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during the war about the cosmological implications of general relativity. “Inertia is simply an interaction between masses, not an effect in which<br />

‘space’ of itself is involved, separate from the observed mass,” Einstein had declared. 23 But Schwarzschild disagreed with that assessment.<br />

And now, four years later, Einstein had changed his mind. In his Leiden speech, unlike in his 1916 interpretation of general relativity, Einstein<br />

accepted that his gravitational field theory implied that empty space had physical qualities. The mechanical behavior of an object hovering in empty<br />

space, like Newton’s bucket, “depends not only on relative velocities but also on its state of rotation.” And that meant “space is endowed with<br />

physical qualities.”<br />

As he admitted outright, this meant that he was now abandoning Mach’s principle. Among other things, Mach’s idea that inertia is caused by the<br />

presence of all of the distant bodies in the universe implied that these bodies could instantly have an effect on an object, even though they were far<br />

apart. Einstein’s theory of relativity did not accept instant actions at a distance. Even gravity did not exert its force instantly, but only through<br />

changes in the gravitational field that obeyed the speed limit of light. “Inertial resistance to acceleration in relation to distant masses supposes<br />

action at a distance,” Einstein lectured. “Be-cause the modern physicist does not accept such a thing as action at a distance, he comes back to the<br />

ether, which has to serve as medium for the effects of inertia.” 24<br />

It is an issue that still causes dispute, but Einstein seemed to believe, at least when he gave his Leiden lecture, that according to general relativity<br />

as he now saw it, the water in Newton’s bucket would be pushed up the walls even if it were spinning in a universe devoid of any other objects. “In<br />

contradiction to what Mach would have predicted,” Brian Greene writes, “even in an otherwise empty universe, you will feel pressed against the<br />

inner wall of the spinning bucket . . . In general relativity, empty spacetime provides a benchmark for accelerated motion.” 25<br />

The inertia pushing the water up the wall was caused by its rotation with respect to the metric field, which Einstein now reincarnated as an ether.<br />

As a result, he had to face the possibility that general relativity did not necessarily eliminate the concept of absolute motion, at least with respect to<br />

the metric of spacetime. 26<br />

It was not exactly a retreat, nor was it a return to the nineteenth-century concept of the ether. But it was a more conservative way of looking at the<br />

universe, and it represented a break from the radicalism of Mach that Einstein had once embraced.<br />

This clearly made Einstein uncomfortable. The best way to eliminate the need for an ether that existed separately from matter, he concluded,<br />

would be to find his elusive unified field theory. What a glory that would be! “The contrast between ether and matter would fade away,” he said, “and,<br />

through the general theory of relativity, the whole of physics would become a complete system of thought.” 27<br />

Niels Bohr, Lasers, and “Chance”<br />

By far the most important manifestation of Einstein’s midlife transition from a revolutionary to a conservative was his hardening attitude toward<br />

quantum theory, which in the mid-1920s produced a radical new system of mechanics. His qualms about this new quantum mechanics, and his<br />

search for a unifying theory that would reconcile it with relativity and restore certainty to nature, would dominate—and to some extent diminish—the<br />

second half of his scientific career.<br />

He had once been a fearless quantum pioneer. Together with Max Planck, he launched the revolution at the beginning of the century; unlike<br />

Planck, he had been one of the few scientists who truly believed in the physical reality of quanta—that light actually came in packets of energy.<br />

These quanta behaved at times like particles. They were indivisible units, not part of a continuum.<br />

In his 1909 Salzburg address, he had predicted that physics would have to reconcile itself to a duality in which light could be regarded as both<br />

wave and particle. And at the first Solvay Conference in 1911, he had declared that “these discontinuities, which we find so distasteful in Planck’s<br />

theory, seem really to exist in nature.” 28<br />

This caused Planck, who resisted the notion that his quanta actually had a physical reality, to say of Einstein, in his recommendation that he be<br />

elected to the Prussian Academy, “His hypothesis of light quanta may have gone overboard.” Other scientists likewise resisted Einstein’s quantum<br />

hypothesis. Walther Nernst called it “probably the strangest thing ever thought up,” and Robert Millikan called it “wholly untenable,” even after<br />

confirming its predictive power in his lab. 29<br />

A new phase of the quantum revolution was launched in 1913, when Niels Bohr came up with a revised model for the structure of the atom. Six<br />

years younger than Einstein, brilliant yet rather shy and inarticulate, Bohr was Danish and thus able to draw from the work on quantum theory being<br />

done by Germans such as Planck and Einstein and also from the work on the structure of the atom being done by the Englishmen J. J. Thomson<br />

and Ernest Rutherford. “At the time, quantum theory was a German invention which had scarcely penetrated to England at all,” recalled Arthur<br />

Eddington. 30<br />

Bohr had gone to study with Thomson in Cambridge. But the mumbling Dane and brusque Brit had trouble communicating. So Bohr migrated up<br />

to Manchester to work with the more gregarious Rutherford, who had devised a model of the atom that featured a positively charged nucleus<br />

around which tiny negatively charged electrons orbited. 31<br />

Bohr made a refinement based on the fact that these electrons did not collapse into the nucleus and emit a continuous spectrum of radiation, as<br />

classical physics would suggest. In Bohr’s new model, which was based on studying the hydrogen atom, an electron circled a nucleus at certain<br />

permitted orbits in states with discrete energies. The atom could absorb energy from radiation (such as light) only in increments that would kick the<br />

electron up a notch to another permitted orbit. Likewise, the atom could emit radiation only in increments that would drop the electron down to<br />

another permitted orbit.<br />

When an electron moved from one orbit to the next, it was a quantum leap. In other words, it was a disconnected and discontinuous shift from one<br />

level to another, with no meandering in between. Bohr went on to show how this model accounted for the lines in the spectrum of light emitted by the<br />

hydrogen atom.<br />

Einstein was both impressed and a little jealous when he heard of Bohr’s theory. As one scientist reported to Rutherford, “He told me that he had<br />

once similar ideas but he did not dare to publish them.” Einstein later declared of Bohr’s discovery, “This is the highest form of musicality in the<br />

sphere of thought.” 32<br />

Einstein used Bohr’s model as the foundation for a series of papers in 1916, the most important of which, “On the Quantum Theory of Radiation,”<br />

was also formally published in a journal in 1917. 33<br />

Einstein began with a thought experiment in which a chamber is filled with a cloud of atoms. They are being bathed by light (or any form of<br />

electromagnetic radiation). Einstein then combined Bohr’s model of the atom with Max Planck’s theory of the quanta. If each change in an electron<br />

orbit corresponded to the absorption or emission of one light quantum, then—presto!—it resulted in a new and better way to derive Planck’s<br />

formula for explaining blackbody radiation. As Einstein boasted to Michele Besso, “A brilliant idea dawned on me about radiation absorption and<br />

emission. It will interest you. An astonishingly simple derivation, I should say the derivation of Planck’s formula. A thoroughly quantized affair.” 34

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