01 huis vAn dE studEnt - Antwerpen Studentenstad

01 huis vAn dE studEnt - Antwerpen Studentenstad

01 huis vAn dE studEnt - Antwerpen Studentenstad


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guide<br />

2<strong>01</strong>2-2<strong>01</strong>3<br />

EATING<br />

DrINkING<br />

CITY ArEAS<br />


LEISUrE<br />

CULTUrE<br />


04.<br />

-Although this English Edition is vEry much bAsEd<br />

on thE dutch Edition, wE took spEciAl cArE to<br />

complEmEnt thE yEllow pAgEs with indispEnsiblE<br />

informAtion for forEign stu<strong>dE</strong>nts. nExt to All sorts<br />

of prActicAl And dAy-to-dAy informAtion, wE Also AimEd<br />

At providing you with up-to-dAtE informAtion on<br />

plAcEs you should <strong>dE</strong>finitEly visit. without popping<br />

in to somE of thE pubs, EAtEriEs, clubs or culturAl<br />

cEntrEs mEntionEd in this gui<strong>dE</strong>, your stAy in AntwErp<br />

simply wouldn’t bE complEtE. thE lAttEr is A mAttEr<br />

of opinion of coursE, but thE justificAtion for this<br />

gui<strong>dE</strong>, nExt to its intEn<strong>dE</strong>d AudiEncE, is vEry much its<br />

EditoriAl stAff. composEd of AntwErp stu<strong>dE</strong>nts, thE<br />

stAff took pAins to comE up with A bAlAncEd sElEction<br />

of highlights: from thE most wEll-known club in<br />

AntwErp to thE hid<strong>dE</strong>n gEms in quiEt, cobblEd strEEts<br />

thEy turnEd AntwErp upsi<strong>dE</strong> down. thE goAl: to comE up<br />

with A gui<strong>dE</strong> thAt will plEAsE thE most criticAl nAtivE<br />

‘sinjoor’ As wEll As thE nEwly-ArrivEd forEign stu<strong>dE</strong>nt.<br />

wElcomE to AntwErp, city for stu<strong>dE</strong>nts.

colophon<br />

Copyright <strong>Antwerpen</strong> <strong>Studentenstad</strong><br />

First printed: june 2<strong>01</strong>2<br />

Creative and art direction: De Poedelfabriek<br />

Editorial staff: Anouk Peeters / Charlotte Jaros / Leen Van den Broeke / Roel Diender /<br />

Anaïs Torfs / Marie-Paule Fritschy / Tine Muys / Hanne Bosmans / Floris Geerts / Mien Gheysen<br />

/ Ben Hermans / Hans Machiels / Mathias Mallentjer /Jorgen Muylaert / Robin Ollivier<br />

Lay-out and design: www.depoedelfabriek.com<br />

Print: Drukkerij Steylaerts<br />

ISBN 978908140090<br />

disclAimEr<br />

None of the addresses mentioned in this guide paid for their mentioning in any way, neither<br />

for the text, nor for the photos. Although we took the greatest care in preparing this guide,<br />

<strong>Antwerpen</strong> <strong>Studentenstad</strong> can in no way be held responsible for the accuracy and completeness<br />

of its contents and disclaims all liability arising from its use. Should you find any faulty information,<br />

please submit your corrections to info@antwerpenstudentenstad.be.<br />

Feedback and additions are greatly appreciated.<br />

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be copied, stored in a retrieval system, or<br />

transmitted in any form by any means, electronic,mechanical, recording or otherwise without<br />

the written permission of the publisher.<br />

Make sure to check…<br />

Obviously, this booklet is a real must-have, but in a cosmopolitan city like<br />

Antwerp, a lot changes every day. This is why you can find out about the<br />

latest hot stuff on our website and facebook.<br />

www.AntwErpEnstu<strong>dE</strong>ntEnstAd.bE<br />

www.fAcEbook.com/AntwErpEnstu<strong>dE</strong>ntEnstAd<br />

Once you’re on our site, it only takes a moment to subscribe to our newsletter<br />

and be the first to find out what events you really can’t miss.<br />

Make sure you also download this guide’s digital brother: the Student Guide<br />

Antwerp app. This will give you even more addresses, handy maps and directions<br />

and a shaker that selects the greatest addresses at random in case you can’t<br />

think of anything right away. Just shake your smartphone to discover your<br />

next destination.

<strong>01</strong>. City Areas<br />

02. Parks and Squares<br />

03. Eating<br />

3.1 Student reStaurantS<br />

3.2 Sweet<br />

3.3 BreakfaSt & SandwicheS<br />

3.4 when in a hurry…<br />

3.5 when you’ve got time to relax…<br />

3.6 when you’ve got Something<br />

to celeBrate...<br />

3.7 at the end of the month…<br />

04. Drinking<br />

4.1 caféS<br />

4.2 cocktail BarS<br />

4.3 coffee houSeS<br />

4.4 JuiceS & SmoothieS<br />

05. Shopping for food & essentials<br />

5.1 marketS<br />

5.2 SupermarketS and minimarketS<br />

4<br />

8<br />

16<br />

18<br />

20<br />

20<br />

23<br />

25<br />

28<br />

29<br />

30<br />

32<br />

38<br />

40<br />

42<br />

44<br />

46<br />

48<br />

06. Leisure<br />

6.1 Shopping<br />

6.2 SportS<br />

6.3 party time<br />

6.4 wifi-SpotS<br />

07. Culture<br />

7.1 muSeumS<br />

7.2 culture centreS<br />

7.3 the Stage<br />

7.4 galerieS<br />

7.5 other<br />

08. Yearly events<br />

09. Editors’ favourites<br />

The Yellow Pages<br />

Living as a student in the city<br />

52<br />

54<br />

62<br />

66<br />

72<br />

74<br />

76<br />

79<br />

80<br />

83<br />

85<br />

86<br />

92<br />

96<br />


<strong>01</strong>.<br />

-from thE sEEdy schippErskwArtiEr (sAilor’s quArtEr)<br />

to thE ArchitEcturAl mArvEl of cogEls-osylEi, from<br />

thE mEdiEvAl stEEn (stonE cAstlE) to cosmopolitAn<br />

borgErhout. AntwErp hAs somEthing for EvEryonE.<br />

hop on your bikE, grAb your trAm tickEt or just strAp<br />

on your boots And you’ll sEE thAt A stAy of EvEn four<br />

AcA<strong>dE</strong>mic yEArs won’t sufficE to gEt to know thE<br />

diffErEnt ArEAs of AntwErp. homElinEss And bombAst<br />

in bErchEm, souks And Art in borgErhout, lush grEEn<br />

on linkEroEvEr or thE rEnovAting of ‘t EilAndjE And<br />

hEt niEuwE Zuid. EvEn thE nEw york timEs AgrEEs:<br />

AntwErp is EuropE’s plAcE to bE. though morE common<br />

in lAtin countriEs, thE sociAl lifE of thE AvErAgE<br />

AntwErpiAn doEsn’t inclu<strong>dE</strong> mEEting EAch othEr on<br />

thE strEEts. drinking, tAlking loudly And lAughing in<br />

thE public domAin ArE gEnErAlly consi<strong>dE</strong>rEd strAngE<br />

And EvEn Annoying, EspEciAlly At night.<br />


6/<br />

Centrum<br />

North of ‘t Zuid, west of Central Station, on the right bank of the<br />

Scheldt River, with Groenplaats as its beating heart. Home to<br />

the main tourist attractions in Antwerp (such as the Cathedral,<br />

het Steen, City Hall and the Brabo-statue), as well as the starting<br />

point of Antwerp’s main shopping streets.<br />

The original student area comprises Ossenmarkt and Stadswaag,<br />

between Paardenmarkt and Lange Nieuwstraat.<br />

Sint-Andries<br />

The southern end of this area is bound by Kloosterstraat’s upscale<br />

antique boutiques and the ever more hip Nationalestraat<br />

in the north. In between are a basketball court and Muntplein,<br />

the graffiti haven of Antwerp.<br />

Het eilandje<br />

Quickly becoming the niftiest area in northern Antwerp, Het<br />

Eilandje is hemmed in by the river Scheldt and the docklands.<br />

It boasts warehouses and blocks that are slowly being turned<br />

into nice lofts and trendy bars. The spiral-shaped building<br />

that dominates the area is the new Museum aan de Stroom<br />

(Riverside Museum) or MAS. The ‘vertical’ boulevard is the only<br />

place in Antwerp where you can enjoy a phenomenal view of<br />

the city for free!<br />

Het Zuid<br />

The area around the Museum van Schone Kunsten (Museum of Fine Arts).<br />

Over the course of a few years, this part of the city has evolved from a<br />

slightly impoverished to a hip and trendy neighbourhood. These days however,<br />

it is downright expensive. You may occasionally bump into the odd<br />

actor or musician, but owners of expensive cars and ditto clothing tend to<br />

dominate the scene. There are still some cosy and eccentric hangouts to be<br />

found, but don’t be surprised if your drink turns out to be twice as expensive<br />

as in other places.<br />

During most of the year, the Gedempte Zuiderdokken act as a<br />

huge car park, except for the six sunny weeks that Sinksenfoor<br />

(Whitsun Fair) pitches its tents on the cobblestones. Waalsekaai<br />

offers night time entertainment the whole year round and is the<br />

yearly venue of StuDay, the official kickoff of the academic year.<br />

Het nieuwe Zuid<br />

Between Brederodestraat (Little Istanbul) and the new palace<br />

of justice, with Bolivarplaats as its centre. New eateries are popping<br />

up one after the other on that square. People who work in the area<br />

like to loosen their tie there. Troonplaats is close by, and a good<br />

option for the budget-conscious. Brederodestraat is home to some<br />

very budget-friendly local shops, owned by the descendants of Turkish<br />

and other immigrants.

Borgerhout<br />

From Plantin-Moretuslei to Turnhoutsebaan, between Central Station and<br />

the Singel, lies the most colourful area of Antwerp. African, Indian, Turkish,<br />

Chinese and Moroccan grocery stores, restaurants and tearooms dominate<br />

the view. The stories that circulate about it rarely do justice to this<br />

neighbourhood and there’s simply no better place for healthy and cheap<br />

shopping. Rental prices are low and increasingly more students, young<br />

professionals and artists find their way to the narrow streets.<br />

linkeroever<br />

Situated on the left bank of the river Scheldt, and accessible via the<br />

bicycle tunnel at ‘t Zuid or the pedestrian tunnel on Sint-Jansvliet.<br />

A residential area foremost, but also the nearest place for city-dwellers<br />

to find a patch of green or do some walking and biking. In the summer<br />

you can get a tan on Sint-Anna Beach, or have a blowout in one of the<br />

many restaurants that serve fish or mussels.<br />

Zurenborg<br />

On the border of Borgerhout and Berchem lies Zurenborg, perhaps the<br />

cosiest area of Antwerp. Mainly known for the open-air Art Nouveau museum<br />

that is Cogels-Osylei. The street is home to the better-heeled, among<br />

which many politicians and writers. Most people go there to hang out on<br />

Dageraadplaats, where children can play quietly and where there is room<br />

for everyone on one of the many terraces. You can’t turn your back or a<br />

new café or restaurant pops up on Draakplaats, a bit farther towards the<br />

railway tracks.<br />

Het noord<br />

The most northern area of the city used to be known as a neighbourhood<br />

that was best avoided, but now it’s one of the city’s most<br />

colourful and youngest neighbourhoods, where there’s always<br />

something going on. The construction of the Permeke Public<br />

Library at the De Coninckplein, the hugely popular Park Spoor<br />

Noord and the many local initiatives, such as Het Noord Ontspoort,<br />

Toer de Nord and Ockxfest at the Sint-Jansplein make this<br />

neighbourhood unique in Antwerp.<br />


02.<br />

Parks and<br />

-thErE ArE lots of public spAcEs in AntwErp.<br />

consi<strong>dE</strong>ring its stAtus As A mEtropolis, thErE<br />

ArE mAny grEEns And plAcEs to rElAx lEft to<br />

discovEr. nEwly lAid out or cEnturiEs old,<br />

with si<strong>dE</strong>show EntErtAinmEnt or A hAvEn of<br />

pEAcE And quiEt, thErE’s Enough to go Around<br />

for EvEryonE. pArk spoor noord is AntwErp’s<br />

showpiEcE, but hArmoniEpArk And stAdspArk<br />

ArE ExcEllEnt spots for picnicking or tossing<br />

thE odd frisbEE.<br />


10/<br />

StadSpark / plan | D5-E5<br />

Antwerp’s oldest park is a good spot for jogging or cycling, but also<br />

for relaxing at the pond or feeding the ducklings. Children can fool<br />

about on the playground’s contraptions while daredevils risk their<br />

neck in the skate park. The Jewish residents like stretching their<br />

legs here too.<br />

Koning Albertpark / plan | D7<br />

If you live outside the city centre, Koning Albertpark is a good option for a<br />

game of football or a bit of guitar playing. This tiny park sits on the crossing<br />

of Belgiëlei and Mechelsesteenweg. Antwerp’s brewery De Koninck is a<br />

stone’s throw away. People say that there’s a direct pipeline between the<br />

brewery and café ‘De Hand’.<br />

park Spoor noord / plan | E3-F3<br />

This brand new park sits comfortably in the area het Noord.<br />

Worn down railway buildings made place for lush green fields and<br />

long walking paths. A skatepark, pond and a café with terrace are<br />

included in the package deal. The park is becoming an increasingly<br />

popular hangout with the young and hip. Laying out the park has<br />

been the first step in upgrading the neighbourhood. With new college<br />

buildings and sports facilities being built in the area, the park<br />

and its surroundings are worthwhile keeping an eye on.<br />

Harmoniepark / plan | D7<br />

This intimate and charming little park is somewhat lost between Mechelsesteenweg’s<br />

traffic and apartment buildings. Nevertheless, it is an excellent<br />

and peaceful spot to escape from the humdrum of student life.<br />

krugerplein / plan | G5<br />

Square near Turnhoutsebaan, between Bothastraat and Cronjéstraat.<br />

At times an open-air event or tai-chi lesson takes place here. Smack<br />

in the middle of Borgerhout, there’s no shortage of couleur locale<br />

on this square. Worth a detour if you’re in the area.<br />

Hof van Leysen / plan | C7<br />

Provincial park in Markgravelei, between the ring road and some main<br />

arteries in het Nieuwe Zuid. Considering its location, the park is surprisingly<br />

peaceful and quiet. Very popular with residents, who organize neighbourhood<br />

barbecues and children’s parties here, most of Antwerp remains<br />

utterly oblivious of this little gem. The park has two faces: lush green fields<br />

and an eccentric playground in front, and the European equivalent of a<br />

rainforest out back.<br />

Het BegijnHof / plan | D4<br />

This often forgotten patch of green lies not far from the student<br />

area: in 39 Rodestraat. Enjoy 16th century houses, cobbled streets,<br />

a park, a pond and an orchard. Most of all: the sacred peace and<br />

quiet of the nonnekes (beguines).

Leopold De Waelplaats / plan | C6<br />

See-and-be-seen, that’s pretty much what this square is about.<br />

The neo-classical edifice that is the Museum of Fine Arts dominates this<br />

epicentre of ‘t Zuid. There are a few designer’s flagship stores here, but the<br />

main draw is constituted by a smattering of diners and bars. Salads and<br />

wraps, pizza and lots of cocktails on offer. If you can afford the parking<br />

ticket, don’t forget to park your expensive car well in view of the terraces,<br />

as most champagne-sippers do around here. In summer, lawn bowling and<br />

relaxing on the museum stairs and benches are popular activities.<br />

groenplaatS / plan | C4<br />

Smack in the middle of the city centre, lined with cafés and restaurants.<br />

A solemn Rubens statue observes the people while the Cathedral<br />

towers over the square. Rich people used to be buried in the<br />

Cathedral, while the poor were laid to rest on the ‘green cemetery’.<br />

Hence the name Groenplaats (Groen = green, plaats = square).<br />

When burying the dead was no longer allowed inside the city walls,<br />

the cemetery in turn got covered in a slap of concrete and lo and<br />

behold: Groenplaats was born. Different events, markets or spectacles<br />

take place here in different seasons.<br />

Grote Markt / plan | C4<br />

As in so many Flemish historical cities, the old town radiates out from the<br />

Grote Markt (Great Market). This particular specimen is commanded by<br />

Town Hall, flanked by cafés and restaurants, and with the statue of Brabo<br />

throwing a giant’s hand in the river. Coaches drive to and from and busloads<br />

of tourists love wandering about. Antwerp people never come here, unless<br />

there’s a demonstration, a wedding or free booze.<br />

HandSCHoenmarkt / plan | C4<br />

In between the Groenplaats and Grote Markt are the Cathedral<br />

and its Handschoenmarkt (Glove Market). Souvenir shops alternate<br />

with cafés, restaurants and hotels, but if you exit Antwerp’s Cathedral,<br />

the less crowded cafés – where (would-be) artists meet - are<br />

on the right.<br />

Sint-Jansplein /plan | E4<br />

Antwerp’s Portuguese community pitched its tents years ago around this<br />

square. Today, countless bars and the host of supporters when the Portuguese<br />

national football team play, testify to that heritage. On Wednesdays and<br />

Fridays, market vendors with their stalls filled with exotic food and drinks<br />

take over.<br />


12/<br />

QuayS of tHe river SCHeldt /<br />

plan | A6-B5-B6-C3-C4-C5<br />

This is where the locals meet on sunny days. As long as the<br />

weather’s dry, there’s always someone barbecuing, picnicking,<br />

strolling, daydreaming, relaxing and drinking or dancing. Every<br />

year, the Zomer van <strong>Antwerpen</strong>-event (Summer of Antwerp)<br />

stages films and other spectacles in the car park-hangars. In<br />

summer there’s also a luxurious sandy beach, ideal for those<br />

who want to see-and-be-seen. The cocktails here tend to be<br />

stirred with a bit more precision than elsewhere.<br />

Ossenmarkt, Stadswaag<br />

and Academieplein/ plan | D4<br />

These little squares are essentially the beating heart of the student area.<br />

Only a stone’s throw away from each other, the squares are lined with<br />

student bars and hangouts. No wonder that they’re popular places for<br />

students to party or discuss their love life over a pint of bitter. Keep in mind<br />

that people live here too. Use your common sense, keep your decibels in<br />

check and remember that the residents like to sleep at night.<br />

kerkplein BorgerHout / plan | F4-F5<br />

Youths shooting hoops constitute the main draw here, but eateries<br />

for people in their twenties and thirties are on the increase.<br />

The prettiest church of Borgerhout dominates the square. From<br />

time to time, there’s a festival too.<br />

Dageraadplaats / plan | F6<br />

Zurenborg’s central square was redeveloped in 2007. As long as<br />

it doesn’t pour, the terraces get stuffed. The prime draws are the<br />

countless eateries catering for foodies. From fast food to haute<br />

cuisine – you name it, and Dageraadplaats has it. At night,<br />

thousands of LED-lights light up the place. So if you trudge off<br />

from a night of drinking and seem to see lights dancing over your<br />

head, there’s not necessarily a reason to panic.<br />

Hendrik Conscienceplein / plan | D4<br />

Concealed behind some old buildings is one of the quietest squares in<br />

Antwerp. The Carolus Borromeus church, a library that no-one visits and a<br />

fountain that never works form the background for a scene where art students<br />

do their drawings and the rest just has a drink on one of the terraces.<br />

Adjacent Wolstraat sees many students enjoying a beer after course hours.<br />

falConplein / plan | D4<br />

The centre of Schipperskwartier (Sailor’s Quarter - the red light<br />

district) was renovated in 2008. Shady shopkeepers that used to<br />

run dodgy shops and dodge taxes were ushered out and today<br />

the square is becoming a popular spot for eating and drinking.<br />

Mechelseplein / plan | D5<br />

Between Kammenstraat and Theaterplein is another square:<br />

Mechelseplein. The square draws older locals, students and professional<br />

night-revellers alike.

ivierenHof<br />

Definitely Antwerp’s biggest garden, the size of 130 football<br />

pitches. Various bodies of water, tall trees and lush lawns provide<br />

the perfect backdrop for every form of leisure activity. Tram<br />

10, bus 33 or bus 41 have stops nearby. In summer, theatre and<br />

music draw throngs of people to the park’s open-air theatre:<br />

Openluchttheater. For the programme and practicalities visit:<br />

www.openluchttheater.be<br />

Theaterplein / plan | D5<br />

In front of the renovated municipal theatre, Stadsschouwburg, is Theaterplein.<br />

A square surrounded by streets that harbour mostly authentic<br />

shops. At weekends, stall holders sell their wares; on Saturdays those wares<br />

mainly consist of vegetables, fruit and sports socks, while on Sundays you<br />

can find just about anything. To the locals, this square is known as ‘de<br />

Vogeltjesmarkt’ (Birds’ Market). See chapter 5.1 for more information on<br />

markets.<br />

Stedelijke plantentuin / plan | D5<br />

Between Mechelseplein and Theaterplein is the Stedelijke<br />

plantentuin, the local arboretum. Whether you want to update<br />

your knowledge on local flora or are just looking for a romantic<br />

dating spot, Stedelijke plantentuin might just do the job.<br />

antwerp Zoo / plan | E5<br />

www.zooantwerpen.be<br />

Though the cost of maintaining wild animals in captivity is<br />

reflected by the price of the entrance ticket, the investment might<br />

very well be value for money. The English garden at the heart of the<br />

Zoo has been a pleasant leisure place for over 160 years. The homes<br />

of the animals are continuously improved, which - next to keeping<br />

animal welfare organisations satisfied - has the added benefit of<br />

allowing visitors to better enjoy the pranks of elephants or the<br />

splendour of exotic birds.<br />

Vrijdagmarkt / plan | E5<br />

As ‘vrijdag’ means Friday, and ‘markt’ means ‘market’, it may not come<br />

as a big surprise that Friday is market day on this square. Bailiffs auction<br />

confiscated goods for a song here, so be careful when you scratch your<br />

head or toss a wave to a friend. Before you know it, you’ll have bought<br />

someone’s furniture.<br />

Sint-janSvliet / plan | C5<br />

Mainly known for the entrance to the pedestrian tunnel to<br />

Linkeroever, this square is not without its charms. The pita’s here<br />

are excellent as well as the terraces when temperatures swell.<br />

For the sporting types, there’s a basketball court laid out.<br />


14/<br />

Astridplein & Central Station / plan | E5<br />

The largest square of the Central Station area has recently been<br />

refurbished with trees and benches. Here you have a perfect view<br />

on the Central Station. It took nearly nine years to renovate this<br />

unique railway station with its vast dome and impressive iron and<br />

glass roof. It’s considered to be one of the finest in the world.<br />

Sint-andrieSplaatS / plan | C5<br />

This cozy square forms the heart of the Sint-Andries neighbourhood.<br />

Trees, benches, a jungle gym for the children and a few pubs set<br />

the stage for an afternoon of relaxing in the sun with your fellow<br />

students.<br />

Beeldentuin Sint-Pauluskerk /plan | C4<br />

You’re transported back in time as soon as you enter Saint Paul’s Church.<br />

Immediately to your right lies a bizarre but very impressive sculpture garden.<br />

A host of saints, culminating in the passion of Christ, are depicted in a cave.<br />

If you are looking for a quieter spot, you will find one behind the church,<br />

hidden behind the Minderbroedersrui. You can ponder in the garden or go<br />

there to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city.<br />

SportS and playgroundS<br />

There’s a smattering of playgrounds and open air sports facilities<br />

in the city and surrounding districts. A complete lists falls out<br />

of the scope of this guide, but is available on the website of the<br />

city of Antwerp: www.antwerpen.be<br />

BurGerWeLZiJn / plan | F4<br />

Would you like to see where the little rascal, Willy Vandersteen, grew up?<br />

This is where the creator of what might be Europe’s most famous duo took<br />

his first steps. Time has stood still in this street and on the square at the<br />

end of it, and, for a split second, Willy’s drawings on the walls let you feel<br />

as though you’re in a Spike and Suzy album.


03.<br />

-from now on, you’ll know whErE to go whEn<br />

you’rE just not in A cooking mood. good<br />

food for littlE monEy is <strong>dE</strong>finitEly possiblE in<br />

AntwErp. likEwisE, if your pArEnts drop by to<br />

tAkE you out for dinnEr, you’ll know whErE<br />

to go for A trEAt. As EAting out is A fAvouritE<br />

pAstimE, AntwErp is wEll EndowEd with rEstAurAnts<br />

And dinErs for EvEry tAstE. vEgEtAriAns<br />

And bio frEAks ArE cAtErEd for too, And pEoplE<br />

with A swEEt tooth or looking for A quick<br />

snAck won’t bE disAppointEd EithEr. wE’ll provi<strong>dE</strong><br />

you with A short list of good EAtEriEs.<br />

chEck www.AntwErpEnstu<strong>dE</strong>ntEnstAd.bE<br />

for lots And lots morE.

