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So what made Einstein cede the revolutionary road to younger radicals and spin into a defensive crouch?<br />

As a young empiricist, excited by his readings of Ernst Mach, Einstein had been willing to reject any concepts that could not be observed, such<br />

as the ether and absolute time and space and simultaneity. But the success of his general theory convinced him that Mach’s skepticism, even<br />

though it might be useful for weeding out superfluous concepts, did not provide much help in constructing new theories.<br />

“He rides Mach’s poor horse to exhaustion,” Einstein complained to Michele Besso about a paper written by a mutual friend.<br />

“We should not insult Mach’s poor horse,” Besso replied. “Didn’t it make possible the tortuous journey through the relativities? And who knows, in<br />

the case of the nasty quanta, it may also carry Don Quixote de la Einsteina through it all!”<br />

“You know what I think about Mach’s little horse,” Einstein wrote Besso in return. “It cannot give birth to anything living. It can only exterminate<br />

harmful vermin.” 65<br />

In his maturity, Einstein more firmly believed that there was an objective “reality” that existed whether or not we could observe it. The belief in an<br />

external world independent of the person observing it, he repeatedly said, was the basis of all science. 66<br />

In addition, Einstein resisted quantum mechanics because it abandoned strict causality and instead defined reality in terms of indeterminacy,<br />

uncertainty, and probability. A true disciple of Hume would not have been troubled by this. There is no real reason—other than either a metaphysical<br />

faith or a habit ingrained in the mind—to believe that nature must operate with absolute certainty. It is just as reasonable, though perhaps less<br />

satisfying, to believe that some things simply happen by chance. Certainly, there was mounting evidence that on the subatomic level this was the<br />

case.<br />

But for Einstein, this simply did not smell true. The ultimate goal of physics, he repeatedly said, was to discover the laws that strictly determine<br />

causes and effects. “I am very, very reluctant to give up complete causality,” he told Max Born. 67<br />

His faith in determinism and causality reflected that of his favorite religious philosopher, Baruch Spinoza. “He was utterly convinced,” Einstein<br />

wrote of Spinoza, “of the causal dependence of all phenomena, at a time when the success of efforts to achieve a knowledge of the causal<br />

relationship of natural phenomena was still quite modest.” 68 It was a sentence that Einstein could have written about himself, emphasizing the<br />

temporariness implied by the word “still,” after the advent of quantum mechanics.<br />

Like Spinoza, Einstein did not believe in a personal God who interacted with man. But they both believed that a divine design was reflected in the<br />

elegant laws that governed the way the universe worked.<br />

This was not merely some expression of faith. It was a principle that Einstein elevated (as he had the relativity principle) to the level of a postulate,<br />

one that guided him in his work. “When I am judging a theory,” he told his friend Banesh Hoffmann, “I ask myself whether, if I were God, I would have<br />

arranged the world in such a way.”<br />

When he posed that question, there was one possibility that he simply could not believe: that the good Lord would have created beautiful and<br />

subtle rules that determined most of what happened in the universe, while leaving a few things completely to chance. It felt wrong. “If the Lord had<br />

wanted to do that, he would have done it thoroughly, and not kept to a pattern . . . He would have gone the whole hog. In that case, we wouldn’t have<br />

to look for laws at all.” 69<br />

This led to one of Einstein’s most famous quotes, written to Max Born, the friend and physicist who would spar with him over three decades on<br />

this topic. “Quantum mechanics is certainly imposing,” Einstein said. “But an inner voice tells me that it is not yet the real thing. The theory says a lot,<br />

but it does not really bring us any closer to the secrets of the Old One. I, at any rate, am convinced that He does not play dice.” 70<br />

Thus it was that Einstein ended up deciding that quantum mechanics, though it may not be wrong, was at least incomplete. There must be a fuller<br />

explanation of how the universe operates, one that would incorporate both relativity theory and quantum mechanics. In doing so, it would not leave<br />

things to chance.

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