculus, 16, 93<br />

California Institute of Technology (Caltech), 315n, 368, 373, 374, 380–81, 395–98, 399, 401–4, 431, 444<br />

Calvin, John, 155<br />

Cambridge University, 267<br />

Canova, Antonio, 64<br />

capillary effect, 56–58, 59, 68<br />

capitalism, 497, 504<br />

Carmen (Bizet), 370<br />

Cartan, Elie Joseph, 344<br />

Casablanca, 493<br />

Case Western University, 300<br />

cathode rays, 65<br />

Catholic Church, 389<br />

centrifugal force, 251–52<br />

cerebral cortex, 547<br />

Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, 81, 518<br />

Chamberlain, Austen, 419–20<br />

Chambers, Whittaker, 485<br />

Chaplin, Charlie, 263, 268, 373, 374, 403, 427<br />

chemical weapons, 206<br />

Chicago Daily Tribune, 528<br />

Chicago Herald and Examiner, 296<br />

Chicago Tribune, 296–97<br />

Chico (Einstein’s terrier), 438<br />

chlorine gas, 206<br />

Chopin, Frederic, 365<br />

Christian Science, 444<br />

Christoffel van de Hulst, Hendrik, 215<br />

Churchill, Winston, 394, 412, 419, 483<br />

City Lights, 263, 374<br />

civil rights movement, 505, 531<br />

Civil War, U.S., 488–89<br />

Cohen, I. Bernard, 540–41<br />

Cohn, Roy, 530<br />

cold war, 499–500, 504<br />

Collier’s, 445<br />

Columbia University, 370, 471<br />

communism, 287, 379–80, 399–401, 403, 420–21, 445–47, 478, 489–90, 494–503, 524–34, 550, 633n–34n<br />

compasses, 13, 67, 462, 538, 548<br />

complementarity, 452–53<br />

Compton, Arthur, 345<br />

Compton, Karl, 474<br />

Concerto for Two Violins in D-minor (Bach), 430<br />

condensation, 328–29<br />

Congolese uranium exports, 471–73

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