18/<br />

3.1 Student reStaurantS<br />

With your student card you can eat in all restaurants of any Antwerp university<br />

college or university against students’ rate.<br />

univerSiteit antwerpen<br />

(univerSity of antwerp)<br />

Campus Groenenborger<br />

Groenenborgerlaan 171<br />

2020 <strong>Antwerpen</strong><br />

Campus Drie Eiken<br />

Building G<br />

Universiteitsplein 1<br />

2610 Wilrijk<br />

Middelheimcampus<br />

Building D<br />

Middelheimlaan 1<br />

2610 Wilrijk<br />

Stadscampus<br />

Koningstraat 8<br />

2000 <strong>Antwerpen</strong><br />

Karel de Grote-<br />

Hogeschool<br />

(Karel de Grote-<br />

university College)<br />

Campus Groenplaats<br />

Nationalestraat 5<br />

2000 <strong>Antwerpen</strong><br />

Campus Noord 1<br />

Pothoekstraat 125<br />

2060 <strong>Antwerpen</strong><br />

Campus Noord 2<br />

Oudesteenweg 81<br />

2060 <strong>Antwerpen</strong><br />

Campus Markgrave<br />

Van Schoonbekestraat 143<br />

2<strong>01</strong>8 <strong>Antwerpen</strong><br />

Campus Zuid<br />

Brusselsestraat 45<br />

2<strong>01</strong>8 <strong>Antwerpen</strong><br />

Campus Don Bosco Hoboken<br />

Salesianenlaan 30<br />

2660 Hoboken<br />

Campus Sint Lucas<br />

Sint-Jozefstraat 35<br />

2<strong>01</strong>8 <strong>Antwerpen</strong><br />

Campus Stadswaag<br />

Predikerinnenstraat 18<br />

2000 <strong>Antwerpen</strong>

leSSiuS antwerpen<br />

Campus Carolus<br />

Korte Nieuwstraat 33<br />

2000 <strong>Antwerpen</strong><br />

Campus Sint-Andries<br />

Sint-Andriesstraat 2<br />

2000 <strong>Antwerpen</strong><br />

Campus Sanderus<br />

Sanderusstraat 45<br />

2<strong>01</strong>8 <strong>Antwerpen</strong><br />

Artesis Hogeschool<br />

<strong>Antwerpen</strong><br />

(Artesis university<br />

College Antwerp)<br />

Resto D’Academie<br />

Mutsaardstraat 31<br />

2000 <strong>Antwerpen</strong><br />

Resto ’t Zuid<br />

Schildersstraat 41<br />

2000 <strong>Antwerpen</strong><br />

Resto Conservatorium - Foyer<br />

Desguinlei 25<br />

2<strong>01</strong>8 <strong>Antwerpen</strong><br />

plantijn HogeSCHool<br />

Campus Kronenburg<br />

Kronenburgstraat 47<br />

2000 <strong>Antwerpen</strong><br />

Campus Boom<br />

Van Leriusstraat 227<br />

2850 Boom<br />

Campus Meistraat<br />

Meistraat 5<br />

2000 <strong>Antwerpen</strong><br />

Campus Lange Nieuwstraat<br />

Lange Nieuwstraat 1<strong>01</strong><br />

2000 <strong>Antwerpen</strong><br />


20/<br />

3.2 Sweet<br />

lojola / plan | D5<br />

>> Hendrik Conscienceplein 14<br />

Lojola is Antwerp’s best-kept secret spot. Here, Joline Van der<br />

Stighelen created her own gingerbread paradise in the shadow of<br />

the Carolus Borromeus Church. This is where you can come for your<br />

daily caffeine shot or sugar shock: homemade cupcakes, cheesecakes,<br />

chocolate cakes, etc., all served on cute porcelain crockery<br />

that could have come right out of your grandmother’s cupboard. Be<br />

sure to take a little time out to also take in the interior …<br />

Australian Homemade<br />

>> Melkmarkt 44 / plan | D5<br />

>> De Keyserlei 52 / plan | E5<br />

Tucked away in a corner of Groenplaats, this popular ice cream shop is<br />

strictly take-away. On sunny days the long queues testify to the huge and<br />

tasty portions this little shop excels in. For some time now, you can also pop<br />

in at their second branch at De Keyserlei if you’re craving for an ice cream.<br />

QuetZal / plan | C4<br />

>> Lijnwaadmarkt 11<br />

One word suffices to describe Quetzal: chocolate. The ideal venue<br />

for dessert or stocking up calories before venturing into Antwerp’s<br />

nightlife. Chocolate milk is a staple and available in a zillion tastes<br />

and sizes. The chocolate fondue is exquisite. Fruit on a toothpick<br />

and dip away into that lovely melting chocolate.<br />

’t Bieke<br />

>> Korte Gast<strong>huis</strong>straat 8 / plan | D5<br />

You can find this small and cozy ice cream parlour in the centre of the area<br />

‘Wilde Zee’. Apart from homemade ice cream they also serve delicious<br />

pancakes and waffles.<br />

3.3 BreakfaSt & SandwiCHeS<br />

de BiologiSCH-dynamiSCHe Bakkerij<br />

>> Volkstraat 17 / plan | C6<br />

>> Mechelsesteenweg 72 / plan | D6<br />

This bakery is a must for the healthy conscious. Every loaf of bread,<br />

cake, bar of chocolate and freshly squeezed juice is made from PLAN | D5<br />

organic resources and during production the position of the planets,<br />

stars and the time of sowing and harvesting were all taken into<br />

account. Though we can’t be sure if all this hocuspocus has anything<br />

to do with it, the sugar-free buns are very mouthwatering indeed.<br />

Oliver’s / plan | D4-E4<br />

>> Korte Winkelstraat 10<br />

Take your time, because over hundred fillings can be combined with seven<br />

sorts of sandwiches. Their special is called Oliver’s. A juggernaught filled with<br />

homemade tuna salad, onions and a fine selection of spices. Strictly take-away<br />

and popular during lunch time, so you may have to queue for a few minutes.

perruCHe / plan | D5<br />

>> Oudevaartplaats 60<br />

After buying some exotic treats on the Vreemdelingenmarkt, you<br />

can take a moment to rest your legs at Perruche. This former budgie<br />

shop is located behind the corner of the Theaterplein and was until<br />

recently an undiscovered treasure. In summer, the sun is bound<br />

to be shining on the terrace of this bistro, which, as far as exotic<br />

character goes, doesn’t need to stand back for the market. Mother<br />

and daughter prepare their divine sandwiches, tapenades and fresh<br />

soup with love. Breakfast comes at as little as 12 euro. And for the<br />

ultimate sneaky pleasure: there are gossip magazines inside to read<br />

while you‘re having your coffee. Enjoy!<br />

lunCHBox / plan | D4<br />

>> Nieuwstad 8-10<br />

Lunchbox is a healthy food café with eccentric wraps, handmade<br />

hamburgers, bio bagels with an attitude and healthy fruit shakes<br />

on the menu. Probably not the cheapest option, but well worth<br />

a detour while shopping on Meir. Check out the wall of fame on<br />

which local celebrities left their autograph.<br />

Veron / plan | D4-E4<br />

>> Paardenmarkt 80<br />

Popular with students because of its opening hours: 5.30 am. Ideal for early birds<br />

or night clubbers looking for healthy grub. Bread, fillings and filled sandwiches<br />

are on offer.<br />


22/<br />

Mint / plan | C5<br />

>> Theodoor Van Rijswijckplaats 2<br />

This place is owned by local celebrity and basketball player Pieter Loridon<br />

and though the menu says that Pieter comes by every day, that’s not the<br />

main reason why you really need to come and have a seat on the cosy<br />

terrace! Their various types of ‘toasts’ are so elaborate that you specifically<br />

need to look for the toast among all the tasty goodness on top and in<br />

between. The sun terrace offers you a beautiful view of the fashion museum<br />

and the quaint square in front of you. You’re also right in between Nationalestraat,<br />

Kammenstraat and Wilde Zee, so, it’s all up to you where you want<br />

to go shopping after you’ve had your coffee…<br />

poolplanet / plan | F4<br />

>> Franklin Rooseveltplaats 5<br />

If you thought that the internet café-pool table café was a weird combination,<br />

wait until you hear about Poolplanet’s special breakfast deal. On schooldays<br />

between 7 and 10 am, you can get a free bacon and omelet breakfast. Ordering a<br />

drink is not compulsory, but ever so polite.

3.4 wHen in a Hurry ...<br />

Pizza places<br />

da giovanni / plan | C4<br />

>> Jan Blomstraat 3, 5, 7 en 8<br />

Two branches of Antwerp’s biggest pizza company are just a stone’s<br />

throw away from each other. The waiters, universally clad in red<br />

and white chequered shirts, pretend to be real Italians, cooing<br />

‘ciao bella’ to every lady that passes by. Pizza’s are decent and cost<br />

between 5 and 13 euro and there’s also a wide range of pastas to<br />

choose from. Flash your students’ card to get a 20% discount on<br />

the bill.<br />

Primavera / plan | D4<br />

>> Paardenmarkt 99<br />

Be warned: the menu is in Italian. But even if you don’t command that<br />

language, you’ll most probably eat well here. This romantic pizza place<br />

borders the student area. There’s a terrace too in summertime. 6 to 12 euro<br />

for a pizza.<br />

nuova era / plan | C6<br />

>> Graaf van Hoornstraat 3<br />

At the edge of Leopold De Waelplaats, this pizza restaurant offers<br />

fine pizza’s and pasta’s. There’s a pleasant, busy atmosphere in an<br />

Art Nouveau setting and Jugendstil posters on the wall.<br />

Students get a 10% discount.<br />

Pita restaurants<br />

alexandria / plan | C4<br />

>> Grote Pieter Potstraat 10<br />

Popular pita place among students. No neon lights and the portions<br />

are large. A vegetarian plate sets you back about 25 euro.<br />

Mama’s Garden<br />

>> Oude Koornmarkt 41-43 / plan |C4<br />

>> Statiestraat 1 / plan | F5<br />

One of the more stylish pita places in town, with pelts and masks on the<br />

wall in stead of the typical plastic vines. Large plates come with a variety of<br />

excellent sauces. One of the best known pita places in town, Mama’s Garden<br />

is often crowded so you may need to wait for a table to free up. The place<br />

has a special deal for students throughout the academic year: shoarma or<br />

kebab with salad, chips and a drink for 4,9 euro in stead of 9,4 euro.<br />

pita Ster / plan | B6<br />

>> Gillisplaats 5<br />

The Waterpoort area (around the triumphal arch) boasts a smattering<br />

of Turkish fastfood places that are open day and night. All<br />

of them can vie for the title of best pita place in town. Turkish<br />

men fix you up with a decent pita for little money.<br />


24/<br />

French fries<br />

frituur max / plan | C4<br />

>> Groenplaats 12<br />

The chips are still being served in an authentic paper cornet. The<br />

place is quite small but with a little bit of luck you’ll find a seat<br />

upstairs. If you’re hungry for more you can always visit the chip<br />

museum.<br />

Other<br />

wagamama / plan | E5<br />

>> De Keyserlei 15<br />

Conveniently located next to the entrance of the UGC Cinema,<br />

this Asian fastfood restaurant serves excellent and quite healthy<br />

dishes; lots of veggies and not too much fat. To be enjoyed at large<br />

wooden tables and benches that you share with total strangers.<br />

There’s a wide range of vegetarian dishes and the desserts<br />

are mouthwatering. Prices between 10,95 euro and 14,95 euro.<br />

Just eat<br />

www.just-eat.be<br />

Hungry but you don’t know what you’d like? Then surf to the Just Eat website.<br />

Every delivery shop in town is mentioned on it. Chinese food, pizza, pita or just<br />

a sandwich, all brought to your doorstep.<br />

Spirelli / plan | D4<br />

>> Paardenmarkt 57<br />

Though not quite a French fries stall (‘frituur’), this little venue<br />

sure looks like it. The only difference is that this establishment<br />

sells pasta in stead of fries. Pick your pasta (spirelli, eastern noodles<br />

or the pick of the week), pick a size (small, medium or large)<br />

and finally one of the ten odd sauces to pour over your pasta. You<br />

can eat in or take out. The décor is simple but pleasant, though<br />

not of the kind that makes you want to stay for hours.

3.5 When yOu’ve gOt<br />

time to relax…<br />

viavia / plan | C4-D4<br />

>> Wolstraat 43<br />

ViaVia is a traveller’s café with branches in 16 cities around the<br />

world. It’s a crossroad where travellers meet and share stories.<br />

The menu is modest in size, but the food is always excellent.<br />

There’s a soup of the day and the main courses change regularly.<br />

The café also boasts a small library with travel guides and travel<br />

stories. Tuesday is jazz night.<br />

reload / plan | D4-E4<br />

>> Korte Winkelstraat 11<br />

Cheap and cosy eatery smack in the middle of the students’ district. Take<br />

out is possible, as well as eating in in the pleasant retro-atmosphere. The<br />

ideal venue for a dinner with friends.<br />

Het laStig portret / plan | D4<br />

>> Blindenstraat 1<br />

Just round the corner of the Academy of Fine Arts is the favourite<br />

watering hole of its students. Staples are chicken in apple sauce<br />

and Mexican tortillas for very reasonable prices. The conviviality<br />

and cosy atmosphere does the rest.<br />

Dansing Chocola / plan | C4<br />

>> Kloosterstraat 159<br />

Don’t be misguided by the name. There’s not much dancing and still less<br />

chocolate going on in this café. Decent Flemish cooking and beer is what<br />

this place is about. The terrace is a must when the weather’s nice. Otherwise,<br />

there’s plenty of room inside at one of the heavy wooden tables. Pasta’s cost<br />

about 9 euro. Steak with vegetables and homemade chips costs 14 euro.<br />

de Burgerij<br />

>> Tramplein 2 / plan | F6<br />

>> Sint-Laureiskaai 8/ plan | D3<br />

The proof of the burger is in the eating. And the hamburgers<br />

served in this slow-fastfood joint are breathtakingly yummie.<br />

De Burgerij serves ten different sorts of hamburgers, prepared<br />

with fresh tuna, chicken, lamb, freshly ground beef and loads of<br />

crunchy vegetables. The nice interior hints at a refectory, but a<br />

very stylish one indeed. Take out is also possible. Healthy burgers<br />

come with a healthy price tag: about 10 euro for a burger.<br />

rode Zeven / plan | E4<br />

>> Sint-Jansplein 7<br />

A cosy brasserie at the Sint-Jansplein. There is no expensive menu,<br />

but it has a pleasant atmosphere which provides a welcome change<br />

to the square. Next to the restaurant, there’s an art gallery which,<br />

according to the owners, was established because in that way they<br />

wanted to make their contribution to reviving the neighbourhood.<br />

Artists are frequent visitors, so if you also want to culturally<br />


26/<br />

justify your steak with pepper cream sauce, this is the place to go.<br />

Its international cuisine is also a good reason, though. Also offers<br />

takeaway food.<br />

Walrus / plan | B7<br />

>> Jan van Beersstraat 2<br />

Another ‘eetcafé’ (eating café) on the southern edge of ‘t Zuid. Atmospheric<br />

and budget-friendly, this eatery makes the kind of food that Belgian mums<br />

would be proud to serve. Sit on the terrace and admire the sails of the new<br />

palace of Justice or head on inside for good food. Mains are about 15 euro.<br />

Het waagStuk / plan | D4<br />

>> Stadswaag 20<br />

Smack in the middle of the student area, this restaurant mainly<br />

attracts workfolk from the nearby offices. Don’t let this put you<br />

down if you’re in for Flemish grub at good prices. Some of the<br />

specials of the day can be very budget-friendly indeed.<br />

Kompier eet<strong>huis</strong> / plan | C4<br />

>> Hoogstraat 1<br />

‘Kumpir’ is Turkish for potato and that neatly sums up what this place is<br />

about. The Turkish owners efficiently serve large stuffed potatoes with side<br />

salads. Less than 10 euro buys you a wide range of ingredients to stuff in<br />

your potato.<br />

de BroerS van julienne / plan | C6<br />

>> Kasteelpleinstraat 45-47<br />

Organic ingredients and mainly veggie meals make this restaurant<br />

a haven for the healthy conscious. The chef invents new specials<br />

every day and the menu is surprisingly cheap and,… well, surprising.<br />

13 euro buys you a veggie meal. The restaurant’s catering service<br />

comes in handy if you’re in want of loads of food, yet in no mood to<br />

cook.<br />

De Arme Duivel / plan | D5<br />

>> Armeduivelstraat 1<br />

The translation of ‘Arme Duivel’ is ‘poor devil’. That is decidedly not what<br />

you’ll feel like after tasting the homemade ‘garnaalkroketten’ (prawn<br />

croquettes). The décor of this eatery is a bit rough around the edges and the<br />

service suffers no nonsense, but you’ll make friends here before you know it.<br />

Swallow away your doubts and feast on some of the best ‘stoofvlees’<br />

(Flemish stew) this city has to offer.<br />

den BolHoed / plan | D4<br />

>> Sudermanstraat 3<br />

‘Zaal Jacob’ - now closed - used to be a popular venue for student<br />

parties, but today it still caters for the needs of students, albeit<br />

in a slightly different way. The menu is definitely student proof,<br />

the sandwiches are XL and the service is prim. What more does a<br />

hungry student need?

Amadeus / plan | C4<br />

>> Sint-Paulusplaats 20<br />

This restaurant serves steak and fish, but most locals come here for the 13,5<br />

euro special deal: pork ribs and stuffed potatoes. All you can eat! The décor<br />

and muzak is slightly outdated, which makes the blowout you’re sure to<br />

have all the more appealing.<br />

laS mañaS / plan | D3<br />

>> Ankerrui 36<br />

This Spanish truckers’ restaurant has been sitting here for 30<br />

years, but the atmosphere is still Southern European. There’s<br />

good beer on tap and a load of Spanish wines to taste from. The<br />

Spanish food is excellent, especially the prawn in garlic sauce.<br />

Yam Thai / plan | C6<br />

>> Volkstraat 76<br />

This new spot was opened by the Flemish acting couple, Nathalie Meskens<br />

and Jeroen Van Dyck. Its Asian cuisine offers the proprietors’ favourite dishes<br />

and has received enthusiastic acclaim from many a critical Antwerpian.<br />

It is therefore recommended that you book in advance. The restaurant’s<br />

traditional Thai cuisine is a welcome change for anybody who has eaten at<br />

Wok Away one time too many. It also offers takeaway food and is located at<br />

the street corner where the iconic Funky Soul Potato closed its doors…<br />


28/<br />

3.6 When yOu’ve gOt<br />

SometHing to CeleBrate…<br />

au vieux port / plan | D3<br />

>> Napelsstraat 130<br />

It’s an absolute must for anybody who craves a little of the atmosphere<br />

of Paris after visiting MAS. It is a gem near the docks and the multitude<br />

of cosy pubs. The interior was imported from Paris, with the result<br />

that the authentic feeling is full circle. When you enter the restaurant,<br />

you practically stumble over the cart with cheeses on display and<br />

you are ushered to your seat by very friendly waiters. If you order<br />

fish, you must share it with your mother or date. The delicious creature<br />

will be brought to your table in its entirety and will be cut right in<br />

front of you. Tasty French cuisine at its very best!<br />

Fiskebar /plan | C6<br />

>> Marnixplaats 12-13<br />

Very few restaurants are entirely devoted to fish, but this one is and a good<br />

choice it was too. The restaurant’s oysters and tuna are hugely popular,<br />

which makes booking essential. Prices depend on the catch of the day.<br />

el Bife / plan | C4<br />

>> Hoogstraat 3<br />

You haven’t really tasted steak until you’ve had one of Bife’s Argentine<br />

grilled steaks. The restaurant might not be the cheapest pick, but the<br />

meat is simply delicious. The best cut sets you back 26 euro, fries and<br />

vegetables included.<br />

Sjalot & Schanul / plan | C4<br />

>> Oude Beurs 12<br />

Tiny but cosy restaurant near the Grote Markt with a no-nonsense décor<br />

and menu and friendly service. Most pasta’s cost about 15 euro and veggies<br />

are taken care off as well.<br />

madre tierra / plan | D4<br />

>> Minderbroedersrui 47<br />

The ladies that run this restaurant have a clear philosophy: respect<br />

for Mother Earth and all her inhabitants. The meals are strictly vegetarian<br />

and consist of mainly sandwiches, pasta’s and soup. Only breakfast,<br />

lunch and take-out service. The food, though organic, seems to be less<br />

friendly to your wallet. On the other hand: there’s a weekly student’s<br />

sandwich for 2 euro.<br />

FelixPak<strong>huis</strong> /plan | D3<br />

www.felixpak<strong>huis</strong>.nu<br />

>> Godefriduskaai 30<br />

Look for this address if you fancy sizzling drinks, sharp dressers and<br />

jaw dropping architecture. Even though it opened recently, it is already<br />

a household name of het Eilandje. It’s a bit more expensive, but some of the<br />

parties are simply legendary.

3.7 at tHe end<br />

of tHe montH ...<br />

la CuiSine / plan | C4<br />

>> Sint-Pieter-en-Paulusstraat 7<br />

The cheapest restaurant in town is run by youths who had some<br />

issues and get a chance to learn the trade here. The daily special<br />

is 6 euro and is very decent most of the time. The wine comes in<br />

slightly larger volumes than elsewhere too.<br />

mama matrea / plan | D4<br />

>> Lange Nieuwstraat 13<br />

Exotic cocktail bar – ronería – creative kitchen with fresh ingredients. An old<br />

statue of the Virgin Mary above the entrance welcomes everybody who feels<br />

like having some South American soul food or a cocktail. Mama Matrea is<br />

particularly worth visiting on Wednesday evenings, when you can get a starter<br />

and a main course or a main course and dessert for only 5 euro. The food is<br />

always homemade, it is prepared with love and it varies from day to day. Highly<br />

recommended if you like to try new things!<br />


04.<br />

-thE shEEr Amount of pubs, cAfés, brAssEriEs And grAnd<br />

cAfés scAttErEd Around AntwErp tEstifiEs to thAt sEcond<br />

fAvouritE nAtionAl pAstimE: drinking. bElgium is fAmous<br />

for its bEErs. try thEm, but kEEp in mind thAt public<br />

drunkEnnEss is not AccEptEd. thErE’s ‘EEn pintjE’ (lAgEr)<br />

And thEn thErE’s A host of spEciAl bEErs such As ‘EEn<br />

bollEkE koninck’ (AmbEr-colourEd, brEwEd in AntwErp),<br />

‘nEn duvEl’ (looks likE lAgEr, but most <strong>dE</strong>finitEly isn’t),<br />

trAppist (bEEr brEwEd by monks). if you’rE fEEling<br />

AdvEnturous, just point At A bEEr on thE list. bE wArnEd<br />

though, somE of thEsE brEws <strong>dE</strong>livEr An Alcohol wAllop<br />

thAt could sEnd you rEEling. thAt bEing sAid, thErE’s<br />

AlwAys somEthing for EvEryonE going on: lEArning nEw<br />

dAncing vibEs in sAlsA bArs, chEck out thE lAtEst cocktAil<br />

or AttEnd A livE gig in onE of thE mAny music cAfés.<br />

wE’ll provi<strong>dE</strong> you with thE EssEntiAls, chEck<br />

www.AntwErpEnstu<strong>dE</strong>ntEnstAd.bE<br />

for much morE.<br />


32/<br />

4.1 CaféS<br />

City centre<br />

BuSter / plan | C4<br />

www.busterpodium.be<br />

>> Kaasrui 1<br />

A pub with a busy stage. Jazz gigs, funk nights and stand-up comedy rules at this<br />

place. There’s always something on every day of the week except on Mondays.<br />

Cuba Bella / plan | C4-D4<br />

>> Grote Pieter Potstraat 8<br />

Based on the dull facade of this bar you would never expect this to be<br />

Antwerp’s number one spot for dancing. If you want to shake your hips<br />

and enjoy a nice mojito you have come to the right place. The atmospheric<br />

samba ensures that there’s never a lack of ambiance. During the weekend<br />

the sensual salsa courses can bring the dance floor to the boil. Everybody is<br />

welcome as long as people are dancing and drinking.<br />

paterS vaetje / plan | C4<br />

>> Blauwmoezelstraat 1<br />

A darling among tourists and locals looking for their favourite -<br />

and rare - brew. This café has over 100 different sorts of Belgian<br />

beer on offer, resulting in an impressive beer list. There are some<br />

surprisingly strong brews on that list, so don’t forget to check<br />

out the amount of alcohol.<br />

Kid’s Rhythm & Blues Kaffee / plan | C4<br />

>> Grote Markt 50<br />

Very popular and well-known among rock and blues lovers. If you’re into<br />

Mississippi Delta Blues, this is the place to be. Good place to watch football on<br />

widescreen TV’s too.<br />

De Muze / plan | C4<br />

>> Melkmarkt 15<br />

A monument of Antwerp’s nightlife and the international jazzscene. Hugely<br />

popular among locals and foreigners, so don’t be surprised to find yourself<br />

in want for a place to sit. Established musicians as well as young mavericks<br />

climb on stage here, which may result in legendary gigs. When there’s live<br />

music, drinks are a bit more expensive.<br />

tafeltje rond / plan | C4<br />

>> Gildekamersstraat 10<br />

What seems to be an ordinary pub, is in effect a meeting place<br />

for night clubbers who want one for the road. At weekends<br />

there’s a brawler at the door. Well-known DJs are known to have<br />

spinned a record here in the early hours.<br />

Plansjee / plan | D4<br />

>> Wolstraat 46<br />

Plansjee is rightfully known as one of Antwerp’s most atmospheric<br />

bars. Not because of the interior design but because the place is pure authenticity.<br />

Young and old find each other over an inexpensive glass of beer.<br />

The quality rock music in the background is added value.

