5th EuropEan MolEcular IMagIng MEEtIng - ESMI

5th EuropEan MolEcular IMagIng MEEtIng - ESMI

5th EuropEan MolEcular IMagIng MEEtIng - ESMI


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<strong>5th</strong> <strong>EuropEan</strong> <strong>MolEcular</strong> <strong>IMagIng</strong> <strong>MEEtIng</strong> – EMIM2010<br />

Detection of inflammatory diseases by NIRF imaging with specific probes targeting<br />

leukotriene receptor CysLT 1 R<br />

Busch C. (1) , Passon M. (1) , Lehmann F. (2) , Socher I. (1) , Kaiser W.A. (1) , Hilger I. (1) .<br />

(1) University Hospital Jena, IDIR, Jena, Germany<br />

(2) DYOMICS GmbH, Jena, Germany<br />

Corinna.Busch@med.uni-jena.de<br />

Introduction: Leukotriene synthesis occurs early<br />

in inflammatory processes and plays a major role<br />

for the recruitment of leukocytes to the inflamed<br />

region (1). A key representative of these eicosanoids,<br />

leukotriene D4 (LTD4), shows high affinity<br />

to G-protein coupled cysteinyl leukotriene<br />

receptor 1 (CysLT 1 R). Detection of CysLT 1 R by<br />

molecular imaging (2) with near-infrared (NIR)<br />

fluorophores could be a suitable diagnostic tool<br />

for early identification of inflammatory processes.<br />

Aim of this study was the design and characterization<br />

of NIRF-based contrast agents specifically<br />

targeting CysLT 1 R in order to develop future diagnostic<br />

tools for inflammatory diseases, particularly<br />

in early stages.<br />

Methods: Polyclonal rabbit CysLT 1 R antibody<br />

(CysLT 1 R*DY-734) or polyclonal rabbit-IgG<br />

(IgG*DY-734) as well as the corresponding Fab<br />

fragments (Fab-CysLT 1 R*DY-734, Fab-IgG*DY-<br />

734) were bound to activated NHS ester of NIRfluorophore<br />

DY-734 (Dyomics, Jena, Germany).<br />

Probes were characterized by determining dye/protein<br />

ratios. After verification of CysLT 1 R expression<br />

(PCR, flow cytometry) in HL-60 cells, binding<br />

of the synthesized probes in vitro was assessed by<br />

flow cytometry. In vivo, an ear edema was induced<br />

in mice (3), and NIR fluorescence was measured<br />

with whole body imaging system Maestro2.2 after<br />

i.v.-probe administration. Ex vivo biodistribution<br />

studies were performed.<br />

Results: Flow cytometry proved binding of CysLT 1 R*DY-<br />

734 and IgG*DY-734 to CysLT 1 R-expressing HL-60. In<br />

vivo, all probes revealed stronger binding to the edematous<br />

than to the corresponding healthy region. 6<br />

h post injection, specific CysLT 1 R*DY-734 and Fab-<br />

CysLT 1 R*DY-734 demonstrated 1.9 and 1.2 fold higher<br />

binding than IgG*DY-734 and Fab-IgG*DY-734,<br />

respectively. Investigation of isolated organs revealed<br />

that full length IgG´s are eliminated via liver, while<br />

Fab fragments additionally accumulated in kidney.<br />

Conclusions: A novel NIRF-based probe specifically targeting<br />

Leukotriene D 4 receptor CysLT 1 R allows detection<br />

of inflammatory processes in ear edema-induced<br />

mice in early stages.<br />

Acknowledgement: The present investigations were<br />

supported by the “Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft”<br />

within the DFG program Hi 689/6-1.<br />

References:<br />

1. Hui Y, Funk C. Cysteinyl leukotriene receptors. Biochem.<br />

Pharmacol. 2002;64:1549-57.<br />

2. Weissleder R, Mahmood U. Molecular Imaging.<br />

Radiology 2001;219:316-33.<br />

3. Kurnatowska I, Pawlikowski M. Anti-inflammatory<br />

effects of somatostatin analogs on zymosaninduced<br />

earlobe inflammation in mice:<br />

comparison with dexamethasone and ketoprofen.<br />

Neuroimmunomodulation 2001;9:119-24.<br />

<strong>EuropEan</strong> SocIEty for <strong>MolEcular</strong> <strong>IMagIng</strong> – <strong>ESMI</strong><br />

P-086<br />

poStEr<br />


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