5th EuropEan MolEcular IMagIng MEEtIng - ESMI

5th EuropEan MolEcular IMagIng MEEtIng - ESMI

5th EuropEan MolEcular IMagIng MEEtIng - ESMI


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<strong>5th</strong> <strong>EuropEan</strong> <strong>MolEcular</strong> <strong>IMagIng</strong> <strong>MEEtIng</strong> – EMIM2010<br />

Magnetic resonance imaging – from structure to molecular interactions<br />

Rudin M. .<br />

ETH and University of Zürich, Switzerland<br />

rudin@biomed.ee.ethz.ch<br />

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) yields images<br />

characterized by high spatial resolution and<br />

unsurpassed soft-tissue contrast. The latter is<br />

the consequence of the fact that the MRI signals<br />

depends on multiple parameters such a various<br />

relaxation rates, water diffusivity, proton exchange<br />

reactions, which are tissue specific. By choice of<br />

experimental parameters contrast can be varied to<br />

highlight structures of interest. Paramagnetic or<br />

superparamagnetic contrast agents can be used to<br />

further enhance specific structures. It is therefore<br />

not surprising that today MRI has become one of the<br />

most important modalities for structural imaging.<br />

Yet MRI provides information beyond mere anatomy.<br />

The analysis of dynamic signal changes - e.g. during<br />

administration of a contrast agent - yields relevant<br />

quantitative information on physiological processes<br />

such as blood flow, vascular permeability, or renal<br />

function. Probably the most important physiological<br />

MRI application is functional MRI (fMRI), which<br />

has become an indispensable tool for studying<br />

brain function, or more precisely the hemodynamic<br />

response to neuronal activity, under normal and<br />

pathological conditions. fMRI measures local<br />

hemodynamic changes in the CNS that are linked to<br />

neural activity through neurovascular coupling.<br />

More recently, MRI has tapped into the field of<br />

molecular imaging. By coupling the MRI contrast<br />

agent to a targeting moiety, molecular information<br />

can be derived at high spatial resolution. Yet the<br />

MRI molecular imaging approach suffers from two<br />

limitations. MRI is insensitive due to the small<br />

quantum energy involved in the process, typically<br />

concentrations have to be in the micromolar range<br />

to induced chances detectable by MRI. This can be<br />

in part be accounted for by increasing the relaxivity<br />

of MRI reporters by increase of the payload or by<br />

using physiological amplification. The second<br />

limitation is that MRI contrast agents are in<br />

general bulky, which renders target accessibility<br />

difficult. Straightforward molecular targets that<br />

can be reached by MRI contrast agents are those<br />

expressed on the endovascular side. On the other<br />

hand the efficiency of MRI probes, similar to that<br />

of fluorescent probes, can be modulated through<br />

the molecular interaction with the target. This<br />

potentially allows discriminating target-bound from<br />

free floating probe, thereby enhancing the contrastto-background<br />

ratio. An attractive application of<br />

targeted MRI imaging are studies of cell trafficking.<br />

As many cells are rather tolerant to the amount of<br />

contrast agent they can carry, sensitivity appears<br />

to be less an issue. In fact there are some reports,<br />

that under favorable conditions single cells might be<br />

detected.<br />

The lecture will discuss the various aspects of MRI with<br />

focus on molecular and cellular imaging applications.<br />

<strong>EuropEan</strong> SocIEty for <strong>MolEcular</strong> <strong>IMagIng</strong> – <strong>ESMI</strong><br />

day1<br />

Parallel Session 3: TECHNOLOGY

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