Homey / plan | C4<br />

>> Sint-Paulusplaats 24<br />

The eco-friendly design invites you to relax for a while with a<br />

drink and a book. The pub is cult video store Take Out Video Depot’s<br />

brother, which is next to it. The home crowd is alternative and stays<br />

until the early hours. On top of that they serve the best homemade<br />

Indian lassi.<br />

Kassa 4 / plan | D4<br />

>> Ossenmarkt 21<br />

One of the many well-attended student bars on and round Ossenmarkt.<br />

So why choose Kassa 4? Because everything is possible there, from eating<br />

your sandwiches at lunchtime to dancing on the tables at night.<br />

marmite / plan | C4<br />

>> Torfbrug 8<br />

This dance bar is the ideal solution if you like to dance without<br />

visiting a club. Contemporary pop and nineties music go hand<br />

in hand and you can always request a song. At times it can get<br />

a bit crowded but the vodka melon, the bar’s specialty, makes<br />

up for that.<br />

Camper & Theo / plan | C5<br />

>> Nationalestraat 33<br />

This concept store engages in the blurring of borders between retail and<br />

catering. That makes the bistro the ideal place to take a break in between<br />

shopping sessions and catch your breath, without having to kick the habit<br />

of shoe shopping. It allows you to browse the range of the Camper shoe<br />

shop while you’re enjoying your coffee or tea from café Theo. Thanks to its<br />

enormous terrace, you have a good shot at finding a spot in the sun where<br />

you can also grab a small snack.<br />

Bartilia / plan | D4<br />

>> Falconrui 43<br />

This bar owes its name to the dozens of lime trees – Tilia – which<br />

used to adorn the Falconplein. Six years ago, it was the first of its<br />

kind that dared to open its doors in this former mafia hotspot with<br />

its criminal past. No need to worry, though: the square has been<br />

renovated for a while now and both young and old are more than<br />

welcome on the spacious terrace.<br />

De rots / plan | D<br />

>> Melkmarkt 11<br />

This edgy place is a metal and rock fan’s favourite. They regularly organize<br />

gigs and there is a CD and DVD store inside as well. Currently it is also the<br />

operating base of the famous Lunar parties. Once a month, obviously when<br />

the moon is full, they throw a wicked alternative party.<br />

De Vagant / plan | D4<br />

>> Reyndersstraat 25<br />

This café is all about ‘jenever’ (Belgian gin). Classics such as ‘graanjenever’<br />

(white gin) and ‘citroenjenever’ (lemon gin) and eccentrics such as ‘chocoladejenever’<br />

(chocolate gin) and ‘vanillejenever’ (vanilla gin) are among the<br />


34/ 34/<br />

over 200 ‘jenevers’ served here. The house cocktail is a strong mix of white<br />

and lemon gin plus a few extras.<br />

witZli poetZli / plan | D4<br />

>> Blauwmoezelstraat 8<br />

A small pub is hidden in the shadow of the stately cathedral.<br />

Luckily, the place has not lost one bit of its charm since the<br />

takeover. The pub has a unique collection of tango music, that<br />

you can listen to while playing chess or while enjoying a sweet<br />

Lindemans kriek on draught.<br />

Around Mechelseplein<br />

The Joker / plan | D5<br />

>> Kleine Markt 16<br />

This rockabilly place thoroughly proves that stand-up comedy is getting<br />

increasingly popular in Belgium. Every Sunday and Wednesday it’s comedy<br />

time with local celebrities such as Alex Agnew and Philippe Geubels. But<br />

young talents get a chance as well. On Fridays and Saturdays they play<br />

alternative and rock. Grease up your hairdos!<br />

kapitein ZeppoS / plan | C5-D5<br />

>> Vleminckveld 78<br />

Popular eating café. The food is good and cheap and you don’t<br />

have to wait long before it arrives.<br />

Pallieter / plan | D5<br />

>> Mechelseplein 17<br />

Shelter for night clubbers, this is where the non-official after party of<br />

Antwerp takes place. Pallieter is also home to most of Antwerp’s actors.<br />

The curtains close at dawn, to prevent the crowd from seeing the sun rise,<br />

but even then you’re welcome to join the fun. Loud music and dancing are<br />

allowed.<br />

À propoS / plan | D5<br />

>> Schermersstraat 55<br />

Two years ago it burned down due to a short circuit in the record<br />

player but now it is back as a safe haven for fashionable, young<br />

people. The wine is excellent, the crowd is good-looking and the<br />

vinyl music is exquisite. An ideal place to stick around.<br />

Kulminator / plan | C5-D5<br />

>> Vleminckveld 32-34<br />

The main asset of this pub is the 600 different kinds of beer it sells. It used<br />

to be the regular venue for the ‘Objectieve Bierproevers’, an association that<br />

promotes Belgian beer culture.<br />

De Duifkens / plan | D5<br />

>> Graanmarkt 5<br />

Every now and then this small, local pub is filled with actors. They come<br />

here to brainstorm, to discuss and to celebrate but also to wipe away a few<br />

tears. Be careful with the owner because, regardless of her age, she has a<br />

lot of spirit and will take care of troublemakers.

Het Zuid<br />

Chatleroi / plan | C6<br />

>> Graaf van Hoornestraat 2<br />

A black cat keeps watch on one of the corners of the hip Zuid. It’s king in<br />

pub Chatleroi. The nice wall decorations, worn-out leather sofas and oldfashioned<br />

pub furniture contribute to the atmosphere. And because of the<br />

flexible closing time it is the perfect place for a long night out.<br />

Boogaloo / plan | B7-C7<br />

>> Jan van Beersstraat 1<br />

At the edge of Het Nieuwe Zuid, this no-nonsense pub boasts<br />

a terrace and a second fl oor – with snooker table. The crowd is<br />

mostly liberal and alternative. The bartender is always relaxed<br />

and friendly and there’s some very good special beer on tap.<br />

De nieuwe Linde / plan | B6<br />

>> Pacificatiestraat 49<br />

Conversation tends to be a bit more sophisticated in this large and lovely<br />

café. Hence, the participation of the café to the literary festival Zuiderzinnen<br />

shouldn’t come as a surprise. At times there’s live music and singing.<br />

Caffè internazionale / plan | C6<br />

>> Volkstraat 21<br />

The right place if you like an aperitif and fresh pastrami. The Italian Romanian<br />

owner likes to play funky music while he prepares you a delicious milkshake.<br />

Den Hopper / plan | C6<br />

>> Leopold De Waelplaats 2<br />

Popular jazz café and fixed venue for local celebrities and bohémiens.<br />

Live music on Sundays at 4 pm, when established artists as well as conservatory<br />

students thumb the bass here. If you’re lucky, you might see a<br />

gig on Monday and Wednesday nights too.<br />

paparaZZiBar / plan | C6<br />

>> Marnixplaats 10<br />

Its slogan ‘scandals, coffee & cocktails’ is most appropriate. This<br />

hip bar will welcome you any time, whether you want some tasty<br />

breakfast or lunch or whether you want to go out for a night on<br />

the town. One thing to keep in mind, though: there’s a camera<br />

following you. The photo booth at the back captures your craziest<br />

moments and posts them right onto the bar’s facebook page.<br />

Bad pictures can be forgiven and forgotten with a little help from<br />

the friendly English bartender, who’ll be only too glad to pour<br />

you a cocktail or a martini. What‘s more, the bar has a unique<br />

retro look and a top-notch location: easily accessible by tram for<br />

anyone who’s had a drop too many.<br />


36/ 36/<br />

Het Eilandje<br />

Bar du port / plan | D5<br />

>> Napoleonkaai 53<br />

Free croissants and pastry for early birds in this bistro with a view<br />

on Antwerp’s old port. The interior is made up of vintage stuff<br />

and at noon there’s a buffet with French cheeses. The terrace is<br />

lovely when the weather’s nice.<br />

Kamping Kontiki / plan | D3<br />

>> Nassaustraat 7<br />

The front of this bar is reserved for standing, drinking and dancing.<br />

Seats, tables and chairs are in the back. Live DJs on Thursdays and cocktails<br />

for 5 euro a pop on Saturdays. On Sundays there’s film in the lounge and<br />

free cocktails. The poor fish with the biggest hangover gets a free tequila<br />

and painkiller on Monday.<br />

Het HeSSenHuiS / plan | D4<br />

>> Falconrui 59<br />

A 16th century warehouse turned into a hip and trendy café. The<br />

bartender shakes some excellent cocktails and in the summer<br />

there’s a terrace section. From 9 to 10 pm is happy hour: buy one<br />

and get another one for free. Hessen<strong>huis</strong> is not in the least known<br />

as a venue for Antwerp’s gay scene.<br />

Borgerhout and Berchem<br />

De Kroon / plan | E4-E5<br />

>> Kerkstraat 91<br />

The crowd in this famous café – the self proclaimed heart of socio-cultural<br />

life in the area - is distinctly local. There’s some strong beer on tap and<br />

there’s regularly live music or private parties.

Kilimanjaro Bar / plan | E4<br />

>> De Coninckplein 5<br />

Dance hall parties, jungle specials, jazz gigs and monthly heartbeat nights<br />

on Monday: there’s always something going on here. The pub tries to appeal<br />

to a bigger audience and succeeds at it, though the average cut is eccentric.<br />

Bar leon / plan | G5<br />

>> Reuzenstraat 23<br />

Borgerhout is becoming increasingly popular with young people,<br />

which is proven by the many nice pubs that suddenly pop up. One<br />

of them is Bar Leon. The regulars are calm and the drinks keep<br />

getting poured. On Sunday it is Josdag, starting from 3 pm with a<br />

DJ-set: a nice way to end the weekend and to start a good week.<br />

Plaza real / plan | E5-G5<br />

>> Kattenberg 31<br />

One of the few pubs in Borgerhout, Plaza Real is usually fi lled with regulars.<br />

The owner is a local celebrity, though he doesn’t look like one. The pub<br />

gets quite busy from time to time. Ideal place to suck up some Borgerhout<br />

atmosphere.<br />

Café Stanny / plan | F7<br />

>> Stanleystraat 1<br />

It doesn’t matter when you stop by, the welcome will always be warm.<br />

The bar is being run by a young Antwerp couple and they provide the<br />

necessary sparks. You can get inexpensive food with great value for money.

38/<br />

4.2 CoCktail BarS<br />

SipS / plan | B6<br />

>> Gillisplaats 8<br />

The owner and cocktail genius Manuel used to work on the QE2<br />

cruise ship before he opened this exclusive-looking bar in Antwerp.<br />

Hunderds of cocktails on the list and Manuel knows thousands<br />

of recipes by heart. A fine pick of cigars only adds to the<br />

atmosphere.<br />

Mogador / plan | B6<br />

>> Graaf van Egmontstraat 57<br />

This is a den for the bold and beautiful, so put on your glad rags before entering.<br />

Antwerp’s beau monde shares the latest gossip and the atmosphere<br />

tends to be rather stiff – or classy, you decide. The cheapest cocktail goes<br />

for 7,5 euro.

Cohiba Cafe / plan | D5<br />

>> Oudevaartplaats 35<br />

The arrival of Antwerp’s new Latin pub has not gone unnoticed. Every week<br />

they organize a party. Get carried away by the southern rhythms of the<br />

Bachata while you take a sip of your Caribbean cocktail. They serve<br />

delicious exotic cocktails, such as the Cuba Libre and the Brazilian Caipirinha.<br />

aBSintHBar / plan | C4<br />

>> Papenstraatje 1<br />

Fairies exist. They’re green and liquid and you can taste them in this bar. The<br />

amount of absinthe-cocktails you can order is limited (though the choice isn’t),<br />

but you’re still bound to end up tipsy. The atmosphere is a bit formal, but<br />

sometimes a DJ tries to initiate a party.<br />

Café Au Lait / plan | C4<br />

>> Oude Beurs 8<br />

Tucked away in a narrow street behind Grote Markt is a<br />

favourite of swinging, clubbing and multicultural Antwerp.<br />

The cocktails are a cut above the average and stirred with some<br />

precision while a live DJ spins tracks four days a week. The owners<br />

exploit a few club nights too, making this venue a good place to<br />

start your night out with.<br />

VuiLe WAS / plan | C4<br />

>> Grote Pieter Potstraat 16<br />

When you hear the name, translated ‘Dirty Washing’,<br />

no-one thinks about launderettes anymore. This<br />

place is a mainstay in Antwerp’s student scene<br />

and opens up every day, albeit just a little<br />

wider on Thursdays. That’s when resident DJs<br />

and 300 different kinds of cocktails get the day’s<br />

pre-drinkers in the right mood. After sharing a jug –a<br />

tub cocktail – with your friends, you can be sure that<br />

you’ll have no problem at all ordering a Sex on the Beach<br />

or a Screaming Orgasm.<br />

viBeS / plan | C4<br />

>> Grote Pieter Potstraat 14<br />

You can sum up Vibes as a no-nonsense cocktail bar. Here, the<br />

expression “Monday Blues” takes on an entirely different meaning:<br />

on Mondays, you can come to the bar’s basement to admire the chops<br />

of emerging talents who fly the flag for proper funk, soul and jazz. If you<br />

want to have long conversations, however, your best option is to get back<br />

upstairs, since the vibes can be a bit on the loud side from time to time.<br />

Some valuable trivia: students enjoy sizable discounts and happy hour is<br />

between 7 pm and 8 pm.<br />


40/<br />

4.3 Coffee HouSeS<br />

reviSta / plan | C6<br />

>> Karel Rogierstraat 47<br />

Revista is the Spanish word for magazine and that’s no coincidence.<br />

You could spend a whole day in here with a cup of coffee while<br />

browsing through the variety of magazines. We recommend<br />

the apple pie and the coffee is also to take away.<br />

Daily roast / plan | C4<br />

>> Hoogstraat 13<br />

Prime spot for lunch and breakfast, with or without champagne. Blends and<br />

roast coffee from all over the world with a new special on the list every day.<br />

tHe Coffee CluB /plan | C4<br />

>> Melkmarkt 10<br />

Coffee house that sells fair trade products. Coffee beans ground<br />

at this establishment didn’t cost lives and the farmers in Africa<br />

and South-America have benefitted from their sale. The choice<br />

for fair trade products doesn’t in the least affect the different<br />

products on offer. Gingerbread spice latte, cinnamon snap<br />

cappuccino, anyone? There’s also a salad and pasta bar.<br />

LA CHASCOnA / plan | C5<br />

>> Oever 18<br />

This small, but oh so cosy, coffeehouse is really ‘something else’. Not only<br />

do their coffees, such as Sweet Tiger, Paris Hilton and Don Corleone, have<br />

unusual names, but they also have a surprising taste. To top it all off, grab<br />

a piece of homemade pie and enjoy it in this retro coffeehouse. Don’t feel<br />

like coffee? No problem, the freshly squeezed types of juice are worth trying<br />

just as much!<br />

moCkamore / plan | C4<br />

>> Groenplaats 30<br />

An impressive amount of coffees from al over the world, in all shapes and sizes,<br />

and in some pretty weird combinations. That neatly sums up what Mockamore<br />

is about. If you’re in to coffee with white chocolate (Harmony Coffee) or with a<br />

pinch of cinnamon (Indian Summer) and like to eat a bagel on the side, this is the<br />

place to be.<br />

Starbucks / plan | F5<br />

>> Hall Centraal Station<br />

What McDonalds means to hamburgers, Starbucks means to coffee.<br />

The coffee house mainly aims at travellers who are too early or too late for<br />

their train, but if you’re into a cup of Americano, by all means pop in.

BitterZoet / plan | C5<br />

>> Kronenburgstraat 176<br />

Excellent stop on your way to or from a shopping trip to stock<br />

up on caffeine and calories. Coffee, sandwiches and pastry are<br />

essentials in this place.<br />

Caffènation / plan | D5<br />

www.caffenation.be<br />

>> Mechelsesteenweg 16<br />

Coffee crazy for almost ten years now and recently relocated from their<br />

familiar home in Hopland to a brand new spot. Still in the middle of moving<br />

when this guide went to press. The range of coffees, the space for and the<br />

attention to their own roasting facilities are only set to increase.<br />

Café matiC / plan | C5-D5<br />

>> Vlemickveld 4<br />

If you are looking for a charming coffee bar with some nice snacks<br />

you have come to the right place. The black and white mosaic floor<br />

adds a romantic touch. You can get comfortable in the fifties furniture<br />

while enjoying a delicious cup of coffee.<br />

Barnini / plan | D5<br />

>> Oudevaartplaats 10<br />

This is the place for sweet and happy coffee. The owner makes the nicest<br />

creations for her bagels and coffee: she serves them on colourful plates.<br />

It’s also nice to drink a coffee on the terrace during the Vreemdelingenmarkt<br />

on Saturday.<br />

Broer Bretel / plan | D3<br />

>> Nassaustraat 7<br />

The atmosphere is that of a living room, so it is no surprise that this place feels<br />

like a second home. The concept is very simple, two brothers wearing suspenders<br />

(in Dutch ‘bretel’, hence the name) opened an espresso bar that serves amazing<br />

coffee and a delicious breakfast.<br />

Vandoag is’t / plan | D4<br />

>> Corner of Prinsstraat 2<br />

Loungy espresso bar for students looking for a bit more style. The atmosphere<br />

is pleasant, with sofa’s and long tables and good music. Coffee, with<br />

or without sweet pastry is the core business. There’s a load of magazines to<br />

pick from, should conversation wind down.<br />


42/<br />

Phil’s COffee / plan | C5<br />

>> Schoytestraat 1<br />

If you don’t like prefab, you definitely need to drop by at this place.<br />

All kinds of coffee are roasted and sealed on the spot and accompanied<br />

by a scrumptious slice of homemade bread pudding, cheesecake<br />

or some other treat that is fresh out of the oven, there and then.<br />

A glance at the menu reveals the wide variety of coffee: the Lotus<br />

with speculoos (spicy biscuit) paste, the Bounty with chocolate<br />

and coconut or the Snowball with white chocolate, vanilla and<br />

marshmallow. If you’re more of a tea person, you will also be able<br />

to find your cup of it here. Oma’s Appeltaart (Granny’s Apple Pie)<br />

of green tea, apple and almond, the Sencha Cactus with fig, papaya<br />

and pineapple, etc. Filip – Phil to the neighbours – will also still any<br />

bit of hunger with crispy beignets or croques (toasted sandwiches)<br />

at democratic prices .<br />

KOLOneL KOFFie / plan | C4<br />

>> Grote Pieter Potstraat 38<br />

The proprietor himself describes this coffee shop as ‘a hobby that got out of<br />

hand’. He now uses the knowledge that he gathered in Australia to brighten<br />

our day here in Belgium with a fair and fabulous cup of Joe. Unlike his<br />

colleagues and competitors in the booming coffee business, he decided to<br />

forgo ‘The Green Bag’ quality label, so that he could really do his own thing.<br />

In addition to having the right retro look, created by wooden tables, vintage<br />

sofas and granny wallpaper, this little coffee house is also blessed with a<br />

cosy first floor.<br />

4.4 juiCeS & SmootHieS<br />

ZeST JuiCe BAr / plan | D4<br />

>> Beddenstraat 2<br />

Set in the mall between Groenplaats and Meir, the staff of this juice bar<br />

squeeze fresh fruit into a healthy juice right in front of your eyes. Next to<br />

juice, you can opt for the homemade smoothie.<br />

fResh ‘n’ fRuity / plan | C5<br />

>> Corner of Nationalestraat and Kammenstraat<br />

Snack bar with toast, grilled sandwiches and a wide range of<br />

fruity juices. Hard to miss because of the flowery coulours of the<br />

frontage. The service is friendly, prim and quick.<br />

PiTTen en BOnen /plan | C5<br />

>> Lombardenvest 31<br />

The perfect pit stop while you are shopping. Someone with a sweet tooth<br />

can enjoy the freshly squeezed juices and milkshakes, they taste delicious.<br />

They also serve fresh vegetable juices for the health freaks.


05.<br />

Shopping for<br />

food & essentials

46/<br />

5.1 marketS<br />

Weekly markets are scattered around Antwerp. The<br />

ideal place to shop for fresh vegetables, fruit or meat<br />

as well as a pair of socks, lost memories or imported<br />

curiosities and that thingy that you forgot you were<br />

looking for in the first place.<br />

Visiting such a market is always a good idea, even if<br />

you’re not looking for anything in specific.<br />

Markets are busy, bustling places with loud-mouthed<br />

vendors prizing their wares and locals browsing the<br />

goods. Excellent places to suck up the local atmosphere.

liSt of marketS in antwerp<br />

Wednesday >> Sint-Jansplein | 8 am-1 pm (food)<br />

Thursday >> Dageraadplaats | 8 am - 1 pm (food, organic)<br />

>> Linkeroever | 8 am - 1 pm (food)<br />

Friday >> Desguinlei | 11.30 am - 4.30 pm (food)<br />

>> Sint-Jansplein | 8 am - 1 pm (food)<br />

>> Vrijdagmarkt | 9 am - 1 pm (fleamarket)<br />

Saturday >> Vreemdelingenmarkt (international market):<br />

Theaterplein | 8 am - 4 pm (food)<br />

>> Lijnwaadmarkt (Cathedral) | 9 am - 5 pm<br />

(antiques, fleamarket)<br />

Sunday >> Vogelmarkt:<br />

Theaterplein | (food, fleamarket)<br />

8 am - 1 pm Winter time<br />

8 am - 2 pm Summer time<br />

>> Sint-Jansvliet | 9 am - 5 pm (fleamarket)<br />

>> Falconplein – biomarkt | 8 am - 4 pm (organic market)<br />

Third Sunday of the month (March to November):<br />

>> De Coninckplein – book market | 10 am - 5 pm<br />

Last Sunday of the month (May to September):<br />

>> Lambermontmartre: Leopold De Waelplaats<br />

Art market ‘à la Montmartre’ | 12 am – 5 pm<br />

About six Sundays a year in Kloosterstraat<br />

(dates on www.marktvanmorgen.be)<br />

>> Markt van Morgen (Market of Tomorrow)<br />

market where budding designers show<br />

their creations: fashion, accessories,<br />

jewelry and plastic art.<br />

About every month at Antwerp Expo::<br />

>> Rommelant - Fleamarket<br />

See www.rommelant.be (only in Dutch)<br />

for info.<br />


48/ 48/<br />

5.2 SupermarketS and minimarketS<br />

Budget shopping<br />

Aldi and Lidl are the champions of cheap products with ok quality,<br />

considering the low prices. You won’t find brand names or the high<br />

quality goods that mum and dad stock up on in these supermarkets and<br />

decoration and atmosphere suffers no nonsense, but that’s the price to<br />

pay for a cart full of goodies for hardly any money.<br />

ALDi<br />

www.aldi.be<br />

Terninckstraat 13, <strong>Antwerpen</strong><br />

Sint-Jansplein 8, <strong>Antwerpen</strong><br />

Lange Lozanastraat 177-179, <strong>Antwerpen</strong><br />

Sergeyselstraat 60, Borgerhout<br />

Slacht<strong>huis</strong>laan 27, <strong>Antwerpen</strong><br />

E. De Coussemakerstraat 2, <strong>Antwerpen</strong> (Linkeroever)<br />

lidl<br />

www.lidl.be<br />

Van de Wervestraat 82, <strong>Antwerpen</strong><br />

Lange Kievitstraat 147, Borgerhout<br />

Slacht<strong>huis</strong>laan 78, <strong>Antwerpen</strong><br />

Carel Van Manderstraat 12, <strong>Antwerpen</strong> (Linkeroever)

Exotic groceries<br />

You can find just about every staple from just about<br />

every country in Antwerp. The city’s numerous<br />

foreign population likes food from back home so<br />

they opened up their own stores. Most of these shops<br />

are cheap, sell high quality products and seem to<br />

be open day and night, even on Sunday. One of the<br />

most famous shops is Sun Wah (Van Wesenbeekstraat<br />

16-18). A large grocery store in Antwerp’s<br />

Chinatown (which is spread over just two streets).<br />

Soups, noodles, soja, clothes and cutlery at decent<br />

prices. Sun Wah has everything in store if you<br />

want to cook an exotic meal for fellow students,<br />

or try your hand at homemade sushi.<br />

Korte Zavelstraat and Handelstraat are essentially<br />

one large Moroccan market. Fresh fruit and<br />

vegetables and a wide selection of olives, nuts,<br />

cutlery and exotic spices are on offer here. Check<br />

out Euro Food (Korte Zavelstraat 12) and Bilal Fruit<br />

(Handelstraat 24). For the best roast chicken,<br />

go to Mediterane (Korte Zavelstraat 17) or Kip<br />

(Korte Zavelstraat 43). Butcher Chico’s on<br />

Turnhoutsebaan is a good place for chicken and<br />

halal meat, while Al Attari (Handelstraat 13) is<br />

the most popular butcher around.<br />

If meat is not your cup of tea, there are a lot of<br />

fish vendors in the area too. Euro Fish (Korte<br />

Zavelstraat 29) and Royal Fish (corner of Handelstraat<br />

and Lange Zavelstraat) are recommended.<br />

Another street to check out is Brederodestraat<br />

(Little Istanbul): Turkish stores with lots of<br />

quality.<br />


50/<br />

Environment conscious shopping<br />

Het natuurHuiS / plan | D5<br />

www.hetnatuur<strong>huis</strong>.be<br />

>> Otto Veniusstraat 23<br />

Groceries and drinks, a home brand (BioShop), a bakery and kitchen<br />

with a wide range of fresh vegetables, dairy and meat make this store<br />

a haven for the health conscious foodie. Also sells natural food<br />

supplements, cosmetics and plant extracts. The people that run<br />

this business have taken years of training to assist their costumers,<br />

so they’re anything but quacks.<br />

TerrASAnA / plan | C6-C7<br />

www.terrasana.be<br />

>> Brederodestraat 1<strong>01</strong>/Gelijkheidstraat<br />

At Anthonissen-Terrasana you get two supermarkets for the price of one.<br />

Here you can buy both biological nuts, vegetables, dairy, etc…, and your favourite<br />

mainstream products. If you don’t have time to go to different shops<br />

then this is the place to be. Vegetarian burgers, cola, healthy muesli or<br />

chemical sweets: you can put it all next to each other onto the conveyer belt.<br />

oxfam SHopS<br />

www.oxfam.be<br />

>> Turnhoutsebaan 92 / plan | F5<br />

>> Sint-Jacobsmarkt 82 / plan | D4<br />

>> Van Campenhoutstraat 40 / plan | E7<br />

Increasingly popular in Belgium too, this initiative can’t be absent on a<br />

conscious shopping list. Oxfam products all carry the Fair Trade label. Wine,<br />

coffee, tea, juice, rice, sugar, cookies, chocolate, nuts, is all on sale at the<br />

Oxfam shop. Next to these commodities, Oxfam sells cosmetics and all sorts<br />

of trinkets. Quality is usually high and prices above average, but your<br />

purchase helps the poorer farmers of the planet along.

