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minister who wanted his support for a peace organization. “For example, is one justified in advising a Frenchman or a Belgian to refuse military<br />

service in the face of German rearmament?” Einstein felt the answer was now clear. “Frankly, I do not believe so.”<br />

Instead of pushing pacifism, he redoubled his commitment to a world federalist organization, like a League of Nations with real teeth, that would<br />

have its own professional army to enforce its decisions. “It seems to me that in the present situation we must support a supranational organization<br />

of force rather than advocate the abolition of all forces,” he said. “Recent events have taught me a lesson in this respect.” 55<br />

This met resistance from the War Resisters’ International, an organization that he had long supported. Its leader, Lord Arthur Ponsonby,<br />

denounced the idea, calling it “undesirable because it is an admission that force is the factor that can resolve international disputes.” Einstein<br />

disagreed. In the wake of the new threat arising in Germany, his new philosophy, he wrote, was “no disarmament without security.” 56<br />

Four years earlier, while visiting Antwerp, Einstein had been invited to the Belgian royal palace by Queen Elisabeth, 57 the daughter of a Bavarian<br />

duke who was married to King Albert I. The queen loved music, and Einstein spent the afternoon playing Mozart with her, drinking tea, and<br />

attempting to explain relativity. Invited back the following year, he met her husband, the king, and became charmed by the least regal of all royals.<br />

“These two simple people are of a purity and goodness that is seldom to be found,” he wrote Elsa. Once again he and the queen played Mozart,<br />

then Einstein was invited to stay and dine alone with the couple. “No servants, vegetarian, spinach with fried egg and potatoes,” he recounted. “I<br />

liked it enormously, and I am sure that the feeling is mutual.” 58<br />

Thus began a lifelong friendship with the Belgian queen. Later, his relationship with her would play a minor role in Einstein’s involvement with the<br />

atomic bomb. But in July 1933, the issue at stake was pacifism and military resistance.<br />

“The husband of the second violinist would like to talk to you on an urgent matter.” It was a cryptic way for King Albert to identify himself that<br />

Einstein, but few others, would recognize. Einstein headed to the palace. On the king’s mind was a case that was roiling his country. Two<br />

conscientious objectors were being held in jail for refusing service in the Belgian army, and international pacifists were pressuring Einstein to<br />

speak out on their behalf. This, of course, would cause problems.<br />

The king hoped that Einstein would refrain from getting involved. Out of friendship, out of respect for the leader of a country that was hosting him,<br />

and also out of his new and sincere beliefs, Einstein agreed. He even went so far as to write a letter that he allowed to be made public.<br />

“In the present threatening situation, created by the events in Germany, Belgium’s armed forces can be regarded only as a means of defense, not<br />

an instrument of aggression,” he declared. “And now, of all times, such defense forces are urgently needed.”<br />

Being Einstein, however, he felt compelled to add a few additional thoughts. “Men who, by their religious and moral convictions, are constrained<br />

to refuse military service should not be treated as criminals,” he argued. “They should be offered the alternative of accepting more onerous and<br />

hazardous work than military service.” For example, they could be put to work as low-paid conscripts doing “mine labor, stoking furnaces aboard<br />

ships, hospital service in infectious disease wards or in certain sections of mental institutions.” 59 King Albert sent back a warm note of gratitude,<br />

which politely avoided any discussions of alternative service.<br />

When Einstein changed his mind, he did not try to hide the fact. So he also wrote a public letter to the leader of the pacifist group that was<br />

encouraging him to intervene in the Belgian case. “Until recently, we in Europe could assume that personal war resistance constituted an effective<br />

attack on militarism,” he said. “Today we face an altogether different situation. In the heart of Europe lies a power, Germany, that is obviously<br />

pushing to war with all available means.”<br />

He even went so far as to proclaim the unthinkable: he himself would join the army if he were a young man.<br />

I must tell you candidly: Under today’s conditions, if I were a Belgian, I would not refuse military service, but gladly take it upon me in the<br />

knowledge of serving European civilization. This does not mean that I am surrendering the principle for which I have stood heretofore. I have no<br />

greater hope than that the time may not be far off when refusal of military service will once again be an effective method of serving the cause of<br />

human progress. 60<br />

For weeks the story reverberated around the world.“Einstein Alters His Pacifist Views / Advises the Belgians to Arm Themselves Against the<br />

Threat of Germany,” headlined the New York Times. 61 Einstein not only held firm, but explained himself more passionately in response to each<br />

successive attack.<br />

To the French secretary of the War Resisters’ International: “My views have not changed, but the European situation has ... So long as<br />

Germany persists in rearming and systematically indoctrinating its citizens for a war of revenge, the nations of western Europe depend,<br />

unfortunately, on military defense. Indeed, I will go so far as to assert that if they are prudent, they will not wait, unarmed, to be attacked...I<br />

cannot shut my eyes to realities.” 62<br />

To Lord Ponsonby, his pacifist partner from England: “Can you possibly be unaware of the fact that Germany is feverishly rearming and that<br />

the whole population is being indoctrinated with nationalism and drilled for war? ... What protection, other than organized power, would<br />

you suggest?” 63<br />

To the Belgian War Resisters’ Committee: “As long as no international police force exists, these countries must undertake the defense of<br />

culture. The situation in Europe has changed sharply within the past year; we should be playing into the hands of our bitterest enemies<br />

were we to close our eyes to this fact.” 64<br />

To an American professor: “To prevent the greater evil, it is necessary that the lesser evil—the hated military—be accepted for the time<br />

being.” 65<br />

And even a year later, to an upset rabbi from Rochester: “I am the same ardent pacifist I was before. But I believe that we can advocate<br />

refusing military service only when the military threat from aggressive dictatorships toward democratic countries has ceased to exist.” 66<br />

After years of being called naïve by his conservative friends, now it was those on the left who felt that his grasp of politics was shaky. “Einstein, a<br />

genius in his scientific field, is weak, indecisive and inconsistent outside it,” the dedicated pacifist Romain Rolland wrote in his diary. 67 The charge<br />

of inconsistency would have amused Einstein. For a scientist, altering your doctrines when the facts change is not a sign of weakness.<br />

Farewell<br />

The previous fall, Einstein had gotten a long, rambling, and, as often was the case, intensely personal letter from Michele Besso, one of his oldest

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