5th EuropEan MolEcular IMagIng MEEtIng - ESMI

5th EuropEan MolEcular IMagIng MEEtIng - ESMI

5th EuropEan MolEcular IMagIng MEEtIng - ESMI


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<strong>5th</strong> <strong>EuropEan</strong> <strong>MolEcular</strong> <strong>IMagIng</strong> <strong>MEEtIng</strong> – EMIM2010<br />

Real time per operative optical imaging for the improvement of tumour surgery in an in vivo<br />

micro-metastases model<br />

Keramidas M. , Josserand V. , Righini C. , Coll J. L.<br />

INSERM U823, Grenoble, France<br />

michelle.keramidas@ujf-grenoble.fr<br />

Introduction: In a wide range of cancer cases,<br />

surgery is the first therapeutic indication before<br />

radiotherapy and chemotherapy. In that<br />

way the prognostic strongly depends on the tumour<br />

removal exhaustiveness and in particular<br />

on metastases elimination.<br />

We developed a couple near-infrared fluorescent<br />

tracer / per operative detection system in<br />

order to improve tumour surgery efficacy.<br />

RAFT-c(RGD)4-Alexa 700 (Angiostamp®, Fluoptics)<br />

specifically bind to integrin αvß3, a<br />

receptor strongly expressed in angiogenesis<br />

and in many tumour types. The per-operative<br />

detection system (Fluobeam 700, Fluoptics) is<br />

a portative 2D fluorescent imager that can be<br />

used in white light environment and so, could<br />

be used directly during surgery to help the surgeon<br />

for tumour and metastases excision.<br />

We already demonstrated in animal models<br />

the very significant improvement in primary<br />

tumours resection: higher number of tumour<br />

nodules removed, sane margins on the removed<br />

fragments and surgery time divided by 2 (Keramidas<br />

M., British Journal of Surgery 2010).<br />

In the clinical situation, recurrence of cancer<br />

by metastases invasion after primary tumour<br />

surgery is a critical point. The aim of the present<br />

study is to evaluate the metastases resection<br />

impact on the survey. In order to proceed we<br />

first need to establish a suitable animal model<br />

of micro-metastases following primary tumour<br />

surgery. After calibration of the metastatic<br />

in vivo model, we will evaluate the survey of<br />

the twice-operated animals (metastases resection<br />

after primary tumour removal) versus the<br />

once-operated animals (only primary tumour<br />

removal).<br />

Methods: Luciferase positive tumour cells (TS/<br />

Apc-luc) are injected in the kidney capsule of<br />

nude mice and the primary tumour growth is<br />

followed by in vivo bioluminescence imaging.<br />

7 days after tumour cells implantation, the tumoral<br />

kidney is removed and the metastases<br />

development is followed by in vivo bioluminescence<br />

imaging. Then RAFT-c(RGD)4-Alexa<br />

700 is injected intravenously and twenty-four<br />

hours later the portative fluorescence detection<br />

system is used to assist the metastases excision.<br />

The possible recurrence of cancer is followed<br />

by in vivo bioluminescence imaging. Mice are<br />

sacrificed when they loose 10% of their weight.<br />

The mice survey is compared with the one of<br />

two control groups: in one group the mice don’t<br />

undergo the second surgery for metastases resection,<br />

and in a second group the mice don’t<br />

undergo any surgery and keep the primary kidney<br />

tumour.<br />

Results: Micro-metastases appear about 7 days<br />

after the primary tumour removal and soar up<br />

to 20 days after the first surgery. The metastases<br />

removal assisted by the RAFT-c(RGD)4-Alexa<br />

700 and the per operative fluorescence detection<br />

system significantly improved the mice<br />

survey (36 days).<br />

Conclusions: We developed an in vivo model of<br />

micro-metastases invasion following primary<br />

tumour surgery which is very relevant regarding<br />

to the clinical situation of head and neck<br />

or prostate cancer. The use of RAFT-c(RGD)4-<br />

Alexa 700 coupled with the portative device allows<br />

micro-metastases detection, significantly<br />

improve their resection and increase the mice<br />

survey.<br />

References:<br />

1. Intraoperative near-infrared image guided surgery for<br />

peritoneal carcinomatosis in a preclinical experimental<br />


C., FAURE C. And COLL J.L. British Journal of Surgery,2010.<br />

<strong>EuropEan</strong> SocIEty for <strong>MolEcular</strong> <strong>IMagIng</strong> – <strong>ESMI</strong><br />

P-026<br />

poStEr<br />


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