Copy services<br />

Even the most dedicated student misses a class sometimes and needs to copy a course of a fellow<br />

student. A list of copy services:<br />

univerSitaS<br />

www.universitas.be<br />

>> Prinsesstraat 16, 2000 <strong>Antwerpen</strong><br />

QuiCKPrinTer<br />

www.quickprinter.be<br />

>> Koningstraat 13, 2000 <strong>Antwerpen</strong><br />

Copy Copy<br />

www.copycopy.be<br />

>> Blancefloerlaan 22, 2050 <strong>Antwerpen</strong><br />

COPY GrOenenBOrGer<br />

www.groenenborgercopy.be<br />

>> Sneeuwbeslaan 35, 2610 Wilrijk<br />

image Building<br />

www.imagebuilding.be<br />

>> Londenstraat 28-30, 2000 <strong>Antwerpen</strong><br />

AnTWerP DiGiTAL PrinT<br />

www.antwerpdigitalprint.be<br />

>> Brederodestraat 184A, 2<strong>01</strong>8 <strong>Antwerpen</strong><br />

koppie kopie<br />

www.koppiekopie.be<br />

>> Lange Vlierstraat 35, 2000 <strong>Antwerpen</strong><br />

MiSTer COPY<br />

www.allps.be<br />

>> Mechelsesteenweg 210A, 2<strong>01</strong>8 <strong>Antwerpen</strong><br />



06.<br />

-work hArd – plAy hArd. studying hArd is good, but<br />

don’t forgEt to rElAx from timE to timE. AntwErp’s<br />

EntErtAinmEnt scEnE lAcks nothing. going out for A<br />

drink is AnothEr dArling in bElgium And A good wAy<br />

to gEt to know thE locAls. thEsE visits to thE pub (‘EEn<br />

pintjE pAkkEn’ in thE AntwErp diAlEct), ArE sEldom rowdy,<br />

shouting AffAirs And you’d do wEll not to bEhAvE<br />

too fAmiliAr or ExtrAvAgAntly with pEoplE thAt hAppEn<br />

to sit nExt to you At thE bAr. EvEry wEEkEnd somE of thE<br />

biggEst intErnAtionAl stArs ArE on stAgE hErE, whilE<br />

AntwErp’s night lifE bEAts to thE coolEst vibEs, whilE<br />

its cutting EdgE fAshion industry guArAntEEs hours of<br />

shopping fun. thE most concisE list for whAt’s on in<br />

AntwErp is wEEk up, AvAilAblE At thE tourist officE And<br />

in mAny cAfés. whEthEr you’rE into music, dAncing,<br />

books, sports or concErts And cinEmA, AntwErp hAs<br />

somEthing for EvEryonE. thErE’s no<br />

ExcusE to gEt borEd.<br />


54/<br />

6.1 SHopping<br />

The pedestrianised Meir is Antwerp’s prime shopping street<br />

and boasts a store of just about every major fashion brand:<br />

H&M, Vero Moda, MEN_at_WORK and Zara for example.<br />

Also international brands such as Replay, Diesel and Nokia<br />

and Base are well represented here. Kammenstraat is home<br />

to loads of denim stores, skate shops and vintage second hand<br />

stores. Nationalestraat and the streets on either side beat to<br />

the same vibe, attracting the young, hip or snobby.<br />

The flagship stores of major Antwerp and international<br />

designers sit between Groenplaats and Leopold De Waelplaats.<br />

South of Grote Markt are a mish mash of clothes stores, food<br />

stores and tourist traps and further on are the pricy antique<br />

shops of Kloosterstraat. Between Meirbrug and Mechelseplein<br />

are small cobbled streets with designers’ shops adjacent to<br />

old school bakeries. Lange Koepoortstraat boasts clothes and<br />

music shops, while electronics and Hi Fi can be found on<br />

Sint-Katelijnevest. At last, there are shopping malls near<br />

Central Station (Century Centre), Groenplaats (Grand Bazar)<br />

and the recently renovated Stadsfeestzaal on the Meir.

New<br />

forever 21 / plan | D5<br />

www.forever21.com<br />

>> Meir 42-46<br />

With its 5000 m² surface area and its three storeys, Forever 21 has<br />

every right to be called shopping heaven. This flagship store offers<br />

several collections: the ‘Heritage 1981’ basics, a men’s collection called<br />

‘21 Men’, the fashion-conscious ‘Love 21’ range and a women’s collection<br />

called ‘Forever 21 Girls’. These catwalk trends are bound to have<br />

something for everyone and are still quite affordable.<br />

MOOSe in THe CiTY / plan | C5<br />

www.moose-in-the-city.com<br />

>> Ijzerenwaag 10-12<br />

MOOSE in the CITY is a unique shop that wants to show us what Scandinavian<br />

lifestyle is all about: design and quality, and the balance that there is<br />

between man and nature and between man and the city. Here, you’ll<br />

find unique furniture, a range of hip clothing brands, accessories, design<br />

products and books. Thanks to the shop’s collaboration with the specialised<br />

NORTH and AWAY travel agency, it’s also the place to go for any information<br />

on the journey north that you’ve always dreamed about. Anybody looking<br />

for travel guides on Scandinavia or literature from this corner of the world<br />

will also soon find that they’ve come to the right place.<br />

paleiS / plan | C4<br />

www.paleis.net<br />

>> Lange Koepoortstraat 39<br />

Trendy clothes shop with mainstream brands such as Vero Moda,<br />

ONLY, Jack and Jones and Blend and Pieces. No need to dig too<br />

deep in your purse here. The atmosphere is fresh and youthful.<br />

COS / plan | D5<br />

www.cosstores.com<br />

>> Hopland 31/stadsfeestzaal<br />

COS is the expensive sibling of H&M. COS (Collection of Style) very much<br />

has its own character. Prices can be steep, but contrary to H&M, not many<br />

people wear the clothes and the quality is better. Simple, stylish and<br />

no-nonsense clothing with subtle details. There are whispers that a second<br />

Antwerp branch is coming,… fingers crossed!<br />

vegaS /plan | C5<br />

www.vegasantwerp.be<br />

>> Kammenstraat 57<br />

If you couldn’t care less about the latest clothes fashion, this<br />

store is your ticket. Collections are inspired by the sixties and<br />

seventies. Those who love a bit of kitsch will be in paradise here.<br />

urBan outfitterS / plan | D5<br />

www.urbanoutfitters.co.uk<br />

>> Meir 78/stadsfeestzaal<br />

This three-story high clothes store is a death trap for fashion vic-<br />


56/<br />

tims. Trendy clothes, accessories and gadgets for friendly prices<br />

and a well stocked denim collection. The more well-heeled can go<br />

for famous designers such as Marc Jacobs and Sonia Rykiel.<br />

AMeriCAn APPAreL / plan | C5<br />

www.americanapparel.net<br />

>> Kammenstraat 14<br />

Nice store with a nice philosophy. American Apparel is known for its controversial<br />

promotion campaigns and the design, advertising and sale is done by<br />

their own staff to prevent exploitation. The shop sells clothes, socks, shirts<br />

and underwear for men, women, baby’s and dogs. No kidding.<br />

laBelS inC / plan | C5<br />

www.labelsinc.be<br />

>> Aalmoezenierstraat 4<br />

Designer outfits at reasonable prices, that’s what Labels Inc stands<br />

for. Old stocks, samples and second hand clothing from famous<br />

Belgian designers are sold here. Each month, a student from the<br />

Antwerp Fashion Institute gets to dress the shop window.<br />

CLiniC / plan | B6<br />

www.clinicantwerp.com<br />

>> De Burburestraat 5<br />

Wanne be a fashionista? Let Clinic help you. The collection is not just on<br />

the shelves, they also use old hospital benches to show clothing items by<br />

new designers like Joe Rivetto and hip brands such as My Brand. Apart from<br />

clothes Clinic also sells shoes, bags and fashion books. Do you want to be<br />

the first to know about new items? Simply ‘like’ their facebook page or ask<br />

the professional staff for advice. Once you’re at the register you don’t<br />

need to hold on to your purchases, they automatically roll to the cashier.<br />

Like a supermarket indeed.<br />

your / plan | C5<br />

www.your-antwerp.com<br />

>> Kloosterstraat 90<br />

Antwerp’s latest concept store. Nearly everything is for sale here:<br />

clothes, cars, art, bikes, the list is endless. A DJ spins some tracks<br />

while you’re shopping. Or pop in the barber’s section for a haircut.<br />

Second hand clothing<br />

t2-tHink twiCe<br />

www.thinktwice-humana.be<br />

>> Lange Klarenstraat 21 / plan | D4-D5<br />

>> Carnotstraat 110 / plan | E4-F5<br />

>> Kammenstraat 85 / plan | C5<br />

T2–Think Twice is hugely popular with three branches in Antwerp<br />

alone. Regular sales at 2 euro per piece of clothing only add to the<br />

hype. Take your time to rummage through the crates and racks full<br />

of clothing. And you may walk out of the store with a bag full of cool<br />

clothes. Tip: ‘like’ them at facebook and you’ll know exactly when<br />

their sales start.

SuSSieS / plan | C4<br />

www.sussiesvintage.nl<br />

>> Oude Koornmarkt 69<br />

Sussies is a vintage store that sells clothing and furniture from<br />

the sixties, seventies and eighties, so don’t be surprised if you<br />

turn out to be the fourth owner. Ideal shop if you’re looking for<br />

an over-the-top outfit for an eighties party.<br />

Furnishing your room<br />

De KrinGWinKeL<br />

www.dekringwinkel.be<br />

Probably the best and cheapest spot to buy essentials to furnish your room.<br />

The stuff is brought in or collected from everywhere, cleaned, patched up<br />

and may have been around longer than you. There are about ten branches in<br />

Antwerp and surroundings. Visit their website for addresses.<br />

troC<br />

www.troc.com<br />

International second hand chain store that has a couple of branches<br />

in Antwerp too. Second hand furniture, utilities and curiosities are<br />

conceded here, meaning that the owner and the branch earn money<br />

with a sale. A bit more expensive than De Kringwinkel, but the<br />

furniture is sometimes antique or of a unique design.<br />

HaSHi<br />

www.hashi.be<br />

>> Sint-Jorispoort 4<br />

Cute little store with Japanese ornamentals and decoration.<br />

Ideal for a unique touch to your den. The proprietor is fond of<br />

Japanese culture and will be glad to share her passion with you.<br />

Definitely worth a visit, even if you’re not buying.<br />

De KrAK<br />

www.dekrak.eu<br />

Prices are absurdly low in these stores.<br />

It’s hard to find anything that’s worth<br />

more than a few euro’s here. Kitchen<br />

utensils, linens and basic DIY-stuff<br />

are sold for a song here.<br />

Addresses on their website.<br />


Music<br />

Wally’s gROOve WORld / plan | D4<br />

www.wallysgrooveworld.com<br />

>> Lange Nieuwstraat 126<br />

DJ Koenie has been at the frontline of the Belgian house scene for<br />

decades and sent out the message in local clubs as well as Asia and<br />

America. He now owns a record store with a huge collection of classic<br />

house, techno and electro, as well as latest releases. Browse<br />

through the collection online, as only the latest arrivals are stored<br />

in the shop. There’s a big sale twice a year: records at 1 or 2 euro.<br />

FAT KAT / plan | C4<br />

www.fatkat.be<br />

>> Lange Koepoortstraat 51<br />

Large selection of alternative music, guitar heroes, funk and rap. Some<br />

new and second hand vinyl, but especially unique CD’s that are hard to find<br />


Coffee & vinyl / plan | C6<br />

www.coffeeandvinyl.com<br />

>> Volkstraat 45<br />

This is the result of the desire that Lars, the owner of second hand<br />

music shop Vinyl, had to open up a place that offered more than just<br />

records. He packed up his exhaustive record collection and moved<br />

to Antwerp’s Zuid district. From now on, you can have a comfortable<br />

cup of coffee here, while looking for your favourite LP. Try<br />

to get hold of a seat by the window and page through the various<br />

music magazines. What’s more, this concept store never keeps you<br />

waiting long for your Ice Kool & the Gang, an ice cold latte with<br />

chocolate, or your Jagertea made according to a Granny recipe.<br />

reCord ColleCtor / plan | C4<br />

>> Lange Koepoortstraat 70<br />

If it was released on CD or vinyl, chances are big Record Collector<br />

has it. You could also just browse the huge collection of classics.<br />

Maxi’s of dodgy eighties icons are neatly catalogued next to first<br />

issues of seventies rock bands. The two top floors house loads<br />

and loads of second hand records. Patience is required as there is<br />

no system in the way they’re stacked.<br />

PAnDOrA’SBOx/MeTALZOne / plan | C4<br />

>> Grote Pieter Potstraat 13<br />

Small store that caters exclusively for hard rock and metal fans. CD’s, DVD’s,<br />

T-shirts, buttons of legends of hard rock as well as more obscure bands<br />

abound here.<br />

CHelSea reCordS / plan | C5<br />

>> Kloosterstraat 10<br />

By far the most likeable records merchant of Antwerp has a store<br />

full of vinyl, alphabetically stacked. The big shots are stacked by<br />

artist or genre. A single record doesn’t cost much, but you’d have<br />

a tough time not to walk out of this store with a dozen of them<br />

under your arm.<br />


60/<br />

Books and media<br />

’T STAD LeeST / plan | C5<br />

www.tstadleest.be<br />

>> Steenhouwersvest 16<br />

This new bookshop offers you a wide range of fiction and non-fiction. As the<br />

owners themselves say, they provide a contemporary, high quality selection.<br />

Apart from spending your time with your nose buried in a book, you can also<br />

come here to enjoy one of the frequent book presentations. The ideal shop<br />

for the bookworms among us!<br />

De GrOene WATerMAn / plan | C4-D4<br />

www.groenewaterman.be<br />

>> Wolstraat 7<br />

This recently redecorated bookshop is famous for its high quality books.<br />

No cook books of the latest starlet here, only high brow and established<br />

authors. Students get 15% discount on their reading list and cultural events,<br />

pop concerts and poetry readings sometimes take place in the cellar.<br />

international magaZine Store<br />

www.imstijdschriften.be<br />

>> Melkmarkt 17 / plan | C4<br />

>> Meir 78/stadsfeestzaal / plan | D4<br />

IMS is a chain store with a ridiculous amount of magazines for<br />

sale. Music, sports, cars, lifestyle, fashion, comics, calendars,<br />

etc. If IMS doesn’t sell what you’re looking for, you can probably<br />

order it at the counter.

mekanik / plan | D4<br />

www.mekanik-strip.be<br />

>> Sint-Jacobsmarkt 73<br />

Comic book store with all sorts of comic books and action figures,<br />

gadgets, T-shirts, masks on offer. No Tin Tin here, but all the more<br />

underground drawing talent, manga, graphic novels and porn<br />

comics. The store stages events such as ‘What’s Your Excuse’ and<br />

‘Art Trek’, a stepping stone for young talents.<br />

BOeKenMArKT De MArKieS / plan | C4<br />

www.boekmarkies.be<br />

>> Hoogstraat 62-64<br />

Something of a hidden gem, this store sells new books, DVD’s and CD’s at<br />

good prices. Lots of overstock available too. In short: a wide selection and<br />

lots of bargains. Open 7 days a week.<br />

fnaC / plan | C4<br />

www.fnac.be<br />

>> Groenplaats 31<br />

Main draw of the Grand Bazar shopping mall with tons of books,<br />

CD’s, DVD’s, games as well as electronics, computers and concert<br />

tickets for sale. Not the most intimate place to browse, but a<br />

good pick if you’re in a hurry.<br />


62/<br />

6.2 SportS<br />

Antwerp students can sport cheaply, simply by buying a sport<br />

sticker at the Students’ Facilities Services of your university<br />

or university college. It costs only 18 euro and lets you participate<br />

in a lot of sporting activities and events for free and/or<br />

receive substantial discounts.<br />

For free with the sport sticker<br />

· badminton, table tennis<br />

· basketball, volleyball, (indoor) football<br />

· BBB, dance, karate, taebo, yoga and zumba<br />

· floorbal, frisbee, hockey, rugby<br />

· guided running sessions<br />

· Antwerp Students League competition (indoor)<br />

football, basketball and volleyball<br />

· initiations, such as climbing or dance<br />

· events, including Midnight Swim<br />

· international sports competitions<br />

· possibility to rent sports halls of Universiteit <strong>Antwerpen</strong>


64/ 64/<br />

Discounts with the sport sticker<br />

· fitness · climbing<br />

· tai-chi · tennis<br />

All info, outlets and the complete sport offer on<br />

www.sportsticker.be<br />

On www.antwerpen.be/sport you’ll find a complete<br />

overview of what the city has to offer when it comes<br />

to sport.<br />

Swimming Pools<br />

weZenBerg Swimming pool / plan | C8<br />

www.antwerpen.be<br />

>> Desguinlei 17-19<br />

Antwerp’s only Olympic-sized swimming pool. Open to everyone<br />

as long as there isn’t a swimming contest (and pay the entrance<br />

fee). There’s a separate pool for small children, so the lines in the<br />

big pool are reserved for serious swimmers.<br />

OPen Air SWiMMinG POOL<br />

De MOLen / plan | B2-C2<br />

www.antwerpen.be<br />

>> Wandeldijk 40, <strong>Antwerpen</strong> (Linkeroever)<br />

In theory, the pool is open from May to September, in practice, the opening<br />

hours depend on what the weather looks like. There’s a small pool for children<br />

and a large one for adults. The patch of green next to the pool is ideally<br />

suited for drying up in the sun.


66/<br />

SportoaSe veldStraat / plan | F4-F3<br />

www.sportoase.be/veldstraatweb<br />

>> Veldstraat 83<br />

This thoroughly renovated Art Deco swimming pool has been<br />

extended with a bath house, hammam, a dance hall and a brasserie.<br />

The bath house boasts herbal baths, a cold and hot bath, resting<br />

area and a small swimming pool. Sportoase manages this little<br />

gem.<br />

OPen Air SWiMMinG POOL<br />

BOeKenBerG<br />

www.antwerpen.be<br />

>> Van Baurscheitlaan, Deurne<br />

This swimming pond at the edge of Boekenberg park is something of a<br />

unique project. A layer of pebbles and water plants continuously purifies<br />

the water, resulting in a clean pool without chemicals. There’s a set amount<br />

of people that the installation can handle at any time, so you may have to<br />

queue for a while. Luckily, there’s enough room on the lush patch of green<br />

to lie down while you’re waiting and the entrance fee is zero!<br />

Check www.antwerpen.be for a complete list of<br />

Antwerp’s swimming pools.<br />

6.3 party time<br />

The shops are closed and you don’t feel like exercising?<br />

Then it’s time to go out! The best nights to do so are,<br />

without doubt, Thursdays and Saturdays. But make sure to<br />

check the websites because a lot of clubs open on other days<br />

as well. If you don’t want to stay up all night, then try the<br />

concert halls and the movie theatres.


68/<br />

Nightlife<br />

kavka / plan | C5-D5<br />

www.kavka.be<br />

>> Oudaan 14<br />

A bustling and thriving youth centre with a nice party area. Many<br />

drum&bass parties with young talented DJs learning the ropes.<br />

The occasional MCbattles are another eye catcher. Keep your eye<br />

on that party calendar!<br />

reD AnD BLue / plan | C3<br />

www.redandblue.be<br />

>> Lange Schipperskapelstraat 11-13<br />

The gay discotheque of Antwerp but open to everyone on Thursdays.<br />

Gay women gather each second Sunday of the month, but gay men constitute<br />

the main audience, especially on Saturday when it’s men only. Buy a membership<br />

card on your first visit as this disco is technically a private club. The Red and<br />

Blue people also stage Studio 54 at Sportpaleis, the biggest disco party in<br />

the world.<br />

Café loCal / plan | B6<br />

www.cafelocal.be<br />

>> Waalsekaai 25<br />

This club appeals to a wide audience. Especially interesting for<br />

students are the Local Thursdays and Paradise Saturdays. The after<br />

work parties such as Pré-Soirée attract working people and students<br />

alike. The club used to be known for techno parties, but nowadays<br />

it beats to salsa and global grooves.<br />

Café d’anveRs / plan | C3-D4<br />

www.cafedanvers.com<br />

>> Verversrui 15<br />

One of the most popular clubs in Antwerp with free entrance on<br />

Thursdays. On Fridays you pay to enter, but the parties - such as<br />

Push It and Easy F*ck - are great. The club does acid and techno<br />

as well as electro at weekends. You’ll need to venture out in the<br />

red light district, to get there.<br />

PeTrOL / plan | A7<br />

www.petrolclub.be<br />

>> d’Herbouvillekaai 25<br />

A large renovated warehouse in ‘t Zuid. Petrol is one of the biggest alternative<br />

clubs in Belgium. Rock, reggae and hip hop concerts at weekends as well as<br />

on weekdays. On Saturdays the club does electro and minimal. Good party<br />

place for the alternative student.<br />

Stereo Six / plan | B6<br />

www.stereosix.be<br />

>> Luikstraat 6<br />

The best address for all the ladies looking for a rich man. This<br />

trendy club in ‘t Zuid is part of the Velvet Group, owners of the<br />

Velvet Cityzen and Bilbao (cocktail) bars, and is likewise stylishly<br />

decorated. Each Saturday Stereo Six offers a mix of house and soul<br />

that will get your booty shaking. The entrance fee is about 10 euro.


70/<br />

Concert halls<br />

cc LuCHTBAL / plan | E1<br />

www.ccluchtbal.be<br />

>> Columbiastraat 110<br />

Luchtbal may not be the most fancy area of Antwerp, and with its shapeless<br />

apartment buildings not exactly a centre of culture, but cc (culture centre)<br />

Luchtbal works hard to remedy all that. The community centre brings the<br />

residents together on barbecues and dance afternoons, invites schools to<br />

children’s theatre shows and stages jazz and rock gigs and electro nights.<br />

trix / plan | G4-G5<br />

www.trixonline.be<br />

>> Noordersingel 28-30<br />

This music centre has everything for budding creative talent to<br />

develop. Rehearsal shacks, professional recording studios, work<br />

stations for fledgling video artists and website developers and<br />

workshops where professional musicians or graphic designers<br />

teach tips and tricks. The concert hall sees wide use, rock and<br />

hip hop next to dubstep and drum&bass parties. Adjacent Trix is Hof<br />

Ter Lo. Not the most atmospheric concert hall in Antwerp, but well<br />

equipped to host acts as Cee lo Green, The Kills or Queens of the<br />

Stone Age.

