5th EuropEan MolEcular IMagIng MEEtIng - ESMI

5th EuropEan MolEcular IMagIng MEEtIng - ESMI

5th EuropEan MolEcular IMagIng MEEtIng - ESMI


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<strong>5th</strong> <strong>EuropEan</strong> <strong>MolEcular</strong> <strong>IMagIng</strong> <strong>MEEtIng</strong> – EMIM2010<br />

PET Amyloid and Tau Ligand [18F]FDDNP uptake in early Alzheimer disease<br />

Tauber C. (1) , Beaufils E. (1) , Kepe V. (2) , Vercouillie J. (1) , Venel Y. (1) , Baulieu J.L. (1) , Barrio J. (2) , Hommet C. (1) , Camus V. (1) ,<br />

Guilloteau D. (1) .<br />

(1) UMRS INSERM U930 - CNRS ERL3106 - University of Tours, France<br />

(2) Dpt of Molecular and Medical Pharmacology, D. Geffen School of Medecine, UCLA, United States<br />

clovis.tauber@univ-tours.fr<br />

Introduction: The PET tracer [18F]FDDNP specifically<br />

binds amyloid-beta plaques and tau neurofibrillary<br />

tangles, which are typical in the development<br />

of the Alzheimer disease (AD). We evaluated<br />

the feasibility of a non-invasive quantification of<br />

[18F]FDDNP to detect these proteins and discriminate<br />

early AD patients from healthy controls (HC).<br />

This abstract presents the preliminary results on the<br />

currently included cohort of 4 AD and 2 controls.<br />

Methods: All the potential subjects underwent Neuropsychological<br />

Assessment (MMSE, Trail Making<br />

Test, Semantic Fluency Task, Free and Cued<br />

Recall Test, 80 item Boston Naming Test). Patients<br />

meeting research criteria for AD and cognitively<br />

normal controls underwent PET imaging with<br />

2-(1-{6-[(2-[F-18]fluoroethyl) (methyl)amino]-2naphthyl}ethylidene)malononitrile<br />

(FDDNP) and<br />

[18F]FDG. All subjects underwent MR 3D axial<br />

T1 weighted imaging. FDDNP distribution volume<br />

ratios (DVR) parametric images were generated using<br />

Logan graphical analysis with the cerebellum<br />

grey matter as a reference region. Regions of interest<br />

(ROIs) were defined in the Posterior Cingulate,<br />

Parietal, Frontal and Temporal regions. The DVR<br />

scores were measured as the mean DVR values of<br />

each of these regions. A global score was calculated<br />

as the mean DVR scores of all these regions.<br />

Results: All the AD patients had positive FDDNP<br />

scans by visual inspection, while all the HC had negative<br />

scans. Global values of the FDDNP-PET binding<br />

were significantly higher (p

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