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Unlike the development of relativity theory, which was largely the product of one man working in near solitary splendor, the development of<br />

quantum mechanics from 1924 to 1927 came from a burst of activity by a clamorous congregation of young Turks who worked both in parallel and<br />

in collaboration. They built on the foundations laid by Planck and Einstein, who continued to resist the radical ramifications of the quanta, and on the<br />

breakthroughs by Bohr, who served as a mentor for the new generation.<br />

Louis de Broglie, who carried the title of prince by virtue of being related to the deposed French royal family, studied history in hopes of being a<br />

civil servant. But after college, he became fascinated by physics. His doctoral dissertation in 1924 helped transform the field. If a wave can behave<br />

like a particle, he asked, shouldn’t a particle also behave like a wave?<br />

In other words, Einstein had said that light should be regarded not only as a wave but also as a particle. Likewise, according to de Broglie, a<br />

particle such as an electron could also be regarded as a wave. “I had a sudden inspiration,” de Broglie later recalled. “Einstein’s wave-particle<br />

dualism was an absolutely general phenomenon extending to all of physical nature, and that being the case the motion of all particles—photons,<br />

electrons, protons or any other—must be associated with the propagation of a wave.” 46<br />

Using Einstein’s law of the photoelectric affect, de Broglie showed that the wavelength associated with an electron (or any particle) would be<br />

related to Planck’s constant divided by the particle’s momentum. It turns out to be an incredibly tiny wavelength, which means that it’s usually<br />

relevant only to particles in the subatomic realm, not to such things as pebbles or planets or baseballs.*<br />

In Bohr’s model of the atom, electrons could change their orbits (or, more precisely, their stable standing wave patterns) only by certain quantum<br />

leaps. De Broglie’s thesis helped explain this by conceiving of electrons not just as particles but also as waves. Those waves are strung out over<br />

the circular path around the nucleus. This works only if the circle accommodates a whole number—such as 2 or 3 or 4—of the particle’s<br />

wavelengths; it won’t neatly fit in the prescribed circle if there’s a fraction of a wavelength left over.<br />

De Broglie made three typed copies of his thesis and sent one to his adviser, Paul Langevin, who was Einstein’s friend (and Madame Curie’s).<br />

Langevin, somewhat baffled, asked for another copy to send along to Einstein, who praised the work effusively. It had, Einstein said, “lifted a corner<br />

of the great veil.” As de Broglie proudly noted, “This made Langevin accept my work.” 47<br />

Einstein made his own contribution when he received in June of that year a paper in English from a young physicist from India named Satyendra<br />

Nath Bose. It derived Planck’s blackbody radiation law by treating radiation as if it were a cloud of gas and then applying a statistical method of<br />

analyzing it. But there was a twist: Bose said that any two photons that had the same energy state were absolutely indistinguishable, in theory as<br />

well as fact, and should not be treated separately in the statistical calculations.<br />

Bose’s creative use of statistical analysis was reminiscent of Einstein’s youthful enthusiasm for that approach. He not only got Bose’s paper<br />

published, he also extended it with three papers of his own. In them, he applied Bose’s counting method, later called “Bose-Einstein statistics,” to<br />

actual gas molecules, thus becoming the primary inventor of quantum-statistical mechanics.<br />

Bose’s paper dealt with photons, which have no mass. Einstein extended the idea by treating quantum particles with mass as being<br />

indistinguishable from one another for statistical purposes in certain cases. “The quanta or molecules are not treated as structures statistically<br />

independent of one another,” he wrote. 48<br />

The key insight, which Einstein extracted from Bose’s initial paper, has to do with how you calculate the probabilities for each possible state of<br />

multiple quantum particles. To use an analogy suggested by the Yale physicist Douglas Stone, imagine how this calculation is done for dice. In<br />

calculating the odds that the roll of two dice (A and B) will produce a lucky 7, we treat the possibility that A comes up 4 and B comes up 3 as one<br />

outcome, and we treat the possibility that A comes up 3 and B comes up 4 as a different outcome—thus counting each of these combinations as<br />

different ways to produce a 7. Einstein realized that the new way of calculating the odds of quantum states involved treating these not as two<br />

different possibilities, but only as one. A 4-3 combination was indistinguishable from a 3-4 combination; likewise, a 5-2 combination was<br />

indistinguishable from a 2-5.<br />

That cuts in half the number of ways two dice can roll a 7. But it does not affect the number of ways they could turn up a 2 or a 12 (using either<br />

counting method, there is only one way to roll each of these totals), and it only reduces from five to three the number of ways the two dice could total<br />

6. A few minutes of jotting down possible outcomes shows how this system changes the overall odds of rolling any particular number. The changes<br />

wrought by this new calculating method are even greater if we are applying it to dozens of dice. And if we are dealing with billions of particles, the<br />

change in probabilities becomes huge.<br />

When he applied this approach to a gas of quantum particles, Einstein discovered an amazing property: unlike a gas of classical particles, which<br />

will remain a gas unless the particles attract one another, a gas of quantum particles can condense into some kind of liquid even without a force of<br />

attraction between them.<br />

This phenomenon, now called Bose-Einstein condensation,* was a brilliant and important discovery in quantum mechanics, and Einstein<br />

deserves most of the credit for it. Bose had not quite realized that the statistical mathematics he used represented a fundamentally new approach.<br />

As with the case of Planck’s constant, Einstein recognized the physical reality, and the significance, of a contrivance that someone else had<br />

devised. 49<br />

Einstein’s method had the effect of treating particles as if they had wavelike traits, as both he and de Broglie had suggested. Einstein even<br />

predicted that if you did Thomas Young’s old double-slit experiment (showing that light behaved like a wave by shining a beam through two slits and<br />

noting the interference pattern) by using a beam of gas molecules, they would interfere with one another as if they were waves. “A beam of gas<br />

molecules which passes through an aperture,” he wrote, “must undergo a diffraction analogous to that of a light ray.” 50<br />

Amazingly, experiments soon showed that to be true. Despite his discomfort with the direction quantum theory was heading, Einstein was still<br />

helping, at least for the time being, to push it ahead. “Einstein is thereby clearly involved in the foundation of wave mechanics,” his friend Max Born<br />

later said, “and no alibi can disprove it.” 51<br />

Einstein admitted that he found this “mutual influence” of particles to be “quite mysterious,” for they seemed as if they should behave<br />

independently. “The quanta or molecules are not treated as independent of one another,” he wrote another physicist who expressed bafflement. In a<br />

postscript he admitted that it all worked well mathematically, but “the physical nature remains veiled.” 52<br />

On the surface, this assumption that two particles could be treated as indistinguishable violated a principle that Einstein would nevertheless try to<br />

cling to in the future: the principle of separability, which as serts that particles with different locations in space have separate, independent realities.<br />

One aim of general relativity’s theory of gravity had been to avoid any “spooky action at a distance,” as Einstein famously called it later, in which<br />

something happening to one body could instantly affect another distant body.<br />

Once again, Einstein was at the forefront of discovering an aspect of quantum theory that would cause him discomfort in the future. And once<br />

again, younger colleagues would embrace his ideas more readily than he would—just as he had once embraced the implications of the ideas of<br />

Planck, Poincaré, and Lorentz more readily than they had. 53

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