Cinemas<br />

de roma / plan | G5<br />

www.deroma.be<br />

>> Turnhoutsebaan 286<br />

One of the last grand film theatres of the old days, Roma was derelict<br />

until volunteers of Rataplan (a non-profit organization) renovated<br />

this Art Deco building of 1928. Cinema lovers, theatre, jazz and<br />

world groove fans are well provided for here.<br />

uGC CineMA / plan | E5<br />

www.ugc.be<br />

>> Van Ertbornstraat 17<br />

The only place in the city centre where Tinseltown products really shine.<br />

Everything is as it’s supposed to be: huge halls, giant screens and hot nachos<br />

and popcorn. No need to look for car parks, the theatre is readily accessible<br />

by public transport.<br />

kinepoliS antwerpen / plan | E1<br />

www.kinepolis.be<br />

>> Groenendaallaan 394<br />

Outside the city centre is Antwerp’s biggest theatre. 30 halls, red<br />

carpet and dozens of food and drink courts. Last but not least:<br />

a sound system that makes your ears pop. Premieres of Belgian<br />

films take place here too. There’s ample parking space, but bus<br />

and tram stops are nearby.<br />

You can register on their website for the Kinepolis Student Card and<br />

then a ticket will only set you back 6,90 euro (instead of over 9 euro).<br />

CArTOOn’S / plan | C4<br />

www.cartoons-cinema.be<br />

>> Kaasstraat 4-6<br />

Small and intimate film theatre that stages art house cinema and international<br />

films. Hardly any Hollywood products, unless the particular film manages to<br />

avoid all clichés. The staff are very helpful and friendly.<br />

Cinema Zuid / plan | B6<br />

www.cinemazuid.be<br />

>> Lakenstraat 14<br />

Ironically, Cinema Zuid – the Film Museum – is located in the<br />

FotoMuseum (Museum of Photography). Cinema Zuid daily plays<br />

forgotten, lost or remade gems of film history in two beautiful<br />

theatres. Museum staff offer background to the films shown and<br />

budding or innovative talent gets a shot at Cinema Zuid.<br />


72/<br />

6.4 wifi-SpotS<br />

BAr D’OFFiCe / plan | E4<br />

www.bardoffice.com<br />

>> Dambruggestraat 29-31<br />

Creative entrepreneurs should visit Bar d’office. This is the place to be for<br />

co-working, which is a trendy name for self-employeds working together.<br />

That’s why they serve more than coffee and sandwiches, they can also<br />

provide you with an internet connection, printers and meeting rooms. Only<br />

members can use these facilities. You can become one for as little as 1 euro<br />

for a day. Consider the membership fee as an investment, because this<br />

co-working could result in a great business deal!<br />

Caravan / plan | E3<br />

>> Damplein 17<br />

Do you occasionally long for the time when mama filled your lunch<br />

box with goodies? Then make sure to visit CARAVAN, where you<br />

can order a lunch box for 5 euro, filled with an apple, a biscuit and<br />

sandwiches. But this time it’s not mommy who decides the filling<br />

but you. You can enjoy your lunch while surfing on the net via the<br />

WIFI connection. Once you’ve checked your mailbox you can rent<br />

a stuffed picnic basket and go to Park Spoor Noord, nearly opposite<br />

CARAVAN, with your girlfriend or mates.<br />

YeLLOW SuBMArine<br />

CreATiVe COFFeeBAr / plan | D4<br />

www.yellowsubmarine.be<br />

>> Falconplein 51<br />

Yellow Submarine Creative Coffeebar. Say it out loud for a few times and the<br />

first lines of a new song or a poem are born. The free internet allows you<br />

to discover where you heard the term ‘yellow submarine’ before. The bar<br />

closes at 6 pm but inspired people can rent a room (there’s a bed&breakfast<br />

at Yellow Submarine) and write until the early morning comes.<br />

Breakfast will be waiting for you.<br />

Cargo ZomerBar / plan | E3<br />

www.cargozomerbar.be<br />

>> Park Spoor Noord<br />

The most relaxing place to study is without a doubt Cargo Zomerbar.<br />

The bar is located in the centre of Park Spoor Noord and serves<br />

delicious pizzas, tapas, freshly prepared salads and heavenly cocktails.<br />

Wriggle yourself into a deck chair, enjoy the sun and consult<br />

Blackboard via the WIFI connection. This is also handy to enjoy<br />

the latest songs and to drown out the noise of children playing.

‘By American standards Antwerp is small. Yet you have a lot more<br />

to offer than the average American town. A restaurant, French fries<br />

stall or pita place on each corner, a gothic cathedral competing<br />

with a modern skyscraper and streets filled with Art Nouveau<br />

houses. Every night a party or something cultural going on. One<br />

downside: you guys drive like maniacs.’ Duly Noted.<br />

Dustin, 25 years, international student linguistics<br />



07.<br />

CUltURe<br />

-from rubEns to pAnAmArEnko, AntwErp hAs AlwAys<br />

bEEn At thE culturAl forEfront. doZEns of musEums,<br />

gAlEriEs, culturE cEntrEs And thEAtErs provi<strong>dE</strong><br />

A dAZZlingly wi<strong>dE</strong> rAngE of culturAl ExpEriEncEs,<br />

whEthEr thEy ArE from thE pAst, prEsEnt or futurE.<br />

thE culturE vouchErs of AntwErpEn stu<strong>dE</strong>ntEnstAd<br />

Allow you to ApprEciAtE high Art At wArm pricEs. 10<br />

Euro buys you An uniquE booklEt with sEvEn thEmEd<br />

vouchErs. wE hAndpickEd dAncE, music, film, clAssicAl<br />

music, librAry, musEum And thEAtrE.<br />

thE vouchErs givE you AccEss to Almost 40 pArticipAting<br />

AntwErp culturE housEs, musEums or lEt you bEcomE<br />

A mEmbEr of thE public librAry. morE informAtion,<br />

outlEts And pArticipAting culturE housEs on<br />

www.AntwErpEnstu<strong>dE</strong>ntEnstAd.bE<br />


76/<br />

7.1 muSeumS<br />

koninklijk muSeum voor<br />

SCHone kunSten / plan | C6<br />

www.kmska.be<br />

>> Leopold De Waelplaats 1-9<br />

Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp. This neoclassical edifice is<br />

stuffed with works of dead painters, mostly of Spanish- Netherlands<br />

and Belgian descent. Excellent place to admire the works of Rubens,<br />

Van Dyck, Ensor and others.<br />

Late April 2<strong>01</strong>1 KMSKA closed its doors for a major renovation project<br />

which will last until 2<strong>01</strong>7 and will double the exhibition space.<br />

A selection of 120 masterpieces from their permanent collection<br />

can still be viewed at MAS. At Koningin Fabiolazaal (Jezusstraat<br />

28) they show their modern collection in varying exhibitions.<br />

On top of the prestigious flagships listed above, there’s also the Silver<br />

Museum, Diamond Museum, Museum Plantin-Moretus, Mayer<br />

Van den Bergh, the Cathedral and many more institutes exhibiting<br />

the past or interesting artifacts.<br />

MODeMuSeuM (MOMu)<br />

en FLAnDerS<br />

FASHiOn inSTiTuTe / plan | C5<br />

www.momu.be<br />

>> Nationalestraat 28<br />

The Antwerp Six made the city famous all over the world in terms of fashion.<br />

Every year, many fashionistas and fashion students travel to Antwerp to get a<br />

glimpse of all the beauty in store in the city’s shopping streets. But they<br />

also come to take a look at the gallery of Antwerp’s fashion museum, MoMu.<br />

The museum’s exhibitions are considered very carefully and provide a beautiful<br />

balance between established names and trendy newcomers in the world<br />

of fashion and art. If you decide to visit MoMu, be sure to check out the<br />

bookshop on the ground floor. The selection of books on architecture,<br />

photography and fashion is one of the very best to be found in the city.<br />

fotomuSeum / plan | B6<br />

www.fotomuseum.be<br />

>> Waalsekaai 47<br />

In the Museum of Photography Diesel posters share the walls with<br />

trendsetting artists such as Daguerre and Nièpce. There’s a permanent<br />

exhibition on the history of photography, from its beginnings<br />

until now. Next to that the museum stages exhibitions on certain<br />

photographers, such as Karl De Keyzer or certain themes, such as<br />

the 50th anniversary of Congo’s independence.


78/<br />

m Hka / plan | B5<br />

www.muhka.be<br />

>> Leuvenstraat 32<br />

Museum of Contemporary Art Antwerp. Art in its most modern,<br />

weird and contemporary form. The museum boasts a vast collec-<br />

tion with much Belgian work. The pieces on display are regularly<br />

changed or presented in a different way and there are three exhi-<br />

bitions every year. Big names such as Jan Fabre work here side by<br />

side with budding artists. The roof terrace of the café (M HKAFE)<br />

is wonderful.<br />

MiDDeLHeiMMuSeuM / plan | D10-E10<br />

www.middelheimmuseum.be<br />

>> Middelheimlaan 61<br />

Here, it sometimes seems as though you’ve ended up in a fairy tale. You<br />

find yourself walking among the most beautiful of statues and the fabulous<br />

natural scenery of the Middelheim Park. The museum often features idiosyncratic<br />

exhibitions or installations by national and international artists.<br />

But the permanent collection is also a must for all art-loving students. You<br />

can spend a great time making sketches or just enjoy a pleasant walk. No<br />

need to pay an entrance fee either. The museum café, run by Peter Reel, is<br />

well worth visiting. Now and then, during the summer months, he organises<br />

a killer party there. You’ll feel just as if you’re on holiday: warmly recommended!<br />

maS / plan | D3<br />

www.mas.be<br />

>> Hanzestedenplaats 1<br />

Barely open for a year and already a household name in the city. The<br />

Museum aan de Stroom (MAS) is a gem that inspires great pride in<br />

Antwerp’s inhabitants. The architecture of the building catches<br />

one’s eye immediately. It’s located in the middle of het Eilandje,<br />

and that’s no coincidence. This is the historic port area that gave<br />

Antwerp its major place in the world of trade, from the early Middle<br />

Ages to date. But don’t get too carried away by the height just yet,<br />

because then you’ll miss the first work of art. On the square in front<br />

of the museum is a mosaic by Luc Tuymans of 1600 m², which he<br />

named ‘Dead Skull’. The MAS changed not only the view but also<br />

the entire neighbourhood. In a very short time, het Eilandje has<br />

become one of Antwerp’s hippest neighbourhoods. So if you are<br />

visiting the MAS, you can afterwards go for a culturally acceptable<br />

beer in one of the many new bars.

7.2 Culture CentreS<br />

cc BerCHem<br />

www.ccberchem.be<br />

cc De Kern<br />

www.ccdekern.be<br />

co Sint-andrieS<br />

www.cosintandries.be<br />

cc Deurne<br />

www.ccdeurne.be<br />

cc merkSem<br />

www.ccmerksem.be<br />

cc De SCHeLDe<br />

www.ccdeschelde.be<br />

cc link<br />

www.cclink.be<br />

cc LuCHTBAL<br />

www.ccluchtbal.be<br />


80/<br />

7.3 tHe Stage<br />

arenBergSCHouwBurg / plan | D5<br />

www.arenbergschouwburg.be<br />

>> Arenbergstraat 28<br />

Arenberg Theatre stages comedy events with national and inter-<br />

national icons such as Henry Rollins, Alex Agnew, and, well, Geert<br />

Hoste on stage. Pop, jazz and rock bands are regular guests and<br />

from time to time, there’s an exhibition. In the summer, Arenberg<br />

stages its events at the Open Air Theatre Rivierenhof.<br />

DeSinGeL / plan | C8<br />

www.desingel.be<br />

>> Desguinlei 25<br />

Antwerp’s temple of culture par excellence divides up its programme in<br />

roughly four sections: dance, theatre, music and architecture. Not only does<br />

this international arts campus offer culture from Belgium and abroad, but it<br />

is also home to the conservatory students. The Grand Café deSingel offers<br />

you a host of tasty treats with a surreal view of the Antwerp ring road on<br />

the side.<br />

de Zwarte komedie / plan | C4-D4<br />

www.dezwartekomedie.be<br />

>> Leguit 15-17<br />

Unruly and comical, anarchistic and eloquent. De Zwarte Komedie<br />

(Black Comedy) became notorious with the poster of their pro-<br />

duction ‘Uit Zelfbevrediging’ (In Self Gratification), a parody on<br />

an election poster of right-wing political party Vlaams Belang. De<br />

Zwarte Komedie has been the enfant terrible of Flanders’ theatre<br />

scene ever since.<br />

De rOMA / plan | G5<br />

www.deroma.be<br />

>> Turnhoutsebaan 286<br />

One of the last grand film theatres of the old days, Roma was derelict until<br />

volunteers of Rataplan (a non-profit organization) renovated this Art Deco<br />

building of 1928. Cinema lovers, theatre, jazz and world groove fans are well<br />

provided for here.<br />

rataplan /plan | G5<br />

www.rataplanvzw.be<br />

>> Wijnegemstraat 27<br />

Smack in the middle of Borgerhout, this little culture temple<br />

mainly aims at the local residents. The atmosphere is homely and<br />

not in the least provided by the many hard-working volunteers<br />

that form the core of Rataplan. The non-profit organization stages<br />

a wide range of musical productions, drama, film and workshops.<br />

Both high and low brow productions for children and adults – and<br />

in other languages than Dutch too.

MOnTY / plan | C6<br />

www.monty.be<br />

>> Montignystraat 3<br />

The best place for cutting-edge drama. The audience is young, critical and<br />

self-willed, with resident theatre companies to match. There’s also room on<br />

the schedule for concerts, video art, debates and the odd party.<br />

Bourla/toneelHuiS / plan | D5<br />

www.toneel<strong>huis</strong>.be<br />

>> Komedieplaats 18<br />

The artistic director of Antwerp’s Toneel<strong>huis</strong> is Guy Cassiers, a<br />

man who can write his share of inspiring pieces and who is unmatched<br />

when it comes to directing creative companies. It is also<br />

under his leadership that Olympique Dramatique became truly<br />

successful. If you plan on going to the Toneel<strong>huis</strong>, make sure you<br />

try to catch a piece by this permanent company. Their pieces are<br />

an amalgamation of drama, absurdity, modesty and, particularly, a<br />

lot of humour. They’re not afraid of creating havoc in the exquisite<br />

theatre either, and having people dancing, partying and drinking<br />

until the early hours.<br />

THeATer ZuiDPOOL / plan | D4<br />

www.zuidpool.be<br />

>> Lange Noordstraat 11<br />

Zuidpool produces readily accessible drama for a wide audience. Comedy<br />

and references to current affairs are trademarks.<br />

fakkelteater<br />

www.fakkelteater.be<br />

>> Hoogstraat 12 / plan | C4<br />

>> Reyndersstraat 7 / plan | C4<br />

Burlesque, monologues, popular comedy and stock plays. Fakkeltheater<br />

has five theatre halls, plenty of room to stage different<br />

aspects of the dramatic trade.<br />

KOninKLiJK BALLeT<br />

VAn VLAAnDeren /plan | D3<br />

www.koninklijkballetvanvlaanderen.be<br />

>> Kattendijkdok-Westkaai 16<br />

Royal Ballet of Flanders brings romantic, classical and cutting edge ballet,<br />

performed by the world’s most nimble dancers.<br />


82/<br />

HetpaleiS / plan | D5<br />

www.hetpaleis.be<br />

>> Meistraat 2<br />

Mainly shows for children and youths, with the occasional production<br />

of Dimitri Leue or Stefan Perceval for grown-ups.<br />

eCHT AnTWAArPS TeATer / plan | D5<br />

www.echtantwaarpsteater.be<br />

>> Arenbergstraat 10<br />

Brush up your knowledge of the Antwerp dialect. Entertainment for common<br />

people in the ‘Antwaarps’ dialect.<br />

StadSSCHouwBurg / plan | D5<br />

www.stadsschouwburgantwerpen.be<br />

>> Theaterplein 1<br />

Stadsschouwburg, is the ultimate gathering place for musicals,<br />

dance spectacles, ballet and cabaret. It often has a rather commercial<br />

programme, but sometimes, it offers very intimate dance<br />

performances. Ticket prices are not what you’d call democratic, but<br />

if you’re quick, you can usually get tickets for prices ranging from<br />

15 to 20 euro.

7.4 galerieS<br />

de Zwarte panter / plan | C4<br />

www.dezwartepanter.com<br />

>> Hoogstraat 70-74<br />

Of Antwerp’s many galleries, De Zwarte Panter is the most pres-<br />

tigious – and one of the oldest, founded over 40 years ago. Home to<br />

established artists such as Fred Bervoets, but young and budding<br />

talent is more than welcome too.<br />

exTrA CiTY / plan | F3<br />

www.extracity.org<br />

>> Tulpstraat 79<br />

The decoration of this gallery was kept to a minimum because the owners<br />

prefer to spend their money on projects and artists. Extra City switches<br />

locations now and then, having already renovated an old grain silo and<br />

dockland warehouse, they’re currently located near Damplein. Up to date<br />

with contemporary art with a new exhibition every two months.<br />

annette de keySer / plan | D3-D4<br />

www.annettedekeyser.com<br />

>> Generaal Belliardstraat 19<br />

Mrs. De Keyser wields three selection criteria: authenticity,<br />

honesty and passion. Local and foreign artists – well established<br />

people such as Filip Metten – have exhibited at this tiny gallery.<br />

Booking ahead is recommended – oh, and the opening hours are a<br />

bit eccentric too.<br />

Annie GenTiLS / plan | D6<br />

www.anniegentilsgallery.com<br />

>> Peter Benoitstraat 40<br />

Among the regular artists on exhibition are Wesley Meuris, Kris Vleeschouwer,<br />

Andrew Webb and Filip Vercaet. All of them do well on international art<br />

shows, with works in public and private collections all over the globe. This<br />

gallery has a knack for spotting budding talent.<br />

Zeno x gallery / plan | C6<br />

www.zeno-x.com<br />

>> Leopold De Waelplaats 16<br />

Frank Demaegd is probably one of Antwerp’s most famous gallery<br />

owners. The carefully considered, yet daring, choices he made in<br />

the past are clearly bearing fruit. He is unmatched in his ability<br />

to attract talent. His gallery has pieces by acclaimed artists, such<br />

as Luc Tuymans, Michaël Borremans and Marlène Dumas. Most<br />

of us will have to stick to watching, because fame like this comes<br />

with a serious price tag. Watch out, though: the gallery is only open<br />

from Wednesday to Saturday and it is so inconspicuous that you<br />

would walk right past it. And you really do not want to miss this<br />

collection!<br />


84/<br />

VALerie TrAAn GALLerY / plan | C4<br />

www.valerietraan.be<br />

>> Reyndersstraat 12<br />

Veerle Wenes didn’t want to start another dime-a-dozen gallery at the<br />

Zuid that would just become part of the scenery. And she succeeded. Not<br />

just because of the property’s central location, but also because of her<br />

refreshing selection. Her collection stands out because it explores the area<br />

of tension between art and design. She taps heavily into the contemporary<br />

trend of combining multiple disciplines, and it works. This has become a<br />

place where a design that brings about a breath of fresh air and original art<br />

go hand in toiling hand and it will give you tons of inspiration to redo your<br />

digs or room.<br />

Hole of tHe fox / plan | F5<br />

www.holeofthefox.tk<br />

>> Bloemstraat 24<br />

This gallery absolutely lives up to its name: you really do descend<br />

into a lair. You pass through a wide wooden gate and end up in an<br />

industrial building that is lit up by a few fluorescent lamps. There’s<br />

a special underground atmosphere about the place and the art on<br />

display was created by young, up-and-coming artists. They don’t<br />

want to be a traditional gallery that has to mind all kinds of conventions.<br />

There is a fine contrast between the purity of the art and<br />

the rawness of the building. The artistic creations here are devoid<br />

of any capitalist aftertaste, which makes it one of the best places in<br />

Antwerp to discover new talent.

7.5 otHer<br />

ZuiderperSHuiS / plan | B6<br />

www.zuiderpers<strong>huis</strong>.be<br />

>> Waalsekaai 14<br />

Very popular world culture centre. The best address for docu-<br />

mentaries about other continents or hip hop crossover. Shows<br />

tend to fill up quickly, so make sure you’re on time and book ahead.<br />

Zuiderpers<strong>huis</strong> also has an excellent restaurant and a quiet terrace<br />

in the back.<br />

defilHarmonie<br />

www.defilharmonie.be<br />

Internationally renowned, deFilharmonie (Philarmonic Orches-<br />

tra) specialises in classical and contemporary music. Their home<br />

base in Antwerp is Koningin Elisabethzaal (Koningin Astridplein<br />

26) or the chapel of Elzenveld (Lange Gast<strong>huis</strong>straat 33-39).<br />

VLAAMSe OPerA /plan | B6<br />

www.vlaamseopera.be<br />

>> Frankrijklei 3<br />

Opera with a twist; the Opera.Explorer programme of Flemish Opera stages<br />

opera shows in an audacious way. Tip: try popping up fifteen minutes<br />

before the show starts as any tickets (even the best seats) that haven’t been<br />

reclaimed are sold for 8 euro.<br />

deSignCenter de winkelHaak / plan | E4<br />

www.winkelhaak.be<br />

>> Lange Winkelhaakstraat 26<br />

Anybody who’s looking for young, innovative design owes himself<br />

or herself a visit to this design centre. They invariably present the<br />

newest trends and organise events, exhibitions, flea markets and<br />

workshops to promote both their own work and new talent. The<br />

nice thing about this concept is the fact that you can often get your<br />

hands on an original. It is important that you visit their site often,<br />

if you want to stay on top of what they’re doing.<br />

STuDiO ViLLAneLLA / plan | D5<br />

blog.villanella.be<br />

>> Maarschalk Gérardstraat 4<br />

A new platform for young artists has been born. Since August of 2<strong>01</strong>1, this<br />

has been the new artistic home base for young, creative talent. You don’t<br />

need much to be inspired. The exquisite building is an unparalleled location<br />

for this type of project. It used to be the headquarters of the old Studio<br />

Herman Teirlinck and has now been converted into the Villanella arts centre.<br />

The aim is to organise presentations and exhibitions for and by young<br />

people. If you don’t want to miss a single sensory impulse, your best option<br />

is to consult their blog and take a look at their extensive programme.<br />

AMuZ / plan | C5<br />

www.amuz.be<br />

>> Kammenstraat 81<br />

Whether it’s European, African or Asian – AMUZ brings music as it was<br />

meant to be played, traditional and classical. Set in a baroque church,<br />

there’s hardly a better setting to enjoy classical music.<br />



08.<br />

yearly<br />


88/<br />

Straatlaweit<br />

www.straatlaweit.be<br />

Straatlaweit (Street Noise) groups a host of street events and<br />

festivals such as Ockxfest, Linkerwoofer and Soulfest. All of them<br />

in Antwerp, all of them guarantee pleasant atmosphere, markets,<br />

drinks and music. Visit the website for more information.<br />

LAunDrY DAY<br />

www.laundryday.be<br />

What started out as a small street party in the Kammenstraat grew to<br />

become one of the city’s wildest open air parties. Laundry Day literally<br />

burst out of its seams, but it has now finally found its home at Nieuw Zuid.<br />

Famous national and international deejays give it their all the whole day<br />

long. Tickets aren’t cheap, but if you go, you won’t regret the expense for<br />

a minute.<br />

Studay<br />

www.studay.be<br />

Every year, <strong>Antwerpen</strong> <strong>Studentenstad</strong> welcomes 38 000 students<br />

with a huge opening party at Gedempte Zuiderdokken. The official<br />

kickoff of the academic year boasts live music, sport, information<br />

and culture, with parties that go like a bomb to end the day with!<br />

Make sure to mark your calendar!<br />

MArKT VAn MOrGen<br />

www.marktvanmorgen.be<br />

Markt van Morgen (Market of Tomorrow) presents and sells pert design<br />

talent in and around Kloosterstraat, on a fair with accessories, fashion,<br />

jewelry, graphic work and interior design on offer. The bar and drinks stand<br />

are a big success too.<br />

duBieuS deSign<br />

www.dubieusdesign.be<br />

Vintage and design market, collectors offer their wares for little<br />

money. Twice a year, alternately indoors and outdoors.<br />

ZOMer VAn AnTWerPen<br />

www.zomervanantwerpen.be<br />

During the summer, Zomer van <strong>Antwerpen</strong> (Summer of Antwerp) stages<br />

all kinds of events throughout the city. Open air theatre, summer beaches,<br />

circus, gigs and comedy. Book well ahead, as the events are hugely popular.<br />

wintervuur<br />

www.wintervuur.be<br />

Biannual city festival at the year’s end with theatre, circus,<br />

concerts and lots more. In the past held at Linkeroever, but now<br />

relocated at Hoboken.

BeiAArDCOnCerT<br />

www.beiaard.org<br />

Carillon concerts in the Cathedral of Our Lady. From May to September every<br />

Sunday from 3 to 4 pm. And in summer (June – August) there are concerts on<br />

Monday nights between 8 and 9 pm.<br />

SinkSenfoor (wHitSun fair)<br />

www.antwerpse-sinksenfoor.be<br />

Yearly fun fair, for five weeks after Whitsun. Sinksenfoor is Ant-<br />

werp’s largest fun fair, taking up Gedempte Zuiderdokken. Lots of<br />

bratwurst, hot dogs and contraptions to enjoy.<br />

ZuiDerZinnen<br />

www.zuiderzinnen.org<br />

Literary festival in ‘t Zuid. Poetry, novels, readings, stand-up comedy and<br />

live shows make the area swing. With every edition, the event becomes<br />

more vibrant, with ever more clubs, bars and people chipping in.<br />

BOrGerriO<br />

www.eha.be<br />

At the end of June, Turnhoutsebaan becomes an international market with<br />

food, drinks, music and art stalls.<br />

end-of-year fireworkS<br />

Half the city gathers on the quays of the river on New Year’s Eve to<br />

watch the fireworks provided by the city council.<br />

BOLLeKeSFeeST<br />

& AnTWerPen PrOeFT<br />

Bollekes Party and Antwerp Tastes take place at the end of August, from<br />

Friday to Sunday. Culinary festival on Gedempte Zuiderdokken.<br />

jaZZ middelHeim<br />

www.jazzmiddelheim.be<br />

Since its first edition 30 years ago, Wynton Marsalis, Toots Tielemans,<br />

Bill Laswell and other jazz legends took to the stage here. The young<br />

tend to ignore this event, despite the efforts of the organizers.<br />

De BOeKenBeurS<br />

www.boekenbeurs.be<br />

The annual Book Fair has been organised at Antwerp Expo for ages.<br />

Thousands of writers, wannabe-writers and readers meet at this venue. The<br />

staggering amount of books, bookshops and publishers that gather in Expo’s<br />

halls, make this one of the most important cultural events in Flanders.<br />

There’s a wide selection of international literature too and a free visit to<br />

several Antwerp museums is included in your entrance ticket.<br />


90/<br />

antwerp 10 mileS<br />

www.antwerp10miles.be<br />

Thousands of sports lovers train about half a month to do the<br />

10 miles on a day in April. Thousands of participants and many<br />

more supporters make for a great sports afternoon. There’s a real<br />

marathon for the tenacious and a 5 mile Antwerp Short Run for the<br />

less tenacious.<br />

ruBenSMArKT<br />

Yearly fair on the Antwerpians’ Mother’s Day, 15th of August, on and around<br />

Grote Markt. Merchants in 17th century outfits palm off their - often dusty<br />

- wares, while antiques dealers try to make money on nearby Handschoenmarkt.<br />

kerStmarkt<br />

Another classic of the end of the year is Kerstmarkt (Christmas<br />

Fair) on and around Grote Markt. Atmospheric, warm and cozy<br />

with Christmas carols and gin. If you’ve had enough of the smell<br />

of bratwurst and sweets, you can risk your neck on the ice-skating<br />

rink.<br />


www.dekoninck.be<br />

www.antwerpathletics.be<br />

If you missed the 10 miles or you simply thought it was too crowded, you can<br />

participate in the Bollekesloop, named after Antwerp’s world famous beer.<br />

You can choose between 5 km and 10 km and there’s a refreshing Bolleke<br />

waiting for you at the finish.<br />

CroSSing Border<br />

www.crossingborder.be<br />

The Crossing Border festival takes place in Antwerp every year,<br />

around the end of November. At that time, the Arenberg and Bourla<br />

theatres are the places to be for an extensive range of transboundary<br />

music and literature. A unique opportunity for music lovers to catch<br />

some international talent in action.<br />

FeLix POeTrY FeSTiVAL<br />

www.antwerpenboekenstad.be/felix<br />

A festival for all romantic souls. Poetry readings that try to enchant every<br />

heart. This two-day festival aims to bring us the best of the world of poetry<br />

and so far, they have always succeeded. Every year, national and international<br />

elite gather at the impressive FelixPak<strong>huis</strong>. No wonder we can only sing its<br />


faSHion department graduation SHow<br />

www.antwerp-fashion.be<br />

At the end of June, all eyes are on the final collections of the promising<br />

master students at Antwerp’s fashion academy. The show has<br />

gained international fame and checking it out is definitely worth a<br />

try. You might even spot some creations of the new Dries van Noten<br />

or Ann Demeulemeester.<br />

MuSeuMnACHT<br />

www.museumnacht.be<br />

You can visit almost all of Antwerp’s museums every year, between 7 pm<br />

and 1 am on museum night. The atmosphere is relaxed and a lot livelier than<br />

usual. You get a unique opportunity to experience art in an entirely new way.<br />

You can go on a nice summer night stroll to various museums and even fit in a<br />

pub crawl along the way. This night lets you combine the best of both worlds<br />

perfectly.<br />


09.<br />

Editors’<br />

favoURites<br />

- whErE do you stArt in A gui<strong>dE</strong> pAckEd with hotpots? gEt inspirEd by thE<br />

pErsonAl fAvouritEs of thE Editors who crossEd thE city this yEAr to<br />

find thE nEwEst, hottEst AddrEssEs.

Leen<br />

. kolonel koffie<br />

1 This little coffee house is rather new, but slightly cosier and more<br />

personal than all other coffee shops that are currently very in and<br />

suddenly all sprouting like mushrooms.<br />

Kolonel Koffie’s greatest trump is its superior quality coffee offered<br />

at democratic prices. Service is also great!<br />

2 . PHiL’S COFFee<br />

Phil’s Coffee is brilliant at customer friendliness. It’s no sweat at all for<br />

shop owner Phil to personally run and pick the mint a few streets away from<br />

the coffee shop when you order fresh mint tea and there’s still a smile on his<br />

face when he serves it to you. That deserves the thumbs up!<br />

. ZuiderperSHuiS<br />

3 If you’re seriously into artistically tinted culture, the Zuiderpers<strong>huis</strong><br />

is the place to be. The excellent exhibitions and regular poetry<br />

slams are strongly recommended. There is often an international,<br />

loose atmosphere. That is why De Foyer offers dishes from all over<br />

the world. It is also a cosy place to chat about concerts or sit on the<br />

green patio in the summer to relive the great vibes.<br />

Roel<br />

1 . LA CHASCOnA<br />

Not only the name but also the small terrace in front of this little coffee<br />

house evoke a southern atmosphere. Nothing could be further from the truth!<br />

You enter a cosy mix of sixties and seventies style furniture, alternated with an<br />

old school bench here and there. There is coffee to suit all tastes, whatever<br />

the strength! To top the homely atmosphere off, all cakes and tarts are<br />

homemade.<br />

. promenade langS de SCHelde<br />

2 Feel like taking a breath of fresh air or working on your tan while<br />

the sun shines? The promenade along the Scheldt is the ideal place<br />

to do so! Watch the sun disappearing behind the left bank, feel the<br />

wind in your hair and stay out of the city for once. By going through<br />

the subway at the end of the promenade can go to the green side opposite,<br />

where you will have a fantastic view of Antwerp.<br />

3 . BeeLDenTuin<br />

SinT-PAuLuSKerK<br />

There is a unique sculpture garden hidden behind the thick gate of SaintPaul’s<br />

Church. This bizarre little part of Antwerp is something that you have never<br />

seen before. You can imagine being in the garden of a bewitched sculptor<br />

who is enormously fascinated by the Stations of the Cross. The church and cute<br />

Middle-Age little houses surrounding you transport you back to the past.<br />

For the art lovers among us, there are pieces by Caravaggio and Rubens to<br />

be admired inside the church.<br />


94/<br />

Anaïs<br />

. Hole of tHe fox<br />

1 This is my top of the pops because of its self-willed selection<br />

and promotion of young, new talent. It exudes great atmosphere<br />

and the gallery owner is always open to having a chat and answering<br />

your questions.<br />

2 . DeSiGnCenTer<br />

De WinKeLHAAK<br />

This is just a place where you can find very many pleasant things. You can buy<br />

printed T-shirts or affordable design. They always come up with innovative<br />

ideas and also have a number of pleasant markets<br />

and events every year.<br />

. faSHion department<br />

3 graduation SHow<br />

You must see this show at least once in your life. The<br />

amount of talent in this city is unreal. Creations are<br />

innovative time and time again: they vary from the<br />

extravagant to playful plainness. The Antwerp fashion<br />

academy is listed among the international top ten and<br />

you will immediately understand why when you see<br />

this show.<br />

Anouk<br />

1 . KiDS rHYTHM<br />

& BLueS KAFFee<br />

This pub has everything that I find essential for a pub: tasty beer, a<br />

pleasant atmosphere and, above all, wonderful music. You can enjoy<br />

cosy candlelight or a super-tasty toasted sandwich while you let the<br />

blues vibes grab you. Are you a local? Then you can most certainly<br />

ask for a plaid in winter so that you can stay on the terrace to enjoy<br />

your drink. There are high-quality performances free of charge on<br />

Wednesday and Sunday evenings. Highly recommendable!<br />

. wok a way<br />

2 This the perfect place for the two of you or a few friends to have<br />

an affordable meal. You can enjoy wonderfully tasty wok dishes with<br />

rice or noodles or you can compile your own wok dish. Wok A Way has<br />

been renovated recently with the environment as its promotional<br />

element. It is a cosy place to have a meal, you are surrounded by green<br />

walls and animals made out of wood. Yet, they have succeeded in<br />

maintaining the atmosphere and you can fill your tummy at a great<br />

speed for only 10 to 15 euro. A quick bite but still pleasantly cosy!<br />

3 . SCHeLDeKAAien<br />

You don’t really feel like eating inside when the sun has such a smile on<br />

its face, do you? Or are you just looking for a place to make some music or have a<br />

chat with friends? Then the Scheldt Quays are exactly what you are looking<br />

for! I regularly come here to eat chips or have a pizza with friends, because<br />

what’s better than enjoying a beautiful sunset on the Scheldt? You do have<br />

to fight for a place on a warm summer’s day, it’s true, but then again, it’s<br />

worth it. This is different from sitting in a park, but by no means worse!

Charlotte<br />

. Having a Summer piC-niCk<br />

1 along tHe SCHeldt<br />

Homemade tapas and cakes, wine and sunsets to die for. You will<br />

fall in love instantly with Antwerp (and your date?).<br />

2 . VreeMDeLinGenMArKT<br />

(exOTiC MArKeT)<br />

On SATurDAYS<br />

First and foremost for the stall selling traditionally made goat cheese<br />

products. Don’t eat anything before you go to the market: at Morocco<br />

Nuts and nearly all fruit stalls you’ll be offered almost everything to taste<br />

free of charge. Healthy fruit salad and a piece of fresh Moroccan bread for<br />

breakfast? Check!<br />

3 . openluCHttHeater<br />

(open-air tHeatre) deurne<br />

There’s nothing greater than being given the bonus of a concert in<br />

a mini-stadium in the wood. A perfect starter or end to the festival<br />

season, but what is really special is the atmosphere in the theatre,<br />

which you can only visit for a few months a year.


the yellow<br />

pages<br />

-<strong>01</strong> <strong>huis</strong> <strong>vAn</strong> <strong>dE</strong> stu<strong>dE</strong>nt (housE of thE stu<strong>dE</strong>nt) <strong>dE</strong>tAils<br />

02 AntwErps stu<strong>dE</strong>ntEnovErlEg (AntwErp stu<strong>dE</strong>nt council)<br />

03 gEtting to AntwErp<br />

04 gEtting Around<br />

05 monEy mAttErs<br />

06 A plAcE to livE And lovE. And study<br />

07 no work, no pAy, no plAy<br />

08 hEAlth And insurAncE<br />

09 kEEp in touch<br />

10 nEws And ActivitiEs for stu<strong>dE</strong>nts<br />

11 A computEr<br />

12 stu<strong>dE</strong>nts’ fAcilitiEs And sociAl sErvicEs<br />

13 list of intErnAtionAl officEs<br />

14 importAnt tElEphonE numbErs<br />

15 list of EmbAssiEs And consulAtEs<br />

16 bAnk holidAys<br />


98/<br />

<strong>01</strong><br />

<strong>huis</strong> <strong>vAn</strong> <strong>dE</strong> stu<strong>dE</strong>nt (housE of thE<br />

stu<strong>dE</strong>nt) <strong>dE</strong>tAils / plan | D4<br />

Sint-Jacobsmarkt 16<br />

2000 <strong>Antwerpen</strong><br />

T +32 (0)3 292 31 70<br />

E info@antwerpenstudentenstad.be<br />

www.antwerpenstudentenstad.be<br />


Co-ordinator<br />

Veerle Desimpelaere<br />

Employees<br />

Annelies Kolacny, Tom Ollivier, Debbie Degeeter,<br />

Malu Caeyers.<br />

Since Huis van de Student opened its doors in<br />

2008, students have directed their questions<br />

about the city or student policy to our desk at<br />

Sint-Jacobsmarkt 16.<br />

The Huis van de Student is the flagship store<br />

of <strong>Antwerpen</strong> <strong>Studentenstad</strong> (agency), the<br />

place where the employees of <strong>Antwerpen</strong><br />

<strong>Studentenstad</strong> are based and the seat of the<br />

Antwerp Student Council. Our current address<br />

at Sint-Jacobsmarkt is temporary. The building<br />

of the definitive Huis van de Student is an<br />

ongoing renovation and development project<br />

in the heart of the student district. It will be<br />

open to the students in 2<strong>01</strong>4.<br />

The Huis van de Student is the place to be for<br />

all your questions regarding anything that has<br />

even remotely to do with living as a student in<br />

Antwerp. Pop in and we’ll help you get started.<br />

Foreign students can also apply to the International<br />

Offices and Students’ Facilities Services of their<br />

host institutions for help and information. See<br />

chapter 12 of this section for a list of Student<br />

Facilities and Social Services and chapter 13 of<br />

this section for a list of International Offices.<br />

Opening hours:<br />

- Monday to Thursday from 10 am to 5 pm<br />

- Friday from 10 am to 3 pm<br />

- Check the website for opening hours during<br />

school holidays<br />

02<br />

AntwErps stu<strong>dE</strong>ntEnovErlEg<br />

(AntwErp stu<strong>dE</strong>nt council)<br />

Since 2003 the Antwerp students can consult<br />

the city council. They organize themselves in<br />

the Antwerps Studentenoverleg (Antwerp Student<br />

Council) or ASO and they regularly advice<br />

the city council. The Student Council consists<br />

of 18 representatives from the various higher<br />

education institutions in Antwerp. It’s also a<br />

part of <strong>Antwerpen</strong> <strong>Studentenstad</strong>. This allows<br />

both the city government and the students to<br />

combine forces and build a lively college town.<br />

Want to know more? Do you have suggestions<br />

or remarks?<br />

E info@antwerpsstudentenoverleg.be<br />


03<br />

gEtting to AntwErp<br />

There are quite a few options available<br />

to get to Belgium and Antwerp.<br />

PLANE<br />

The most likely place to end up if you’re<br />

flying into Belgium is Brussels International<br />

Airport at Zaventem. The airport is located<br />

some 45 kilometres south of Antwerp. There<br />

are flights from all major European cities as<br />

well as from the most important overseas<br />

metropoles. Various airlines fly into Brussels<br />

airport. If you fly Ryanair, you’ll arrive at Charleroi<br />

airport, dubbed ‘Brussels South’, some 90<br />

kilometres away from Antwerp.<br />

www.brusselsairport.be<br />

www.charleroi-airport.com<br />

From Brussels Airport, the SN Brussels Airlines<br />

Express Bus arguably is the most convenient<br />

way to get to Antwerp. The bus station is<br />

located at the ground floor of the airport terminal.<br />

Buses run every hour from 5 am to 12 pm<br />

(Brussels airport to Antwerp) and from 4 am to<br />

11 pm (Antwerp to Brussels airport). The bus<br />

reaches the centre of Antwerp (De Keyserlei -<br />

close to the Central Station) in approximately 45<br />

minutes. A single ticket costs 10 euro one way.<br />

www.airportexpress.be<br />

The Belgian Railways are another option.<br />

There is an underground station near the airport<br />

terminal. The train to Antwerp takes about one<br />

hour: you have to change at ‘Brussel-Noord’ station.<br />

A single ticket costs 8 euro one way. Train<br />

timetables are available on www.b-rail.<br />

be/main/E/. From Charleroi Airport you can<br />

get a ‘bulk’ ticket at the Ryanair desk. It sets<br />

you back 11 euro, but includes a bus ride to<br />

Charleroi-Sud train station and a train trip to<br />

any station in Belgium. There’s a direct link to<br />

Antwerp, which takes about 1,5 hour.<br />

BuS<br />

If you are looking for a cheap way to come to<br />

Antwerp from a place within Europe, you could<br />

travel with Eurolines. The Eurolines bus goes to<br />

the centre of the city - Van Stralenstraat 8,<br />

2060 Antwerp.<br />

www.eurolines.be<br />

TRAiN<br />

Antwerp is easy to reach by train. International<br />

railway lines link Brussels and Antwerp to<br />

several other major European cities. The European<br />

high-speed train project includes the Tha-<br />

lys, the Eurostar and the Eurotunnel. There are<br />

direct rail links with different cities in France,<br />

the Netherlands and Germany. Antwerp can be<br />

reached from the UK by Eurostar via Brussels, or<br />

by taking the ferry-rail link via Ostend<br />

(Ramsgate/Ostend) or Zeebrugge (Hull/Zeebrugge).<br />

Antwerp has two main stations:<br />

Central Station and Berchem station.<br />

www.b-rail.be<br />

CAR<br />

All destinations are within easy reach by car.<br />

The city of Antwerp lies at the crossroads of the<br />

E17, E19, E34 and E313 motorways. Be warned<br />

though, negotiating the city centre by car isn’t<br />

always easy, especially during rush hour. The<br />

ringroad around Antwerp is always busy, but<br />

during rush hour it gets congested easily. It can<br />

sometimes be difficult to park your car in town.<br />

And it’ll nearly always cost you money. Nearly<br />

always, since free parking is available on the<br />

covered riverside quay near Zuiderterras and<br />

on Gedempte Zuiderdokken, a square between<br />

Vlaamsekaai and Waalsekaai in ‘t Zuid area.<br />


100/<br />

04<br />

gEtting Around<br />

BiKE<br />

One-way streets, overpriced or nonexisting<br />

car parks, crowded buses and nights when<br />

the tram just refuses to show up. Cycling (or<br />

walking) is by far the most popular method of<br />

transport among students. Furthermore, your<br />

two-wheeled friend is still the best option to<br />

get from A to B. Antwerp is relatively bikerfriendly.<br />

There aren’t too many cycle paths,<br />

but drivers are used to trails of bikes cruising<br />

about. Be aware of trams, which always have<br />

right of way, and their slippery tracks. If you<br />

decide to cycle in Antwerp, don’t spend your<br />

money on anything but the most expensive<br />

U-shaped lock you can find, and always,<br />

always, lock up.<br />


Fietshaven (‘bike harbour’) pitched its tents under<br />

Central Station. For 60 euro, they provide you<br />

with a seven-gear lemon bike that you can keep<br />

for the academic year. Reserve a bike by telephone<br />

or via email and pick it up at the agreed time.<br />

Don’t forget your ID-card, student’s ticket, the<br />

rental fee and an extra 75 euro for the deposit.<br />

The deposit will be returned if you bring back<br />

the bike in good shape.<br />

T +32 (0)3 203 06 73<br />

(Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri: 9.30 am-4 pm)<br />

E info@fietshaven.be<br />

www.fietshaven.be<br />

VELo<br />

Metropolises such as Barcelona, Milan, Stockholm,<br />

Zaragoza and Oslo already have it and since<br />

June 2<strong>01</strong>1 Antwerp is part of the club as well.<br />

Bike stations scattered between the Singel and<br />

the Scheldt where you can pick up and drop off<br />

bicycles whenever you like.<br />

The fiery red bicycles have three speeds, anti-skid<br />

pedals and thick tires, so it’s easier to avoid the<br />

tram tracks. In order to ride Velo you have to<br />

register: you can do this via the website, the<br />

phone or the customer service. Step two:<br />

choose your formula. An annual pass costs<br />

35 euro only and it provides direct access to<br />

the bikes. A day and week pass, respectively 3<br />

and 7 euro, require an access code which you<br />

receive, after registering, via a text message.<br />

The Velos are particularly meant for short rides:<br />

the first half hour is included in the price, the next<br />

30 minutes cost 0,5 euro, the following half<br />

hour costs 1 euro and every extra hour after<br />

that is 5 euro. The maximum time limit is four<br />

hours.<br />

For all information regarding the stations and<br />

an overview, consult www.velo-antwerpen.be<br />

or the customer service. It is located in Central<br />

Station’s shopping arcade.<br />

The disadvantage is that you need a credit card<br />

for day and week passes. An annual pass can<br />

be purchased at the customer service with a<br />

regular bank card.<br />

T +32 (0)3 206 50 30<br />

E info@velo-antwerpen.be<br />

www.velo-antwerpen.be<br />

See chapter 3 ‘Cycling in the city’ of the ‘Living<br />

as a student in the city’-section for more<br />

information, bike storage and avoiding bicycle<br />

theft.<br />

BuS AND TRAM<br />

Within the province and the city of Antwerp, transport<br />

is organised by the public transport company<br />

‘De Lijn’. Public transport gets you just about

everywhere in (‘stad’: city) and around (‘streek’:<br />

region) Antwerp. Tram and premetro (a tram that<br />

does part of its journey underground) stops are<br />

scattered throughout town, while most buses take<br />

you in and out of town and the suburbs. Buses usually<br />

arrive at and depart from Rooseveltplaats, Antwerp’s<br />

main bus hub. Buses and trams to various<br />

parts of the city leave from Astridplein in front of<br />

Central Station, which is close to Rooseveltplaats.<br />

There’s a night service on Fridays and Saturdays.<br />

De Lijn promotes buying tickets in advance. A ticket<br />

for one trip bought in advance at a bookstore or<br />

De Lijn-shop sets you back 1,20 euro. You can buy a<br />

ticket from the driver, but it’ll cost you 2 euro and<br />

bus drivers insist on correct change. A Dagpas (day<br />

ticket) costs 5 euro (6 on the bus). A Lijnkaart worth<br />

ten journeys is also available and costs 9 euro<br />

(which you’ll have to buy in advance at a bookstore<br />

or De Lijn-shop). A ticket takes you through the<br />

whole district of Antwerp. This means that you can<br />

travel in the city of Antwerp and its surrounding<br />

suburbs (Berchem, Berendrecht, Borgerhout,<br />

Deurne, Ekeren, Hoboken, Lillo, Merksem, Wilrijk<br />

and Zandvliet). Whenever you travel by tram or bus<br />

you have to validate your ticket by inserting<br />

it into the yellow boxes that can be found on<br />

buses and trams. After inserting the ticket into this<br />

device, you have to press button 1 for one person<br />

and for one trip. Once you have done this, your<br />

ticket will be valid for 60 minutes. Press one of the<br />

blue buttons to ring the bell when you want to get<br />

off the bus/tram. If you aren’t handicapped or not<br />

pushing a pram, you have to get on via the front<br />

door of the bus.<br />

De Lijn-shop Rooseveltplaats:<br />

T +32 (0)3 232 75 23<br />

www.delijn.be (Dutch only)<br />

TAxi<br />

Fares for taxi rides are set by the city council. It’s<br />

2,75 euro for the initial charge, 1,70 euro for each<br />

additional kilometre. There’s a 2,20 euro night<br />

surcharge between 10 pm and 6 am. Fixed taxi<br />

stops can be found at Groenplaats, Central Station,<br />

Rooseveltplaats, etc. Or you can always hail a taxi<br />

on the street by raising your hand, New York style.<br />

Another option is booking a taxi by telephone.<br />

Algemene Antwerpse Taxicentrale<br />

T +32 (0)3 216 16 16<br />

Antwerp-Tax NV<br />

T +32 (0)3 238 38 38<br />

DTM Taxi<br />

T +32 (0)3 366 66 66<br />

Star Taxi<br />

T +32 (0)3 257 57 57<br />


102/<br />

05<br />

monEy mAttErs<br />

People in Antwerp, pay in euro, as does the rest of<br />

the EU. Anyone under the age of 25 can open and<br />

close a bank account free of charge. At the same<br />

time it is advisable to apply for a bank card which<br />

gives you access to the cash machines/ATMs<br />

(Automatic Teller Machines). Most bank cards also<br />

have a Proton chip that allows you to use the card<br />

as an ‘electronic purse’, which means that you can<br />

load a certain amount of ‘cash’ onto your bank<br />

card at cash machines. The device that allows to<br />

pay by Proton can be found in many shops at the<br />

checkout. Phone banking services mean that bank<br />

cards also enable you to pay for transactions by<br />

phone. Conditions and services may differ from<br />

bank to bank, so it may be worthwhile to check<br />

out a few.<br />

Living in Antwerp will cost you about 600 euro per<br />

month. The following list should give you an idea:<br />

- Rent 285 euro<br />

- Meals 190 euro<br />

- Transport/Leisure 120 euro<br />

- Course materials 25 euro<br />

The following list will give you an idea of other costs:<br />

- Small loaf of bread 1.80 euro<br />

- Coffee (250g) 2.30 euro<br />

- 1 kg sugar 1.12 euro<br />

- 1 kg rice 0.62 euro to 3.49 euro<br />

- 1 litre milk 0.80 euro<br />

- 1 kg potatoes 0.80 euro<br />

- 1 kg apples 2 euro<br />

- 3 kg oranges 2.50 euro<br />

- 1 kg bananas 2.50 euro<br />

- Small chicken 4.28 euro<br />

- Breakfast cereals 1.59 euro to 5.24 euro<br />

- Jam 1.70 euro<br />

- Portion of fries 1.50 euro<br />

- Sandwich 2.50 euro<br />

- A glass of coca cola in a café 1.80 euro<br />

- A glass of beer in a café 1.80 euro<br />

- A cup of coffee/tea in a café 2 euro<br />

- Toilet paper (4 rolls) 1.50 euro<br />

- Shower gel 2 euro<br />

- Tooth paste 2 euro<br />

- Washing powder 4 euro<br />

- Cigarettes (19) 4,80 euro<br />

These are average prices of brand name products,<br />

but the supermarket chains (Carrefour, GB, Delhaize,<br />

Colruyt, Aldi and Lidl) have their own-brand<br />

goods which cost less, particularly with regard<br />

to basic food such as bread, milk, water, rice, etc.<br />

The cheapest supermarkets are Aldi, Lidl and Col-<br />

ruyt. However, at Aldi or Lidl you will not find any<br />

official bags for your rubbish (garbage). More<br />

information about getting rid of household waste<br />

(rubbish/garbage) is given in the section entitled<br />

‘Garbage disposal’. Dairy products, especially<br />

cheese, can be bought cheaply at local markets.<br />

The same goes for fruit and vegetables. Belgians<br />

are smart shoppers, so look for the stalls with the<br />

longest queues! Small grocery stores are more<br />

expensive. They are usually open between 9 am<br />

and 6 pm, sometimes even later, and are closed on<br />

Sundays (although there are exceptions). Look for<br />

‘wekelijkse rustdag’ or closing day. It is best to<br />

check opening hours as these may vary from town<br />

to town. You can find night shops all over town.<br />

These are rather expensive. Second hand goods<br />

(furniture, clothes,…) can be bought at special<br />

markets or in special shops. Note: ‘reclame’,<br />

‘aanbieding’, ‘voordeel’ indicate bargain. Whilst<br />

‘opruiming’, ‘solden’, ‘uitverkoop’ indicate sales (in<br />

January and July).

Apart from a weekly market day in almost every<br />

town and metropolitan area, where fresh vegetables,<br />

meat and fish can be bought at reasonable<br />

prices, there are other more specialised markets<br />

which are certainly worth a visit, including antique<br />

markets, flower markets, vegetable markets, meat<br />

markets, animal markets, and art markets. Check<br />

the ‘Shopping for food & essentials’-section for<br />

more information.<br />


104/<br />

06<br />

A plAcE to livE And lovE.<br />

And study<br />

YouTH HoSTELS<br />

Some institutions offer the possibility for<br />

students to apply in advance with their host<br />

institution’s International Office for housing. In<br />

other cases however, students prefer to arrive<br />

in advance or during the summer months to<br />

find a room of their own choice. They can find<br />

relatively cheap accommodation in a youth<br />

hostel. In the meantime you should contact<br />

your ‘student buddy’, ‘godmother’ or ‘godfather’,<br />

or the international co-ordinator to start<br />

looking for accommodation. Youth hostels are<br />

also an option when friends visit and need<br />

somewhere to stay for a short while at little<br />

cost. If you are a youth hostel association<br />

member you can rent a room with breakfast at<br />

cheaper rates.<br />

Membership – valid for 12 months - costs<br />

9 euro for those under 26 years of age,<br />

and 15 euro for those who are older.<br />

Hostelling international – Hostel Pulcinella<br />

Bogaardeplein 1<br />

2000 <strong>Antwerpen</strong><br />

T +32 (0)3 234 03 14<br />

E antwerpen@vjh.be<br />

www.jeugdherbergen.be<br />

Boomerang Youth Hostel<br />

Lange Leemstraat 95<br />

2000 <strong>Antwerpen</strong><br />

T +32 (0)3 238 47 82<br />

E boomeranghostel@hotmail.com<br />

www.boomeranghostel.be<br />

Scoutel<br />

Stoomstraat 3-7<br />

2<strong>01</strong>8 <strong>Antwerpen</strong><br />

T +32 (0)3 226 46 06<br />

E scoutel@hopper.be<br />

www.hopper.be/en/jeugdverblijf/scoutel<br />

Alias Youthhostel Antwerp<br />

Provinciestraat 256<br />

2<strong>01</strong>8 <strong>Antwerpen</strong><br />

T +32 (0)3 230 05 22<br />

E info@youthhotel.be<br />

www.wix.com/aliasyouthhostel/home<br />

Antwerp Backpackers Hostel<br />

Kattenberg 110<br />

2140 Borgerhout<br />

T +32 (0)473 57 <strong>01</strong> 66<br />

E abhostel@hotmail.com<br />

abhostel.com<br />


There are several areas in Antwerp where<br />

students live. The price of a room, flat or bedsit<br />

varies according to the neighbourhood and the<br />

type of accommodation. A room has a shared<br />

bathroom and kitchen, while a flat or apartment<br />

usually has their own separate bathroom<br />

and kitchen, whereas a bedsit is smaller than<br />

a flat or apartment, though it too has its own<br />

bathroom and kitchen/kitchenette. University<br />

of Antwerp has its own halls of residence.<br />

Rooms on campus are generally cheaper than<br />

privately-owned student rooms. Host institutions<br />

help students find rooms, but you’ll need<br />

to apply well in advance. The international<br />

co-ordinator of the host institution can inform<br />

you on the necessary formalities.<br />

If you want to look for a student room yourself,<br />

you should search for orange ‘te huur’ (for<br />

rent) signs in house windows, or signs saying<br />

‘studentenkamers’ (student rooms). Telephone<br />

numbers of landlords are also mentioned.

www.studentkotweb.be<br />

This is a brand new website of <strong>Antwerpen</strong><br />

<strong>Studentenstad</strong>, the city of Antwerp and the<br />

Antwerp institutions of higher education on<br />

which you can find everything about student<br />

housing in the city as well as a database with<br />

rooms, bedsits and/or flats.<br />

All rooms in this database meet the safety<br />

regulations or will be checked in the near<br />

future, and the landlords should be reliable.<br />

Accommodation in the city centre tends<br />

to be expensive, though prices in Antwerp<br />

are nowhere as steep as in Brussels or Louvain.<br />

Prices drop outside the ‘Leien’, Antwerp’s main<br />

boulevards, so don’t hesitate to check out<br />

some rooms farther away from campus. On top<br />

of that public transport runs smoothly and<br />

regularly, and a bicycle can be rented at<br />

(student) bottom prices.<br />


Host institutions have standardised rental<br />

forms (Kotweb-contract) for student accommodation.<br />

These contracts fully protect you as<br />

a student tenant and are slightly in your favour<br />

(English translation and explanation are available).<br />

Some landlords may offer you their own<br />

contract, but be smart and never sign a document<br />

that you don’t fully understand!<br />

Ask an English translation!<br />

You’ll need to take out fire insurance which<br />

costs about 25 euro to 37 euro. You can get a<br />

copy of a model agreement at your host<br />

institution.<br />

For advice on housing and insurance, contact<br />

the Social Services Offices of your host institution<br />

(see the list in the Yellow Pages of this<br />

guide).<br />

TENANTS’ uNioN<br />

An organisation that defends the interests<br />

of tenants. You can get help and specialised<br />

advice on all kinds of tenants’ issues. Membership<br />

costs 15 euro.<br />

Huurdersbond <strong>Antwerpen</strong><br />

Langstraat 102<br />

2140 Borgerhout<br />

T +32 (0)3 272 27 42<br />

E antwerpen.huurdersbond@antwerpen.be<br />

www.huurdersbond.be<br />


106/<br />


Rubbish/garbage is collected once or twice a<br />

week. It should be put on the pavement outside<br />

your place of accommodation in special plastic<br />

bags (for sale in supermarkets and general<br />

stores), but not before 8 pm the day before it is<br />

due to be collected. You need special green<br />

bags for vegetable, fruit and garden waste (GFT<br />

Groenten/Fruit/Tuinafval). A 50 litre green bag<br />

costs 0.40 euro. A 15 litre bag costs 0.20 euro.<br />

Other waste material, such as cans and plastic<br />

bottles, goes into special blue bags which cost<br />

0.25 euro each (60 litres). Paper should be put<br />

in a box or bound together. Collection days<br />

vary according to the neighbourhood. Nonrefundable<br />

glass bottles and jars (no deposit:<br />

‘geen statiegeld’) can be disposed of in green/<br />

white containers, the Belgian version of bottle<br />

banks, on street corners and squares.<br />

Other waste material, such as chemicals, paint,<br />

and medicine should be kept separately and<br />

disposed of at the local rubbish dump.<br />

The way you have to sort your waste can vary<br />

in the different communities. It is best to check<br />

because fines can be high!<br />

For more information about garbage collection<br />

visit www.studentkotweb.be and also have<br />

a peek at the ‘Living as a student in the city’section.<br />

07<br />

no work, no pAy, no plAy<br />

Studying is expensive and so is a busy social<br />

life. As money doesn’t grow on trees and<br />

begging is illegal, you may want to consider a<br />

student job.<br />

As of 1 January 2<strong>01</strong>2, student work legislation<br />

in Belgium was changed: students are now allowed<br />

to work for 50 days without any increase<br />

to their social contributions. All information on<br />

this subject and more can be found at<br />

www.studentatwork.be<br />

www.studentjobweb.be<br />

(Dutch and English)<br />

Before you can use this website, you’ll need<br />

to get a username and password from the<br />

Students’ Facilities Services (see chapter 12 for<br />

a list). Click on ‘on line’ and enter the jobs database.<br />

The website further provides you with<br />

useful information such as model contracts,<br />

useful addresses and much more.<br />

www.studentenjobs.be<br />

(in Dutch or French only)

This is the jobsite of Studiant, a students’<br />

association. The website distinguishes between<br />

student jobs, weekend jobs and temporary<br />

jobs. There’s also a section for internships and<br />

unpaid voluntary work. Some clubs and theatres<br />

(Petrol and Arenbergschouwburg for example)<br />

post job alerts for jobs such as mounting<br />

posters and handing out flyers. Payment<br />

usually consists of free tickets and/or some<br />

chips for drinks.<br />

Most student jobs require a sound knowledge<br />

of Dutch. However a special section mentions<br />

jobs not requiring knowledge of the Dutch language.<br />

Ask for more information at the Social<br />

Service of your host institution, mentioning<br />

that you are an exchange student. Conditions<br />

may vary. For students from outside the EU<br />

and the new member states it might be more<br />

difficult to get a job since they need a work<br />

permit card.<br />

The law specifies minimum wage rates for<br />

working students, which vary according to age:<br />

- 19-year-olds: 7,87 euro per hour<br />

- 20-year-olds: 8,41 euro per hour<br />

- 21-year-olds: 8,94 euro per hour<br />

Overtime is not always paid extra. Employers<br />

often compensate overtime with hours or<br />

days off. In case you have more questions, dial<br />

+32 (0)3 213 78 10 and you will receive a free<br />

brochure (in Dutch or French).<br />

A few tips:<br />

- Several temp agencies allow you to register<br />

as a job-seeking student.<br />

- You can also present yourself as a jobseeker<br />

at a number of places, such as clothing stores,<br />

department stores and restaurants.<br />


108/<br />

08<br />

hEAlth And insurAncE<br />


The following people can direct you to your<br />

personal student counsellor or make an appointment<br />

with a doctor for you:<br />



Campus Groenenborger en Middelheim<br />

Jo Suijkerbuijk<br />

Building T, room 205<br />

T +32 (0)3 265 37 08<br />

E jo.suijkerbuijk@ua.ac.be<br />

Stadscampus<br />

Building E (Agora), room S.E. 115<br />

Corner of Grote Kauwenberg 2 – Vekestraat<br />

2000 <strong>Antwerpen</strong><br />

T +32 (0)3 265 48 72<br />

Campus Drie Eiken<br />

Building G, room G.002 or G.004<br />

Universiteitsplein 1<br />

2610 Wilrijk<br />

T +32 (0)3 265 20 81/82<br />



Student councellor at your campus or KdG<br />

Stuvo (see chapter 12 of this section)<br />



Annemie Hermans<br />

T +32 (0)3 205 90 90<br />

E annemie.hermans@artesis.be<br />


Els Brusten<br />

T +32 (0)3 205 26 10<br />

E els.brusten@sovoplantijn.be<br />


Annelore Rogiers<br />

T +32 (0)3 241 08 06<br />

E annelore.rogiers@lessius.eu<br />

A list of all general practitioners can also be<br />

found in the Golden Pages (www.goldenpages.<br />

be) under the section ‘Doctors’. You are free<br />

to consult the doctor of your choice. During<br />

the weekend only a limited number of GP’s are<br />

on duty.

They will be listed on the answering machine<br />

of your GP and in newspapers and in free local<br />

papers. Dial 0900 10 512 to find out which GP<br />

is on duty. You can always consult the International<br />

Office (see chapter 13 of the Yellow<br />

Pages in this guide for a list) if you are unsure<br />

what to do. In the case of an emergency,<br />

dial 100 or 112 for an ambulance.<br />


The psychologist or consultant of your institution<br />

is the first person to talk to. If necessary<br />

he or she refers you to a third party. You’re<br />

entitled to five consultations for 5 euro per<br />

consultation. Your counsellor can introduce<br />

you to group training for fear of failure, assertive<br />

training and relaxation techniques. See the<br />

Students’ Facilities Service (see chapter 12 in<br />

this section) for more information.<br />

DENTiSTS<br />

A list of dentists can be found in the ‘Dentists’<br />

section of the Golden Pages<br />

(www.goldenpages.be). Dental care in Belgium<br />

is quite expensive, as only a small percentage<br />

of the cost is refunded by the insurance for<br />

some treatments - and in some cases there is<br />

no refund at all. For urgent dental problems<br />

during the weekend or on public holidays you<br />

can call 0903 99 691 to find out which dentist<br />

is on duty.<br />


A list of all hospitals can be found in the Golden<br />

Pages (www.goldenpages.be) under the ‘Hospitals’<br />

section. In each town area there is at least<br />

one hospital with a 24 hour emergency unit.<br />

For other specific needs, such as psychological<br />

help, legal problems, abortion, and advice<br />

about drugs and AIDS, specific help is available.<br />

You can turn to the Social Service or the International<br />

Office at your host institution.<br />

You find the list of hospitals below:<br />

Algemeen Zieken<strong>huis</strong> Middelheim<br />

Lindendreef 1<br />

2020 <strong>Antwerpen</strong><br />

T +32 (0)3 280 31 11<br />

www.zna.be<br />

universitair Zieken<strong>huis</strong> <strong>Antwerpen</strong><br />

Wilrijkstraat 10<br />

2650 Edegem<br />

T +32 (0)3 821 30 00<br />

www.uza.be<br />

jan Palfijn<br />

L. Bremstraat 70<br />

2170 Merksem<br />

T +32 (0)3 640 21 11<br />

www.zna.be<br />

Sint-Vincentius<br />

Sint-Vincentiusstraat 20<br />

2<strong>01</strong>8 <strong>Antwerpen</strong><br />

T +32 (0)3 285 20 00<br />

www.st-vincentius.be<br />

Eeuwfeestkliniek Monica<br />

Harmoniestraat 68<br />

2<strong>01</strong>8 <strong>Antwerpen</strong><br />

T +32 (0)3 240 20 20<br />

www.monica.be<br />

Stuivenberg<br />

Lange Beeldekensstraat 267<br />

2060 <strong>Antwerpen</strong><br />

T +32 (0)3 217 71 11<br />

www.zna.be<br />


In Belgium medication and certain health<br />

products are only for sale in pharmacies. A list<br />

of all pharmacies can be found in a separate<br />


110/<br />

selection of the Golden Pages<br />

(www.goldenpages.be) under the section<br />

‘Pharmacists’. Pharmacies are usually closed<br />

on Saturdays and Sundays. However, a limited<br />

number of pharmacists are on duty during the<br />

weekends and at night for urgent medication,<br />

although an extra fee will be charged. A<br />

weekly list of pharmacists that are on night and<br />

weekend duty is posted at every (closed) pharmacist.<br />

Addresses of pharmacists on duty can<br />

also be found in newspapers and free local<br />

newspapers or you can dial 0900 10 500. If you<br />

buy medication, ask for generic brand products<br />

(‘generische geneesmiddelen’ in Dutch).<br />

Those are products whose patent has expired<br />

and they’re much cheaper than trade brand<br />

products.<br />


For medical emergencies and fire services dial<br />

100. For urgent police matters dial 1<strong>01</strong>. The<br />

European emergency number, 112, can be<br />

reached from any phone (fax or mobile, even<br />

without a SIM card). If you are feeling down or<br />

depressed and want to talk about your<br />

problems, anonymous help is available 24<br />

hrs 7 days a week at 106 (Tele onthaal). The<br />

telephone number 102 is the child and youth<br />

phone which you can contact anonymously.<br />

iNSuRANCE<br />

Accidents & third party liability<br />

In most cases student registration at the host<br />

institution will include accident and third party<br />

liability insurance during educational and<br />

recreational activities in all buildings of the<br />

institution. Some institutions also insure transfers<br />

to and from the institute and excursions<br />

approved by the institution. Please inquire<br />

with the international co-ordinator if this is the<br />

case at your host institution, since this does<br />

not apply to all institutions.<br />

Medical care & insurance<br />

As medical treatment can be extremely expensive<br />

it is essential that foreign students have<br />

health insurance. They should inquire before<br />

leaving home whether their home insurance<br />

covers all medical costs for the entire period of<br />

stay in Belgium.<br />

Nationals of the EEA or from Switzerland are<br />

insured during their stay in Belgium through<br />

the medical insurance company in their home<br />

country. They should bring along a European<br />

Health Insurance Card or a provisional replace-<br />

ment certificate, which can be obtained from<br />

the home insurance company. The European<br />

Health Insurance Card (replacing the forms<br />

E128 or E111) facilitates access to health care<br />

during their study stay abroad. No supplementary<br />

fee is to be paid. It guarantees immediate<br />

reimbursement of medical bills and allows to<br />

obtain a reduction at the pharmacy.<br />

Students who have no valid health insurance<br />

coverage for Belgium can take out health insurance<br />

with a local health insurance federation<br />

in Antwerp. Another option is to arrange insurance<br />

through a private agency, either in your<br />

home country or upon arrival in Belgium.<br />

Some insurers provide broader, complementary<br />

insurance for hospital or other medical<br />

expenses, repatriation, unexpected illness or<br />

accidents which occur while you are abroad.<br />

Through the university, a very extensive<br />

insurance is offered with the Student Insurance<br />

Program (SIP) at the price of 1.28 euro a day.<br />

More information can be found at:<br />

www.studenttravelinformation.be<br />


Refunding of medical costs<br />

If you go to a doctor or receive other medical<br />

treatment during your period of study in Antwerp,<br />

you will have to pay all costs in advance.<br />

You will receive a medical receipt or proof of<br />

payment, which you can take to a local health<br />

insurance federation (‘ziekenfonds’ or ‘mutualiteit’)<br />

for refund or submission to your health<br />

insurance provider very soon after you return<br />

home. More information on health insurance<br />

within Europe can be found at:<br />

http://ec.europa.eu/health-eu/index_<br />

en.htm.<br />

09<br />

kEEp in touch<br />


If you want to call Belgium from abroad,<br />

follow these instructions:<br />

> dial exit code<br />

(00, but <strong>01</strong>1 in the US and Canada)<br />

> dial the international prefix<br />

(for Belgium = 32)<br />

> the area codes which are used for making<br />

local calls (omitting 0):<br />

for Antwerp and Lier: (0)3<br />

for Turnhout (0)14<br />

for Mechelen (0)15<br />

> the telephone number<br />

An example: if you want to call the tourist<br />

information office of the city of Antwerp<br />

from abroad, dial 0032 3 232 <strong>01</strong> 03.<br />


If you want to dial a phone number abroad<br />

from Belgium dial:<br />

> 00 (international prefix)<br />

> country code<br />

> area code (omitting 0)<br />

> telephone number<br />

You can make international calls to Belgium’s<br />

neighbouring countries (France, The Netherlands,<br />

Luxemburg and Germany), Spain, Italy,<br />

North America and Canada at the interzonal<br />

rate (0.09 euro /min off-peak, 0.18 euro/min on<br />

peak hours). Calling Portugal, Greece, Switzerland,<br />

Austria, Sweden, Finland and Norway is<br />

a bit more expensive (0.20 euro/min off-peak,<br />

0.25 euro/min on peak hours).<br />

DiALiNG iN BELGiuM<br />

If you want to dial a phone number in<br />

Belgium dial:<br />

> area code<br />

> telephone number<br />

Another option is calling via the internet.<br />

Certain companies, such as Skype offer free<br />

internet calls on certain conditions, as well as<br />

calls to mobile phones and land lines via the<br />

internet.<br />


112/<br />

10<br />

nEws And ActivitiEs for stu<strong>dE</strong>nts<br />

www.antwerpenstudentenstad.be<br />

The definitive website for students in Antwerp.<br />

It has everything you need to know on living<br />

and studying in the city, nice addresses, free<br />

tickets and an online city guide.<br />

The website also tells you everything about the<br />

offer of <strong>Antwerpen</strong> <strong>Studentenstad</strong> to students!<br />

Subscribe to <strong>Antwerpen</strong> <strong>Studentenstad</strong>’s newsletter<br />

and keep yourself informed on the best<br />

parties, student reductions, culture, sports<br />

and much more.<br />

Also the website of your host institution<br />

may provide interesting news:<br />

universiteit <strong>Antwerpen</strong><br />

(university of Antwerp)<br />

www.ua.ac.be/English<br />

Artesis Hogeschool <strong>Antwerpen</strong><br />

(Artesis university College Antwerp)<br />

www.artesis.eu<br />

Karel de Grote-Hogeschool<br />

(Karel de Grote university College)<br />

www.kdg.be/international<br />

Lessius <strong>Antwerpen</strong><br />

www.lessius.eu/english/<br />

Plantijn Hogeschool<br />

international.plantijn.be/<br />

Hogere Zeevaartschool<br />

(Antwerp Maritime Academy)<br />

www.hzs.be/html_EN/nieuws_main.php<br />

instituut voor Tropische Geneeskunde<br />

(institute of Tropical Medicine Antwerp)<br />

www.itg.be<br />

Antwerp Management School<br />

www.antwerpmanagementschool.be/EN/<br />


In every institution and/or faculty, student<br />

associations organise cultural, sporting, political,<br />

and other typical student activities. ESN,<br />

the Erasmus Student Network, is also active<br />

in the province. ESN is the official European<br />

organisation that tries to give structure to<br />

all local initiatives around the European<br />

exchange programme called Erasmus. ESN tries<br />

to get you settled, helping you out with whatever<br />

practical problems you may encounter.<br />

In addition, they give you information about<br />

Flemish student life and its traditions. This<br />

is done through various kinds of activities: cultural<br />

excursions, sporting activities, counselling<br />

sessions, and information meetings. Their<br />

main goal is to get students involved as much<br />

as possible with the great mixture of cultures,<br />

traditions and experiences that Erasmus stands<br />

for. Most institutions have their own ESN<br />

representative.<br />

www.esnantwerp.org<br />

RADio & TV<br />

Flanders has a public broadcasting corporation,<br />

the VRT, as well as several commercial stations<br />

such as VTM, VT4, 2BE, JIM, TMF and many<br />

others. Programmes can be found in the newspaper<br />

and weekly TV guides. There are also a<br />

number of local radio and television channels.<br />

Antwerp’s local broadcasting company is called<br />

ATV. Many foreign broadcasters are also available<br />

on cable television. Films and international<br />

programmes on Flemish television are<br />

shown in their original version with subtitles

in Dutch (with the exception of natural history<br />

programmes, which are often dubbed).<br />


Being a multicultural city, Antwerp is a home<br />

to a range of different religions and beliefs. The<br />

Antwerp University Association adheres to active<br />

pluralism. This focuses on the knowledge<br />

and experience of different values and persuasions<br />

and wishes to intensify the discerning<br />

dialogue between members in a respectful<br />

atmosphere. The Pieter Gillis’ centre, housed at<br />

the city campus of the university (Hof van Liere,<br />

Prinsstraat 13, 2000 <strong>Antwerpen</strong>) aims to offer<br />

a forum on communication and philosophical<br />

issues and to stimulate philosophical reflection<br />

within the activities of the university and the<br />

university colleges of the association. The<br />

Belgian constitution recognizes and finances<br />

certain religions and life stances, based on<br />

their general social, human and moral significance<br />

in Belgian society. The authorities have<br />

deliberately chosen to maintain an array of<br />

values in order to create a liveable society. At<br />

this moment there are six recognized life<br />

stances in Belgium: Catholicism, Protestantism,<br />

Anglicanism, Judaism, Islam and Orthodox.<br />

The non-confessional organizations have been<br />

constitutionally recognized since 1993 on equal<br />

footing with the recognized religions.<br />

11<br />

A computEr<br />

www.academicshop.be<br />

Students can buy a laptop here that is up to<br />

30% cheaper than in the regular shops.<br />

iCT FACiLiTiES<br />

All institutions provide free use of PCs for<br />

word processing, Internet use and access to<br />

CD-ROMs for the students of that institution.<br />

The students of the University of Antwerp have<br />

access to all ICT facilities on the different UA<br />

campuses.<br />

Some campuses offer exchange students<br />

a free e-mail account during their stay.<br />

Messages and important information about<br />

activities, jobs, information, visits, etc. from<br />

the International Offices and from ESN, the European<br />

Student Network, are sent by means of<br />

the exchange students’ mailing list. Students<br />

who would like to send a message to all<br />

exchange students can use this mailing list as<br />

well by sending their message to the International<br />

Office.<br />

Furthermore, there are lots of cyber cafés<br />

where you can surf the Internet for about 5<br />

euro per hour. You can find their addresses<br />

via www.goldenpages.be. Certain cafés, restaurants,<br />

etc. offer free access to the<br />

internet. Throughout this guide we’ve marked<br />

the spots with a WIFI connection.<br />


114/<br />

12<br />

stu<strong>dE</strong>nts’ fAcilitiEs<br />

And sociAl sErvicEs<br />

For all your questions on study grants, sports,<br />

culture, psycho-social guidance, fear of failure<br />

training, subsidies,…<br />



Sovoha<br />

Mutsaardstraat 29<br />

2000 <strong>Antwerpen</strong><br />

T +32 (0)3 205 90 90<br />

E sovoha@artesis.be<br />

www.artesis.be/sovoha<br />



KdG Stuvo<br />

Gemeentestraat 6<br />

2060 <strong>Antwerpen</strong><br />

T +32 (0)3 202 38 00<br />

E stuvo@kdg.be<br />

www.kdgstuvo.be<br />


Sovo Plantijn<br />

Keizerstraat 5<br />

2000 <strong>Antwerpen</strong><br />

T +32 (0)3 205 26 10<br />

E info@sovoplantijn.be<br />

www.sovoplantijn.be<br />




Campus Drie Eiken<br />

Building G<br />

Universiteitsplein 1<br />

2610 Wilrijk<br />

T +32 (0)3 265 80 82<br />

E stip@ua.ac.be<br />

www.ua.ac.be/SCS<br />

Stadscampus<br />

Building E (Agora)<br />

Corner of Grote Kauwenberg 2 – Vekestraat<br />

2000 <strong>Antwerpen</strong><br />

T +32 (0)3 265 48 72<br />

E stip@ua.ac.be<br />

www.ua.ac.be/SCS<br />



Sovo HZS<br />

Noordkasteel Oost 6<br />

2030 <strong>Antwerpen</strong><br />

T +32 (0)3 205 64 59<br />

E sovo@hzs.be<br />

www.hzs.be<br />


STiP Lessius <strong>Antwerpen</strong><br />

Sint-Andriesstraat 2<br />

2000 <strong>Antwerpen</strong><br />

T +32 (0)3 241 08 06<br />

E stip.antwerpen@lessius.eu<br />

www.lessius.eu/stip<br />



Studentendienst<br />

Nationalestraat 155<br />

2000 <strong>Antwerpen</strong><br />

T +32 (0)3 247 62 52 / +32 (0)3 247 64 85<br />

E studentendienst@itg.be<br />


13<br />

list of intErnAtionAl officEs<br />



Stadscampus<br />

Gratiekapelstraat 10<br />

2000 <strong>Antwerpen</strong><br />

T +32 (0)3 265 49 80<br />

F +32 (0)3 265 41 42<br />

E international@ua.ac.be<br />

www.ua.ac.be/international<br />



Noordkasteel Oost 6<br />

2030 <strong>Antwerpen</strong><br />

T +32 (0)3 205 64 38<br />

F +32 (0)3 225 06 39<br />

E international@hzs.be<br />

www.hzs.be<br />



Frank Rylant<br />

Keizerstraat 15<br />

2000 <strong>Antwerpen</strong><br />

T +32 (0)3 213 93 26<br />

F +32 (0)3 213 93 41<br />

E frank.rylant@artesis.be<br />

www.artesis.be<br />



Brusselstraat 45<br />

2<strong>01</strong>8 <strong>Antwerpen</strong><br />

T +32 (0)3 613 13 83<br />

E international@kdg.be<br />

www.kdg.be/international<br />


Véronique Blockhuys<br />

Lange Nieuwstraat 1<strong>01</strong><br />

2000 <strong>Antwerpen</strong><br />

T +32 (0)3 220 57 37<br />

F +32 (0)3 220 55 19<br />

E veronique.blockhuys@plantijn.be<br />

www.kdg.be/international<br />


Wim Coudenys<br />

Jozef De Bomstraat 11<br />

2<strong>01</strong>8 <strong>Antwerpen</strong><br />

T + 32 (0) 3 275 98 60<br />

F + 32 (0) 206 04 81<br />

E wim.coudenys@lessius.eu<br />

www.lessius.eu/english<br />



Nationalestraat 155<br />

2000 <strong>Antwerpen</strong><br />

T +32 (0)3 247 62 52 / +32 (0)3 247 64 85<br />

E studentendienst@itg.be<br />

www.itg.be<br />


Bieke Janssens<br />

Sint-Jacobsmarkt 9-13<br />

2000 <strong>Antwerpen</strong><br />

T +32 (0)3 265 40 11<br />

E bieke.janssens@ams.ac.be<br />

www.antwerpmanagementschool.be<br />


116/<br />

14<br />

importAnt tElEphonE numbErs<br />

100 / 112: urgent medical assistance and<br />

fire brigade<br />

1<strong>01</strong>: police, for urgent cases<br />

0800 123 12: Antwerp police, for nonurgent<br />

cases (e.g. information)<br />

106: ‘Tele-onthaal’, a helpful ear for urgent<br />

psychological needs<br />

070 245 245: Anti-poison centre<br />

1207: to find telephone numbers in Belgium<br />

(Dutch)<br />

1307: to find telephone numbers in<br />

Belgium (French)<br />

1204: to find telephone numbers in<br />

foreign countries<br />

03 217 75 95: special centre for the treatment<br />

of burns<br />

02 649 95 55: suicide prevention<br />

02 648 40 14: Help Line (English speaking)<br />

24 hours, crisis information and<br />

support centre for a wide range of problems<br />

070 344 344: Cardstop in case of loss of<br />

credit cards Eurocard/Master Card, Visa<br />

and Bancontact/Mister Cash<br />

03 221 13 33: City Hall <strong>Antwerpen</strong><br />

03 233 22 11: Car problems (Touring Wegenhulp)<br />

03 224 10 52: Car problems (VTB-VAB)<br />

02 533 75 75: Europe Assistance<br />

078 15 10 20: Drugsline: information about<br />

drugs, alcohol,…<br />

09 238 26 26: Holebifoon (for gay, lesbian and<br />

bisexual people)<br />

03 232 27 28: Youth Advice Centre: free help<br />

with any kind of problem (JAC)<br />

0800 173 64: Centre for Equal Opportunities<br />

and Fight against Racism<br />

03 271 16 16: Amnesty International<br />

03 2<strong>01</strong> 49 11: Lost and found objects<br />

078 35 35 35: Electrabel Electricity and Gas<br />

0800 15 802: Cancer Telephone, for help,<br />

support and questions on Cancer<br />

03 230 41 90: Child abuse centre – confidential<br />

and anonymous<br />

116 000: Child Focus, for information on<br />

missing children<br />

0800 13 14 4: ‘Teleblok’: for help, advice,<br />

support on studying<br />

03 239 14 15: Alcoholics Anonymous<br />

1700: Flemish directory enquiries<br />

0900 10 500: Chemists on duty<br />

0900 10 512: GPs on duty<br />

0903 99 691: Dentists on duty<br />

03 202 57 33: Police prevention service<br />

03 225 09 85: Housing Office Old City Centre,<br />

for help and information on living in the city<br />

03 292 31 70: Huis van de Student<br />

0800 93 511: Telephone number to report<br />

garbage dumps

15<br />

list of EmbAssiEs And consulAtEs<br />

http://diplomatie.belgium.be/en/services/<br />

embassies_and_consulates/<br />

This website offers all addresses of foreign<br />

embassies and consulates in Belgium. It’s also<br />

a prime reference point for up-to-date information<br />

on visa and passport requirements.<br />

16<br />

bAnk holidAys<br />

- November 1st: All Saints Day (Allerheiligen)<br />

- November 2nd: All Souls Day (Allerzielen)<br />

(public offices only)<br />

- November 11th: Armistice Day<br />

(Wapenstilstand)<br />

- December 25th: Christmas Day (Kerstmis)<br />

- December 26th: Boxing Day<br />

(Tweede Kerstdag)<br />

- January 1st: New Year’s Day (Nieuwjaar)<br />

- Easter Sunday (Paaszondag)<br />

- Easter Monday (Paasmaandag)<br />

- May 1st: Labour Day (Feest van de Arbeid)<br />

- 40 days after Easter: Ascension Day<br />

(Onze Heer Hemelvaart)<br />

- 50 days after Easter:<br />

Whit Sunday (Pinksteren)<br />

- 51 days after Easter:<br />

Whit Monday (Pinkstermaandag)<br />

- July 11th: Flemish Community Day<br />

(Vlaamse Feestdag) (public offices only)<br />

- July 21st: National Day (Nationale Feestdag)<br />

- August 15th: Assumption Day<br />

(Onze Lieve Vrouw Hemelvaart)<br />



living aS a Student<br />

in the city<br />

you hAvE pickEd AntwErp As your collEgE town. wE’rE hAppy<br />

for thAt. thE mEtropolis offErs quAlity coursEs, A host of<br />

compAniEs looking for nEw, young tAlEnts, A stAggEring<br />

culturE offEr And loAds of lEisurE ActivitiEs. living togEthEr<br />

in A city with hAlf A million inhAbitAnts in A nicE And<br />

rEspEctful wAy doEsn’t work without rulEs or AgrEEmEnts.<br />

thE following pAgEs offEr A briEf ovErviEw of do’s And<br />

don’ts, tips And tricks, rulEs And AgrEEmEnts thAt improvE<br />

or fAcilitAtE living (togEthEr) in thE city.<br />


120/<br />

1. living in An AntwErp stu<strong>dE</strong>nt room<br />

1.1. Parties in student rooms<br />

1.2. Lock your room<br />

1.3. Prevention<br />

1.4. Garbage disposal<br />

2. stAging pArtiEs And EvEnts<br />

2.1. Events in the public domain<br />

2.2. Ragging<br />

2.3. Mounting posters<br />

3. cycling in thE city<br />

3.1. Bike storage<br />

3.2. Avoid bicycle theft<br />

4. collEgiAl or collAtErAl<br />

4.1. Vandalism<br />

4.2. Graffiti<br />

4.3. Public drunkenness<br />

4.4. Spitting, vomiting, urinating and noise hindrance<br />

5. pickpockEts

1. living in An AntwErp stu<strong>dE</strong>nt room<br />

About 7000 students yearly trade in the parental nest for a student room<br />

in the city. Chances are that you found your spot via Kotweb. It offers the<br />

largest range of student accommodation in Antwerp and is moreover the<br />

reference for top quality student accommodation and any information<br />

relating to it.<br />

The website/database is a unique collaboration between <strong>Antwerpen</strong><br />

<strong>Studentenstad</strong>, the Social Services of the Antwerp higher education establishments,<br />

the city of Antwerp, the Antwerp fire brigade and the police.<br />

Together we have drawn up transparent regulations, rights and obligations<br />

concerning quality (fire and burglary) safety and a proper lease. All accommodation,<br />

also that not appearing on Kotweb, is systematically checked<br />

including for living conditions and fire safety. A quality label per premise<br />

on Kotweb provides clear information about this. Furthermore, Kotweb<br />

provides a standard lease for the benefit of students studying at Antwerp<br />

educational establishments and for owners who let out property to these<br />

students.<br />

Should you encounter any problems with your landlord, report this to<br />

the Social Services or International Offices of your host institution. If you<br />

didn’t find your room through Kotweb, you can be referred to the Tenants’<br />

union. With complaints on infrastructure you can turn to one of the various<br />

‘Woonkantoren’ (Housing Offices) of the city council.<br />

www.studentkotweb.be<br />

1.1 PARTiES iN STuDENT RooMS<br />

The city council doesn’t prohibit parties in student rooms, but if you stage<br />

a party in your room, you’ll factually become an organizer of an event. That<br />

means that you can be held liable in case of an accident or other mishaps.<br />

Make sure your rental agreement allows you to organise a party and check<br />

how many people your fire insurance covers.<br />

Caution! Noise hindrance can and will be fined by the police or an administrative<br />

officer. Even during the day noise hindrance is prohibited.<br />

1.2 LoCK YouR RooM<br />

Student rooms are popular targets for budding thieves or people in need of<br />

quick money. Check www.studentkotweb.be for useful tips to prevent theft.<br />

The local police provide free additional advice on burglary prevention.<br />

Centrale Preventiedienst (Central Prevention Service)<br />

Lokale Politie <strong>Antwerpen</strong><br />

Oudaan 5<br />

2000 <strong>Antwerpen</strong><br />

T 03 338 57 33<br />


122/<br />

1.3 PREVENTioN<br />

CARBoN MoNoxiDE PoiSoNiNG<br />

Carbon monoxide is a highly toxic gas that can make you very ill and is potentially<br />

lethal. Carbon monoxide poisoning has a wide range of symptoms<br />

(nausea, vomiting, headache, passing out,...), making it hard to diagnose.<br />

Be on your guard when your room has a device installed that could<br />

produce carbon monoxide (water heaters, coal-, gas- or diesel-powered<br />

products,...). Only electric heating devices don’t constitute any danger.<br />

Want to find out more about carbon monoxide?<br />

Surf to www.studentkotweb.be for loads of useful information.<br />

Tip!<br />

If you think that there’s an alarming build up of carbon monoxide in<br />

your room, or if you just want to make sure, call upon the local Housing<br />

Office for a free housing quality check.<br />

Woonkantoor Binnenstad<br />

(Housing Office Old City Centre)<br />

Sint-Jacobsmarkt 42<br />

2000 <strong>Antwerpen</strong><br />

T +32 (0)3 225 09 85<br />

Woonkantoor Centrum<br />

(Housing Office Centre)<br />

Driekoningenstraat 41<br />

2600 Berchem<br />

T +32 (0)3 218 40 75<br />

Woonkantoor Deurne<br />

(Housing Office Deurne)<br />

Stenenbrug 75<br />

2140 Borgerhout<br />

T +32 (0)3 324 70 58<br />

Woonkantoor Ekeren<br />

(Housing Office Ekeren)<br />

Veltwijcklaan 31<br />

2180 Ekeren<br />

T +32 (0)3 338 29 43<br />

Woonkantoor Noord<br />

(Housing Office North)<br />

Lange Beeldekensstraat 219<br />

2060 <strong>Antwerpen</strong><br />

T +32 (0)3 236 21 25<br />

Woonkantoor Zuid<br />

(Housing Office South)<br />

Abdijstraat 253<br />

2020 <strong>Antwerpen</strong><br />

T +32 (0)3 257 30 95<br />

E woonkantoor@stad.<br />

antwerpen.be<br />

www.antwerpen.be/wonen<br />

Eco<strong>huis</strong><br />

Turnhoutsebaan 139<br />

2140 Borgerhout<br />

T +32 (0)3 217 08 11<br />

E eco<strong>huis</strong>@stad.antwerpen.be<br />

www.antwerpen.be/eco<strong>huis</strong><br />

FiRE<br />

A few simple precautions suffice to greatly improve fire safety. Check<br />

out www.studentkotweb.be for some tips. Home owners can ask (and<br />

pay) the local fire station to check their house for fire safety.

1.4 GARBAGE DiSPoSAL<br />

All citizens of Antwerp sort their garbage: there’s a different type of garbage<br />

bag or container for every type of garbage.<br />

If you live in a building with more than three student rooms, the owner is<br />

obliged to provide garbage containers, so you won’t need to buy garbage<br />

bags. Also, the owner is obliged to store paper and cardboard garbage in<br />

designated blue 140- or 240-litre containers.<br />

If you live in a building with bedsits, the owner is not obliged to provide<br />

garbage containers and you’ll have to purchase garbage bags. For more<br />

information on types of garbage bags, sorting and disposing of garbage:<br />

www.studentkotweb.be.<br />


Every neighbourhood has a different refuse collection day. For the student<br />

area, that day is Tuesday. This means that you need to put out the garbage<br />

on Monday evening from 8 pm onwards. Important: it is forbidden to place<br />

garbage on the street on another day than your designated collection day.<br />

The fine can be up to 250 euro.<br />

A garbage collection schedule is distributed to every resident. It contains information<br />

on refuse collection days, different types of garbage, recycling centres,<br />

collection of bulky refuse (such as furniture, doors, etc). If you haven’t<br />

received a copy of the schedule or it got lost, you can obtain a new one from<br />

the information desk of the district/community council, the ‘stadswinkel’<br />

(city shop), print from www.antwerpen.be or via the telephone number<br />

03 22 11 333. Owners of student rooms, student buildings or student community<br />

houses are obliged to mount the collection schedules in one of the<br />

communal rooms.<br />


In the student neighbourhood, just like in other areas of the city, you<br />

can find garbage collections streets. If you have an admission pass you<br />

can put your garbage bags there. Incredibly convenient for students<br />

who don’t have a lot of space in their digs or who are not at home when<br />

they come to collect the garbage. You can obtain and charge the pass<br />

at the Huis van de Student. Surf to www.studentenkotweb.be for more<br />

information.<br />


Bottle banks - the Belgian version - are scattered throughout the city.<br />

Dispose of transparent and coloured bottles separately. The green half<br />

of the bottle bank is for coloured glass, the white half for transparent<br />

glass. Remember to remove corks, metal lids, etc before disposing of<br />

the glass. The bottle banks may only be used between 7 am and 10 pm.<br />


Engaging in these activities may very well end up in a hefty fine. If<br />

you see any dumped refuse, contact the ‘sluikstortlijn’ (dumping call<br />

centre) and it’ll be collected immediately.<br />

T 0800 93511 (free of charge)<br />

E sluikstort@stad.antwerpen.be<br />


124/<br />

2. stAging pArtiEs &EvEnts<br />

2.1 EVENTS iN THE PuBLiC DoMAiN<br />

Occupying a square with friends, guitars, sofas and crates of beer without<br />

permission is not allowed in the city and a bad, baaad idea. At that point<br />

you’re making ‘private use of the public domain’. Meaning that you’re<br />

staging an event without the mayor’s permission. The police will break up<br />

the event and may take you to the station for interrogation. On top of that,<br />

you could be fined 250 euro.<br />

2. 2 RAGGiNG<br />

<strong>Antwerpen</strong> <strong>Studentenstad</strong> has developed a ragging charter in collaboration<br />

with the Antwerp Student Council and students’ fellowships. Every association<br />

that rags in the public domain signs the charter.<br />

Download the charter on www.antwerpenstudentenstad.be or email to<br />

info@antwerpenstudentenstad.be.<br />

2.3 MouNTiNG PoSTERS<br />

If you’re staging an event for which you’ve designed a gem of a poster, you<br />

should start wondering where to mount it. There are several boards and<br />

poster columns in the city. Those are the only legal places to mount your<br />

poster – provided you abide by a few simple rules, stated below. Not everyone<br />

is allowed to mount posters, an overview of the lucky ones who are allowed:<br />

Youth movements, students’ fellowships, associations of seniors, sports<br />

clubs, socio-cultural movements and citizens (if advertising activities for the<br />

community). For a list of boards and poster columns, visit:<br />

www.antwerpenstudentenstad.be.<br />

You don’t need permission to mount posters but it’s only allowed between 7<br />

am and 10 pm. The posters may only be mounted from four weeks onwards<br />

prior to the advertised event!<br />

Important: police and city actively suppress illegal posting (on electricity<br />

boxes for example). They fine up to 250 euro per illegally mounted poster.<br />

Placing stickers on lamp post counts as illegal posting too.

3. cycling in thE city<br />

Away with cars and long live public transport, your legs or the bicycle!<br />

Cycling is literally the way forward in the city. It is healthy and environment<br />

friendly, there’s no need for car parks or queuing on the ring road. In short:<br />

the bike is the best way to get around town.<br />

Want to hire a bike for a short or a long period? In the ‘Bike’ section of the<br />

Yellow Pages, you can read everything about Fietshaven and Velo. How does<br />

hiring a bike beat owning your very own velocipede? Maintenance is done<br />

by the owners. And in the end, that’s a basic requirement for a good bike.<br />

3.1 BiKE SToRAGE<br />

Don’t just leave your bike on the pavement if you’re away for a while. The<br />

city council actively seeks to keep the streets free from bicycle wrecks<br />

(a bike with two or more visible flaws is considered a wreck). Chances are<br />

that the police will remove your bike from the street. Installing public bike<br />

storage is a work in progress, there already are a few spots where you can<br />

safely store your bike. There’s one on floor -1 under Central Station and another<br />

one near Berchem Station. Often there’s bike storage near institutes of<br />

higher education too.<br />

The university colleges and university provide long term bike storage during<br />

summer holidays. Inform at your host institution for the exact whereabouts.<br />

3.2 AVoiD BiCYCLE THEFT<br />

Have your bike marked. The Antwerp police marks your bike for free. They<br />

use the state registry number on your passport or ID. The code is unique and<br />

makes it easy to return bikes to their rightful owners. The police also provide<br />

you with a bicycle ID. Keep it with you, as few people can describe their<br />

bike very well. For more information on marking your bike: www.5345.be/<br />

fietsgraveren/fietsgraveren.html.<br />

More useful tips for avoiding bicycle theft on www.antwerpenstudentenstad.be.<br />

Report your stolen bikes to the police. You don’t have to go to the police<br />

station, just do it quickly and easily via www.policeonweb.be.<br />

Was your bike removed or stolen?<br />

Make sure to regularly check www.gevondenfietsen.be. All found bikes are<br />

reported on the website for a period of six months.<br />


126/<br />

4. collEgiAl or collAtErAl?<br />

Student life means studying and having fun. The line between fun and hindrance/<br />

trouble is drawn below. If you don’t abide these regulations, you’ll risk a<br />

fine which can ascend from 60 to 250 euro.<br />

4.1 VANDALiSM<br />

Every instance of vandalism is brought before the office of the public prosecutor.<br />

He will decide whether you’ll be prosecuted with the risk of the owner suing<br />

you as well, or that you’ll be fined or sanctioned otherwise.<br />

4.2 GRAFFiTi<br />

Is illegal. Placing drawings or a tag is annoying and absolutely prohibited.<br />

If you get caught, you’ll have to pay a fine and the costs of restoring the damaged<br />

good. If you soiled several goods, you’ll be brought to court. Chances are<br />

that the owner of the damaged good will sue you.<br />

Graffiti is allowed at a limited number of locations. You can find these on<br />

www.jongeren.antwerpen.be.<br />

Graffiti or a tag on your façade? Can’t look past the posters mounted everywhere?<br />

The city council removes graffiti and stickers in public and private domain for free.<br />

4.3 PuBLiC DRuNKENNESS<br />

Public drunkenness is a penal offence. You could be put in jail by the police<br />

to sleep it off. Your file will be forwarded to the public prosecutor and if<br />

you’re lucky he’ll just tick your name. In other cases, if for example you<br />

disturb the peace, make excessive noise or engage in a brawl, the punishment<br />

will be more severe.<br />


All of these activities are prohibited in the public domain. Police constables<br />

and administrative officials will fine you!<br />

Keep your decibels in check. Residents have every right to be annoyed.<br />

Respect the silence between 10 pm and 7 am. Also during the day you could<br />

get in trouble if you make too much noise.

5 pickpockEts<br />

Are of all times. Antwerp is generally safe, but nevertheless it is prudent to<br />

take good care of your bank card, mobile phone, laptop or handbag. Visit<br />

www.antwerpenstudentenstad.be for tips to make life more difficult for<br />

pickpockets.<br />

Victim of a pickpocket?<br />

If you do become a victim of a pickpocket, you witnessed the theft and the<br />

suspects are still around, call 1<strong>01</strong> and ask bystanders to help you. In all other<br />

cases, report the crime to the police as soon as possible.<br />

Stolen bank card?<br />

If your bank card is stolen, immediately block your card via CARD-stop: dial<br />

070 344 344.<br />

important: attempted theft is punishable too. If, for example, someone has<br />

his hand in your handbag, but hasn’t as yet stolen your wallet, ask bystanders<br />

to help restrain the thief and call 1<strong>01</strong>.<br />

Stolen mobile phone?<br />

Report theft of your mobile phone to the police and make the operator block<br />

your phone number. You’ll need the IMEI-number for that (15 digits – dial<br />

*#06# on your mobile Phone) and the SIM-card number (4 digits on the back<br />

of your SIM-card). Make sure you write these numbers down and keep them<br />

with you. Make sure the operator only blocks your phone number, as the<br />

police will need your IMEI to indentify and track down your mobile phone.<br />


128/<br />

antwerpen StudentenStad<br />

<strong>Antwerpen</strong> <strong>Studentenstad</strong> is a non-profit organisation, the fruit of<br />

a cooperation between the city of Antwerp, the Antwerp University<br />

Association and the Antwerps Studentenoverleg (Antwerp Student<br />

Council).<br />

<strong>Antwerpen</strong> <strong>Studentenstad</strong> promotes Antwerp as an attractive and<br />

high quality student city. She strives for sufficient and high-quality<br />

housing, a clean and safe traffic student district, cheap rental bikes,<br />

beneficial cultural and sports offers, cheap and safe party areas and<br />

clear policies with respect to mounting posters and ragging, and<br />

much more.<br />

More information on www.antwerpenstudentenstad.be<br />

HOuSe OF THe STuDenT<br />

Students can direct all their questions on studying and living in Antwerp<br />

to the Huis van de Student (House of the Student):<br />

Sint-Jacobsmarkt 16<br />

2000 <strong>Antwerpen</strong><br />

T +32 (0)3 292 31 70<br />

E info@antwerpenstudentenstad.be<br />

opening hours:<br />

• Monday to Thursday from 10 am to 5 pm<br />

• Friday from 10 am to 3 pm<br />

• check the website for opening hours during school holidays<br />

>>> This map (in Dutch) is offered by STUVANT >>>

MoRe?<br />






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